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Name: Ahmad Ibrahim Almasri ID: 106393 Section: 1

Experiment #2 (Digital Inputs / Outputs)

- Studying how to employ analog input and output pins to useful in applications.
- Using common digital output devices consist of numbers of LEDs.
- Knowing common types of switches.
- Knowing how switches are working.

Equipment and Tools:

- Arduino UNO.
- Bread Board.
- Seven segment display.
- Swathes such as Pushbutton.
- Resistances.
- Wires.

We will use “Seven Segment Display” to show the numbers from 0 to 9. Where “Seven Segment
Display” consist of 10 pins two from them are ground.
For the switches:
- we will use the pushbutton which is a component that connects two points in a circuit when you
press it.
- All digital inputs use the pull-up and pull-down resistor to set the default state of the input pins.

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