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The city was founded in 734 BC by the Phoenicians Palermo then became a
possession of Carthage.
Palermo has a large architectural heritage and is notable for its many Norman
buildings, conformed for many churches, palaces and museums.
Palermo has at least two rings of city walls, many pieces of which still survive.
he streets of Palermo, as in most of Italy, are narrow and intricate. It is always
better to go on foot and use public transport (or excursions), rather than renting a

Mondello beach: between 1980 and 1910 mondello became in a turistic place to
Messina opera theather: It is the largest opera house in Italy and the third
largest in Europe. It is dedicated to the king of Italy Víctor Manuel II.
Nowadays it proposes a great variety of cultural events: ballets with
internationally famous artists, lyrical opera concerts, exhibitions and meetings.
Politeama theather:
En junio de 1874 se inauguró aunque aún estaba incompleto y sin cubierta, y la
primera representación fue Capuletos y Montescos de Vincenzo Bellini.1

the name politeama is used in the Italian language to designate a theater for
performances of various genres (comedy, tragedy, lyric, etc.), with the surname
of the national hero Giuseppe Garibaldi.

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