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Gender and Sexuality:

Sexulaity is refers to bilological differnces, chromosomes, hormonal profiles, internal and external organs.
It is either of two major forms of individuals that occur in many species and that are distinguished
respctively as female or male. Biological maleness or femaleness, males have XY chromosomes, females
have XX chromosomes. Sex is determined the instant a woman’s gg is fertlized by a man’s sperm. If an X
sperm fertilizes a X egg, the fetus will be female. If a Y sperm fertilizes the X egg, the fetus will be male.

Gender on the othr hand, describes the characteristics that a society or a culture deaneates as masculine
or femiinine. It is the individuals inner psychological sense of being a male or female irrespective of ones
biological ientity as determined by one’s sexual organs.

So while your sex male or female is a biological fact that is the same in any culture, what that sex means
in terms of your gender role as a “man” or a “woman” in society can be quite different cross culturally
these ‘gender roles’ have variatios impact on the individual.

In sociologist terms ‘gender role’ refrs to the chracteristics and behaviors that different cultures attribute to
the sexes. What it means to be a ‘real man’ in any culture requires male sex pus what our various
cultures define as masculin characteristics and behaviors, likewise a ‘real woman’ needs female sex and
feminine characteristics.

B. Sexual Variations:
1. Homosexuals:

according to dictionary homosexuls are 

-of, relating to, or characterized by a tendency to direct sexual desire toward another of the same
sex (adjective).
-of, relating to, or involving sexual intercourse between persons of the same sex (adverb).
Homosexulaity is romantic or sexual attraction or behavior among members of the same sex. As
sexual orientation, homosexuality refers to “an enduring pattern of or disposition to experience
sexual, affectional, or romantic attractions primarily to people of the same sex”, homosexuals is
one of the three main categories of sexual orientation, along with bisexualuty and hetroseuality,
currently the most common adjectives in use are lesbian for women and gay for men.
Homosexual relationships and acts had been admired as well as condemned throuhout history ,
depending on the form they took and th culture on which they occur. The longstanding consensus
of th behavioral and social sciences and the health and mental health professions is that
homosexuality persons are normal and positive variation of human sexual orintation.
Homosexuality is a sexual otintation that is also a variation in gender identity and role. Lesbians
and gay men fall in love and are sexually attractd to people of the same sex. This aspect of a
person’s gender identity is usually reveald in sexual fantasies in adulescence or young adulthood.
This may come as a surprise to some; to othr pople it may explain the inconruty of gender
identity and role that was present from earlir childhood but not understood as sexual orientation.
Indiviuals go through a process of adjusting to this newly revealed component of their gender
identity, which is sometimes confusing and upsetting.
2. Heterosxuals
According to dictionary heterosxuals are
-of, pertaining to, or exhibiting heterosexuality (adjective)
-pertaining to the opposite sex or to both sexes (Biology)
-a heterosexual person. (noun)
Hetero- comes from the Greek word heteros, meaning "different" and the latin for sex.
Heterosexuality is colloquially referred to as being straight, although straight can also, though less
often. It is considered to be the most common sexual orientation. Heterosexuality is also considered to
be a social norm in many societies and usually implies an exclusive or predominant sexual orientation
toward persons of the opposite gender.
Heterosexuals is a sexual orientation characterized by romantic or sexual desire for, or sexual
attraction toward, members of the opposite gender as distinguished from bisexuality and
homosexuality. The term heterosexuality is also used as a sexual behavior or sexual activities
Between people of opposite sex.

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