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Quality Standards

Quality Standards are defined as a set of guidelines or help lines given to an organization to accomplish each
and every task in an effective, efficient & optimized way.

ISO (International Organization for Standards):

Example : ISO 9001 : 2000

Quality Number Year in which it is Introduced or modified

How the Quality Standards are prepared ?

BVQI (Bureau Veritas Quality International ), Geneva ( Switzerland) is the organization which
provides guidelines to ISO organization.

The BVQI will prepare the Quality standards for ISO as mentioned below..
1. All the companies are Invited
2. All the experts are Asked to write their own procedures
3. All the experts are Requested to read all the procedures
4. Voting is Conducted
5. High voting procedure is picked-up, customize and finalize as Quality Standard

Assessment of Procedures



Issuing Certificate External Audit

Company …….
BVQI : Bureau Veritas Quality International
ATL : Assessment Team Lead ATM : Assessment Team Member
ATR : Assessment Team Report

 BVQI will appoint ATLs and ATMs, ATMs will come to the company to do External Audit and
prepare a report (ATR) and submit the same to ATL, ATL will review it and in turn sends to BVQI.
After finalizing the report, BVQI will gives the ISO certification.
Types of Quality Standards:

Departments in both Non-IT and IT companies :-

1 Plan/Design 2 Production/Development 3 Testing 4 Marketing 5 Service/Maintenance


ISO 9000: It is used for startup company. The company which started
Newly but don't have resources can get ISO 9000.

ISO 9001: It is given for full fledged companies. The company should have its own above 5
departments, such type of companies are given this ISO 9001.They should also follow the
set of guidelines. These are the terminology given for both IT & non-IT companies.

1 2 3 4 5
2 2 2 2 2

ISO 9002: In this Certification for Planning /Designing department they will take the help of ISO 9001.

1 2 3 4 5
2 2 2 2 2

ISO 9003: It is purely meant for testing. In this only Test department is available.
The purely third party testing companies are certified

ISO 9004: Research & Development and also continual growth of the company are concentrated.
CMM:(Capability Maturity Model)

SEI : CMM: (Software Engineering Institute): Initially a five level model is developed by the PHD people
from Software engineering Istitute located in USA. That is why it is named as SEI CMM.

These 5 levels are for IT industries

CMM Level 1: INITIAL : It is used for startup companies but here one thing is considered team should be
very strong technically strong, more experienced people so definitely the product will be
quality product. If at all the team strong they wont ask any guidelines.
( with Strong Team and well defined guidelines )

CMM Level 2: REPEATABLE: Once we entered into it two guidelines are given one is well defined
guidelines another they should focus on reusability. Team should very strong in Technical.
(with Strong Team , well defined guidelines and Focus on Reusability )

CMM Level 3: DEFINED :It means Documented. At CMM Level 3 it should focus on Documentation.
(with Strong Team , well defined guidelines ,Focus on Reusability and focus on Documents)

CMM Level 4: MANAGED Each and every work in the organization must be measured ( Metrics).
It should focus on metrics apart from level 1 + level 2 + level 3.
(with Strong Team , well defined guidelines ,Focus on Reusability, focus on Documents and focus on
Marketing )

CMM Level 5: Research and development & as well as continual growth.

level 1 + level 2 + level 3 + level 4 as well as Research and development & continual
growth. There is a great demand for CMM Level 5 . These 5 levels are for IT industries
(with Strong Team , well defined guidelines ,Focus on Reusability, focus on Documents, focus on
Marketing and focus on Research and Development)

CMM I (Integrated): It is introduced for both non IT & IT integration

CMM P 0r PCMM: P stands for People capability & maturity of people. It focus on People.
6-Sigma :


6-Units span

6-Sigma Axis
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

6-Sigma companies will develop the products in multiple cycles, for each cycle they plot the graph, whenever
the graph Spans for 6-units on the 6-sigma axis , they will stop the product and check for the Quality. So that
the quality will be 99.76% and above.

sigma = xn - x where xn = sum of number of values

n X = mean / average value
n = Total number of values

 The above formula is used to plot the graph.

 Once the graph is proved by any company , then only 6-Sigma certificate will be issued.
 There are many companies are trying to get that certificate But, very few companies were got the
Example : Motorola etc.

SSLC (Six Sigma Life Cycle) :

This life cycle contains only 5- phases ( where as other life cycles are having 6-phases)

1. Define
2. Measure
3. Analyze
4. Improve
5. Control

Every company has to Define their own production process. After production they should Measure the
output with the defined value. Analyze the result with define value and out put values, if at all is there any
miss-matched item were produced then they should Improve the production process in such way to get out
put with less deviation. In order to do the same they also have Control on the whole process. So that they
could able to get the output in such way to plot the graph with 6-units span.

* 3.4 DPMO :- 3.4 Defects per Million Opportunities

-: The End :-
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