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3/16/2018 7.

Powers and Roots of Complex Numbers - DeMoivre's Theorem

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7. Powers and Roots of Complex Numbers

by M. Bourne

Consider the following example, which follows from basic algebra:

(5e 3j) 2 = 25e 6j

We can generalise this example as follows:

(re jθ) n = r ne jnθ

The above expression, written in polar form, leads us to DeMoivre's Theorem.

DeMoivre's Theorem

[r(cos θ + j sin θ)] n = r n(cos nθ + j sin nθ)

or equivalently,

(r∠θ) n = r n ∠nθ

I'm going to challenge you here...

I have never been able to find an electronics or electrical engineer that's even heard of DeMoivre's Theorem. Certainly, any engineers I've
asked don't know how it is applied in 'real life'.

I've always felt that while this is a nice piece of mathematics, it is rather useless.. :-)

Here are some responses I've had to my challenge:

Some possibilities

I received this reply to my challenge from user Richard Reddy:

Much of what you're doing with complex exponentials is an extension of DeMoivre's Theorem. In general, the theorem is of
practical value in transforming equations so they can be worked more easily. Often, what you see in EE are the solutions to
problems in physics. There was a time, before computers, when it might take 6 months to do a tensor problem by hand.
DeMoivre's theorem is a time-saving identity, easier to apply than equivalent trigonometric identities.

I like your site.

And this came in from Russell Davies:

I'm an electronics engineer. In terms of practical application, I've seen DeMoivre's Theorem used in digital signal processing
and the design of quadrature modulators/demodulators.

Reader Andy added:

DeMoivre's Theorem can be used to find the secondary coefficient Z0 (impedance in ohms) of a transmission line, given the
initial primary constants R, L, C and G. (resistance, inductance, capacitance and conductance) using the equation

R + jωL
Z0 = ,
G + jωC 1/6
3/16/2018 7. Powers and Roots of Complex Numbers - DeMoivre's Theorem

where 'ω ' is the angular frequency of the supply in radians per second. In this case, the power 'n' is a half because of the
square root and the terms inside the square root can be simplified to a complex number in polar form.

Reader David from IEEE responded with:

De Moivre's theorem is fundamental to digital signal processing and also finds indirect use in compensating non-linearity in
analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion.

After those responses, I'm becoming more convinced it's worth it for electrical engineers to learn deMoivre's Theorem. Please let me know if
there are any other applications.

Example 1

Find (1 − 2j) 6


First, we express 1 − 2j in polar form:

12 + (−2) = 5 , and

arctan ( ) = 296.6o

1 − 2j = 5  ∠ 296.6o
(1 − 2j )6 = ( 5) ∠ [6 × 296.6o ]

= 125 ∠ [1779.3903o ]

= 125 ∠ [339.39o ]

(The last line is true because 360∘ × 4 = 1440∘ , and we substract this from 1779.39∘ .)

In rectangular form,

x = 125 cos 339.39 o = 117

y = 125 sin 339.39 o = -44

So (1 - 2j) 6= 117 - 44j

Continues below ⇩

Complex Roots
If a n = x + yj then we expect n complex roots for a.

Example 2

If a 5 = 7 + 5j, then we expect 5 complex roots for a.

Spacing of n-th roots

o 2/6
3/16/2018 7. Powers and Roots of Complex Numbers - DeMoivre's Theorem
In general, if we are looking for the n-th roots of an equation involving complex numbers, the roots will be apart. That is,
2 roots will be 180∘ apart

3 roots will be 120 apart

4 roots will be 90∘ apart

5 roots will be 72∘ apart etc.

Example 3

Find the two square roots of −5 + 12j .


For the first root, we need to find −5 + 12j .

This is the same as (-5 + 12j) 1/2.

We express −5 + 12j in polar form:

r= (−5)2 + 122 = 13

For the angle:

α = tan−1 ( )
= tan−1 ( ) ≈ 67.38o

The complex number −5 + 12j is in the second quadrant, so

θ = 180° − 67.38 = 112.62°


−5 + 12j = 13∠112.62∘
Using DeMoivre's Theorem:
(r∠θ) = (rn ∠nθ),
we have:

(−5 + 12j )1/2

= 131/2 ∠( × 112.62∘ )

= 3.61∠56.31∘
This is the first square root. In rectangular form,

x = 3.61 cos56.31° = 2

y = 3.61 sin56.31° = 3

So the first root is 2 + 3j.

CHECK: (2 + 3j) 2 = 4 + 12j - 9 = -5 + 12j [Checks OK]

To obtain the other square root, we apply the fact that if we need to find n roots they will be apart.
In this case, n = 2, so our roots are 180∘ apart. 3/6
3/16/2018 7. Powers and Roots of Complex Numbers - DeMoivre's Theorem

Adding 180 to our first root, we have:

x = 3.61 cos(56.31° + 180°) = 3.61 cos(236.31°) = -2

y = 3.61 sin(56.31° + 180°) = 3.61 sin(236.31°) = -3

So our second root is −2 − 3j .

So the two square roots of −5 − 12j are 2 + 3j and −2 − 3j .

1. Evaluate (2∠135∘ )


8 8
(2∠135∘ ) = (2) ∠(135∘ × 8)

= 256∠1080∘

= 256

2. Find: (−2 + 3j) 5


(−2 + 3j) 5

= (3.60555 ∠ 123.69007°) 5 (converting to polar form)

= (3.60555) 5 ∠ (123.69007° × 5) (applying deMoivre's Theorem)

= 609.33709 ∠ 618.45035°

= −121.99966 − 596.99897j (converting back to rectangular form)

= −122.0 − 597.0j (correct to 1 decimal place)

For comparison, the exact answer (from multiplying out the brackets in the original question) is

−122 − 597j

[Note: In the above answer I have kept the full number of decimal places in the calculator throughout to ensure best accuracy, but I'm only
displaying the numbers correct to 5 decimal places until the last line.]

3. (i) Find the first 2 fourth roots of 81(cos 60 o + j sin 60 o)

(ii) Then sketch all fourth roots of 81(cos 60 o + j sin 60 o) showing relevant values of r and θ.


Part (i)

There are 4 roots, so they will be θ = 90∘ apart.

I First root:
60o 60o
811/4 [cos   + j  sin   ]
4 4 4/6
3/16/2018 7. Powers and Roots of Complex Numbers - DeMoivre's Theorem
o o
= 3(cos  15 + j  sin  15 )

= 2.90 + 0.78j

II Second root:

Add 90∘ to the first root:

3(cos(15 o + 90 o) + j sin(15 o + 90 o))

= 3(cos105 o + j sin 105 o)

= -0.78 + 2.90j

So the first 2 fourth roots of 81(cos 60 o + j sin 60 o) are:

2.90 + 0.78j and −0.78 + 2.90j

Part (ii)

In each case, r = 81 1/4 = 3

4. At the beginning of this section, we expected 3 roots for

x3 = 8.
Find the roots and sketch them.


In polar form, 8 = 8(cos 0 o + j sin 0 o).

There are 3 roots, so they will be θ = 120∘ apart.

Using DeMoivre's Theorem:

a n = r n(cos nθ + j sin nθ),

First root:

0o 0o
81/3 = 81/3 (cos   + j  sin   )
3 3

= 2(cos  0o + j  sin 0o )

Second root: 5/6
3/16/2018 7. Powers and Roots of Complex Numbers - DeMoivre's Theorem

Add 120 to the first root:

8 1/3(cos 120 o + j sin 120 o) = −1 + 1.732j

Third root:

Add 120∘ to the second root:

8 1/3(cos 240 o + j sin 240 o) = −1 − 1.732j

So the 3 cube roots of 8 are:

2, −1 + 1.732j , and −1 − 1.732j .

To see if the roots are correct, raise each one to power 3 and multiply them out. 6/6

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