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Table of Contents

Fourth Quarter: Matter and it’s interaction

 Record Sheet
 Activities/Quizzes I am Proud of
 Activities/Quizzes Not so Proud of
 Misconception
 Reflection

Third Quarter: Living things and their

 Record Sheet
 Activities/Quizzes I am Proud of
 Activities/Quizzes Not so Proud of
 Misconception
 Reflection
Activity/Quiz Date Score

In this grading period, our main topic is about Matter and it’s
interaction. Subtopics discussed are Behaviour of Gases; Chemical
Reactions; Bio molecules: Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins and Nucleic
I enjoyed doing each activities/task as it becomes easier for me to
understand each topic specifically about the behaviour of gases and
chemical reactions.
Under the Bio molecules topic, it made me realize the importance of
each food intake we had as it affects our body and performance in day to
day activities.
With the group reporting part, I had difficulty coordinating with
other group members. Even though we had a group chat to discuss the
assigned topic, all of my group mates are not responsive to my queries so I
took the initiative to work and create a power point presentation of the
assigned task. This resulted to double work as other member also covered
what I did in the power point presentation. They took me into the group
but did not communicate properly to me on what is needed for a better
performance during the group reporting.
Like the other quarters, I had a little difficulty in memorizing some
I can say that I gave my best in this grading period and did well.

Before especially when I was younger, I

thought that each system operates in
isolation but now i fully understand that each
system works independently, coordinates
with each other and together they form a
functioning human body.

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