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Thank you master of ceremony

Good morning headmasters , our honourable judges, loyal time keeper , teachers and my dear
fellow friends

I am….. …from SK Tarat. My story today is The 3 wishes

Once upon a time, there was a fisherman who lived with his wife in an old hut on the shore of the
blue sea. Every day the fisherman went out fishing to the sea.

One day the fisherman sat fishing all day without catching a single fish. Then suddenly, he felt a tug
on his fishing line. When he pulled it up, he saw a small golden fish.

The golden fish beg for his freedom and promised to give anything what the fisherman wanted.

Please put me back in the water. Please …I’ll give you anything you want.

Oh! A talking fish? Well.., I’ll let you go . go..go… swim away!

The fisherman kindly put the fish back into the sea and asked for nothing.

When the fisherman returned home, he told the wife everything that had happened.

Wife…I caught a talking golden fish. He said he would do whatever I wished if I let him go. But I
didn’t ask for anything.

My goodness! You”re such a fool! Go back to the fish , ask for a new house since ours is too tiny .
It’s terrible living in this tiny house. The fish will certainly give us that. Just go”

We”ll ….I’ll go

So the fisherman came back to the seashore and called out loudly for the golden fish.

Golden fish! Golden fish!

The fish swam up. Then the fisherman said, golden fish , my wife Ilsabill wants a new house.

The golden fish said.., go home, your wife already has the new house.

When he came home, the fisherman saw that their tiny house before was now a new big house.

the wife came out from the house and she was very delighted. The wife called the husband…

husband, come quickly! Come….look at our beautiful house

oh…dear is this our new house?…and… and whats that..? said the fisherman

oh…you silly old man….can’t you see…these are our new furniture…said Ilsabill happily

then after a week, the fisherman wife wanted to live in a large stone castle. So again, she asked the
fisherman to go back to the golden fish.
My dear husband,,this house is too small. I want to live in a large stone castle. Go back to the
golden fish, tell him to give us a castle.

The following day, the fisherman came to the sea again. The water was dark gray and waves began
to rise..he called out loudly for the fish

Golden fish…golden fish!, please grant my wife a wish. She doesn’t want to live in the new house
anymore. She wants to have a stone castle.

The golden fish swam up and said to him. Go home. Your wife already has the stone castle

When the fisherman went home, his wife was no longer in the house, but instead of it, there stood a
great, stone castle with many servants. Never had the wife felt so happy. But, then she wished to
be a queen…so she asked her husband to back to the golden fish.

Although he didn’t want to go , the fisherman still obeyed his wife and went to the sea again. The
water was entirely black like it was boiling. The wind was blowing so strongly and the fish swam up
when he heard the fisherman called him

The fisherman said..golden fish my wife wants to be a queen. Once again the fish agreed and said
to him…go home! Your wife is a queen already…

Golden fish please grand me a wish…

Go home….your wife is a queen already

When he came home, he saw a huge palace. His wife had become a queen. She was sitting on a
golden throne with a diamond crown on her head. There on both side of her, stood her maids
waiting in a row. The fisherman thought that his wife was satisfied with all the things she had. But
after several weeks , she began to be tired of being a queen.

Go back to the golden fish,, and tell him to make me Empress of the Land and Sea. So everyday,
the golden fish will have to obey me”

The fisherman tried to persuade his wife Ilsabill to change her mind. But she didn’t listen to him.
She even ordered her guards to kick him out of the palace. The fisherman was forced to go to the
sea one more time. The sky was black and the sea came in with black waves as high as mountains.
The fisherman called the golden fish and said

Golden fish , my wife was really crazy. She wants to be Empress of the Land and Sea so that you’ll
be her servant. This time the fish didn’t say anything but turned and swam out to the deep sea.

Then the fisherman returned home very sadly.. when he reached home , he found that the
magnificient palace had vanished. Instead he saw his wife in her dirty clothes,in their tiny hut with
the broken trough in front of her…she was crying and regret for what she had wish..


So my dear friends…the moral of this story is…we should never be greedy and ungrateful.

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