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eISSN- 0976-724X
Volume 9 | Issue 2 | Dec., 2014 | 449-452
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RESEARCH PAPER DOI : 10.15740/HAS/TAJH/9.2/449-452

Article history :
Received : 18.07.2014
Revised : 09.11.2014
Effect of different levels of vermiwash spray on
Accepted : 23.11.2014
growth and yield of radish cv. LOCAL VARIETY

Members of the Research Forum

ABSTRACT : The present investigation was undertaken with the main objective of effect of different
Associated Authors: levels of vermiwash spray on growth and yield of radish cv. LOCAL VARIETY. The experiment was laid
ASPEE Agricultural Research and
Development Foundation, MUMBAI
out in Randomized Completely Block Design with five treatments and four replications. The experiment
(M.S.) INDIA consists of five treatments involving application of water and vermiwash in the proportion of 1:1, 1:2,
1:3 and 1:4 and control were imposed and the foliar application was made by using knapsack sprayer
College of Agriculture, Anand in the evening hours twice at 15 and 30 days after sowing seeds. The data clearly revealed that the
Agriculture University, ANAND
(GUJARAT) INDIA yield obtained with treatment T 4 (100 % RDF as fertigation and vermiwash foliar twice times spray
1:4 at 15 and 30 days after sowing seeds) was significantly higher than all other treatments in growth
and yield attributes such as root diameter (10.41 cm), length (23.79 cm), weight (85.21 g), yield/plot
(17.04 kg), yield/ha (56.80 t/ha) and marketable yield (49.25 t/ha) of radish cv. LOCAL VARIETY. Thus,
Author for correspondence :
P.B. JADHAV it can be concluded that foliar spray of vermiwash (1:4) effective than control.
ASPEE Agricultural Research and
KEY WORDS : Radish, Local, Vermiwash, Water, Organic
Development Foundation, MUMBAI
Email : tropicalsubtropical@ HOW TO CITE THIS ARTICLE : Jadhav, P.B., Kireeti, A., Patil, N.B., Dekhane, S.S. and Patel, D.J. (2014). Effect of different levels of vermiwash spray on growth and yield of Radish cv. local variety. Asian J. Hort., 9(2) : 449-452.

adish (Raphanus sativus L.) a member of the family approach towards achieving sustainable agriculture as it is
Cruciferae is a popular vegetable in both tropical and nature based, environment friendly and ensures the
temperate regions of the world. It is one of the most conservation of resources for the future (Sangeetha and
ancient vegetables. Certain remarks of Herodotus reveal that Thevanathan, 2010). Similarly, Shivasubramanaian and
it was cultivated about 2700 B.C. (Becker, 1962). It was Ganeshkumar (2004), vermiwash would have enzymes,
spread to China about 500 BC and to Japan 700 AD. Radish secretions of earthworms which would stimulate the growth
is a widely used root vegetable, tender leaves and shoots are and yield of crops and even develop resistance in crops
also used as greens. Generally commercial radishes are through foliar spray. Zambare et al. (2008) reported that
approximately 2 cm in diameter and are either red or white. vermiwash contains enzyme of proteases, amylases, ureases
It is cool season vegetable and monthly mean temperature of and phosphatase besides nitrogen fixing bacteria like
10-15°C favours its growth and development. For an early Azotobacter sp. Agrobacterium sp. and Rhizobium sp. and
and good crop stand, sandy to sandy loam soils are considered some phosphate solubilizing bacteria which influences
suitable for it. Its roots can be eaten raw as salad or cooked significantly the growth of plant.
as a vegetable. It has cooling effect, prevents constipation,
increases appetite and its roots and leaves are very tasty, when RESEARCH METHODS
cooked together. It is recommended to the patients suffering The field experiment was conducted at Nare village,
from piles, liver trouble, enlarged spleen and jaundice. In Thane district in Maharashtra during December, 2013-14 in
the year 2013, area and production of radish in India was a front side of ASPEE, ARDF, experimental plot by Local
170.30 Thousand hectare and 2410.78 Thousand metric variety of radish with the spacing of 15 x 10 cm. The
Tonnes, respectively (Anonymous, 2013). It has been widely experiment was laid out in Randomized Completely Block
accepted that organic farming alone could serve as a holistic Design with five treatments and four replications. The



experiment consists of five treatments involving application level was maintained by sprinkling water and the earthworms
of water and vermiwash in the proportion of 1:1, 1:2, 1:3 to get acclimatized to the vermiwash unit conditions.
and 1:4 and control were imposed. The foliar application Vermiwash extracted from vermiwash collecting device. The
was made with knapsack sprayer in the evening hours twice apparatus made by effective cementing tank method in which
at 15 and 30 days after sowing seeds. worm bed is prepared. Concentrated sample of vermiwash
An untreated check was also maintained, plot size was collected after a period of 30 days. Vermiwash is a liquid that
3 x 1 m and each treatment as replicated four times. The is collected after the passage of water thought a column of
recommended doses of 25 tones FYM, half dose 25 kg N, worm and is very useful as a foliar spray. If us a collection of
50 kg P2O5 and 50 kg K2O per hectare at the time of soil excretory products and mucus secretion of earthworm along
preparation and half 25 kg N top dressed in two equal splits with micronutrient from the soil organic molecular. These are
at 12 and 23 days after sowing were imposed. Vermiwash transported to the leaf, shoot and other parts of the plants in
was applied as per treatment at 15 and 30 days after seed the natural ecosystem vermiwash.
sowing and thinning operation were carried out at 15 and
25 days after seed sowing and maintained proper plant Statistical analysis :
population. The recorded data were statistically analyzed (ANOVA
Vermiwash was used in four different dilutions viz., 1:1, analysis) using the software WASP, (developed at ICAR
1:2, 1:3 and 1:4 by mixing with water, as foliar spray to evaluate Research Complex for Goa, India). Sources of variation were
its effect on growth and yield of radish cv. LOCAL . fertilizer treatments. Mean comparisons were performed
Recommended dose of fertilizer along with water sprays was using LSD test to determine whether the difference between
maintained as standard check. Two rounds of vermiwash sprays the variables were significant at P < 0.05.
were taken up at 15 days interval commencing after sowing.
Vermiwash was obtained by culturing earthworms on organic RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION
substrates (65 % pre-composted crop wastes and 35 % animal The present study was undertaken to study the impact
manure) in equipment specially fabricated as described by of vermiwash spray on growth and yield of radish cv. LOCAL.
ASPEE, ARDF, Tansa Farm. Composting material such as, Leaf length of radish was significantly recorded by
cow dung, waste leaf material were collected from their by different levels of vermiwash (Table 1 and Plate 1). The
buffalos shed was exposed to sun light for 5 to 10 day to remove highest leaf length (41.62 cm) was found with T 4 (1:4
the various harmful organism and noxious gases. The moisture

Table 1: Effect of vermiwash spray on radish cv. LOCAL VARIETY growth parameters
Leaf length Single radish leaf Total no. leaves Root diameter Single root Single radish Yield/ plot
(cm) weight (g) per plant (mm) length (cm) weight (g) (kg)
T1 35.96 9.75 9.00 8.10 20.93 81.22 16.24
T2 37.80 12.33 9.40 8.88 21.96 82.37 16.47
T3 40.68 13.90 10.30 9.90 22.94 84.00 16.80
T4 41.62 14.48 11.57 10.41 23.79 85.21 17.04
T5 31.72 8.97 8.24 7.94 19.90 79.59 15.92
S.E. ± 0.75 0.92 0.79 0.42 0.65 0.31 0.06
C.D. (P=0.05) 2.24 2.75 2.37 1.26 1.95 1.01 0.20
C.V. (%) 4.44 17.27 18.19 10.39 6.65 0.65 0.65

Table 2 : Effect of vermiwash spray on radish cv. LOCAL VARIETY yield parameters
Yield per ha Marketable yield Cost of production Total gross
Treatments Net realization (`/ha) B:C:R
(t/ha) (t/ha) (`/ha) realization (`/ha)
T1 54.14 42.58 31783.48 127740 95956.52 3.02:1
T2 54.91 45.12 32883.48 135360 102476.5 3.12:1
T3 56.00 47.31 34383.48 141930 107546.5 3.13:1
T4 56.80 49.25 35783.48 147750 111966.5 3.13:1
T5 53.06 38.84 29483.48 116520 87036.52 2.95:1
S.E. + 0.21 0.15
C.D. (P=0.05) 0.67 0.51
C.V. (%) 0.65 0.65

Asian J. Hort., 9(2) Dec., 2014 : 449-452 Hind Agricultural Research and Training Institute

vermiwash) and the lowest leaf length (31.72 cm) was application of vermiwash increased radish yield of 7.30 per
observed in control treatment. cent by Buckerfield et al. (1999), dry chilly yield by George
et al. (2007).
Venkataramana et al. (2009) studied the influence of
T1 foliar sprays of vermiwash yield increased due to might be
the reason for increasing chlorophyll and nitrogen contents
in the leaf.

Economics :
Result regarding in economics i.e. total expenditure,
total gross income, net return and benefit: cost ratio are
T5 T4 presented in Table 2. Result indicated that, among various
treatments, T4 registered maximum gross return (1,47,750 ‘
per hectare), net return (1,11,996 ‘ per hectare) and benefit:
cost ratio (3.13:1). Minimum gross return (1,16,250 ‘ per
hectare), net return (87,036 ‘ per hectare) and B:C ratio
(2.95:1) was registered in treatment T5. Variation in these
profit values was due to yield obtained from various levels of
Fig. 1 : Plate 1: Effect of vermiwash spray on radish cv. Local variety vermiwash spray which was accountable for maximum return
and benefit from different varieties.
Single radish leaf weight and total no of leaves per plant
was observed maximum in treatment T4 i.e., 14.48, 11.57 Conclusion :
and was lowest in treatment T5 i.e., 8.97, 8.24, respectively. From the forgoing discussion, it can be concluded that
The positive effect of vermiwash spray on crop growth was foliar spray of vermiwash (1:4) i.e., water: vermiwash
observed by Buckerfield et al. (1999), Thangavel et al. (2003) effective than control one (without water) were found best
and Samuthiravelu et al. (2012). for enhancing growth and yield attributes of radish cv. LOCAL
Different levels of vermiwash showed significant
variation in root diameter, length and weight (Table 1).
Maximum root diameter (10.41 cm), length (23.79 cm) and Acknowledgement :
weight (85.21 g) was recorded from treatment T 4 (1:4 The authors are grateful to Directors of ASPEE,
vermiwash) whereas, minimum root diameter (7.94 cm), Agricultural Research and Development Foundation,
length (19.90 cm) and weight (79.59 g) was recorded in T 5 Mumbai for providing facilities for conducting the research
control. Root length was maximum in plants involving work.
vermiwash treatments. Root length increase indicates
efficient absorption of water followed by transport and REFERENCES
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Asian J. Hort., 9(2) Dec., 2014 : 449-452 Hind Agricultural Research and Training Institute

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