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BTEC unit 4 Task 3 Sarah Falodun 09-10-17

I will be producing and carrying out pre-production planning for a digital moving image product
called signs released in 2002. Working as a group we will be using the format of Microsoft 365 for
our pre-production portfolio. Marinating our pre – production portfolio

to successful production of a digital moving image product will include cloud based documents. The
formats for documenting our pre-production takes hard copy documentations. The content of pre-
production portfolio will be contents of pre-production portfolio and then spiffily for a digital moving
image product e.g. Lighting test shots.

The importance of pre-production in facilitating a successful production of a digital moving image

product is very important as it allows the production team to keep to a schedule this reduces the
tension for everyone on set. If pre-production were not to take place before producing a digital
media product then everything could wrong. This would affect the quality of the production in a very
Bad way.


We were asked to recreate the disturbing scene of the sci- fi movie signs

For budget, we made sure that we did not overspend the amount that was given to us. We also
made sure that the equipment that we needed was within our budget including the hours we used
the equipment’s we needed. The budget was a necessity because it allowed us not to overspend, if
we did overspend then the banks may have chosen to not fund the scene.

The planning process that Lauren did was to plan the script.In order to recreate the filming of two
signs scenes we needed a script so that the actors know what to say and how to match to the
original scene. The script also needed to be finished by a certain deadline and make sure it was
typed up in a word document.

Another pre-production that I needed to carry out is the copyright laws that we needed to follow as
a group, what we can use from the original in our remake, however because we are still in education
we are not making a profit from re-making the scenes we don’t need to worry about copyright.

Megan carried out certain pre-production tasks before producing our digital moving image product.
These tasks included; creating a group chat, location reports, a risk assessment, schedules and
lighting test shoots. Her contributions to prep work affected the outcome in different ways. For
example; the cast and crew were all more aware of health and safety risks in each location. We were
also more prepared if any accidents did happen because we had emergency contacts to hand. To
add to this, the group chat allowed us to help each other when finding the locations. We all
discussed the quickest route to Erin's house in Sidcup to film the wardrobe scenes. Moreover, the
schedules helped us to stay on task when preparing for shooting and when filming on the day.
BTEC unit 4 Task 3 Sarah Falodun 09-10-17

Erin had to carry out was mainly the risk assessment from the two scenes we were filming from. The
affect it had on us when filming was to keep everyone safe and know what to do if something
dangerous happened. Erin also typed up a document of what makeup, props and equipment was
needed with specific dates of when it will or was done by for the pre- production of our two scenes.
The outcome of doing this was so we knew we had everything ready for the filming day and the risk
of forgetting something was unlikely. Another pre- production task Erin had to do was lighting test
shots of different locations that we were deciding whether to shoot on. The outcome of doing this
meant we knew what time the lighting would be accurate when shooting the scene. To add to this,
Erin also typed one of the location reports which was focused on the alien scene. The outcome of
doing this meant we would know what time was best to shoot the scene at this location. As well as
what transport would get us to the destination.

Chantelle as the director, her task was to plan the shooting schedules and storyboard, by not doing
this it means there would be no background to the story and everything would have to be made up
or improvise and not having a schedule for shooting would mean that the order of which things are
supposed to be done in would be in the wrong order.


A pre-production that was carried out was a budget. If we didn’t carry this out, then there would be
a risk of over spending. The proposed budget for filming was original £790 in total. This totalled to
£790 because we took the camera for 3 days but cut that down to one day because it is £50 per hour
and that would have all been £150. We also had one actor because before we paid all the crew
which was £30 an hour for 6 crew members but only cut that down so the actor would be the only
one getting £30, This affected the budget because we originally planned for £790 which is what we
got but because we worked around the crew wages we were able to subtract £30 from the original
total. The total for scene 1 was £355 and for scene 2 to was £435.However, We still more and had to
re think the cost of things so we rented the camera out for one day which cost £50 long with the
tripod costing £30 and crew wages which was kept as £180 and we also used the computer for
editing which cost £75 along with the actors wages which was only £50 because only one person was
acting .In scene 2 we rented the camera out for one day which cost £50, the crew wages were £30
for a crew of 4 people which totalled to £120 and there was only one actor so that person would get
paid £50. All together that cost £220. In total, we spent £435+£220 = £655 which is under the
budget. This is good because we were giving £1000.
BTEC unit 4 Task 3 Sarah Falodun 09-10-17

Creative process

As a group, we were asked to recreate the disturbing scene from signs However we only recreated
some parts of the scene that we were told to recreate. Even though we did not have that much
space for creativity the creative aspects of our scene were that we had to find our own location that
we thought was right for the scene. We planed the timing and the times we meet ahead of filming
and during filming. We also had to plan the visual aspects of what we were shooting the props and
lighting etc.

personal management

A positive for my personal management is that I brought the props needed on the day of the scene
and that I was able to help and stay for the whole of the scene. A negative for my personal
management is that I was late to the set to film and so was the whole of my group. The effect that
this had on our group is that we finished filming later than we expected.

Resource management

A positive for resource management is that I remembered the SD card for the Camera and made
sure that camera did not get wet during the rain. A negative is that he light did not work which
delayed us some of our filming time. This delayed our time when it came to filming and we had to
find a replacement light that was not as good as what we needed.

Time management

A positive for time management is that we booked out the equipment out on time. A negative is
that I was late to filming because of the train times next time I should check the train times. The
outcome of this is that we finished filming later than planned.

Professional practise

A positive for professional practise is that we stuck to our budget and we did not overspend. A
negative is that I did not not arrive at the shoot at time and the tripod was not working. This effected
is that we spent longer that we thought we needed.

Monitoring progress

A positive for monitoring progress is that we made a checklist for what we needed for the scene to
be good. A negative is that we did not make a diary. This effected the outcome because we could
not monitor our progress as a group.
BTEC unit 4 Task 3 Sarah Falodun 09-10-17

Risk management

A positive for risk management we has 4 location and made 2 risk assessment but the places that we
shot the film we did a risk assessment for. A negative for risk management is that we did not make
enough risk assessments. This would have affected us in an negative way because if the locations
that we did a risk assessment for could not be used we would have to use a location we had no risk
assessment for which could put people at risk because there could be risk at the location.

Crisis management

A positive for crisis management is that we had plans in place for if something went wrong. A
negative for crisis management we did not plan for every possible incident that might have
occurred. This could have affected us if we had problem because we would not know what to do.

Maintaining documentation

A positive for Maintaining documentation is that we had a check list . A negative is that we did not
document it. This effected our outcome because it meant we could not keep track

In units 6 and 27 I will be focussing on making sure that all of the equipment that we use has been
checked this is to make sure that we are ready to film on time and that we keep with our filming
schedule. So we will not have to reschedule the time for filming

I will evaluate that my target has been met by making a checklist of the equipment used and to tick
the ones that work and the ones that don’t work. This will make us confidant when it comes to
filming as we would know that all the equipment we need would be ready

I will make sure that this is achievable by making sure that all equipment that is to be used has been
checked and if any have not been found to work then I will replace them with new version of the
equipment or put

I will put a reminder in my phone to remind me to check the equipment so it is part of my schedule.

In units 6 and 27 I will be focussing on monitoring progress ,Some ways for me to improve project
management in future production is by making a diary each day of what we did and we need to do.
This will make us more organised in the long run

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