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First Set

-Made One In Hell

-Oppression Of Fear

-Birthing In The Spirit

-Elders Childish, Sottish, Immature

-Stubborn Refuse To Follow

-Locked In, To God

-Men Willing To Perish


I saw a giant mixing of people as if they were in a huge mixing bowl, going very fast. They were
in hell. The Lord told me that they were being made one--blended together so that each could
partake of the other's agony, damnation, torment. The Lord said, just as we, His people are made
one body, so are the tormented in their misery. We are one with each other and God, they are one
with each other and Satan.


I saw a huge form like a mass of concrete descending over a busy city street where many
pedestrians were scurrying about their day. You could feel their oppression as this mass grew
closer and closer, heaviness was everywhere. The Lord told me the mass is oppression--the
oppression of fear--men greatly troubled by fear in these times.


I saw a woman giving birth, not just one child but many were coming out of her. They were
birthed jumping, leaping, running. Strong--they were not babes but adults, a vast cross section of
people. The birthing vision has repeated itself several times over for several days. He told me the
travailing prayers are bringing forth these ones who will have a zeal for God from the onset of
their birth.


I saw a man with white hair and a white beard, he was sitting down, playing with a yo-yo. He had
a baseball cap on his head. I asked the Lord the meaning--immaturity of eldership. Elders in this
hour are childish, sottish, immature children, they only want to play--e.g. yo-yo. The Baseball cap
also reflects an immature covering over his mind--dumb, childish, not developed in spiritual
matters. Excellent reflection of today's "church leaders"--sitting down, playing with a child's toy.
No wisdom to match their age, only immaturity.


I saw a very large building with stairs leading to an outside entry area. There was a steeple atop the
building. In the entry area were many people. They were talking, pacing, sleeping, eating, camping
with sleeping bags. But they would not leave. To me, they appeared stupid. I asked the Lord why
they were all crowded on the entry area. He said they were ones He had "called out of the church"
but they would go no farther. They would not forsake the church and come into Him. They had
come out of the building, but they had set up their camp just outside the door, afraid they would
miss something if they believed the Lord enough to follow. They all radiated bitterness and
resentment. They gave the impression of stubbornness. He said, "They have come out--but they
refuse to come into Me." He said they will die in their stubbornness and perish in their rebellion.


I saw a man sitting on a bed in a prison cell, then I saw a woman in a solitary room encompassed
by sorrow and pain. The Lord told me of both, that they were: "Locked in, to God". He said He
literally arranges circumstances in the lives of His people to bring them into "the locked in place".
But most refuse to yield to His hand and submit. Instead, they rebel, they run, they grow bitter and
angry. The Lord says we should aspire and desire the locked in place, not despise it. It is indeed a
place of great enrichment and fulfillment in terms of relationship with Him. To be locked in to
God is part of His high calling.


I was taken by vision into hell, there I saw men and women in hideous states. Some were writhing,
some were screaming, some were cursing, crying, and yelling. All were in agony and torments.
Some were in chains, trying to no avail to free themselves. They were pulling, begging, pleading,
twisting, but they could not be set free. Others were in flames, never burning up, just burning
while screaming and moaning in the agonies of pain and torment. Then the Lord spoke to me,
Psalms 51:3, "My sin is ever before me." The Lord told me: "They cannot escape their sins. Those
who are chained are chained to their sins, they must be with them forever. Those who are in the
flames are bound to their sins likewise. The sin is there in all of its' gruesome reality and the
agonies are unfathomable in their acuteness. Forever their sins remain "unforgiven" punishing the
ones who had committed them while on earth.

Then the Lord told me, "I was not willing that any should perish". But He said, "They were willing
that they should perish." "It was in their wills that they chose this." The scene was so ugly, so
grotesque, so vile, their faces were pain, torment and horror, their bodies were corruption and
vileness, the odor was vomitous. As I was praying during the same vision I caught a glimpse of a
loved one--writhing, screaming, pleading--locked in by guilt, shame, and sorrow, with all the sins
committed as the cruel jailer. I could not bear to see that for long.

Then the Lord told me again, "I am not willing that any should perish--don't you be willing either.
Continue to travail for souls to be redeemed." As the vision ended I was awed at the mercy of God
who does not want any to know such torment. I also knew I could have been one of those, had not
Jesus taken my hideous sins away. Let us never forget His mercy is given, less we could end in
that hideous hell.

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Set 2

-Lot's Wife

-Sealed In Choices

-Damned Who've Laid With Beasts

-Broken and Beautiful

-Solitary Prayers

-Strength In Consecration

-Bleeding Continually

-Torment Of Thirst

Today while I was praying I was shown by vision several people in a dry, desert place. I looked
closely at them and they appeared frozen. In other words, they were in the process of a journey but
they were no longer moving. They were all looking back. As I inquired of the Lord, He told me,
"Lot's Wife". (Gen. 19:26) He went on to tell me that what happened to Lot's wife happened
because it was the time of judgment when God was vindicating His wrath. It was only by mercy
that He was sparing Lot and family. When Lot's wife looked back, she became a part of (a
recipient) God's wrath. She became frozen as a pillar of salt. The Lord said this is the time of His
judgment, those who are given mercy to escape the wrath and then elect to look back will become
as Lot's wife, recipients of God's wrath. This is not the time to "look back" lest we die under the
judgment hand of God.


I saw in a vision, people encased in clear plastic-like cylindrical bubbles. They appeared to be
alive but they could not come out of the encasements they were in. I asked the Lord what it meant-
He told me, "They are sealed." He further explained that He is sealing people in what they want.
The torment is that they cannot escape and they can see what they have missed out on by having
their way. He said those ones who are sealed will be greatly troubled yet they will not be able to
change anything. I saw how important it is to be careful of what we want or think we want for we
could be sealed in those wrong choices.


Today when I was praying I was told by the Lord that He wanted to show me something by vision.
I felt myself going down a long narrow chute, then I hit bottom. I asked the Lord, "Where am I?"
He told me that I had hit "rock bottom". I asked, "What is this for?" He said, "It is the way to the
bottomless pit". Then the bottom opened up and He told me to look around. I found myself going
quickly down, down, and down through a hideous cylinder shaped tower. All over the sides inside
of that downward tower were human beings in the most ugly, grotesque, contorted, and distorted
forms. All of their faces were ugly, ugly, ugly. The peculiar ugliness they all held in common was
in their mouths. Their lips were all enlarged, and drool and spittle came from all of their mouths. I
really did not like looking at them at all. I asked the Lord why they were there. He told me: "These
are the ones who have lain with beasts. This is their punishment and habitation." (Exodus 22:19;
Lev. 18:23; 20:15-16) I asked the Lord if I could leave as it was so horridly ugly. He took me out
of that place. To me, the grotesque facial features, and the unbelievable ugliness of their salivating
lips remains vivid. May we shun those things forbidden by God Almighty that we do not end in
that place.


I saw in a vision a number of people who seemed to radiate glory, they were "beautiful". As I
looked upon them more closely, I noticed that they all were broken. As I asked the Lord what the
significance of this was. He told me, "They are my broken ones, they are special to me." The Lord
told me the broken ones are special to Him because they allow Him to rule and reign in their lives.
All of the broken ones appeared to be broken in the area of the waist. The Lord said: "This is
where they are broken because they cannot stand of their own strength, but only through Me."


As I prayed I saw in vision a solitary figure kneeling face down in a room. There was no one else
to be found. The others were out doing what they wanted, while the solitary figure knelt in
humility before God, beseeching God for souls, travailing and weeping. The solitary one was
alone, yet in the presence of God. The Lord told me: "The solitary one praying is worth more than
all of the others who are out playing."


I saw a man exceptionally strong, doing remarkable feats. He did not appear strong physically
according to the western mind set of strength. Yet, he was very strong. I asked the Lord what it
meant. He told me, "Samson", which He said signifies consecration. He told me that in
consecration to Him is where the anointing of incredible strength lies. He said if we will
consecrate to Him and live separated for His purpose that He will anoint us with great strength.
We do not necessarily appear physically strong, but we are because of His glory on us. We will be
strong, we will do mighty exploits, as we consecrate and remain consecrated unto Him.


While I was praying I saw in vision, Jesus. He was bleeding profusely. He was on the cross. It was
like the blood just kept coming from Him. I asked the Lord, "Why is your blood still flowing, why
are you bleeding?" He told me, "They cause me to bleed continually." He explained that when
people backslide they wound Him to the extent that I was shone in this vision. It was hideously
painful. My heart was broken at the sight of His body, brutalized, broken, and bleeding. He told
me that the agony He suffers at the hand of backsliders is worse than the initial agony of the cross,
and their brutalization of Him is the most painful suffering, that He undergoes. (Hebrews 6:6)


Today the Lord took me into hell by vision. There I saw multitudes who were thirsty, croaking,
begging, crying for water. They were in different forms of agony, but they were all under the same
oppressive thirst. They were insistent in their cries, their screams, their croaks, their moans. I
asked the Lord what the vision meant. He told me that they were the ones who had refused the
Water of Life. He said that the ones in this realm of torment were the ones who had willfully
rejected the living waters. This particular realm of torment appeared to be very hot and dry which
added to the thirst.

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Set 3

-Sin No More

-Love River

-Beast Men

-Haters Of Truth, Imprisoned By Lies

-Deceived And Deceivers

-Books, Books, Books


I saw by vision, the woman caught in adultery. He told me it was not His will that she commit
adultery. Then He further told me it is not His will that any of His people commit adultery, or any
other sins. He said He wants His people to aspire to be sinless because He is sinless, and we are
meant to be as He is. He said, "It is possible". Because He had told her, "Sin no more", which
means it is possible. He told me that He never asks of us what is impossible but only what is
possible. He showed me some who were sinless, their faces were serenely beautiful, reflecting the
holiness and beauty of the Lord. He told me this is how He intends His people to look, not cursed
by the ugly oppression of sin. He said we are kept out of the realm of sinlessness by our own
choices against Him and our unbelief.

Today whilst I was praying I was filled with melting love for the Lord. As I was pouring out
adoration for the Lord, I was shown by vision a beautiful, beautiful river. As I asked the Lord the
meaning He told me that it was His Love River. He explained to me that the melting love I was
experiencing was coming from the waters of that River. The waters from the Love River come
from Him. These waters fill our hearts when we are enraptured in adoration for Him. He further
explained to me that the love I felt for Him was not coming from me, but from Him allowing the
waters to flow through me. He told me I was not capable of the love that I was experiencing,
because in all my carnality I am an enemy of God and a hater of Him. It is not possible for the
"dead carnal nature" to love God as He desires. But it is through the divine flow that we
communicate in such exquisite flowing. The Lord told me that I can ask Him for washing and
refreshing from that River, and as He sees my need so will He answer me.


As I was praying I was shown by vision a strange troop of men. They all had the bodies of men,
but their heads were of beasts. Their faces did not have the resemblance to men at all, but they
were the faces of animals. I saw the following: a lion, a wolf, a bear, a dog, a tiger, there were
others but the vision passed before I could see them all. The Lord then told me that these creatures
were the signification of the condition of men in this generation, that they were returning to
beastliness. He told me that men are becoming lower in their behavior than beasts. I was made to
remember the costumes of heathen tribes when they literally deck themselves out like beasts and
birds during their dances, with actual fur, horns, feathers, etc. on their heads. The Lord said the
beast in some men is so rampant that it will show up on their faces.


Today in vision I saw a man with a strip across his mouth. As I inquired of the Lord, He told me
the man was a hater of the truth. The strip across his mouth kept him from the truth, all he could
speak and receive was lies. Then I saw the same man in a cell. The Lord said, "He is imprisoned
by lies because he hates the truth." The cell is where he is locked into the lies he loves to tell and
believe. He cannot free himself but is subject to the demons he has chosen.


I was praying and I was given a vision of another habitation in hell. I saw a huge dark area
resembling a cave, to the back of it was a tunnel leading back to another cave-like room. The
people in the first room were surrounded by and intermingled with snakes. The people were
yelling, they were crying, they were screaming. Needless to say they were tormented and
miserable. The prevailing empty cry or plea amongst all of them was for the "truth". They were
pleading for the "truth". They were begging for the truth. The Lord told me: "These are the
deceived, and they have loved it so." (darkness rather than light). He explained that they had
pretended to want truth but actually loved to be deceived. In fact, they would not accept nor face
the truth. They loved the deceptions of cunning false messengers. The reason that they were
deceived is because they only pretended to want truth, but in reality they preferred to be deceived.
Then I was taken to the other large cave-like room. These ones were in even greater torment than
the others. They were talking incessantly to themselves, lying to themselves even in their torments.
Each one was literally bound by snakes which were like chains upon them. Their deceptions were
actually snakes coiled and wrapped around them. They were held in captivity by these snakes
which bound them. The people in this room were the deceivers who delighted in deceiving others
and themselves.

Both the deceived and the deceivers were in perpetual torments because they loved deceit.


Today as I was praying I saw a man sitting alone in a large room. He was sickly looking, with
somewhat of a yellowish pallor to his skin. The walls of the room were made of books. Most of
the books were huge, massive volumes. The man was at a desk and he was frantically going
through one of the books. The room had an old, stale, musty, smell. The man had a frantic,
pinched look about him, his hair was receding and there were deep lines in his face. I asked the
Lord what it meant. He told me that the man was one of those who is ever learning yet never
coming to the knowledge of the truth. The Lord explained to me that His way was simple, pure,
undefiled. The way of the Spirit's teaching and leading into all truth was simple. But He said many
are frustrated as this man because they refuse His way, the way of the Spirit. II Tim. 3:7

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Set 4

-Pig Faces

-Torture Of Man Eaters


-Fat Shepherds

-Pity Party

-Books, Books, Books


As I was praying, I saw in vision men and women with pig faces. They were strutting around,
laughing, joking, slapping each other on the back. Actually they were grotesque, they were
intermingled with other human beings who were normal looking with somewhat of a divine glow
to their faces. I asked the Lord who these "pig faces" were. He told me they were the "spots" (Jude
12) in the feasts of love. He told me they were the swine who trample the pearls. He said they are
swine in His sight because they do not fear Him.


The Lord took me by vision to hell again and showed me a horrid place where men and women
were so ugly and grotesque. They were surrounded by bones, skulls, and bloody body parts of
other humans. They were gnawing on parts of the bodies and looking at each other with lust for
flesh and blood. The stench of that place was absolutely revolting, the creatures (humans) there
were hideous. They were extremely restless and seemed as though they were in complete vexation.
They were tormented with the screams and cries of those bodies that were strewn around their
habitation, as the cries of the ones murdered could still be heard. These creatures could find no
place of quiet or peace from the screams and cries of the murdered ones. Even though they were
still eating, they could find no joy in the flesh of the men they had killed, instead, they were never
satisfied and were tormented day and night by the never ending screams and cries. Plus they were
in constant fear because they were afraid of being murdered and eaten by the co-inhabitants of
their place of torment. So not only were they tortured by the screams and cries, but they were
tormented under continual fear that they themselves would be murdered and eaten. The Lord told
me that this was the place of habitation for those who were cannibals --who killed other human
beings in order to eat their flesh and drink their blood. It was indeed a wicked, vile, place of


Today I saw Jesus on the cross, and He told me to look at His back. His back was horribly
lacerated and bloody. It actually was a very sad thing to look upon. Then He asked me, "Do you
see the pain I have suffered that you could be healed? It is finished, by these stripes it is already
done." As He spoke those words and I gazed upon the agony and pain, I realized that yes, it was
completed, and it is our job to stand upon that and not be shaken from it. I told the Lord Jesus that
I was so thankful that He bore our infirmities to such an extent, and something in my heart broke
at the pathetic sight of our beloved who has suffered so acutely to free us from the stronghold of
Satan. I also realized that never again would I side with sickness or affliction after seeing what
Jesus had done to free me from the same. This vision came at just the right time, as the Lord gave
me a healing I had been seeking for as I stood on the vision and declared the healing completed.


Today by vision I saw several men seated at a very long feasting table. The table was laden with
the finest and richest of foods. There was abundance of meat and fowl of every description, plus
many, many rich and luxurious foods. The men were all excessively fat, yet they kept on eating
and eating and eating. They were being served by people who were very thin and weak looking,
yet they kept moving swiftly as one fat man after another would demand another dish be brought
to the already over-burdened table. The men at the table carried an aura of pride and superiority,
and they were especially abusive towards those who were waiting on them. Outside of the building
were several of the thin people who were lying down from exhaustion and weakness. Some of the
fat men had eaten so much they had vomited on the table and had fallen face forward into the same
as they still retained their places at the table. Actually it was a very ugly sight as the men at the
table never seemed to have enough although they were already overly fat. I inquired of the Lord
what it meant and He told me that the fat ones are those shepherds who feed themselves and refuse
to feed His sheep. He said that many of them were so intoxicated that they would lie in their own
vomit, then rise up and keep on eating again. (Ezekial 34:2-10 & Isaiah 28:8) The Lord told me
that what He had shown me is how many of the "pastors" of today's churches appear to Him. He
said that they would have severe judgment when they stand before Him and that they would suffer
acutely for their selfishness and greediness.


Today while I was praying I was taken by the Lord into a realm or dimension of hell. The people
there were crying, and screaming, and whining, and complaining. But they were not able to have
conversations with each other, as each one was completely absorbed in their own misery and they
would not even listen to each other. They were a very miserable lot of people. Some had pulled out
their hair in such anguish and fits of anger that they only had a few sprigs remaining, others were
scratched and bleeding. One in particular kept pleading for someone, anyone to listen to him and
hear his story of woe. But no one could or would listen, so they all just ranted incessantly for
nothing. But they were in great torments and it seemed as though they spent all of their time in
such a state of ranting, wailing, whining, etc. When I inquired of the Lord who they were and why
they were in such a habitation of despair, He told me that they were the ones who loved to pity
themselves and draw others into their web of self-pity. The greatest torment they had was that they
could not get anyone to listen to their sad tales and therefore could not draw anyone into their web
of self-pity since every one else was locked into their own pity party. He, the Lord, told me that
many of the ones there had professed to be His people, but they had not followed Him. Therefore
they had been turned over to the thing they loved more than Him, and that was their self-pity party.
He said those who had claimed that they were His people were liars and rebels because they had
refused His command to deny self. Instead they had chosen to continue to indulge self through the
medium of pity, so they were locked there for eternity in hell fire to burn under the oppression of
their own complaints.

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Set 5

-Reaching Out

-No Oil

-Missed Timing

-Crawling People

-Poor Hungry For God

-Graves Outnumbered By Dead


Today I was praying and I saw several men and women in vision. They had one thing in common,
they were all reaching out. Each one was reaching out for someone or something that was missing.
One man was reaching for his wife, but she was gone, another woman was reaching for her
husband but he was dead, another woman was reaching for her child, but the child was gone,
another man was reaching out for his mother but she was dead. Every one of them was reaching,
reaching, and only gaining emptiness. The Lord told me that they were reaching in vain because
all that they thought could comfort them was gone, and He wanted to comfort them, but instead of
reaching out to Him, they continued to reach out to only memories of those things they imagined
were comforting. The Lord told me that if His people would reach out to Him that He would
delight in comforting them in every circumstance. He said that when people reach out to Him, they
are filled with His comforts to such a degree that they are able to give those comforts to others.


Today when I was praying I saw a woman sitting in the middle of a bunch of clay pots. But as I
looked closer, all of the pots were empty. They had no oil in them. I asked the Lord what it meant,
He told me, "She has the vessels but no oil because she does not believe in my ability to provide.
So she sits with her empty pots." He went on to explain to me that many of His people were like
this woman, they had no oil, no infilling, because they did not believe in Him. They have the
material provision but not the heavenly provision because of their unbelief.

As I was praying I saw a group of lonely, dejected people in a European train station. They were a
sad lot, all huddled together, some were crying, some were angry, some were depressed. But they
seemed hopeless, like there was nothing for them to look forward to. When I inquired of the Lord
as to why they were in such a state, He told me they were in that condition because they had
missed the timing. In other words they could not go anywhere because their train had come and
gone, they were out of time and missed the opportunity to get on board. The Lord told me that so
many of those who say that they are His do the same thing, they do not move with His timing,
therefore they are the disgruntled, the disheartened, the saddened, the angry. For the most part they
are lonely and dejected because of their refusal to move with God's timing.


As I was praying I saw in vision people crouched very low to the ground, crawling. They were
crawling in the presence of God, because they were smitten with His humility glory, and weeping
over their sins. The Lord told me that He desires a people who will crawl before Him in humility
of mind and heart, realizing their utter wretchedness and need of Him. He said that too many of
His people want to come to Him as the Pharisee (Luke 18:11) but He wants them as the publican
(Luke 18:13). He also told me that He literally wants His people to crawl in repentance that He
may bathe them in the humility waters of deeper repentance. Let us not be so haughty, so proud, so
self-glorying that we refuse the crawling position before the Lord, and likewise lose out on His
humility glory. The Lord told me that He literally craves a people who will see their utter
sinfulness and cry out in need and desperation unto Him.


As I was praying today the Lord showed me by vision, the poor. He told me that those ones in all
of their pathetic humility, when they are hungry for Him they are beautiful in His sight. He said
that their rags would be transformed to beautiful garments if they would but be true to Him. He
said he does not look upon the outward show of men, but upon the inward motives of the heart. He
said He looks throughout the earth for those who are poor in spirit, in other words, needy. He also
said that those who are physically poor yet hungry for Him are more precious than those who think
they have everything together and don't need God. The Lord said that the smug who imagined they
had all were really poorer than the poor, because they had nothing for the eternal Kingdom
because pride shall not be there. He told me that the true riches are only found in Him and
everything else shall pass away because it is vanity, and that many who are so secure in this life
because of their riches will find themselves empty and destitute when His vengeance is brought


Today as I was praying the Lord gave me a vision of a man with a shovel, he was working
furiously digging a grave. There were countless graves all around in neat rows, thousands of them.
Yet he was working with fervor to finish the job, apparently he had so many more graves to dig.
The Lord told me that in the beginning the graves would be for the slain. Then He showed me a
large machine like a backhoe, digging up holes in the earth, then the Lord said to me those holes
were mass graves. He said that the number of dead would reach such proportions that there would
not be enough single graves to hold the bodies, and that the method of mass burial would be used
simply to rid the earth of the carcasses.

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Set 6

-Thieves Driven From Temple

-Sick And Sleeping Shepherds

-The Burden


-Stone Faces

-Fire Not Quenched


As I was praying today, the Lord showed me a vision of Jesus driving the money changers and
sellers out of the temple. I saw the divine anger of the Lord against those who had made the house
of God, which was meant to be a house of prayer, into a den of thieves. (Matthew 21:12,13) He
showed the vision to me again and again, and He said to me, "thieves". Then I asked the Lord,
what does it mean? He told me that we, as His people, are meant to be the house of prayer, but that
thieves in the form of demons come in and set up their tables, or do their business, in the temple
(our bodies and minds). Then the Lord asked me what He did to them in the temple. I told Him,
"You drove them out". He said, "You do likewise, drive the demonic spirits out of my people,
those thieves that are usurping my authority and stealing that which belongs to me." So I began
commanding thieving spirits and related demonic powers out of the house of God. A very strong
deliverance session followed and many received deliverance.


While in prayer today I saw a huge ward, the old fashioned kind, in a hospital. There were rows of
beds, filled with men. It was an open ward, not individual rooms. Some of the men were laid out
very sick, some were sitting up in their beds but giving the impression of sickness nonetheless.
Then I saw the same ward in the same hospital, and in the beds were the same men, but now they
were all sleeping. Some were sleeping peacefully, others were tossing and turning, some were
moaning, and some were groaning. But all were asleep despite whatever noises they were making.
So I asked the Lord what it meant. He told me that the elders, the men who should be watching for
His flock and guiding God's sheep into righteousness and holiness were sick and sleeping. He
repeated it to me twice that those men who were meant to be the shepherds over the Lord's
heritage had indeed given themselves over to worldliness and sorrow.


This morning when I was praying, I saw a man making his way up a tall hill. He was sweating
profusely, his face was red, and he was just worn out. He carried on his back a very heavy burden,
a pack. When he reached the top, he took off his pack threw it down and cast himself to the earth,
totally exhausted from the trip. Then I saw a second man coming up the hill, he was running at a
trot pace, his face shone with excitement, and he was exuberant. He had no burden on his back.
When he got to the top, he was still full of energy and he went over to a tree where a pack was
leaned on the trunk, he picked it up and swung it lightly on his back. He was ready to keep going,
to continue on the journey, and he had the burden firmly strapped in place. I enquired of the Lord
what it meant, and He told me that the first man was stubborn for he insisted on carrying his own
burden although he claimed to be a child of God. The second man was one who belonged to the
Lord and had learned to release the burden unto God. The first man was ready to quit and he
literally despised the burden, the second man was ready to go forward and picked up the burden
with enthusiasm. Why? Because the second man had learned the spiritual secret of turning over his
burden to the Lord and finding the strength and rest that are found in the Lord.


Today while I was praying, I saw several men with mounds of stones. Not all of the men were
rough looking, some were quite refined appearing, but all had the same thing in common, they had
mounds of stones. Each of the men carried the aura of darkness. The Lord told me that these men
used the stones for stoning the Lord's prophets. He said that they spent their lives in opposition to
the truth although several of them appeared to be "loving and compassionate". The ones who had
the religious covering were actually the most vehement opposers of the truth. Then I saw the same
men in hell where they were in great torments and torture. Each of them was screaming, crying,
yelling under the torments of the damned. They were wincing, ducking, raising their arms to ward
off blows. Although nothing was visible to me, the Lord told me that they were trying to avoid the
stones which were thrown at them day and night. He said they were under continual stoning with
the same stones they had thrown at His prophets. He said they would forever be forced to undergo
the pain that they had executed against His prophets who had stood for and declared the truth.


During my prayers, and following the vision of the stones, I saw several people in vision who at
first appeared to be normal. But as I looked at them more carefully I noticed a peculiarity about
them. They each had faces which were carved out of stone. It was really strange to see in as much
as their bodies appeared to be of flesh, yet their faces were literally stone. The Lord told me that
these people had hardened their hearts against Him and that their faces were the reflection of what
was in their hearts. He told me that because of the hardening of their hearts, they had turned to
stone faces, eventually He said that their bodies likewise would turn to stone, because they would
not repent of their hardness of heart.


When I was praying in the early afternoon, I saw several men arrayed in the garb of fire fighters.
They were fighting against a huge fire, and as soon as they gained progress, they lost it again, as
the fire would not stop. They kept working frantically but you could tell it was hopeless. I asked
the Lord what it meant, He told me when men fight against the fire of His jealousy, they fight in
vain for they will not prevail. It was a pathetic sight as the men were desperately wearing
themselves out for nothing as they could not possibly conquer the fire. The Lord said that no man
can quench His fire, and that it is unconquerable. He told me that His fire shall burn forever, and
those who fight against it in this life will be in the flames forever in hell fire and that they will
never win against it.

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Set 7

-Rich Men In Hellfire

-True Treasures Unclaimed

-Torments Of Covenant Breakers

-Preachers In Hell

-Imprisoned To Cruel Masters

-Misery of Mockers


Today as I was praying I saw mounds of natural treasure, then I saw men screaming and moaning,
beating themselves, pulling their hair out, crying, talking to themselves. The men were in hell, the
treasures were their torment, they were without anything. They had sold their souls for the riches
of this present world, and the Lord said that they would have to continually look at the mounds of
natural treasures which would do them no good and be tormented by the same. He said they would
never find peace nor satisfaction, because they had given away their inheritance and throughout
eternity their torment would be continual. None of the treasures they accumulated would be of
value to them. Instead they would only look at that which they had considered so valuable, which
in reality has no value at all.


During prayers I was shown by vision a storehouse of real treasure. When I enquired of the Lord,
He told me that the treasures were those mercies that His people had not claimed because they did
not believe in Him. He said there were so many treasures that His people never claimed nor
received, because they did not believe in Him. He said that those treasures would be stored up
until a people would claim them and receive them, for His mercies endure forever.


Today the Lord took me, while I was praying, into hell. There He showed me a vast multitude who
were in extreme agony, they kept yelling that they were on fire and that they were burning up.
They complained bitterly of the pain in their heads from the voice they continually heard. The
voice that they individually heard was their own, and that voice reiterated again and again the
covenants or vows that each individual had made to God. At the same time they were under
extreme pressure from the fire of God which would not leave them alone. Some of them were
literally screaming from the pain and torment, others were cussing and yelling for relief, but there
was no relief. They were such a miserable lot of human beings, locked into their own voices
continually, faced up with the vows and covenants that they never kept, yet they could hear their
own voices uttering those things to God. Some had literally bashed their own heads in an attempt
to rid themselves of the voice which repeated the same things again and again. To say that they
were greatly anguished is an extreme understatement. The torments of these ones was some of the
worst I had seen, because they were continually condemned by the very words that they had
spoken to the Lord and never kept. As I looked upon them I was overwhelmed with how seriously
God takes our covenants and vows to Him, and how if we fail to keep those commitments that we
literally set ourselves up for damnation. Let us consider, before we betray the Lord, how much He
has committed to us, and how much should we be committed to Him.


As I prayed at another time, the Lord took me into hell where He showed me preachers in hell fire.
Of course they were tormented and under the burning of the fires of hell. Each one of them was
giving a sermon, and in the sermon, given very cunningly, they would reach the point whereby
they proclaimed that there was "no hell," and that God did not punish His people. Whenever they
got to that point, they would start screaming and ranting, "There is no hell, there is no hell, yet I
am in hell, but there is no hell." Then each one would go off into peals of insane laughter and then
that would turn to sobbing, then screaming, as they realized that they were in the very place they
had preached against. And while they had pointed other souls to the slippery path of destruction,
they themselves were overwhelmed and overtaken in the same deception. They were really a
ridiculous lot, tormented continually as they found themselves in the agonies of the hell they said
did not exist. Additionally they were constantly accused by the very ones they had convinced that
there was no hell. As those ones who were there likewise were continually in torments and pain,
and they were angry and continually accusing the preachers who had told them there was no hell.
Over all, the preachers were even more miserable and tormented than the fools who had believed


Today I saw in a vision, men and women in prison cells. The Lord told me they were in those cells
in this life, and also in the life to come. He said that whenever a man or woman rejects the truth,
then they are turned over to cruel oppressive lies, and that the lies become their cell, their prison
house, because they have rejected the truth. He let me know that many are sealed in that place
because of their adamant refusal to accept the truth into their lives. He said that the ones who have
once known the truth and rejected it actually have a more oppressive life than the ones who have
simply never known the truth yet reject it. The Lord let me know that the torments of those who
reject the truth are present in this life and also in hell fire, in other words, they can never be
unharassed by the oppressive lying forces that take authority over them for their rejection of the


As I prayed today the Lord took me into a horrid place in hell. There were very ugly human beings
there, they were perverted, distorted, misshapen, hideous specimens of humanity. Each one was
laughing hysterically, but the laughter was not of joy but of pain and sorrow and deep regret.
These ones were identified as the mockers. The Lord told me that "the mockers shall be mocked."
They seemed to hear other voices in the midst of their hysterical laughter for they would shake
their heads, open their eyes wide, move their heads as though in agreement with unseen voices.
Their faces reflected their misery, for apparently they knew nothing of sleep and rest, for they
were forever tormented by the other voices and the hysterical peals of sorrow-filled laughter which
went forth continually. I understood that they are listening to mockery continually, and then as
they get excited about the same, it is revealed to them that they are the ones mocked because they
chose to mock the Lord. Let us not be guilty of ever mocking the Lord, but rather seek to obey
Him continually for He is good to us

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Set 8

-Bleeding Face Of Jesus

-Unreal Reality


-Before Him

-Waters Of Death


This day as I was weeping in brokenness before the Lord, He showed me by vision His face. It
was so painful to look upon, and the blood poured and poured and poured from His face. The pain
that was evident, the agony, the suffering broke my heart all the more. Then He asked me, "Was
not this enough for the sins of my people?" Of course I told Him, "Yes." Then He asked me, "Why
then do my people sin against me, why do they turn from me, why do they make me continue to
bleed?" As He said that I again saw His face and the blood was flowing and flowing, it did not
stop. I asked the Lord why He was showing me this vision? He told me, "Because their sins
continue, and I continue in agony with them." I asked the Lord to never let me cause Him to suffer
in such a way for me, because He already suffered, and I want to take the provision He has given. I
was reminded again how brutal and cruel we can be towards God when we stop walking in the
Spirit and pursue the lusts of the flesh.


Today as I was praying, I saw people in a huge movie theater, and they were watching a movie on
a very large screen. All of the people seemed mesmerized by what they were viewing. I asked the
Lord what it meant and He told me that each one of the people was trapped in an "unreal reality".
In other words, they had yielded themselves over to the demon powers that were in the movie and
were being filled up with the demons contained therein. The Lord told me that each one would
absorb characteristics of the demons that were exhibiting themselves through the actors and
actresses. He said that the viewers would begin to live in an unreal reality from the infilling of the
demons they received through the medium of the movie. The Lord told me that millions of people
today live in unreal realities, and that they absorb demonic powers and build up fantasy
imaginations, and they live in those rather than the reality of their lives. This, He said, is what
causes men, women, and children to behave in such bizarre and vile ways and to do such acts of
wickedness with no apparent motive. Because in reality they have no reason for their actions, but
in the fantasy imaginations they have built up through the demon powers, they have every
justification for their sins and wicked deeds. He said that the infilling of demons is so tremendous
in this generation that many humans are literally demon possessed and live completely in unreal


This day the Lord took me again into hell and showed me people in horrible torment and anguish.
They were very morose and complaining bitterly. Each one kept promising and screaming and
trying to plead their way out of the hideous torments they were in. They all kept yelling about
"tomorrow". When I asked the Lord what it meant, He told me that these were primarily
backsliders and people who had heard the gospel, but had put off their conversion under the
excuse of doing it tomorrow. He said the backsliders had told themselves for years that
"tomorrow" they would return to Him, but they had waited too long and now they were in hell.
Both the ones who had procrastinated about their initial salvation, and those who had backslidden
and delayed returning to the Lord had one thing in common, both were in the everlasting torments
of hell, and both had used the excuse of tomorrow. The Lord told me to warn all of those who use
such an excuse, because He said that tomorrow is too late, and that they will not be able to put off
that which should be done today. He told me that today is the day of salvation and that no man has
an assurance of tomorrow. He said all of the ones in those hellish torments had thought they could
put Him off just one more day. That is why they were all yelling about "tomorrow", because they
had put off their salvation or return to the Lord and had consequently lost their souls. So they were
in torment over "tomorrow", because that had been their excuse they had offered to God instead of
obeying the calling of the Holy Spirit.


Today the Lord showed me as I sought His face, a number of people who were all attempting to
hide some things. All of them were imagining that no one could see what they did, yet I could see
plainly by vision what they were doing. When I inquired of the Lord He told me that they were
trying to hide their sins, but that they could not because everything is seen by the Lord, for His
eyes see everywhere. He told me that everything that is done before humans is before Him. He
said it is foolish to try and hide our sins, because He already knows. And even though we may
think those things are hidden, they are not, but they are ever before the Lord. The Lord said that if
men do not repent of their sins that they cannot be forgiven, then those sins (even the hidden ones)
stand against them in judgment. He told me that some of the people that I saw went to great
lengths to cover their sins, but that it was all in vain, because everything they committed was
before Him.

In vision today I saw myself on a very narrow levee road, on either side of the road were waters.
As I first entered the road, there was an area that looked like a beach and there were multitudes
there appearing to have fun in the water. They were running, splashing, and swimming. Many of
them yelled to me to come over and join the fun. Some of them even attempted to run up the levee
to pull me over and entice me to the area of fun. But I just kept my gaze steady on the road. As I
continued to walk rapidly down the road, the waters changed, and they were swirling, rushing, and
frothing. I looked closely and I saw dead bodies in the waters. I was rather shocked, but the waters
had turned a murky, blackish color. The farther I got down the levee the more sinister the waters
appeared. I asked the Lord where I was, He told me that these were the waters of death, and that
many were drowning in them because of iniquity. He said in the beginning the waters appear
beautiful and the perfect way to have fun, but that is actually a deception, for death is in those
waters. As I progressed on the levee, I saw that some of the bodies being tossed about were the
bodies of those I had seen at the beginning. They had thought they were having fun, but their fun
ended up to be their death. I told the Lord I did not like that place, and asked Him if I would get
out of there, because it was like the waters had a sucking power, like great evil, and I could feel
darkness all about. The Lord told me to keep my vision single and stay on the center of the levee
road, He said, don't turn to the left nor right, but keep your vision straight ahead. This I did and I
finally reached the end of the road, then the waters disappeared. I asked the Lord how to keep
away from the waters forever since they left such a horrid impression in my mind. He told me to
stay in the waters of life as they were my protection against the waters of death. He said that many
ended in the waters of death because they refused and despised the waters of life. He also told me
that the levee was the straight and narrow way and that keeping in that boundary is what kept me
from being sucked into and dying in those waters of death.

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Set 9

-Tree Top

-Wilted Rose


-Breaking Through In Warfare Prayers

-Veil Of Betrothal Thrown Off

-Party Animals In Hell

-Two Women--Two Horses


Today when I was praying the Lord showed me by vision a very large tree. Its trunk was massive
and the top very high, it was in fact a tree that was extremely big. He took me to the top of the tree,
deposited me on a branch, then told me to look down. As I did, a horrible fighting broke out below
and in that fighting men were being killed, wounded, etc. There was an extreme amount of yelling
and cursing going on. I realized that I was privileged to be in the top of the tree, far above the
horrible squabble that was transpiring below me. The Lord told me, "I have lifted you above the
realms of carnality, and what is going on down there is not meant to affect you." The Lord further
explained to me that His people are meant to dwell in those places of dominion and they are meant
to rejoice in the power of Almighty God.


Tonight as I was praying, the Lord showed me several times in vision, a wilted rose. I asked the
Lord what it meant and He told me this. That some of His people He desires to pick in the bud
stage, that is He wants them for Himself, and He desires their presence in the eternal dimension,
others He will pick in the full blossoming stage, and still others He picks in the fallen petal state.
But the wilted rose is one that He wanted but there was no release, and so consequently the rose is
wilted because the life stops going into it. I asked Him to make that clear to me, and He said that
oftentimes there are loved ones who interfere with His will, and consequently the rose is cut off
from the life flow and simply wilts while appearing to be abiding in the vine. He said that if all of
His children would serve Him with the same determination of heart that there would be no wilted
roses, but that He would pick what He wanted when He wanted it, and that consequently the roses
would be put to use for His Kingdom.


Today as I was praying in the Spirit I was led into warfare prayers. As I prayed harder and harder
against the powers of darkness, I was given vision of these terrible spirit beings who were
laughing and mocking the things of God. They were very arrogant and at first one had the
impression that they could not be stopped, let alone brought down. However as I was thinking
these thoughts the Spirit of God rose up in me stronger and stronger, and in the same vision I saw
the horrid things begin to melt, to crumble, to fall down before my eyes. As this was shown to me,
the Spirit in me prayed harder, and I saw the terrible spirit beings who had appeared so strong in
the beginning, just melt away and become as nothing. The Lord told me that the power of His
Spirit is stronger than any demon force, and that if we will continue steadfast to allow His Spirit to
have the preeminence that it will drive back any force, no matter how strong that force tries to
present itself. The Lord said that oftentimes His people do not hold on long enough and yield to
the Spirit to see victory, but rather they give up at the sight of the enemies. Yet we are not to give
up, but to continue steadfast and see the breakthrough come through steadfast warfare prayers.


Today when I was praying I saw a beautiful church all set up for a wedding. Everyone ooh-ed and
ah-ed as a beautiful bride made her way slowly to the center aisle where she met her groom. With
perfect timing they made their way down the aisle. The bride was all in white with a beautiful veil
covering her lovely face. Her groom walked beside her, the picture of young, expectant manhood,
ready to take his wife-to-be in to his arms as the vows were completed. As the couple came to the
center front where they were to position themselves before the minister, a strangeness could be felt
in the room. Suddenly for no apparent reason, the bride screamed and threw off her veil of
betrothal. She ran wild-eyed out of the church and down the street. Astonished the crowd did not
even understand her behavior and the most shocked was her groom who shook his head in
bewilderment, wondering what to do now that his bride had thrown off her veil and ran from the
church. The bride had torn off her gorgeous wedding gown, leaving it in a heap on the streets. She
ran rapidly down several streets, shedding all of the garments related to her wedding. At last she
was only clad in short shorts and a skimpy bra like top. She raced to a street corner where she
assumed the aura of a prostitute and she began to call to every man that passed by inviting them to
take her, to love her, to have her. What a hideous nightmare. I inquired of the Lord and He told
me, "This is what my people have done and continue to do to me, I am meant to be their husband,
yet they have thrown off the veil, and now they prostitute themselves on the corner, offering what
is mine to every dog who comes by." He told me that just as the groom was covered in shame and
sorrow, so is He the Living God covered in sorrow and shame because of the adulterous hearts and
deeds of His people.

As I was praying today, I was taken by vision down a long, long tunnel which was very dark, it
went downward. When I reached the end of the tunnel a door was opened in front of me. A huge
room filled with horrid noises, screams, moans, laughs, snarls, every unclean noise was before me.
The room had the smell of liquor as well as cigarette, cigar, and marijuana smoke. Inside the
people appeared to be out of their minds. It looked as though they were trying to have a good time
and "party", yet each one had a look of torment and anguish on their faces, and they did not smile
as we would recognize a smile, but a smirking grimace marked all of their faces. They were quite
ugly. The noise of the place was the most unbearable factor, and it did not sound very fun at all.
There were unbelievable wails and moans of pain, women screaming in the midst of rape, men
laughing fiendishly, cursings and fightings. The music went on incessantly and some tried to dance
to the music but they would stumble and fall and others would trip all over them as they lay
sprawled on the dirty floor. It actually sounded worse than a dog fight and smelled worse than a
pig pen. Yet the creatures in the room are what could be qualified as human beings. I inquired of
the Lord what it meant, He told me that they were "party animals" and that they were locked into
their party, He said they can never leave the room, they must stay there day and night and continue
to party. He said they never know any rest, only partying, as that is the thing they loved and chose
above all else in the world. He said many of them had been given the opportunity to serve Him but
they had thrown it aside for this defiling room. He said their torment was great, for they could find
no joy in their "partying" which was a conglomeration of confusion and debasement. He said that
some of them would beat hysterically on the door from time to time, begging to be delivered from
the room, but they could never leave. They had chosen their habitation for eternity and the choice
was sealed.


Today as I was praying, I saw two women in vision, they had the bodies of horses and the faces of
women. First I saw them when they were young. The one was golden and she had a beautiful face
but her eyes were wild, and she had a graceful body, like a race horse. The other one was a dark
color and she too had a nice face but her eyes were gentle. She was not nearly as graceful as the
other horse, but her body was strong and had the look of enduring strength. Then I was shown the
same two horses many years later. The first horse was now ugly, she ran wantonly around no good
to anyone. Her once graceful body was skinny and the ribs showed on her sides. She needed to be
brushed, but she was still too wild for anyone to touch her. She had sores on her body and her coat
was very patchy. Her face was no longer beautiful but very old looking, and her eyes had changed
from wild to mean. One look at her sent a shudder down my spine. The second horse was fully
groomed and beautiful. Her beauty was a quiet beauty of an animal well trained. She wore her
harness with dignity and responsibility. In fact her responsibility had made her more strong. She
pulled the wagon for a large family and she was treated like one of them, she was well taken care
of. The Lord told me that the first horse represented those who are determined to never be
mastered, to never be harnessed, to have their own way no matter what the cost. In the end, they
are lonely, ragged, torn and desolate. The other one represented the ones who allowed themselves
to be mastered, and through that they had come into serene beauty and usefulness. The Lord told
me that the first type of horse is useless for the master's use. The second horse, He told me, is of
great value because she is a representation of servanthood and submission to the will of the master.

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Set 10

-Accusers In Hell

-Headlong Into Hell

-God's Hand

-Filthy Rags

-Not Following

-Unclean, disorderly children

-Eaters Of Filth


Today while I was praying I was taken by vision into hell. There I was led to a massive room,
where I saw some of the most insane people I have ever seen. They were ranting and raging,
stomping, screaming, yelling, in fact it was such a loud noise I had a hard time discerning any of
their words. As I looked at them, I could see that they were under great torments and vexations.
Their eyes were wild with pain and torment, their bodies were writhing like snakes, even the fat
ones would heave up and down and writhe like snakes. Some of them appeared so viperous that it
seemed very possible that they could bite me at any moment. But thanks to God, I was kept away
from these creatures even though I was very close to them. Actually, it was the presence of God
that kept me separated from them. As I inquired of the Lord who and what they were, He told me
that these ones were the accusers of God. He said that a large percentage of them were backsliders,
and hypocrites, for while they put on the song and dance for awhile when they were alive upon the
earth, their song and dance was useless. He said in addition to the backsliders, that there were
dangerous ones who sought only for those flesh-gratifying activities that the devil offered them.

He said many of them were the children of “Christian parents” who had never taken responsibility
nor accountability for their own souls, but had somehow figured they could abuse and accuse God
and not be responsible. The bitterness of the accusers is that they cannot find the joy. That is the
actual basis of their continuing torment; that all joy eludes them because they have accused God.
The Lord said that no matter how much they accuse, they cannot escape the horrid reality that they
are in hell, and that they had every chance to serve God but rejected those opportunities. He told
me that they suffer extreme mental torture and continue with their accusations incessantly.


Today as I was praying I saw by vision a long line of people. They appeared as though they were
running, but some of them were fat, some old, some crippled, some wounded. When I asked the
Lord who and what they were, He told me that they were the ones who are rushing headlong into
hell. As I looked more closely I saw that the line was at least a hundred people across, and it
appeared to stretch on for miles like a giant snake. There was a covering over them that caused
them to be caught in a current that was pulling them along at a fast pace. All of them looked as
though they were determined to get where they were going—hellfire! To tell the truth, I shuddered
at the thought of what was facing them, and how they seemed so determined to get there. After
seeing that multitude, I cried out all the more for souls to be redeemed. Oh, if only we would fear
God and realize that many, far too many, are rushing headlong into hell and there they will remain
for eternity.


Whilst I was in prayer today I was shown by vision, a number of very proud men sitting around a
huge conference table well pleased with themselves. They had apparently finished signing a treaty
agreement between nations and they felt that they had everything in total control and that nothing
was beyond them. As they exhibited themselves in their pride and pomposity the Lord told me that
everything that they did was foolishness in His sight. Because He said they were so conceited that
they thought what they did would remain for generations. But He said they were fools, because
one move of His hand could do away with everything they had thought they accomplished. I
thought how that it is God who raises nations up and pulls nations down. And I praised His name!


Today as I was praying I saw in vision a line of men arrayed in filthy rags. They looked horrible
yet they acted as though they were sophisticated and attired as kings. They were attempting to
enter into the presence of God, and they were actually having a difficult time staying in line
because they were jealous, violently jealous of each other. One would try to crowd the other out,
then another would do the same, and on and on they went, quite disruptive. I asked the Lord what
they were and He told me that their filthy rags were their own righteousness, and that they were
deceived in believing that they would come into His presence. He said that they had cast aside His
righteousness and consequently they were trying to enter in by a way that was unacceptable. He
also said because they rejected His righteousness they could never be arrayed in His glorious
covering. While they thought they looked so great, in the eyes of God they were actually


Today as I was praying I saw a young man who I had known who had a glorious experience with
the Lord but had subsequently backslid. I saw him in the glory he had with Jesus, then I saw him
fallen, then falling farther and farther down. I asked the Lord what was before the young man and
the Lord told me that the young man was contemplating suicide. I prayed very hard for him in
intercessory prayer. Then I asked the Lord how can we help such ones, He told me, warn all souls
of the consequences of not following me, like self-destruction, murder, death, damnation. The
Lord told me that the spirits of death and destruction are so hard in this generation that they are out
to kill anyone they can get their hands on. The Lord told me that the more that men turn away
from Him, the greater shall their punishments be in the time to come.


Today as I was praying in the Spirit I was shown a vision of a large crowd of children. The
children were ugly, as they were unkempt, unclean, and very disorderly. Although they were of all
age groups, they were basically the same in one regard, and that is their filthy appearance and their
complete lack of obedience and manners. They actually resembled a pack of dogs in their
demeanor and surly behavior. When I inquired of the Lord. He told me that they were the ones
who are calling themselves “His church”. He said that in His eyes they are as the crowd of vile
children. He said also that He finds no pleasure in them because they do not seek for obedience but
are very contented to be disobedient, vile, and surly. He said that they are not covered in His glory
because of their sins that they still actively participate in. He told me that they are not a glory unto
His name but a shame.


This day as I prayed, I was shown men and women in all manner of apparel reflecting different
standings in life. Yet all of these men and women had plates of food. But the food was very dirty
and looked like filth that was scraped up off of a city street. Yet, the people were eating the food as
though it was good and tasty. Some were even finishing it off and asking for more. I could not
understand what they found to be so appetizing. I asked the Lord the significance of this vision and
He told me that they were eating filth. He told me also that this is what many are doing in this
generation; eating of filth and enjoying it. In other words they are eating of unclean, wicked,
perverse things and they are enjoying it and asking for more. He told me that many will die of the
uncleanness they take in through the eating of filth. He also said that at least half of those who
were eating the filth were claiming to be His people and there was no reason nor justification for
them to be partaking of such uncleanness. He said that because men choose to eat of the filth that
they will die from the same.

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Set 11

-Naked Before God

-At The Gate

-Scorners Scorned

-Blinded By Pride

-Blood Of Jesus Invincible

-Self-idolatry Is Serpentine

-Beggars Beautiful Before God


Today in vision I saw a vast multitude who were congregated together, they were talking and
laughing, carrying on in the most normal fashion. But the strange thing is that they were all naked.
They were not aware of their nakedness but instead they carried on as though they were fully
clothed. Some of them were grossly ugly in their nakedness yet they acted as though they were
beautiful, handsome, etc. Not wanting to see this at all, I asked the Lord what it meant. He told me
that they were all liars and deceivers, who thought their deceptions and lies were not known. In
other words, they had so clothed themselves in deception to the extent that they believed in the
protection of their lies. But the Lord said that before Him they were all naked and all of their
ugliness is revealed. He said that is why it is so foolish for men to carry on in lies and deceptions,
for all of their sins are evident to God. He said that their nakedness is the state in which He sees
them, and they will not be covered in any of their falsehoods, but that all of their deeds will be


Today in prayer I saw a large crowd of people milling around a gate, some appeared to be very
important as they were dressed expensively. Others appeared to have servants and gave the
impression that they thought quite highly of themselves. Many appeared to be irritated and angry.
There was a large iron gate and there were guards at the gate. Few were being allowed entry, yet
most were being refused. Some of those ones who were refused became quite belligerent and
angry and were full of cursings. It appeared as though a few lone, weary, worn travelers were
being allowed entry. The strange thing was that some of them who were accepted were poorly
dressed, yet they gained the place forbidden to the rich ones outside of the gate. Some were just
arriving at the gate in fancy cars obviously with all that money could buy. Others arrived weary
and well-worn, enfeebled and shaking, walking the last miles on feet that had traveled many a
mile. These ones were like the ones who gained entry through the gate, they seemed to emit light
which was the glory of God. They too seemed to have favor with the guard of the gate and several
of them gained immediate entry. As I asked the Lord, He told me that the ones who gained entry
were the ones who were willing to walk the strait and narrow, and they therefore were given entry.
He said the ones who were denied entry were the ones who had chosen to walk in the broadway
and that they were not worthy to enter in. He told me to notice that the ones who were so sure of
themselves and their own importance were rejected and very angry over the same!


Whilst praying I saw in vision a group of people who carried about them the aura of pride. They
were full of arrogance and conceit and they seemed to emit contempt for almost everything. They
were especially spiteful towards the Christians and used every opportunity to literally spit upon the
Christians, who they regarded with the utmost contempt. They were continually seen with a self-
righteous smirk on their faces and they were very distanced from anything and everyone they
considered beneath them. Then I saw the same group in hellfire, and of course they were in
grievous torments: screaming, ranting, cursing, pleading, moaning. Some were yelling out for the
Christians they had scorned and mocked, pleading with them to pray for them in order that they
could be released from torment. Others were insanely laughing and crying at the same time. The
scene of insanity just continued. The Lord told me that they were receiving the recompense for
their scorning and scoffing attitude towards Him and His true people. They could not escape the
place of torment that they were locked into.

In vision this day I saw men and women falling all over the place. They would trip, fall, stumble
and just keep going down. But they would not stop and ask any for help, nor would they inquire of
the way, but they just continued in their foolery and vain exhibition. They were apparently the
victims of pride. For it was pride that insisted that they knew the way when they did not, it was
pride that caused them to refuse councel and guidance in the way of life. So they went on and on
and on but they made no progress in the spiritual journey. Then I was shown another group of men
and women marching forward, who were making great progress, they were constantly looking
upward, and asking the Lord for His direction. The Lord told me that such ones who sought His
direction were the ones who were well-pleasing. He said that obviously the others were
displeasing because they were bound by and blinded by pride, and they loved it so, because they
would not humble themselves and cry out for help.


Today as I was praying I was shown a huge camp of enemies plotting the destruction of God’s true
people. However the Lord spoke to me and told me that the blood is invincible, that it stands as a
wall of protection around those who are trusting in the Lord. He also told me that we can ask for
new cleansings, sanctifyings, and protection through the power of the blood daily. He said to make
full use of the blood that has been given, because He said without that power there is no way that
the enemies can be prevented from executing their destructive plots.


In vision this day I saw a number of people writhing like snakes, they were hideously ugly and
covered over in grotesqueness. As I looked at them, I was shocked at how much they resembled
snakes in the way that they contorted and twisted their bodies in the movements they made. As I
inquired of the Lord, He told me that they were hell bound, but that they would continue in deceit
in this life, and in the torments of hellfire they would be continually in the presence of the serpents
of hell who would defile them, bite them, coil themselves around them, and cause them much
vexation and torment. The Lord said that this was their inevitable end because many of them had
blatantly rejected Him, the others had done so more discreetly but they had neglected Him
nonetheless. He said that the reason that they were in such wretched condition is because they had
abandoned themselves to the sin of self-idolatry and were greatly deceived.


I saw many people kneeling, some were crawling, some were pleading with God. But all had one
thing in common, they were in the position of beggars before God. As I saw this vision the Lord
told me that these ones were His honoured ones, because they were beggars before Him. He said
that the ones that He loves are the ones who will recognize their needs and cry out to Him, not
demanding, but just presenting the urgency of their need unto Him. He said that their humility,
while a vomitous thing to proud men, was really what gave them favor with God. He said the
beggars in Spirit are beautiful in His sight.
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Visions Given to
General Deborah by The Lord
Ever Learning
Today as I was praying I saw a vast multitude who appeared to be at a college or university. Their faces
were pained and strained. They appeared to be pursuing learning with purpose, but yet, each one
appeared frustrated. The Lord said they were students of "theology" who were ever learning, yet never
coming to the knowledge of the truth which can only be found in Him and through Him. He said that the
learning of men is vanity because the only way to know the truth is to know Him and that they refused
to do because of their pride, both religious and intellectual.
Victors Revealed
In vision this day I saw the victors revealed, their clothing was white, glistening with the glory of God,
they were single for Him with no other purpose or goal. The Lord told me that because they were
completely abandoned over to Him is why they were victorious. He said that singleness of vision,
commitment, and purpose will cause His people to be victors and to come forth clothed in the beauty
of His holiness. He said that many know defeat because they have more than one purpose, vision, and
commitment and that the things they are committed to other than the Lord cause their defeat.
Drunk on Delusion
Today as I was praying I saw a room full of drunkards, they were in debased and defiled conditions. As
I inquired of the Lord, He told me that they were drunk on delusion. He said in this rebellious generation
that far too many are deluded, drunk on the same because they feed themselves deceit. The Lord said
that lies are the basis of delusion and when men love lies and despise the truth, it is inevitable that they
will be deluded.
Rubble Heaps
As I was praying I saw in vision heap after heap of rubble, destroyed, devastated, nations, cultures,
societies, tribes, etc. Then I saw Jesus as He was on cross. Then the Lord told me that men will come
and go upon the earth and what they have built will be destroyed, but that the truth remains. He said
the price paid on the cross is complete and remains, none can destroy it or pull it down. He said that
those who receive the truth are indeed privileged to receive of that truth for it outlasts all of the
accomplishments and the rubble piles of men.
Cheap, Flimsy, Gaudy, and Trashy
Today in vision I saw the treasure of the Lord shining with His glory. Then I saw that all of the treasure
of men looked cheap, flimsy, gaudy, and trashy by comparison. The Lord said that the treasure of men
is merely vanity and will be melted coming to absolutely nothing. He said that His treasure is real and
will continue. He showed me how privileged we are as His people to receive the real treasure of His
Worthless Riches
Today as I was praying I saw in vision men in great poverty. The Lord said that they were that way
because they did not go for the true riches found in Christ Jesus. Because they had pursued emptiness
and vanity they reaped poverty in the spiritual dimension. The Lord said that in His eyes the very rich
are in poverty because they have nothing in the eternal Kingdom, He said the riches of this world are
utterly worthless and He it is who gives the true riches.
God's Captains
Today I saw an auditorium filled with mostly men and some women wearing captain hats. They were
praising the Lord. The Lord said that they were His captains, ready for battle. He said that they had
been trained by the Holy Ghost for warfare. He said that they were the called and chosen for His battle
is at hand.
Pity Seekers
Today as I was in prayer, I saw many people with doleful looks, their bottom lips were stuck out. Their
shoulders were slumped, and everything about them seemed to elicit pity. They were looking for
someone, anyone to tell their sad tales to. The Lord said that they were living completely for themselves
and were therefore defeated. The Lord said that they choose that place because they want to be
worshiped for their misery etc. He said that they basically big babies and that they never lifted their
vision beyond their misery and their desire for attention through self pity.
Thirsty Fighting
Today in vision I saw two men fighting over a canteen that contained water. They were fighting and
pushing each other, causing quite a disturbance. Apparently they were desperate from thirst. But very
close by was a beautiful stream of flowing fresh water, but they never touched it. Instead the men were
fighting each other senselessly over one small canteen of water. The Lord said that is how His people
are, fighting continually with each other over a very small amount of water (revelation) when they could
drink of the abundant waters that He has in store. They completely miss the flowing presence of the
Living God, while they are busy about their petty disputations and quarrelings. The Lord said that they
are a grief to Him and it is indeed the trick of the enemy to get His people hurting each other over
something when He has abundance of the very thing they are fighting over.
Great Oppression
As I was praying this day I saw men and women under great oppression from the enemy. They were
under strain and distress daily, generalized oppression on every hand. The Lord told me, they are failing
to look to me, instead they are looking to the wicked one to see what he can do against them next. He
said that their expectancy was in the wicked one in a twisted way, because they were looking to him to
see what new thing he would try or use against them. The Lord said because of that they were
oppressed because they weren't concentrating their energies on the life, but rather on the death. The
Lord said that He does not want our vision on the wicked one, but on Him for He alone is our strength,
our hope, our vision. He said when we get our vision off of Him, then we begin to lose hope and strength
and concentrate more on the negative.
Puffy Puffers
Today in vision I saw men soft and puffy, obviously unfit for battle. Yet, they were making great
speeches, huffing and puffing about their own capabilities regarding spiritual warfare. They were busy
bragging on themselves, yet they were obviously self-lovers. The Lord that their physical condition was
indictative of their spiritual condition. The Lord said despite their huffing and puffing, that they were
already defeated by their own carnality and were living in delusion. Because they were unfit for battle
the only warfare they waged was imaginary. He said when men are unfit for the battle, they are likewise
unfit for His Kingdom.
Submitted Show Glory of God
Today as I was praying, I saw by vision I saw a small band of people. They radiated the joy and the
glory of God. When I inquired of the Lord, He said, these ones are submitted to my sovereignty over
them. They accept my kingship over their lives, therefore they live in my joy.
God's Authority Rejected
I saw in vision this day, a large group of people who appeared vexed and frustrated. The Lord said that
they claimed to be His yet they rejected His authority over their lives. He said they brought on their
troubles because of their failure to accept His rule over them, He said they were literally frustrating their
Grabbing at Emptiness
Today as I was praying I saw by vision a place in hell of great ugliness. The people there were grabbing
at emptiness, they were very abusive towards each other. The Lord said they were the greedy, always
wanting more than they needed, having caused much sorrow to themselves and others likewise. Their
lust and greed had separated them from God, the only way that restoration could be made was through
repentance so that it will not repeat itself.
Two Headed People
As I was praying this day I saw in vision people with two heads, they were very strange to look upon. It
seemed as though the two heads opposed each other, causing much disturbance to the people who
had such heads. When I inquired of the Lord, He told me that this condition is common among His
people in this hour for they cause their own troubles by having two heads. He said if they would abandon
their own way then they would be freed and could grow and flourish in His way. He said that when His
people say they are His yet desire to have their own way, they are the two headed ones because there
are two heads over them, the Lord, and the flesh of the individuals. He said that those who are
unsubmitted are very miserable.
Glorious Light
Today as I was praying I saw in the Spirit a beautiful vision of glorious light coming forth, the light was
of beautiful colors with many hues shining forth. When I asked the Lord, He told me that it was His glory
that He desired to give to His people. Yes He said that most of His people live in darkness and
gloominess, never receiving the great glorious light that the Lord desires His people to have. He said
that we must open up our souls to receive all of the light as we are meant to be the children of the light.
He said that we need to be open to that light that it can come into us and show forth through us and
draw others to Him. We are meant to be divine channels of His glorious light in a sin-sickened, darkened
Steadfast Receive the Crown
Today in vision I saw two men on a trail, the first was running with no respect of danger. The other was
walking with careful consideration of his movements. The one running turned back to mock the slower
one, laughing at the stupidity of the slow one! Soon the mocking runner fell face down, apparently
tripping over something in the trail. He hurt himself quite badly and crawled to the side of the trail,
unable to continue. The walker, the slow one, kept on walking and walking towards the goal ahead.
When I inquired of the Lord He said, it is the steadfast who complete the course and receive the crown.
He said that those who run without wisdom are the ones who end up not completing the course because
they are sure of themselves. But the ones who complete the course through careful consideration and
recognition of their need for Him are the ones who will receive the incorruptible crown.
Caught In a Trap
Today as I was praying I saw a man caught in a trap. He was trying frantically to escape, but there was
no escape. When I inquired of the Lord He said that He did not lead the man to the trap but the man
had gotten his eyes off of Jesus and walked his own way. His own way led him right to the entrapment
and impending destruction. The Lord said had he kept his eyes upon Him he never would have been
led to the trap but would have been warned and kept from the trap. If we keep following the Lord, He
will keep us and protect us from the snares of the wicked one.
Not Acceptable
Today I saw in vision men with slips of paper in their hands, on the paper was stamped in big red letters:
NOT ACCEPTABLE. When I inquired of the Lord as to what it meant, He told me that they were not
acceptable to Him. He said that the reason they were rejected is that they had rejected His way, in
other words, they thought they could be acceptable by doing things their own way. The Lord said that
because they chose to walk in such a disorderly way that they were rejected. He said had they merely
accepted His provision, they could have been redeemed and brought forth. He said that many who are
highly religious will receive this stamp because they reject His righteousness and set out to establish
their own righteousness.
Troubling Spirits bring Defeat
Today as I was praying I saw many men and women fallen down in great despair, they were defeated.
The Lord told me that they had paid heed to troubling spirits instead of paying heed to Him. He said
that we are mean to remain true unto Him, standing on His word. We are not meant to pay heed to
troubling spirits which only bring despair and defeat. He said that we must learn to stand valiant for the
truth and wrestle against the principalities and powers that seek to overwhelm us through the troubling
technique and destroy our testimony.
Knowledgeable In Hell
Today through prayer I was shown a vision of people in hell under great torments. They were quoting
scriptures and carrying on in the midst of their torments, exercising their knowledge. Yet they were not
set free, nor did their exhibition of their knowledge establish them with the Lord. The Lord said that
even though they had a knowledge of the word, they did not believe the word, for it was only in their
minds and not in their hearts. The Lord said because they did not believe the scripture that they quoted
they had spent their time on earth trying to undermine the Lord's way. He said that while they had a
form of godliness, they denied the power of the word, therefore all of their knowledge did them no good,
in fact it increased their torments.
Trembling and Weeping
As I prayed today I saw a huge group of people who trembling and weeping as they were terribly
tormented. When I inquired of the Lord He told me that they were the "fearful", but that they did not fear
Him. He said that the numbers of these ones is increasing daily as the terror increases. He said that
too many choose fear as their head and they refuse to choose Him. He said that whenever we believe
fear we actually show that we believe the devil who is a perpetual liar.
Upright Walk, a Thing of the Past
Today in vision I saw a young man who was standing tall, walking uprightly with a dignified aura of
righteousness about him. His clothing was very old fashioned. The Lord told me that he was a
representative of a by-gone era when those professing His name kept the standard of righteousness.
The Lord told me to consider the youth of today who profess Him, how that they reflect the aura of
gangsters, rockers, rappers, etc. He said that they are literally decadent while they profess that they
are His people. The Lord said that the present generation has abandoned the Spirit of holiness and
righteousness. He said that He never intended His people to imitate and emulate the heathen, but
rather to walk uprightly in Him. He said that as His people, we are meant to rise above the world and
soar in what He has prepared for us. We are meant to be an overcoming people.
Spiritual Emergency
Today as I was praying I saw by vision people involved in a great upheaval. Apparently it was an
emergency situation as there were emergency vehicles everywhere and men and women were running
madly about trying to meet with the emergency at hand. There were different colored lights flashing,
and people dressed in various uniforms of their particular profession going every which way trying to
bring together assistance in the situation. The Lord told me that they were very serious about the
emergency situation at hand which had to do with natural circumstances and life in the flesh. But He
said that none of them even cared about the Spiritual Emergency situation that each one was in. He
said that all of those there did not even realize that beyond a literal emergency that there was the
Spiritual Emergency that each one of them was perishing and that the condition of their souls was horrid
in the eyes of God. He said that it is tragic how many of them will wear themselves out over natural
emergencies while they care absolutely nothing about the Spiritual Emergency of the destiny of their
souls and the souls of others. The Lord said that the greatest crisis that can ever face any man, woman,
or child, is the destiny of their souls if they are not settled with Him. He also said that our greatest
concern should be the condition of the souls of men.
Earth Vomiting Up
In vision as I was praying this day I saw the earth appear as though it was heaving up and down. It was
as though the earth was violently vomiting up. Buildings were crumbling, falling to the ground, freeways
and railroads were being twisted as the earth itself moved under the stress of the vomiting taking place.
People were running everywhere, screaming in fear, cursing God, just overwhelmed. There were many
who were dead, many who were dying, many seriously injured. As I inquired of the Lord, He said that
He will bring great distress of nations--and that the earth will vomit out the abominations done upon
her. He said that many will die as a consequence for the earth itself will be unsettled and spew forth
the weight of the sins that have been committed upon her. The Lord said that we should cry out for
remnant to be spared from the wickedness all about that they be kept by the Lord in the time of His
wrath revealed.
Rubble and Ruination
Today as I was praying I was shown by vision, rubble and ruination everywhere I looked I saw rubble
and ruination. The Lord told me that there was great devastation coming to the sons of men because
they trusted in falsity and vanity. The Lord said He would bring down the proud and haughty, the lofty
in this generation. He said that He will bring to rubble and ruination all of the clever inventions of men
who had trusted in themselves and in the works of their hands. Yes He said, that He can bring down
even in a night, the things which men have labored years to build, that He can reduce to rubble and
ruination everything that men are so proud of. He said that He desires men would look to Him and
behold His mighty works that they be kept from the vanity of their own imaginations and be brought
forth in His glory rather than be caught in the great devastation that is coming.
Behold His Glory
Today when praying I saw a beautiful plain, it was filled with a colorful array of fresh blooming wild
flowers. Above the sky was a magnificent array of the work of the Master. The Lord told me, to behold
His glory. As I looked upon the scene, I was uplifted at the beauty of His handiwork. Then I was shown
a filthy, crowded city with the streets full of wickedness on every hand. The Lord told me to behold the
glory of man. I saw the difference--how limited men are, how unclean, wicked, perverse, and evil. And
I saw how beautiful and limitless God is. I told Him all over again how thankful I am to be His, to be in
His limitless glory and partake of the beauty of His holiness and to see His handiwork revealed.
Lost Treasure
As I was praying, I saw men and women tightly holding bags of money. But the bags had holes and the
money was dropping to the ground. They were losing their treasure and they didn't even realize what
was happening. The Lord said that His people store their treasure in bags with holes and therefore lose
their treasure again and again, and again. He said that it need not be so if they would store up their
treasure in the right place--that is the heavenly dimensions. He said so many of those professing to be
His lose their treasure because they seek of the treasures of this earth rather than the treasures of the
eternal realm.
Joyous Faces
By vision, I saw men and women with their faces joyous and they were not troubled by the cares of this
life. Their faces reflected their trust and belief in God and they shone with the light of God upon them.
The Lord said that these were the ones who believed in Him. He said that He wants all of His people
to shine in such a way because of their trust in Him. He said that He desires the faces of His people to
be joyous. However He said that far too many of those professing that they are His have their faces
darkened because they do not believe and trust in Him. He said that what His people believe in will
show on their faces.
Walls Block Spirit Life
As I was praying this day I saw in vision, a doorway that looked as though it led to a passageway but it
did not. For once the door was opened there was a thick wall about ten feet in front of the door blocking
all passage. As I inquired of the Lord as to the meaning, He told me that His people are full of blockages
like the wall. He said that those walls in His people must be pulled down or opened up for His Spirit life
to continue to grow in His people. But He said that far too many of those professing to be His tenaciously
cling to their walls, trusting in those things rather than Him. The Lord said that those walls are literally
blockages to faith and growth in the Lord.
Treasure Discarded
In prayer this day I saw by vision a man upon a very high bridge. He took a heavy looking bag and
threw it down into the waters below, never to be seen again. Then, the man came down off of the
bridge. He walked through the city streets. I was given to understand that the bag he had cast down
had been full of golden coins which were of great value. As he walked through the city, he was begging
for pennies, nickels, dimes, anything he could get. His clothing was worn and ragged, he looked
malnourished, as though he was the victim of acute poverty. As I inquired of the Lord, He told me that
the man was representative of this generation. He said that this generation has thrown away the
treasure and now they are begging, and scrounging, settling for anything. He said that they have
brought their poverty upon themselves because they have thrown away the things of real and lasting
value. While men of this generation may appear to have material riches, they are poor because they
have thrown away the treasure of the Living God and His Kingdom principles. Instead they are now
beggars, groveling for that which is paltry, vile, perverse and of no value. They have cast the treasure
away and settled for almost nothing.
Limitless Waters
Today in vision as I was in prayer, I saw two men. One was swimming in a beautiful, crystal clear river.
He was thoroughly enjoying the waters which were vast and endless. The other man sat nearby with a
teacup of water which was dirty and polluted. He was jealously guarding the water, declaring it was all
there was. The Lord said the first man had found the limitless waters of life. He was in the joy, the
abundance of the same. The second man was as those in churchianity, busy guarding his cup of dirty,
polluted water thinking that he had it all. While nearby, the endless river flowed. Yet he refused to enter
into the limitless waters of life. He regarded the polluted water as his treasure. The Lord said the first
man was free in Him and that he would partake of the waters of life continually because they were
available. He also said that the second man was as those who are trapped in the denominational mind
set, so convinced that the little cup of water was so great when it was dirty and polluted. The Lord also
said that the second man had been invited to partake of the limitless waters of life but that he had
refused because he imagined that he had so much. He said so are many in these days, they receive
the invitation, but they refuse the same because they are so convinced that their little bit of water is all
there is.
Busy About Nonsense
Today as I was praying I saw in a vision, men and women busy about nonsense. They were engaged
in continual activity over vanity and foolishness. Then I saw the Lord weeping. I asked why? He said
that those were His people, busy about nonsense, foolishness, having no time for Him. They were
spending their lives for vanity, neglecting the great salvation that had been given. The Lord said that
they were a shame and a sorrow, a grief to Him.
Abusive Pigs
Today when I prayed I saw a vision of pigs being loaded into a large truck to go to market. As they were
entering the chute to get into the back of the truck, they were very abusive towards each other. They
were kicking, pushing, climbing on one another's backs, eager to enter into the truck that was to take
them to their own destruction. The Lord said of the pigs, so it is with men. They are abusing one another,
eager to get to their own destruction. He said that men without Him are mere brute beasts, abusing one
another in the process of bringing themselves to destruction.
Reward of Never Ending Cruelty
Today as I prayed I was shown by vision, the habitations of cruelty in hell. Those who were there were
under unbelievable torments, cruel, merciless torments, screams of agony, yet no escape. They were
subjected to never ending cruelty, because they were very cruel. The Lord said that despite their cruelty,
that He had offered them life through His mercy. But He said that they rejected His mercy, and instead
chose to continue in cruelty. He said that therefore never ending cruelty was their reward.
Wild Beasts Devour Sleeping
In vision this day as I was praying I saw a narrow trail leading up a mountainside. Many men were
laying over on the sides of the trail, sleeping. All about there were wild beasts seeking to devour them.
Some bodies of the dead victims of the beasts remained half-eaten and mauled by the wild beasts. The
Lord said, these are the weary ones who did not cry out to me for the strength to continue. But instead
they gave up along the way and succumbed to the spirit of defeat and went to sleep along the way.
The Lord said that once the men curl up in the position of sleep all of their defenses are gone and they
are easy prey for the wild beasts who roam continually about. The Lord said that had He commanded
them to sleep, He would have stationed His angels about them and kept them, but He said they chose
to sleep when they should have been watching and praying. He said because such ones yielded
themselves to sloth and sleep, they became automatically subject to the wicked one's plot to destroy
them through the wild beasts. The Lord said that He desires His people to be subject unto Him and not
to give into spirits that set them up to be destroyed.
Shining with His Glory
Today as I prayed I saw in a vision a group of people who were shining with the glory of God. They
were beautiful and joyous. The Lord said that they were in the heavenly dimensions because they had
sought to be well pleasing unto Him. They had not sought for their own way, but had sought for His way
and had desired to serve Him with gladness all of their days. He said that these ones were in such a
place because they had sought to be well pleasing to Him and had kept their covenant. He said that all
of His people could be in such a place if they would put Him first in their lives.
The Lord's Way is Beautiful
As I prayed this day I saw in vision a beautiful waterfall, clear, pure, clean waters flowing continually
down in a sparkling cascade of beauty. Then I saw a filthy polluted pond, full of trash and debris. The
Lord told me the vision of the waterfall is what He the Living God has prepared for His people, the way
beautiful. Then He said that the second view of the polluted pond was what men make for themselves,
full of corruption and uncleanness. perversity and defilements, polluted by the wickedness of men.
Slapping Away the Lord
This day as I prayed I saw in vision men and women in hell, they were continually tormented, vexed,
and distraught. They could be seen continually biting at the air, very angry, hostile, and bitter. Then
they were slapping wildly at some unseen force. They actually looked quite stupid, as they carried on
with their biting, slapping, and then incessant ranting that they were never given a chance. When I
inquired of the Lord, He told me that yes, they had been given many chances but that they had slapped
away His hand of mercy and tried to bite His hand every time He had wanted to feed them. He said
that they were forever ungrateful and complaining, and that now they were locked into the behavior
they had chosen. Instead of knowing His mercies, and eating from His hand, they were now locked into
the very behaviors they had used against Him.
Lips Protruding with Cursings
Today I was shown another habitation in hell by vision as I prayed unto the Lord. I saw men and women
who appeared to be attractive from a distance. They were together in one area which was a habitation
in hell, an abode of darkness. As I looked more closely I saw that they all had ugly mouths, their lips
were large, protruding, and full of cursings. In fact their mouths looked like caverns. The Lord said they
destroyed themselves through the issue of their own lips. They had brought themselves to damnation
by the issue of their lips. They had steadfastly refused to give thanks and praise but continued daily in
their utterances of death. He said that they had received the reward of their own lips and the reward
they received would be their haunting and habitation in hell.
Come Unto Me
In vision this day as I prayed, I was shown Jesus, He was glorious, beautiful in His presence. He was
standing with His arms outstretched, and He was saying, "come unto me, and I will give thee. . . ." Then
I saw a well dressed man who was unclean of spirit, he was saying, "come unto me and I will take. . ."
Then I saw men and women running to the man, rejecting Jesus, rejecting His mercy, His compassion,
His love. They were actually desiring to be used and abused by the wicked man. They rejected the
Lord in all of His compassion and mercy and willingness to help them, to forgive them, to comfort them,
and they literally ran to the one who was going to take unfair advantage of them. Then I saw Jesus
again, there were tears in His eyes.
Too Many Eyes
As I prayed this day I saw in vision strange looking creatures. They had the bodies of men and women
but their heads had many sets of eyes. They appeared to be confused and disorderly because they
had too many eyes. The Lord that their deformity was the consequence of their not keeping their vision
single to Him. He said that each set of eyes looked upon different things, bringing confusion of purpose
upon them. He said that it is absolutely necessary to keep our vision single unto Him to avoid this
prevailing deformity which many are stricken with in the spiritual dimension.
Crawling With Thieves
In prayer this day I saw a vision of a group of people in a room, they were sitting up but many were
sound asleep in their chairs. Others were dozing off, not cognizant of what was going on in the room.
The room was opened up in that the windows and doors were all unlocked and left wide open. The
room was literally crawling with thieves who were going from person to person lifting whatever they
wanted, money, jewelry, even some articles of outer clothing. When I inquired of the Lord He told me
such is the condition of the church, they are sleeping, dozing, none is guarding nor keeping watch and
the devil and his demons are as thieves robbing the people of their heavenly treasures.
Power of Choice
Today as I prayed I saw in vision the banner of victory flying over a people who were standing for the
truth. They were light and the Lord said that the banner of victory was over them because they believed
Him. I was shown other people who had over them the banner of defeat, the Lord said that they had
chosen unbelief and therefore they were defeated, the prey of their enemies. He said in each instance
the banner which was erected was because of the choices of the people. He said that our power of
choice will determine whether we walk in victory or defeat. He said that if we choose to believe Him
then we will know victory and if we choose to disbelieve Him then we will know defeat. Our choice
determines what we receive.
Slime Swimmers
In prayers this day I was shown a vision of a large group of people congregated at a swimming hole.
They were diving into the filthy, polluted water. They would come out covered in slime, acting as though
they were having a "great" time. As I inquired of the Lord He told me that the religious deceived are
doing just that, diving into and swimming in filthy, slimy, unclean waters. They are so blind to their own
unclean state and the stench of the rotten polluted waters. They actually think they are having a "great"
time when all the while they are swimming in slime and becoming increasingly more polluted. The Lord
said He ordained that His people would come into the pure, clean, undefiled waters that He provides
and be cleansed. However He said that those who chose the polluted waters just get more filthy by the
day, instead of ever being cleansed.
Trust Lies, Receive Nothing
In prayers this day I was shown a long line at a bank--men and women attempting to get their own
monies out of the bank. But they could not get their monies. Some went half insane, others were crazed
with rage becoming belligerent and cursing loudly. Still others were completely breaking down
emotionally, weeping and screaming in agony and grief. As I inquired the Lord told me that they had
trusted in lies because they had believed in men and their systems. He said they had not believed in
Him, even the ones who said that they were His. He said that the consequence was that they received
nothing. The Lord said that in the times ahead many will literally be left destitute because they are
trusting in lies and not the truth.
Refuse Counsel of Life
Today as I was praying I saw in vision a multitude of people with their hands over their ears. The Lord
said they refused to listen to the counsel of life. He said that instead they would go on in their own
stubbornness and willfulness, refusing the counsel of God. He said that such ones cause their own
demise because they do not listen. But He said if they would only listen and obey they could receive
the great goodness He has in store.
Fearful Create Prisons
Today in vision I saw men behind bars, they were pacing up and down like caged animals unable to be
free. When I inquired of the Lord He told me that they were the fearful who create their own prisons.
He said that they yield to fear and refuse to have faith in Him. He said because they yield to fear that it
becomes their master and they that they are literally prisoners of the same. He said once they become
prisoners of fear it is impossible for them to believe in Him by faith. He said that fear is a terrible crippler
and that it will cause men to lose their souls. He said that many of those who profess that they are His
are literally bound by unreasonable fears and are imprisoned by the same. He said that we should
resist fear and keep our confidence in Him lest we become imprisoned.
Tormented by the Truth
Today I was shown by vision as I prayed souls in hell who were in horrid torments. The Lord told me
that they were ones who had once known the truth yet had turned to deception. They were forever
tormented by the truth they had rejected. They were bound forever by the lies which they had chosen
in preference to the truth. Some of them were screaming in madness, cursing yet never able to escape
the burning of the truth. The Lord said that the truth is inescapable and men will ever be subject to the
truth, either for blessing or cursing as these ones were those who had rejected the truth but could not
escape it.
Body Reflects Sowing
As I was praying today I saw two men in a vision. One of the men was covered in oozing sores as
though his flesh was rotting. The other man was glowing as though his body was full of the light. As I
inquired of the Lord He said that the first man had sown to the flesh and was consequently reaping
corruption. The second man who had sown unto the Spirit was bringing forth eternal life and light. The
Lord said that even the flesh body shows what men have sown unto.
The Trail
Today in vision I saw the trail that led over the mountains. There were many men lying along the trail.
Their burdens were strewn about, some were asleep, some were dying, some were dead. Then I saw
a few who were under heavy burdens yet they were lively. The Lord said that the first ones had wearied
in well doing--thrown off their burdens, and forsook the way. The second ones who still had their
burdens had learned to rely on the Lord and so their burdens had become light.
The Cups
Today as I prayed I saw in vision two tables of equal size full of cups. The first table bore cups that
were full of pure fresh water, the second table bore cups full of strong, intoxicating drink. Then I saw a
gate holding back a large crowd of people. The gate was opened, and the crowd rushed in running.
Most of them ran to the second table which had cups of intoxicating drink. A few went to the first table
where the cups held the waters that were pure and full of life. The Lord said that most would go for the
wine of worldliness and drink the same. It becomes the cup of His wrath and fury and indignation against
them. The ones who drink the cup the Father has given of the waters of life, they literally drink of the
cup of blessing. The Lord notice how many greedily partake of that which is intoxicating and is death.
And how few there are who choose to partake of the life.
In prayer this day I saw in vision two mounds. One contained a stack of neatly wrapped gifts, the other
contained garbage and rubble. The Lord said the first mound contained all of the gifts He had for His
people. Yet most of the gifts were untouched, unclaimed, and unused. The second mound contained
trinkets, trash of the world, worthless and of no value. Yet the rubble of the second mound was looked
upon by men as though of great value when in the reality before the Lord it was of no value. The Lord
said that men do not receive the gifts of love and life, instead they receive the things of death and
hatred. Men value that which destroys their souls and jealously go for the same, refusing the gifts of
God and leaving them unclaimed.
Muzzled by Pride
Today as I prayed I saw in vision a group of people. They were wearing what appeared to be muzzles.
When I inquired of the Lord He said that they were muzzled by pride. He said that they had never been
released to the true ministry of the Lord because they would not die unto themselves in the realm of
pride. He said that pride is an abomination, causing men and women to stay bound. God desires His
people released for His purpose to declare the truth unhindered by pride. He said that He desires His
people be freed from the muzzles of pride and declaring the truth.
Distorted, Defective Babies
Today I saw in vision as I prayed, distorted and defective babies. They were pathetic, some were very
ugly and horrid looking, even frightening. As I looked upon them, I asked the Lord, why? He told me
they were spirit children born under distorted and compromising coverings. He said they were so cursed
because of the sins of the elders bringing them forth. He also said that multitudes of such little ones are
brought forth daily and that they suffer by no fault of their own. He said when the elders distort the truth,
they cause the children to bear the curse.
His Hand Slapped Away
Today as I was praying I saw the beautiful nail scarred hand of the Lord. That hand reached out unto
men, then the same men slapped and pushed that hand away. The Lord said that men do that to Him
when He offers them His hand because they are full of fear and bound by the same. He said He does
not want His people bound by fear, but to accept His helping hand He gives that they could be led forth
in faith and be given all that He has for them. He said if His people would walk by faith, they would
overcome fear, knowing His helping hand is continually available unto them. He said really that men
are dull and do not even perceive many times that He is trying to help them and so they react out of
fear and negativity and cause their own complications.
Soul Sick
Today as I was praying I saw a vast multitude who were sick, diseased, crippled and dying. The Lord
told me that their souls were sick, and their bodies reflected the condition of their souls. He said that
He can heal all of their diseases etc. if they turn to Him. He said that He can heal their souls, and that
unfortunately many prefer to suffer in their bodies rather than confess their sins and trust Him. He said
that He wants to heal them and make them whole.
The Chambers
Today as I was praying, I was taken by vision down a long dark corridor, at the end of which were
several chambers. From the chambers came agonizing screams of horror. Beggings, pleadings, cries
for mercy could all be heard coming from the chambers. As I inquired of the Lord He told me that these
were the chambers of pain and those locked within were the ones who had pleasure in inflicting pain
on others and even causing pain to the Lord by their hardness of heart towards Him. The Lord said that
because of the pleasure they found in inflicting pain, that pain would be given back to them continually.
His Glories
Today while praying I saw by vision men who were existing on a very low plane of existence. Yet they
were acting as though they had great knowledge. Then I saw others who were obviously on a much
higher plane. The Lord told me the ones in the latter plane were the ones who had entered into His
glories. That is, they were high above because of His covering and not because of their own superiority.
He told me that many men miss out because they never let go of the control but must always pretend.
But He said the ones released to Him shall be in His glories.
Bloated on Bitterness
This day as I prayed, I saw in vision men and women who were not fat in their faces, nor their limbs,
but they had huge bellies. As I inquired of the Lord, He said that they were bloated on the bilge waters
of their own bitterness. He said that the bilge waters kept the living waters from flowing forth of them.
He said that instead of new life, that there was only bitterness and accusation. The Lord said that such
a condition does not need to be so. He said that if men and women would walk in the fear of God, they
would be kept by Him and they would have the living waters flowing in their lives. He said that they
would not be carrying around the huge bellies but that they would be cleansed by the living waters.
Disobedience Brings Death
This day as I was praying I saw in vision a funeral. Many were weeping, crying, mourning deeply. The
dead was a man in his thirties, leaving behind a wife as his widow and his children fatherless. The Lord
said that he was taken prematurely because of disobedience. The Lord said that there are many who
die before their time because they do not obey the Lord, but yield themselves to the lust of the flesh.
Then because they yield to the flesh, they reap corruption and premature death. There is great tragedy
in such cases, because the disobedient end in death and leave many to sorrow over their demise.
These things do not need to be, if men would only learn to obey and walk uprightly with the Lord.
Death Stalking and Devouring
Today in prayer I saw a vision of men, women, and children dying of an epidemic disease. No one
could cure them, and they were dying like flies. It was really a horrid scene and as I inquired of the
Lord, He said that death shall stalk the land and devour many. He said that all who do not submit to
Him and seek His way shall be subject to the devouring of the epidemic disease. The Lord said that
these are times when men shall not be able to keep themselves from the stalking death but only those
who are in Him will be kept.
Time of Sorrow is Here
As I was praying I saw in vision multitudes taken in great grief--wailing, crying, screaming in great
sorrow and anguish of heart. And I inquired of the Lord, He said, the time of sorrow is here. Because
men wanted their own way, their own lust, and despised the Lord's way, He said He has turned them
over to their desires. Those desires destroy them, causing much sorrow, shame, and grief. The Lord
said that His desire is that men would receive His joy, but they do not. He said it is because they are
so desirous of their own way, even though it is killing them. Their sorrows are multiplied because they
have hastened after other gods and other ways, and the time of their sorrow is here.
Hard Lives
Praying today I saw in vision people who had very hard faces. They were living extremely hard lives
and I could not understand why. When I inquired of the Lord, He said that their lives were hard, and
growing harder day by day because they had hardened themselves against Him, against His will, and
against His mercy. The Lord said that He desires a broken people who will receive all that He desires
to Give. He said that He is the giver of mercy unto all of those who will receive. But He said that those
who harden their hearts against Him provoke Him to anger. Then they receive the hard, ugly things in
their lives because that is what they believe for. He said that He does not ordain His people to have
hard lives but they bring it upon themselves through their unbelief in His goodness.
Enchantments for Destruction
Today as I was praying I saw a long road full of enchanting places, each one enticing and alluring men
and women for the destruction of their souls. Every enticing enchantment was set up to only beguile
and deceive and likewise destroy. Many are so dumb they go forth as brute beasts and they are
destroyed and damned. As I inquired of the Lord He told me that He wants us alert to see, avoid, and
warn others as to Satan's enchantments which are only for destruction of the souls of men. He said
that we are to preach against and warn others of the death sentence that is found in sin.
Men Create Problems
Today as I prayed,, I saw in vision a huge complex with thousands of lights, cars were zooming every
which way. It was a place of confusion and distress, anxiety and fear. Then I saw a beautiful wilderness
place--calm, still, and lovely--it was the beauty of God's creation. As I inquired of the Lord He told me
that men create their own problems, then they set out to bring them forth. He said that what He has
made is pure, undefiled, and lovely. He said that men spoil, defile and destroy.
Busy for Nothing
Today as I prayed I saw in vision a large group of people who were very busy. As I inquired of the Lord,
He said that they were busy for nothing. He said that all of their busy-ness was to bring forth vanity and
vexation. He said that He desires us busy about His purpose, His plan for our lives. He said that most
people live their lives in pursuit of emptiness. We are meant to spend our lives in pursuit of Him and
thank Him that He is our God. He does not want us busy about nothing, but busy about His desire for
your lives.
Transgressions bring Troubles
Today as I was praying I saw in vision a man whose life was full of troubles. The Lord said that he was
a transgressor who had chosen to violate the laws of God. Because of those transgressions he
committed, he knew sorrow, and heaviness day by day. Then I saw another man whose face was
glowing with the presence of God. The Lord said that he was an obedient vessel. He said because of
the man's obedience that he was able to receive the goodness of God. He also said that men make
their own troubles by their transgressions, then they want to draw others into their troubles.
Proud Fools Struggle in Vain
Today I saw a woman struggling with a heavy load, unable to carry it alone yet too proud to release it
to God. The Lord told me as I inquired of Him that there are many proud fools who struggle in vain
because they are too proud to ask Him for His joy, His delight, His help which is readily available. He
said that they are the proud fools who are literally killing themselves.
Renewed Strength
I saw in vision as I prayed this day a group of weary, worn pilgrims who were needy. They had gathered
together and cried out to God. The Lord said that He heard their petitions because they brought their
need before Him. He said that He met them in their need and that they went forth with renewed strength.
He said that He desires that we would cry unto Him, that He could be our strength and our refuge.
Chaos and Confusion Ahead
As I was praying this day I saw in vision men, women, and children running every which way in total
confusion and chaos. Madness was reigning. As I inquired of the Lord, He said that the days of chaos
and confusion are ahead. He said that the only ones who will stay purposed and calm are the ones
focused on Him. Without Him men will live their daily lives in this confusion and chaos and madness
will be their head.
Unrepentant are Proud
Today as I was praying I saw a room full of bragging, boasting men who were full of themselves. They
were literally drunk on pride. As I inquired of the Lord, He told me that they were claiming His name yet
they were not sorry for their sins. In some instances He said that they were so proud of their sins that
they actually bragged and boasted over the same. He said that they were vainly puffed up in their
wickedness. He said because of the vanity of their minds they were really His enemies. The Lord said
such ones because of their intoxication on pride that they were definitely hell bound.
Spiritual Adulterers
Today as I was praying I saw in vision, men and women in hell, they were screaming, begging for
mercy, promising to be true. They kept on wailing incessantly, pleading for pity, yet they were still in the
flames of hellfire. The Lord said that these were the spiritual adulterers who had been untrue, loving
other gods, other lovers. The Lord said that they had spent their lives in lies, telling lies, living lies,
loving lies. He said because of their adulteries with the accompanying lies, that the hell they were in,
was their reward.
Lord Delights in Determined
Today as I prayed I saw in vision, men and women who had their faces in one direction. They were
looking upward, their faces were shining. Upon their faces there was a look of complete determination.
The Lord said that these ones were beautiful in His sight because of their absolute determination to
complete the course set before them. He said when His people will become completely determined that
He delights in them because they seek to fulfill His desires for them. The Lord said that far too many
are double-minded, but that He finds no pleasure in them because they do not pursue the course of
righteousness with determination.
Hardness Makes Men Grotesque
Today as I was praying, I saw men with grotesque faces. They had no joy upon their countenances but
only hardness. As I inquired of the Lord He said that they were the ones who had departed from Him.
He said that their ugly, grotesque faces were a reflection of where they lived. He said that the hardness
upon their faces was their hardness of heart manifested. The Lord said that all who chose to live apart
from Him, live in ugliness.
Two Roads
Today as I was praying I saw in vision, two roads. The first road was narrow and at the beginning was
a small sign which read: The Way of Life. There were few travelers on that road. Then I saw another
road which was much broader and it had a large sign which read: The Way of Death. There were many
travelers on that road, they were bumping and jostling one another, because they were so crowded. As
I inquired of the Lord He said that men are rushing down the road of death, and despising the road of
life. He said that men literally choose their own destruction. He said also to note that each road bore
the sign as to what it was but that the majority chose the death rather than the life.
Bucket With Holes
As I prayed this day I saw in vision a bucket that looked alright from the sides, but the bottom was
rusted out and full of holes. A man came along and grabbed it, filled it with water. Then the water ran
out onto the ground and was wasted. As I inquired of the Lord, He told me that His people are fools as
was the man for they pour out their lives for vanity and they are wasted as was the water poured into
the bucket with holes. God wants us to pour our lives into Him and not into the world which is vanity
and as useless as the bucket with holes.
Scanty Yield
Today as I was praying I saw in vision an orchard which although apparently well cared for, the trees
had a very scanty yield. The orchard because it bore such a scanty yield of fruit was a complete
disappointment. Then I saw another orchard in the same area, it bore abundant fruit. The Lord said that
when His people bear little fruit they are like the first orchard, a great disappointment to Him. He said
that He desires that His people would bear abundant fruit and be a blessing to His Kingdom.
Perverts in Hell
Today as I prayed I saw in vision vile, wicked, perverse men in tremendous torments. They were in the
fires of hell--under great torture continually. They were screaming out in great pain, and they were
snarling at one other in hatred and bitterness, blaming one another for the horror of their torments. As
I inquired of the Lord, He said that these ones were perverts and while they had projected a false image
of brotherhood and solidarity that they in fact were haters of each other and themselves. The Lord said
their punishment was severe because they had committed abominations and recruited others to do
likewise. He said that while they were professing that they were "gay" they had sought to take others
into the same trap they are caught in. He said that because they had corrupted others, their punishment
is greater.
Never to Return
Today as I prayed I saw in vision men and women in great anguish, crying out again and again, "Oh
God let me return, let me return." As I inquired of the Lord, He told me that these ones were in hell and
they could never, ever return for they were sealed in their torments. The Lord said that they were
begging to return to Him because they were backsliders who had known the truth but refused to walk
in it. Part of their torment was that they had known the mercy and goodness of God, yet they had
chosen evil. Therefore they would forever beg to return to God but it was too late! The Lord said that
torment is much greater on those ones who have known the truth and turned away from the same.
As I prayed today I saw in vision multitudes in hell, screaming, cursing, groaning. They were declaring
that they were God's people and they did not deserve the treatment that they were getting. As I sought
the Lord for understanding, He said that they were the disobedient children who had used His name in
vain. He said that they had pursued their own lusts in the life on earth. He said they had lied to Him
continually, promising obedience but never doing what they promised. He said that the disobedient will
be in hell fire and that there is no escape for them. Many think simply because they name His name
that they are acceptable to Him, but it is only the obedient who will enter in.
The Accusers
When I was praying today I saw in vision a great company of accusers. They yelled and screamed out
their profane accusations continually. Finally they accused God, but to no avail as they were in the
place of everlasting torments and no matter how much they accused, they were not released. As I
inquired of the Lord He told me that they were the ones who had lived in self-pity and self love and that
their accusations were all because they never wanted to face themselves, therefore they were
continually projecting the blame onto others, even God. Now, they were locked in with their accusations
and they were forced to see that the blame was on them. This caused them much grief and heartache,
increasing the torment they were in.
Continual Unrest or Continual Peace
When I was praying this day, I saw a people under great distress, continual unrest and tribulation
coupled with sorrow. Then I saw another people who were covered in His glory, they were reflecting
His continual peace. As I inquired of the Lord, He said that the first people were trusting in other gods
and because of that they were overwhelmed. He said that the second people were trusting in Him and
therefore they were brought forth in His glory and that they lived in His peace continually. He said that
He will keep those in perfect peace who are stayed on Him.
Scurrying Like Rats
As I was praying this day I saw men and women scurrying like rats, running here, running there. Their
heads were down, with no joy only despair. As I inquired of the Lord, He said that these are the ones
who are bound by the cares of this life. He said that they were in that place because they have cast
aside the hope. The Lord said that He desires His people to be free of such oppression and to come
forth in His life. He said when those who are naming His name are living like scurrying rats they are
actually shaming His name because they are discrediting Him and attributing all power to the cares of
this life.
His Provision is Perfect
While in prayer this day, I saw in vision a beautiful field decked out in multi-colored wild flowers. There
was a slight breeze blowing, warm and lovely sunshine and everything was in glorious array. As I
inquired of the Lord, He told me that this was His provision, all of the beauty, all of the flowers, all of
the color that was there. Then I saw men who were horribly bound to the rudiments of this world,
struggling for their daily bread. Then the Lord asked me, "If I may array these flowers of the field, cannot
I array and provide for my people? Then the Lord said that His people are in bondage because the
despise His provision, thinking they can do better for themselves. He said that they are fools because
they take themselves into cruelty, into bondage, and live their days in anxious fear--when they could
be trusting in Him and consequently anxious for nothing. He said that His provision is perfect.
Lamps Without Light
As I was in prayer this day, I saw in vision men holding lamps, but none of their lamps were aflame with
light. They were all dead as far as shining forth any light at all. Then I saw a man with a lamp that was
burning brightly. The light from his lamp shone forth brightly in the gross darkness. As I inquired the
Lord told me that many of those who say that they are His, have lamps but no light is in those lamps.
He said that they do not show the way to anyone. He said that the single man who was keeping his
lamp burning with light was able to show forth the light unto many, and that in the darkness his light
was great. He said those who claim to be His and are possessing the lamps with- out light are providing
nothing for others.
His Light Remains
Today as I was praying, I saw in vision the sun resplendent in its rising, it was gloriously showing forth
in a shining, beautiful skyscape of colors. I could see the promise of the blessing of its warmth as it
came up to grace the early morning sky. Then I saw the artificiality of men's lights, as I saw a view of
city lights at night. As I inquired of the Lord, He told me that none of man's inventions shall ever surpass
His sun, for it is His light that remains. He said that the lights of men go out, but that His light remains.
So it is that the Spirit light remains and is sure in the heavenlies. He said that all of the artificial lights
of men will burn out and be remembered no more, but that His light will remain forever.
Nothing Hidden From the Lord
Today as I prayed I saw in vision, men who were wicked. They were very sinister and secretive, carrying
out their schemes of wickedness. As I inquired of the Lord, He said that they think they get by on Him
but they do not. He said that there is nothing that is hidden from Him for He knows all that transpires
upon the earth. He said that every plot of evil is before Him. He said that when men do great evil in
secret, that their deeds are as plain as day before Him. Therefore He said it is foolishness to plot evil
or wickedness and think we get by for every evil deed is revealed before the Lord.
Turning Back
Today as I prayed I saw in vision, men in a long procession. They would move forward with what
appeared to be great effort. Then as soon as the progress was made, they would turn back and run
back to distances that were away from their goals. when I inquired of the Lord, He told me that so it is
with the majority of His people, they turn around and run form the goal and literally oppose their
ownselves. He said that He finds no pleasure in them because they do not press towards the mark of
the prize that is in Jesus Christ the Lord. He said they bring their ownselves down and that their
sufferings are not for the glory of His Kingdom but because of their own willfulness, stubbornness, and
perpetual turning back.
Incandescent Light
As I was praying this day I saw in a vision men and women shining, their faces seemed to radiate with
an incandescent light. As I inquired of the Lord, He told me that they were the ones who had pursued
the course of inward holiness and that because of that, even their countenances were shining forth with
the glory of God. The Lord said that all of His people are meant to shine in such a way with His glory.
He said that His people are literally meant to be the lights in a darkened world, continually showing
forth the wondrous glory of the Living God. He said that His glory is shining forth through those who
seek to purify themselves of all filthiness of the flesh and spirit. He said that the incandescent light of
His glory is meant to radiate for even the sinners to behold upon the faces of His true ones.
Sour, Bitter Faces
Today as I prayed I saw in vision, men and women whose faces were drawn into bitter and sour modes.
They were quite ugly to look at and as I inquired of the Lord He told me that they were the ones who
had refused the hope that is found in Him. He said that they actually loved the place of bitterness even
though it was painful and ugly. He said that the reason that they loved such a place is that their
dispositions were ugly towards God. He said that their report of Him was continually sour because they
lived in the evil place of unbelief. The Lord said where they lived was visited upon their faces.
Fear Rather Than Faith
Today as I prayed I was shown by vision a habitation in hell where men and women were screaming,
cursing, pleading, to be released. Each one was tormented by great and overwhelming fears, and their
cries for deliverance were pleas to be saved from their fears. As I inquired of the Lord, He told me that
these ones were the fearful and that they were in this place because they had chosen fear rather than
faith. He said that they had chosen to believe in fear rather than faith, and had believed lies instead of
the truth which is given by the Lord. He also said that they were given in this place what they believed
in and the same was their torment everyday. He said that we should take care what it is that we believe
and hope in for the same shall determine our reward. He said that just as these fearful were locked in
with their fears, because they refused to believe in God, so will others be given what they believe in.
He said that we need to believe in Him and His goodness, in order to receive that.
Believing in Nothing
Today as I was praying I saw in vision people in great despair, shaking their heads in anguish, weeping
sorely, believing in nothing. As I inquired of the Lord, He said that they were the ones who had trusted
in the cunningly devised fables of evil men and had been brought to ruin by such belief. But the Lord
said that they loved to be deceived and that despair was their reward because they had hoped in
something other than Him. He said that these ones who end up believing in nothing end up this way
because they trust in the arm of flesh and take on the curse for the same. He said that He had tried on
many occasions to present such ones the truth, but they rejected it in favor of folly and fables.
Small Flickers of Light
As I was praying this day I saw in vision darkness everywhere and abounding. It seemed as though
gross darkness was enveloping the earth. Then I saw small flickers of light. As I asked the Lord what
this meant, He told me that the flickers of light were the ones who had believed in Him and had kept
their belief. He said that when they believed in Him and kept that belief that they would not be swallowed
up by darkness but that they would prevail over all power of the enemy and remain in the light of the
Lord even though the world was in gross darkness.
Bed of Ease
As I was praying this day I saw a large corpulent man obviously used to soft living and self indulgence
wallowing himself on a large, luxurious bed, a bed of ease. In the meantime, thieves went throughout
his house, stealing his valuables. As I inquired of the Lord He said that the man represented the modern
church, living in self-indulgence and softness while laying on the "bed of ease" the thieves have come
in and stolen everything. He said so it is that the church has been robbed of the true valuables in Christ.
He said that while the church has wallowed herself on a luxurious bed of ease, living for self and in self
indulgence, that the true treasures have been carried away by the thieves, leaving nothing of value
Evil Reports Returned
Today as I was praying I saw in vision several men whose faces were long and dour, their mouths were
turned down and their countenances were obviously fallen. The whole aura about them was despair
and hopelessness. As I inquired of the Lord He said that they were the ones who give an evil report
and bring the same evil down upon themselves. He said many live cursed lives because they refuse to
receive the blessedness that He desires to give them. He said that through their own projection of evil,
they receive evil into their bosoms and that evil is multiplied. He said that to give an evil report against
Him is very serious because the evil will be visited upon the one making such claims against the Lord.
Today as I prayed, I saw in vision, a woman screaming and raging, declaring that she could not take
or bear her circumstances any longer. Actually her circumstance would have seemed like heaven on
earth to many who suffer acutely in this life--yet to her it was unbearable. As I inquired of the Lord, He
told me that she had created her own problems because of her stubbornness against Him. He said that
her problems were the fruit of her wicked imagination against God. The Lord said that He never puts
more on anyone than they can bear. When they imagine that things are unbearable, they are not abiding
in Him and therefore create their own troubles.
Hiding Place
Today as I prayed, I saw in vision, a group of people in a small cabin. Outside of the cabin a violent
storm raged, yet they were safe and secure, kept. As I inquired of the Lord, He said that He is our hiding
place and He will keep us from the storms of life if we will continue to abide in the ark of safety of who
He is. He said that just as those inside the cabin were kept during the storm so it is with us. We do not
need to be overwhelmed and overtaken but we can come forth in His tender mercies that are provided
as our shelter.
Trail to Life
Today as I was praying I saw in vision, a trail, a pathway leading up a mountain. It appeared as though
many had deviated from the main trail as there were numerous small trails leading away from the main
trail which was the way. These other trails were leading away from the main trail, but they were well
worn and even as I gazed at them, they were full of those who had turned aside. When I inquired of the
Lord, He told me that the majority would find a way other than His life which is only in His way. He said
that these other trails will be full of fools who are going away from the life that is only found in Him. He
said that His trail is indeed the one that leads to life eternal and that when we stay therein we shall live.
All of the other trails are only leading to death and damnation.
Small Opening
When I was praying this day I saw in vision, a small opening. Two men were making their way towards
the same. The first man was tremendously burdened as he had tried to bring everything he owned with
him and he was very encumbered by the same, in fact he was actually prevented from entering because
of the things which got in his way when he tried entering the small opening. Then I saw the second man
who only carried one small bag with him. It was no trouble for him to enter and pass through the small
opening and he did so with ease. Then as I inquired of the Lord, He said that His way is narrow and all
of those who will walk therein must free themselves of the encumbrances of this life. The Lord said that
we cannot take the world into the Kingdom of God. He said that those who love their things more than
Him will not enter in and that they are not worthy.
Kings and Queens
This day as I prayed, I saw in a vision men and women who were attired as kings and queens. Yet as
I looked closely I saw that their clothes were shabby and their crowns were corroded. As I inquired of
the Lord, He said that such ones always had their own way which they considered of utmost importance,
but they lost His way. His way is not the way of exaltation of self. But rather His way is the exaltation of
His truth, light, and glory. When men and women glory in themselves, they glory in lies. Those who are
kings and queens in this earth, even if by their own making, have only corruptible crowns and they will
come to nothing.
Two Tongues
Today as I prayed, I saw a group of people who looked somewhat normal until you looked at their
mouths. Their mouths were bulging as though they were on the verge of vomiting. Then when they
opened their mouths their deformity was evident as they had two tongues. Somewhat shocked I
inquired of the Lord and He told me that many are so marked because they allow themselves to believe
lies rather than the truth. He said that He does not lead them but they are led by their own tongues and
the lies they tell. He said that they are double tongued because they are double minded and that they
are not acceptable to Him at all.
Loud and Ludicrous
As I prayed this day I saw in vision a group of people bragging and boasting on themselves. They were
loud and ludicrous, insistent on attention and recognition. When I inquired of the Lord He said that they
were lovers of themselves. He said they must continually be given recognition, praise, and attention
because they thrive when self is exalted. He said that they hate to be abased and humbled and they
also refuse to give the glory to God in any circumstance. He said they continue on in their own loud
and ludicrous ways, exalting themselves. The Lord said that these ones are shameful and an
abomination unto Him.
Distended Bellies
Today as I was praying I saw in vision men with huge, distended bellies. They were sweating and
huffing because their bellies were so big that it made it hard for them to breath, to walk, etc. Then I saw
children skinny, frail, malnourished, and weak. They had the despairing look of hunger, real hunger
from literal lack of food. Yet the men who were so grossly overfed could have easily given something
to the children and spared them such suffering as they were in the same proximity as the children. As
I inquired of the Lord He told me the big bellied men were the shepherds who fed themselves but
refused to feed His sheep. He said they would burn in hellfire for starving His children, His lambs while
they themselves dined sumptuously and gluttonously. He said that the distended bellies of these
gluttons would literally stand against them as their indictment of guilt when they stood before Him.
Empty Bread
This day as I prayed I saw in vision mounds and mounds of bread, all kinds of bread, all sizes, shapes,
textures and colors. Then I saw men, women, and children all of whom had been and were eating the
bread. Although there was a huge amount of bread available, those eating the bread looked as though
they were in starvation. As I inquired of the Lord, He told me that they were trying to fill themselves on
empty bread and were likewise starving. He said that man was never intended to live by bread alone
but by every word that comes from Him. He said that the consumption of bread does not bring life but
it is His Spirit word that brings life. He said that many are dying of spiritual starvation in this generation
because they have gone only for the carnal side of life and completely neglected the spiritual. He said
that we need to feed our spirits and not our flesh, as our first priority, we need to feed on His word.
The Lazy Will Suffer
Today as I prayed I saw in vision a man living in a house that was somewhat shabby but had apparently
been quite nice at one time. The man was shivering from cold and was very hungry. He gave the
appearance of being in a great deal of misery and he looked pathetic. As I inquired of the Lord, He said
that the man was a sluggard who had refused to plow and that therefore he had nothing to eat. The
Lord said there are many now who are suffering from hunger (both natural and spiritual) because they
are lazy. He said that they are like the man in the house, suffering because of their laziness. God does
not want us to be lazy but rather to be diligent in Him and for His purpose.
Lovers of Money
As I prayed this day I saw men counting small stacks of paper, then banding the same together with
great glee and greed on their faces. The look of them was really ugly and unclean. As I inquired of the
Lord, He told me that they were lovers of money and that to them, money had great importance, great
value, but in the Lord's eyes, they were merely counting, coveting, and drooling over meaningless
stacks of paper. The Lord said that because these men loved money they had opened the door to all
evil. He said that such men are fools because they pursue riches that are worthless. He also said that
the men that I saw in the vision were men who had once served Him and sought His face but that they
had been snared by the deceitfulness of riches.
Faces in the Mud
Today as I prayed I saw in a vision, people struggling to walk across a muddy field. They were under
great difficulty, great strain. Some were falling down under the weight of the burdens they were carrying,
others were slipping. None was making any progress due to the muddiness of the field and the
cumbersome weight of their burdens. Some were so distraught that they had fallen with their faces in
the mud, and they were unable to lift themselves in order to go further. As I inquired of the Lord, He
said that they carry their own burdens and that they had not released those burdens to Him. He said
that some were under the burden of their sins, some were under false burdens, some were under the
burdens of the cares of this life. But He said that all were weighed down unnecessarily and encumbered
by the burdens that they carried. He said that when they hit the obstacle of the muddy field, they were
unable to continue. He said that He wants us to cast our burdens on Him.
Today as I was praying I saw men standing outside where there were roads with signs that said, STOP.
The signs didn't make any sense as all of the roads were clear, the weather was fine, and it seemed
as though there was no impending danger. As I inquired of the Lord He told me that the ones with the
STOP signs were the ones who had stopped following Him. He said that they had yielded themselves
to unbelief, to doubt, to fear and because of that they want to pull others into the same snare to get
others to stop following the life found in the Lord. He said that within themselves they have figured out
every justification for quitting, for stopping, but they are wrong and trying to influence others into the
same wrong. He said that their hearts had become evil when they had stopped believing and trusting,
and following Him.
Protection from the Storms
As I was praying this day I saw men and women in what appeared to be the aftermath of a great
devastating storm. Many of them were in anguish for all they had was destroyed by the storm and they
had been left destitute. Others had received physical injuries and were disabled as a consequence of
the storm. As I inquired of the Lord, He told me that they were fools because He had desired to call
them in to provide protection for them from the storms, but that they had refused His marvelous
protection over them. They had been greatly battered by the storms of life because they had not taken
the provision of His protection. He said that He desires to be our refuge in times of storms and
destruction. He said that if we will run into Him that we will be kept in His safety.
Aimless Wanderings
Today as I was praying, I saw in vision, vast multitudes who were wandering aimlessly about. No
direction, no purpose, no goals were evident in their lives. As I sought the Lord, inquiring of Him, He
said so are the multitudes in this generation who are without Him, their lives are aimless wanderings
as they are without purpose, without goals, without vision. He said that they never really bring forth
anything except vanity. The increase of such ones is His own leaders who have departed from Him and
left the multitudes to be destroyed. He said the departure of His own from Him has caused many of the
multitudes to be deteriorate and become empty, and they are among the aimless wanderers. He said
that He made man in the beginning to be filled with His presence and direction.
Puff Heads
Today as I prayed, I saw many men and women with enlarged heads which appeared to be grotesquely
puffy. This feature made them very ugly. As I inquired of the Lord, He said that these ones were proud
and vainly puffed up in their carnal minds. He said that they were full of arrogance and conceit,
imagining themselves to be something. He said the more that men are filled with delusion,, their puffier
their heads become. The Lord then said "beware the leaven of pride". He said that we should walk
soberly, realizing our utter and complete need of God.
Wretchedly Poor
As I was praying this day I saw in vision a vast sea of people who were desperately poor. The essence
of their poverty was heartbreaking. As I inquired of the Lord, He told me that these are the ones who
did not believe in Him. He said that they are wretchedly poor because they are destitute of the truth.
He said that without His covering that men and women are naked, and exposed to every ungodly
element. He said that they have no spiritual nourishment to cause them to be strong. Instead they live
in a continual state of weakness. The Lord said that those who turn to Him will be made rich in the
treasure of His Kingdom. He said the ones turning to Him will not be naked, but they will be clothed in
His holiness. The Lord said to pray for these ones who are so poor, so naked, so wretched, that they
would come unto the Lord and receive Jesus as their maker.
Elders Worshiping Idols
Today as I was praying I saw in vision, older men bowing themselves to idols--worshiping gods that
were man-made. When I inquired of the Lord He said that these men were "elders" who had led His
people astray. He said there are multitudes of them in this time who have turned to idols and bowed
themselves unto the same. He said these "elders" have caused the sheep, and the lambs to be taken
into captivity. He said the accountability of these "elders" will be great before Him. He said that these
men are absolute failures in His eyes for they have turned aside and bowed unto idols.
Giant Pit
Today as I was praying I saw in a vision a giant pit from which there was no escaping. Men, women,
and children were rushing towards the pit. Some were actually running, some were driving their cars,
motorcycles, trucks, and even bicycles towards the pit. As they got to the pit, people were casting
themselves down headlong into the same. They were not holding back at all, just plummeting
themselves headlong into the pit. It was actually very disturbing. As I inquired of the Lord, He told me
that they were bringing their own destruction. He said so it is in this generation, men, women, and
children are rushing to their destruction, their damnation. They are rushing to hell as though they are
going to a great party. The wicked one has literally blinded their eyes and they are fools.
Clothed in Rags
When I was praying this day I saw in a vision a long line of people moving slowly, painfully as though
they had been on a long trek. They were clothed only in rags and very few at that. They were indeed a
pathetic lot. As I inquired of the Lord He said that they are the ones who refused to be clothed, covered
in His righteousness. He said because of their stubbornness, they cause their own weariness and
poverty. The Lord said it is their transgressions which cause their way to be so difficult. The Lord said
that if they would but come to Him and seek for His way that they would find His yoke is easy and His
burden is light. He said that the stubborn suffer, not in His will but in opposing His will. He said that their
wills are in opposition because they yield to rebellion against God and they keep themselves literally
clothed in rags and suffering in poverty.
Everything Except the Lord
Today as I was praying I saw in a vision, two groups of people. The first group was composed of a
people who were full of pride. Their whole aura was that they had "everything" they had a banner which
read, "We are God's chosen." Then I saw the second group. The essence of their presence was that
of humility. They were on their knees crying out to God, praying to the Lord God Almighty. As I inquired
of the Lord He said that the first ones He rejects because they do not want Him. The second ones, He
goes unto because they cry out to Him. He said that they are hungry for the life that is found in Him.
The Way of Man is Confusion
When I was praying this day I saw in vision a maze of confusing roads, they twisted, intertwined, and
went every which way. Then I saw a straight and narrow path. The Lord said,"this is my way, walk ye
therein with the giving of thanks." He said the way of men is confusion, delusion, and death. Yet men
think their way is truly living. How deceived they are for they follow after vanity and vexation. He said
that if we follow Him there is no confusion nor delusion but only sobering truth. He said that His way
leads us to life eternal, not a twisted maze that ends in hell fire.
Hollow Words
This day as I was praying I saw two men both professing to be followers of Jesus. The first man put on
a good outward display, in fact better than the second. But his words were hollow. The second man
was not showy, nor impressive in the flesh yet his words were real strong and sure. I inquired of the
Lord--He said the first man was refusing to face his inward enemies. The Lord said he had a form of
godliness but was denying the power because he was refusing to fight the inward battle. The Lord said
that the second man was carrying on the inward campaign against the enemies within and was
therefore victorious. The Lord said that he was being made real and therefore his words were not hollow
but they were real because his testimony was sure.
Man's Way Brings Destruction
This day as I was praying I saw in vision a scene of great destruction and devastation. Yet, men and
women were carrying on in great debauchery, making fools of themselves. As I inquired of the Lord,
He said that the scene was representative of the consequence of men having their own way, whereby
they bring about destruction and devastation. The continuing debauchery is how they have destroyed
everything and yet they continually repeat it, and go on and on it their wicked ways. He said that the
inevitable end of a man's own way is destruction.
Diligent Make the Journey
Today as I was praying I saw in vision, two women preparing for a journey. The first was diligent in her
preparation, keeping a good pace. The second was lazy and not persistent. Warning was given to her
yet she refused to pick up her speed. Consequently the first woman made it to the station, boarded her
train and was happily on her journey. The second woman finally arrived at the station with all of her
bags, but she had missed her train. She sat and cried but to no avail, for the train was gone. As I
inquired of the Lord, He told me so it is with His people. He said that the diligent will continue in the way
of life, but the slothful shall sit and weep but is shall be too late. The Lord said that if His people will
move with His timing, they will be in His way, but He said when His people expect to move according
to their timing they miss out with Him.
Countenance Reflects Mind set
This day as I prayed I saw in vision first of all a man whose countenance is darkened. He was
complaining over everything. Then I saw another man whose face was light, he was giving thanks and
praise for everything. The Lord said that the first man made his world ugly by his attitude or his mind
set. He said that the second man made his world beautiful by his gratitude towards God. The Lord
wants us giving thanks and praise continually that our faces show forth His glory.
Well Pleasing Bring Peace
Today as I was praying I saw in vision a people who appeared shining. From them came a spirit of
oneness, a spirit of purity. As I inquired of the Lord He said that these were the ones who are well
pleasing unto Him because they walk in His will. The Lord said that if all of His people would walk in
His will that great peace would be extended to the sons of men in the earth. He said that where His
people abide whether in His will or out of His will has a great affect on the earth and on the other
peoples of the earth.
Many Despise His Authority
This day as I prayed I saw in vision a scene of complete confusion and madness. All about were men
and women in discord and dismay. As I inquired of the Lord, He said that this is what happens when
men throw off His authority and walk according to their own understanding. He said that they bring forth
confusion. The Lord said that many have rejected His authority in this generation, despising His
authority and choosing their own will, their own way which is madness. The Lord said that He does not
want us in our way but in His way for His way is life and order according to His authority.
No Admittance
This day as I prayed I saw again and again a gate which bore in huge red letters the words, NO
ADMITTANCE. The Lord said that this is a warning for many who think they are fine who will not be
allowed admittance because they will not go God's way, but they want their own way. The Lord said
when men and women want their own way, they will not be allowed admittance into His Kingdom. He
said that He welcomes those who come in who are wanting His will, His way. The Lord said that he
welcomes those to come who are wanting His will, His way. He said that many will be reaping in regret
for they will face the NO ADMITTANCE and they will not be able to enter in because they refused the
Lord's way, imaging that they would be intensely welcomed.
His Provision is Goodness
Today as I prayed I saw in a vision, a beautiful valley. In that place there was abundance of food, good
water, clean air, all of God's goodness provided. Then I saw city streets many were poor, sick,
homeless, and begging. The Lord said that the valley is His provision for His people where there is
goodness, abundance, blessedness. He said the city is man's work, his way with all of its sorrow,
sickness, pain, and death. He said that men refuse His goodness and choose instead their own way,
suffering all of their days. The Lord said that idolatry is the will of man and causes great distress
because men refuse the Living God. We don't need to have our own way which is distress, but we can
choose His will, His way which is the life abundant.


Dear Jesus, I come to you with all the sins I've committed and I beg you to forgive me. Rescue me from
eternal damnation in Hellfire. I confess that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. Don't let me die in
my sins. Please cleanse my body, soul and spirit with your precious blood. I need your help and I ask you to
come and live in my heart. I want to serve you, obey your commands and do what is right. I want to live for
you everyday and receive everlasting life. Please lead and guide me by your Spirit into righteousness. Help
me live a clean and holy life that is pleasing unto God. Thank you Jesus for hearing and answering my
prayer. Amen! Read the BIBLE!
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