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The approach towards landscape design is defined differently in projects like Timba
Quarry, Delphi, Superkilen and the bridges of Noordwaard.
Timba Quarry Designed by Prabhakar P Bhagwat bases its landscape on the natural
ecosystem of the quarry. It utilizes the potential of the natural features of the site
like topography, microclimate and soil characteristics to create the self sustaining
landscape. The design approach is a reflection of the what the landscape of the site
would be in its undisturbed form. The landscape in this case responds to the nature
to become a part of it.
The Bridges of Noorward defines an approach towards landscape design which aims
to shape the site in a certain way, in this case in keeping with the dutch pastoral
landscape through subtle elements like sleek metal finish railings and the gentle
curvature of the bridges which elevates the viewer above the horizon. Such an
approach enhances the already present characters of the landscape through design.
This approach is different from the previous one in its attempt to modulation of the
effects of nature through incorporation of features designed particularly for that
Delphi in Greece is the sort of design that call out to its natural setting as an equal.
Its complements and challenges nature at the same time. Delphi is a sacred site
which is constructed on top of a hill overlooking the entire region. Delphi construct
amalgamates with nature in terms of the materials used and it location. However its
strong planning reflects the strength of human kind. It is a form of strongly designed
landscape which becomes a part of the nature it is addressing.
Salk Institute is a monumental structure which emulates the roman era without
directly taking reference from it. The stone plaza which is cut by the thin water
channel directs the eye to the ocean. This design opens to nature in a more stark and
modern way. The strength of the building does not in any way demean the nature or
vice versa.
While all of the other projects could be understood as being a response to the
natural setting of the region. Superkilen, Copenhagen is a response to the social and
cultural setting of the place. The pink, the green and the black zone bring different
characters to the spaces all of which intends positive collaboration among various
communities. Installations from various countries like Chinese palms, sewage drain
from Israel, Neon sign from Qatar and Russia along with its description in Danish and
the language of its origin are an attempt to connect to the roots of an individual. The
design intends to recreate the eclectic nature of the neighbourhood through
landscape rather than communicating a homogeneous image. The straight line
patterns in black square curving around street furniture gives the design a dynamic
effect. The green square is created for sports, activities and leisure. It is the
breathing spaces required by the neighbourhood. The design approach for this
project is contrasting. It makes the cultural fusion stand out from its surrounding as a
unique feature.

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