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Authentic Mexican food is vibrant, delicious, fresh and fun. It is also colourful, spicy
and uses an amazing array of chillies, both fresh and dried. Many ingredients are
readily available everywhere, such as tomatoes, limes, coriander, red onion,
avocado, and corn, and specialty ingredients are becoming more readily available
in Australia and elsewhere.

Mexico’s six regions vary considerably in terms cuisine due to key differences in
geography, climate and ethnic makeup. For example, the north of Mexico is known
for its beef, goat and ostrich production. In the Yucatan, food tends to be sweeter
and less spicy and achiote is the most common seasoning, whereas the Oaxacan
region is known for its savoury tamales and mole sauces. Popular dishes of
Central Mexico include carnitas (braised or roasted pork) and pozole (a pre-
Columbian meat stew.) Southeastern Mexico cooking has a Caribbean influence
due to its geography and is known both for its fish dishes and spicy vegetable and
chicken dishes.


The cake 3 milks is the most popular when it comes to celebrating some birthday in

The most homemade dessert that will make you evoke the best family memories
is, without a doubt, rice pudding. There are several versions of this popular dessert
of Spanish origin, which vary depending on the region; It can also be light or thick,
but never dry.

The churros It is customary to eat them during breakfast or snack, however, they
are also a great option for after eating.

Guava roll

This traditional sweet Bajío, is perfect to share with family and friends after lunch.

Normally when we talk about exotic food, in the first country we think is China,
partly because of the widespread news that the dog is consumed like the flesh of
any other animal, disgusting? Then you will be surprised to know that in Mexico
xoloitzcuintle was in danger of disappearing due to consumption as food given by
the ancient Aztecs.

Although that is a thing of the past, you can still find in certain places dishes that
will leave you with your mouth open, but the impression.

Huitlacoche. Also known as cuitlacoche or Mexican truffle, it is the parasite fungus

of the corn plant (does not sound so delicious once it is defined as true?); a very
common dish in the central area of the country that serves as a stew for
quesadillas, tacos, omelettes, soups, crepes ... Its consumption dates back to pre-
Hispanic times, which is why it is considered the culinary heritage of the Aztec
culture. It has such a flavor that even prestigious chefs in France and the rest of
Europe use it in haute cuisine.

Quiote It is the stem of the maguey flower which entails a somewhat complicated
elaboration, due in large part to its obtaining, as it sometimes reaches heights of up
to 10 meters. It can be prepared steamed, stewed in tomato sauce, capeada, with
cheese, or Mexican.

To make matters worse, it is believed to have medicinal properties in the treatment

of problems in the urinary tract and kidneys.
Acociles Like many of these dishes, the so-called Mexican river crabs, jackals,
chacalines or river lobsters were very popular in the Aztec era, mainly in the center
and south of the country. It is a species of freshwater crustaceans present in lakes,
dams, lagoons and pools, and with a taste similar to that of shrimp.

For their preparation they must be cooked or fried until they achieve a bright red
color and then served in cocktails, tacos, seafood broths or simply accompanied
with vegetables and sauces.

Cuetlas Butterfly larvae that usually grow on the chia tree. They are also known as
chiancuetla or tepolchichic and are native to the state of Puebla, Guerrero and the
central area of Veracruz.

During the rainy season they are harvested and they are toasted in the comal or
boiled and left to dry. For their consumption they are seasoned with pasilla chile
sauce and placed in corn tortillas as tacos.

Chicatanas A very peculiar flavor of Oaxacan food is that of the Chicatana or flying
ant, which entails a much-awaited ritual throughout the year by the locals because
its harvest occurs only at the beginning of the rainy season, when the that these
insects abandon their anthills in search of a dry and warm place.

Once caught, the chicatanas are placed on the comal and then ground in molcajete
and seasoned with garlic, salt and chili or simply accompanied with lemon and
spicy as a snack.
Axayácatl. It can be found in the lacustrines of the Valley of Mexico. From pre-
Hispanic times it was used as food, as well as its hueva called Ahuautle, which is
also named as Mexican caviar or escamoles. Nopales and pumpkin flower are
added to this dish before frying in butter or oil. Excellent dish full of protein and
which is a specialty of Milpa Alta.

One of the most outstanding dishes and also provided by the wonderful state of
Oaxaca is: Stone Soup. This food was created by the ancient Chinantec ethnic
group of Tuxtepec. It is served in a small cup as a cup with the raw ingredients:
cilantro, shrimp, fish, chili, shallots and finally water.

Without a doubt, a dish that we must try! But that's not all, because the magic of
the dish is that everything is cooked with hot stones and to know that the soup is
ready when the rocks break. Delicious!

Moronga It is nothing more than a type of sausage made with pig's blood. It sounds
ugly but tastes very good, of course, well cooked with onion, and consumed as
tacos, with a lot of lemon and spicy.

Worm of maguey. It is the larva of a butterfly that grows in the maguey, a plant from
which tequila and mezcal are made. Believe it or not, eating them is expensive,
since only three to four worms can be harvested per maguey, since their extraction
causes the plant to no longer be used for other products that derive from it. They
are eaten mainly in tacos, or accompanying some cut of meat.
Escamoles The favorite dish of the strange food in Mexican haute cuisine.
Practically in all the luxury restaurants they sell them as one of their exclusive and
more expensive dishes.

They are ant eggs, and their collection and cultivation has a high degree of
difficulty, hence their exclusivity and high prices.

They are usually cooked in butter and eaten in tacos. Some people call them
"mexican caviar


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