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(Level I )




Name of Student

Name of School

ID Number of School

Student's Number
NCSE (LEVEL r) 2014



Section I

Section 2

Section 3

* Please write NR
for ALL questions not attempted.

NCSE 2014 - English Language Arts Paper 3


Read the following carefully:

l. This paper consists of THREE (3) sections.

2' Questions in Section I are based on a dramatic text. Answer all questions in the

spaces provided.

3' Questions in Section II are based on a poem. Answer all questions in the spaces


4' Questions in Section III are based on a prose text. Answer all questions in the spaces


5' You should spend approximatery 40 minutes on each section.

6. Write the following on the cover of this test booklet:

- Name of Student

- Name of School

- ID Number of School

- Student's Number

l. If you finish before time is called, go back and check your responses.


Instructions: Read the following passage and answer ALL the questions that follow.

Anne is having a conversqtion with her father in his study. The room is dimly lit and sparsely
with tattered old books.
furnished with a table, two small creaky chctirs and a shelf

ANNE: I'm a terrible coward, I'm so disappointed in myself. I think I've

conquered my fear... I think I'm really grown up... and then something

happens... and I run to you like a baby". I love you, Father.

MR. FRANK: lreproachfullYl


ANNE: lt's true. l've been thinking about it for a long time. You're the only one I


l0 MR. FRANK: lt's f ine to hear you tell me that you love me. But I'd be happier if you

said you loved your mother as well... She needs your help so much'.' your


ANNE: We have nothing in common. She doesn't understand me. Whenever ltry
to explain my views on life to her she asks me if I'm constipated.

I 5 MR. FRANK: You hurt her very much just now. She's crying. She's in there crying.

ANNE: I can't help it. I only told the truth. I didn't want her here...

fThen, with sudden changel

NCSE 2014 - English Language Arts Paper 3

oh, father, I was horrible, wasn't l? And the worst of it is, I can stand off
and look at myself doing it and know it's cruel and yet I can't stop doing it.
what's the matter with me? Tell me. Don't say it's just a phase. Help me!

MR. FRANK: There is so little that we parents can do to help our children. we can only

try to set a good example... point the way. The rest you must do yourself.
You must build your own character.

ANNE: I'm trying. Really I am. Every night lthink back over all of the things I did

25 that day that were wrong and this thing now with Mother. I say to myself,
that was wrong. I make up my mind I'm never going to do that again.
Never! of course I may do something worse... but at least l,ll never do

that again!... I have a nice side, father, ... a sweeter, nicer side. But I'm
scared to show it. I'm afraid that people are going to laugh at me if I'm
serious. so the mean Anne comes to the outside and the good Anne stays

on the inside, and I keep on trying to switch them around and have the

good Anne outside and the bad Anne inside and be what l,d like
to be...
and might be... if only... only...

Adapted from The Diary of Anne Frank by Frances Goodrich and Albert
Hackett (1995).
The Play of the Diary of Anne Frank. publisher: Heinemann

l. (a) Identify oNE example of a stage direction in the extract.

(l mark)
(b) Briefly describe what takes place in the extract.

(3 marks)

NCSE 2014 - English Language Arts paper 3

2. Give TWO themes that you identifred from the conversation between Anne and her father'



(2 marks)

3. euote THREE pieces of evidence to show how Anne feels about her mother'




(3 marks)

4. (a) Identify Two qualities of Mr. Frank shown in this extract.

(b) Give one piece of evidence from the extract to support each of the qualities identified.

Quality 1

Evidence from the extract

Quality 2

Evidence from the extract

(6 marks)

NCSE 2014 - English Language Arts Paper 3

5. Explain the inner conflict that Anne is experiencing.


6' (a) What literary device is used in the following statement: o'I
run to you like a baby...,,
(Line 3)?

(l mark)
(b) What does the statement say about the Ann's relationship with
her father?

(2 marks)

7' Based on the extract, identify oNE attitude that (a) Anne shows and (b) her mother shows.

(a) Anne:

(b) Her mother:


NCSE 2014 - English Language Arts paper 3


Instructions: Read the following poem and answer ALL the questions that follow.


We have neither Summer nor Winter

Neither Autumn nor SPring'

We have instead the daYs

When gold sun shines on the lush green cane fields -
5 MagnificentlY

The days when the rain beats like bullets on the roofs
And there is no sound but the swish of water in the gullies
And trees struggling in the high Jamaica winds.

Also there are the days when the leaves fade from off guango trees
10 And the reaped cane fields lie bare and fallow in the sun.
But best of all there are the days when the mango and the logwood blossom.
When the bushes are full of the sound of bees and the scent of honey,
when the tall grass sways and shivers to the slightest breath of air
when the buttercups have paved the earth with yellow stars
15 And beauty comes suddenly and the rains have gone'

H. D. Carberry'
Bite In 2, Edited by Cecil Gray, Nelson Caribbean (1994').

1 To whom does "we" refer in the poem?

(2 marks)

2. (a) What TWO things are being compared in Line 6: "The days when the rain beats like
bullets on the roofs"?

(1 mark)

(b) What is the poet saying about the rain?

(2 marks)

NCSE 2014 - English Language Arts Paper 3

3. (a) What figure of speech is contained in the line, "When the buttercups have paved the earth
with yellow stars"?

(2 marks)

(b) Explain in your own words what this line means.

(3 marks)

4. (a) Identify THREE senses to which this poem appeals.

(b) Give ONE piece of evidence from the poem of each sense that you identif,red.

Sense I

Evidence from the poem

Sense 2

Evidence from the poem

Sense 3

Evidence from the poem

(6 marks)

NCSE 2014 - English Language Arts Paper 3

5. Besides its height, what impression is the poet trying to give about the grass in the line,
"When the tall grass sways and shivers to the slightest breath of air"?

(2 marks)

6. (a) What is the general mood of this poem?

(2 marks)
(b) Give reasons for your answer.

(3 marks)

7. (a) Identify your favourite line in this poem and (b) Explain why it is your favourite line.

(a) My favourite line in this poem is

(b) It is my favourite line because

(2 marks)

NCSE 2014 - English Language Arts Paper 3

Instructions: Read the passage below and answer ALL the questions that follow.


When the donkey wasn't working he turned it loose in the savannah opposite the
government school. Children playing there used to stone it until Sookdeo ran down a boy with
his cutlass. Dolly took a bucket of water for it at midday and went back in the evening to bring r

home. Sookdeo's only interest in the animal was in the work it could do. He used to call it
5 'Donkey'. In the morning he said, "Donkey get up," and in the evening, "Donkey lay down."
Donkey had brought his master home safely after many a drunken spree in the rumshop, and
once, coming in one of the back streets from San Juan, Sookdeo had fallen off and he had stood
by him for three hours until somebody passed and put Sookdeo back on the cart.
But one rainy night Donkey fell ill. Sookdeo said, "Donkey, get up," Donkey refused to
10 budge. lt was the first time such a thing happened, "But a-a, ah tellyuh get up nah, Donkey!"
But the animaljust looked at Sookdeo with watery eyes. "Dolly! Ay gyul, is wat you do de
Donkey, he don't get up?"
The girl came running out of the hut. "Bap, ah tink Donkey sick." A few days later
Sookdeo decided to sell Donkey. Ramdhin, a young lndian, wanted a donkey cart to sell
15 coconuts in Port of Spain. Sookdeo brought him home to see Donkey.
"He fat, he does plenty work and eat little, but he don't 'look' well," Sookdeo said'
Ramdhin looked at Donkey. "Yuh could see ribs, man, de donkey look half-dead. ls how
much yuh tink ah going to give yuh for him?"
Sookdeo shrugged. "Well, is true dat he old, but he could still do plenty hard work. ls
20 only dat he don't 'look'well?"
"He look plenty sick, if dat is wat yuh mean. I go give yuh fifty dollars."
"All right, gimme fifty dollars," he agreed. And as Ramdhin was leading Donkey away he
called out. "Remember ah tell yuh he don't'look'well, but he does work hard!"
The next morning just as he got his cutlass and hoe and was setting off for the fields
25 Ramdhin came up.
Ramdhin was enraged, and for a minute he cursed Sookdeo steadily in Hindi. Then he
broke out in broken English.
"But look here, Sookdeo, wat yuh mean by selling me ah half-blind donkey7
Sookdeo feigned astonishment. "But ah tell yuh he fat, he does work hard, but he don't
30 'look'well."
Ramdhin choked. "But yuh is ah damn fooll Yuh can't even explain yuhself! Why yuh
didn't tell me de donkeY blind?"

NCSE 2014 - English Language Arts Paper 3

"But ah tellyuh!Ah say he fat, but he don't'look'well. Yuh don't understand when ah
talk good English?"
"Look, Ah can't work de donkey if he half-blind," Ramdhin said. "Yuh go have to give me
back me money."
"Yuh mad! I have nutting more to do wid yuh, business finish, ah sellyou one donkey
dat you buy."
"Yuh is a damn tief !"

Adapted from "A Brighter Sun" by Samuel Selvon

(19 52), Lon gman Publish ers.

1. Give TWO character traits of Sookdeo. Support your answer from the passage for each

characteristic I
(r mark)
Support from the passage

(2 marks)

Characteristic 2
(1 mark)
Support from the passage

(2 marks)
2. (a) Based on lines 7-9, how would you describe Donkey?

(1 mark)
(b) Give ONE reason for your answer.

(2 marks)

NCSE 2014 - English Language Arts Paper 3

3. "But the animal just looked at Sookdeo with watery eyes." (Line I 1)
(a) How do you think the author wants you to feel about Donkey?


(b) What was Sookdeo's reaction to Donkey's falling ill?

(2 marks)

4. In lines 16,20 and 30-31, Sookdeo repeats the phrase "he don't'look'well." What are TWO
possible meanings for this phrase?

Meaning I

(2 marks)

Meaning 2

(2 marks)

5. Why do you think Sookdeo "feigned astonishment" in line29?

(2 marks)

6. (a) Explain the conflict in this passage.

(3 marks)

(b) Quote TWO phrases from the passage to support your answer.


(2 marks)

NCSE 2014 - English Language Arts Paper 3 l0

7. What lesson do you learn from this extract?

(2 marks)


NCSE 2014 - English Language Arts Paper 3 II

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