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What's goin' on guys? welcome to the cultural moment of the day my name is Gerald
and my name is Eloy; Today we will talk about the traditional customs of Cuzco

Cusco is one of the departments of Peru that registers, in its calendar, the highest number of
festivities, and is that part of its custom is that every year is celebrated, with great fanfare, those
festivities that characterize it as a region, dates in which the streets are dressed in multicolored
and the folk dances invade people with joy and devotion.

Then, we tell you what are the most outstanding and curious customs that are made in the city
of Cusco.


It is a ceremony that takes place on August 1st. The objective of the event is the veneration of
Mother Earth, as well as the purification and cleansing of it. It is an event that usually coincides
with the beginning of the agricultural year.


Also known as the Fiesta del Sol. This ancestral event takes place in the great esplanade of
Sacsayhuamán, located in the city of Cusco, with the aim of honoring the DIOS DEL SOL It is a
festival attended by thousands of tourists from all the world


A peculiar custom in Cusco is the lifting of gigantic altarpieces in squares or parks. It is a very
popular event in traditional festivals such as Corpus Christi or Cruz Velacuy. These artistic
structures are known as altars, which are made with great patience and precision by master


As every year, the Cusqueños celebrate on January 6 the great feast of the Bajada de los Reyes
Magos, a religious tradition that commemorates the visit of the kings Gaspar, Melchor and
Baltazar al Niño Dios, a typical festival of the district Ollantaytambo, located in the province of

It is a symbolic ceremony of love during the month of August, in which couples who wish to
renew their wedding vows are celebrated. On this day, the groom must wear a previously
decorated chullo and poncho. While the bride should wear a traditional white dress. The
expenses of the organization are borne by both families.

The food of Cusco takes the Andean and Spanish tradition in the preparation of their stews. It is
a mixture of two trends that combine giving exquisiteness of really delicious dishes.

Over the years, many foods have varied, however, the picanterías and the famous chicherías
remain over the years. In many restaurants we can find these dishes from Cusco.

Chancho al horno o lechón al horno

Roast pork or pig meat is served as a piqueo. Pork pieces are picked with bone, washed,
seasoned and marinated with salt, pepper, ground chili, vinegar, beer or sillao and ground panca
chili. Allow to marinate for 24 to 48 hours. Then it is baked on a low heat until it is ready. It is
served with yuccas and mote. We can find this dish in several restaurants in Lima.

Olluquito con charqui

This dish is one of the fundamental dishes of Peruvian cuisine. It has two ingredients that are
exclusively Peruvian: olluco, a type of potato that grows in the Andes and charqui, llama dry
meat or alpaca, which are typical products of Peru.

It is a stew of ollucos and dried minced meat. It is currently served with rice. The ollucos are
washed and cut into thin long strips. In a pot with oil, fry the garlic, ground panca chili, finite
chopped beef or beef, pepper, salt and cumin. It is stirred well and it is expected that everything
is well cooked to add the chopped olluco. Broth is put and covered. When it is ready, add a little
oil and serve with fresh chopped parsley.

Pepián de cuy

It is a stew of corn and guinea pig meat, seasoned with onion and aji panca. After peeling it in
boiled water, the guts are removed from the guinea pig and cut into several pieces, which are
dusted with corn flour to fry it in hot oil. In another pot prepare a dressing of onion, golden
garlic and red pepper. The guinea pigs are dressed and peanuts are added to taste. The dish is
served with rice and boiled huayro potatoes.

That's all for today, we hope you liked the video about the customs of Cuzco.

Have a good day with your English project.


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