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Types of Foodborne Illness

1. There are four types of foodborne illness:

2. Microbiological (also called Biological… ) Foodborne Illness can be

caused by:


3. The most commonly reported cases of Foodborne Illness are caused by

bacteria (yuck!). There are two types of bacterial foodborne illness;
bacterial infection and bacterial intoxication.

A. What is a bacterial infection?

B. What is the symptom of a bacterial infection?

C. List two examples of infectious bacteria.

D. How can you prevent a bacterial infection?

E. What is a bacterial intoxication?

F. What is the most common symptom of bacterial intoxication?

G. List two examples of bacterial intoxication.

H. How can you prevent a bacterial intoxication?

4. What is a parasite? How are they transferred to humans?

5. What is a virus? How are they spread to humans?

6. Chemical Food Poisoning occurs when:

7. The most common symptom of a chemical food poisoning is:

8. List two examples of chemicals that can cause food poisoning.

9. How can we prevent chemical food poisoning?

10. What is an allergic reaction to food?

11. What are the main symptoms of an allergic reaction?

12. It is important to protect food from physical contaminants that may accidentally enter it. (again,
yuck!) List at three examples of things that would be considered a physical contaminant.

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