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Section “B” Short Question Answer

Q2 (a): Answer any of the four question in three or four sentences each
I: What was the dispute between rich man and the beggar ?

Ii: What surprised boys when they reached the model farm?

Iii: Why was king fiasal against state of Israel ?

Iv: What did mother tell the children about dis advantage of polythene bags?

V: What the food crop and cash crop of Nigeria?

Vi: What were the different entertainment in the fair for the children?

Q2(b): Answer any of the two question in three or four sentences each.
I: why does the poet compare mother’s hand to the a rainbow?

Ii: How can we rise high in the world?

Iii: Who compose the poem “King Bruce” and the What lesson did the king learn from the spider?

VI: How can we say that casabianca was a courageous boy?

Section “C” Detailed Question Answer

Note : Answer all the question of this section
Q3: Write an essay any one of the following topic.
I: The second semifinal cricket match of T20.

Ii: Impiortance of morning walk.

iIi: Pakistan super league 2 final

iv: Traffic problem of Karachi.

Q4: Write an application to your headmistress /headmaster of your school requesting him /her to
issue you a sport certificate.
Write a letter to your father telling him to extra money to buy new books and uniform .
Q5: Translate any five of the following sentences into English.

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