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(oluwasegun, Ohwofosirai, & Emagbete, 2015)

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offering physics in ethiope west local government area of delta state. educational research
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Supurwoko, Cari, Sarwanto, Sukarmin, Budiharti, R., & Summa, T. (2017). International Conference
On Science and Applied Science. Virtual Lab Experiment Physics Educational Technology
(PhET) Photo Electric Effect for Senior High School, 6.

Wieman, C., & Holmes, N. (2015). accepted for publication in the american journal of physics.
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bilgin, i., senocak, e., & sozbilir, m. (2009). eurasia journal of mathematics science & technology
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Hartman, k. B., Moberg, C. R., & Lambert, J. M. (n.d.). journal of instructional pedagogies.
effectiveness of problem based learning in introductory business courses, 13.

Simone, C. D. (2014). International Journal Of Humanities and Social Science. Problem Based
Learning in Teacher Education Trajetori of change, 13.

witte, k. d., & rogge, n. (2012). Problem based learning in secondary education evaluation by a
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