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Assalamualaikum and good afternoon to the honourable judges, teachers and my

fellow friends. Today , I will tell you a story entitled CATS AND DOGS

In the good old days, cats and dogs were very good friends.

They were always together. They slept together, ate together and played

In short, they were inseparable. If you saw the cat then, the dog must be closed
by. One day, the good friends went to see their master.

"If you wish us to be loyal and faithful, you must give us a piece of meat each,
every day," said the cat and the dog. At first, the master was not willing and tried to
negotiate the term. "I'll give meat on alternate days," said the master.

"No! We only consider if you give us meat every day," they said.

"Alright then," said the master.

The cat took a piece of paper and said, "You need to sign this agreement
whereby you promise to give us a piece of fresh meat every day." "Alright then,"
said the master.

The cat took a piece of paper and said, "You need to sign this agreement
whereby you promise to give us a piece of fresh meat every day." The master only
kept his promise for a few days. Then he failed to fulfill the agreement.

The dog and the cat confronted him to complain. "Where is the meat you promised
us in the agreement?" asked the animals. "What promise? What agreement?" the
master asked.

The animals started to get angry. "The piece of paper that you signed the other
day," said the cat. The cat disappeared into a room to get the agreement. He was
shocked to find only bits of paper as the mice had chewed it up.

"No paper, no meat," said the master. The two animals started to quarrel
violently. The dog blamed the cat for the missing paper.

From that day onwards, dogs and cats become enemies. Just look at the way
dogs run after cats! And cats hate mice because they nibbled the famous

Thank You

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