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Good morning to our honourable judges, accurate time keepers, teachers

and of course my wonderful audience. I am _______ from Year 6. Today, I am

going to share with you a story on “The Bundle of Sticks” “The Bundle of

There was once an old man who had four sons. The boys were always
quarreling and fighting since they are young. This made the man terribly sad.

One day, the man fell very ill. He told his sons to look after the farm
since he could not do that anymore. The boys listened to their father and
worked really hard on the farm. “My sons have done everything I want them to
do without complaining. However, how I wish that they can get along,” the old
man said.

The next day, he called his sons to his bedside. ‘I want you all to go
outside and gather some sticks. Then, bring them to me,’ he ordered. “Why,
Father? ask one of his son. Although the boys were puzzled, they did as they
were told.

Then, each of them came back with some sticks on their hands. The man
told them to tie the sticks into a bundle and they did that. Then, he turned to
his eldest son and said, ‘Now, break the stick.’ The boy used all his strength
but he could not do it. The man ordered his other sons to break the bundle of
sticks. Each one tried so hard but none of them had success.

Finally, the man told them to untie the bundle of sticks. He gave each
son a stick and told them to break it. The boys broke the sticks easily. The
old man looked at his sons and said, ‘You must be like the bundle of sticks. Do
you know why?’

The boys nodded as they hugged one another. They said ‘Yes, Father.
Now we just understand.’

My friends, the story tells us to be like the bundle of sticks, as the

saying goes, unity is strength. Thank you.
Good morning to our honourable judges, accurate time keepers, teachers
and my fellow friends. I am ________from Year 3. Today, I am going to tell a
story about Redfeathers.

Once, there was a hen named Redfeathers. One day, she went walking
alone in the jungle. A wolf named Wolfie saw her. He wanted to eat
Redfeathers. Wolfie caught Redfeathers and put her in a sack.

Redfeathers’ friend, a dove named Dovey saw what happened. She flew
down and laid on the ground, pretended to have a broken wing. Wolfie saw
Dovey. He put down the sack and went to get Dovey.

Redfeathers slowly came out of the sack. She put a stone inside. Then,
she ran away. Dovey quickly flew up to a tree. Wolfie could not catch Dovey.
So, he went back and picked up the sack. He thought Redfeathers was still

When Wolfie reached home, he tipped the sack into a pot of boiling
water. The stone fell into the pot. The hot water splashed all over Wolfie.
Wolfie screamed in pain.

My friends, the story tells us that we must not be greedy like Wolfie.
Thank you.
Good morning to our honourable judges, accurate time keepers, teachers
and my fellow friends. I am Casscius from Year 3. Today, I am going to tell a
story entitled ‘A True Friend’, ‘A True Friend’

Once upon a time, there lived a giant. His name was Brawny. He had a
huge jaw and a long beard. All the villagers stayed in the valley but Brawney
was alone on the hill and no friends. They did not like him.

One day, some villagers wandered into Brawney’s beautiful garden.

They stepped on his plants and laughed at him. “You are so big and ugly.
No one likes you,’ said the villagers. Brawny was so sad.

Not long after, there was a flood. The village was flooded.

“Oh no! I must help the villagers!” said Brawny.

Brawny rushed to help the villagers. He also offered them to stay

in his big house.

The villagers were ashamed. “Please forgive us. Can we be friends?”

The villagers asked for forgiveness. From then on, the villagers and the
giant became good friends.

The story tells us to be helpful all the times. Thank you.

Good afternoon to our honourable judges, accurate time keeper and my
fellow friends. My name is from Macques from Year Three. Today I am
going to tell a story about Two Brothers and a Gnome, Two Brothers and
a Gnome.

Long ago, there were two brothers. They were Bobby and Tommy. One
day, they went to the forest to cut wood. Bobby and Tommy met a

The gnome said to Bobby. “I am hungry. Please share your food.”

“Go away. I don’t have enough food.” said Bobby.

The gnome were sad. Then he asked Tommy. “Please, can you share your
food? I am hungry.”

“Sure. I will share my food with you.” said Tommy.

Soon, Tommy and the gnome became good friends. Every day, the gnome
helped Tommy to cut wood. Then they would share a meal.

The story tells us do not be selfish. Always share the good things with
people. Thank you.
Good afternoon to our honourable judges, accurate time keeper and my
fellow audiences. My name is Slarissa from Year Three. Today I am going
to tell a story about A king with one eye and one leg, a king with one eye
and one leg.

Once upon a time, there was a king who with only one eye and one leg.

He asked all the painters to draw a beautiful picture of him. But no one
could. how could they draw him beautifully with only one eye and one leg.

Finally one of them agreed . He came to the palace and met the king. He
drew a picture of the King. It was a fantastic picture. Everyone

He painted the King aiming for hunting. Targeting a deer with one eye
closed and one leg bent.

So, my friends, why can't we all paint pictures like this for others.
The moral values of this story is we must always see people strength
instead of their weakness.

Thank you.
Good afternoon to our honourable judges, accurate time keeper and my
fellow audiences. My name is Elvince from Year Two. Today I am going to
tell a story about ‘A Clever Crow’, ‘A Clever Crow’

There was a crow which was very thirsty. He search for water everywhere.

At last he saw a water pot. He looked inside the pot. There was very little
water in the pot. The crow saw some stones nearby. He thought of an idea. He
picked up some stones and put them one by one into the pot. The water level came

The crow drank the water and flew away happily. The story tells us to think
wisely. Thank you.
Good afternoon to our honourable judges, accurate time keeper and my
fellow audiences. My name is Ella from Year Three. Today I am going to
tell a story about ‘The Greedy Dog’, The Greedy Dog’

There was a dog. He was very hungry. He searched for food

everywhere. At last, he found a bone. He picked up the bone with his
mouth. He wanted to go home. There was a bridge.

When he crossed the bridge, he saw his own reflection in the

water. He thought it was another dog with a bone. He wanted to get the
bone too. He started barking and the bone fell into the water. The dog
lost his bone.

The story tells us not to be greedy. Thank you.

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