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Maximize Your Productivity:

7 Ways Cloud Collaboration Helps Civil Engineers

Deliver Infrastructure Projects Faster

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Fast-paced projects and large teams demand improved productivity 3

Traditional ways of working drain productivity 4

1: Centralized all-team access to project information 7

2: Streamlined project coordination and scheduling 7

3: Reduced need for paper prints 8

4: Anytime, anywhere access 9

5: Spend less time translating and coordinating files 10

6: Capture comments more quickly and easily 10

7: Streamline file storage and sharing 11

Get started now 12

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Fast-paced projects and large teams
demand improved productivity Adapt and succeed

The pace of infrastructure projects keeps increasing. including fewer errors, less rework, and greater cost The American Society of Civil Engineers
As teams need to account for progressively complex predictability. BIM’s ability to improve cross-team published its 20-year vision for the profession
planning and permitting, the number of participants collaboration and coordination are at the root of many in 2006.[2] The report seemed to anticipate
and stakeholders seems to grow from one project to the of these benefits. But even as collaboration is improving many of the technologies, such as cloud,
next. Multiple engineering and environmental specialists on civil projects, teams still rely heavily on traditional impacting the profession today. Linking success
must weigh in on even relatively small projects. This ways of interacting, such as phone, email, and in-person to adaptability, engineering leaders highlighted
requires a level of collaboration and coordination meetings. These ways of collaborating may be limiting the professional skills civil engineers will need
that adds time and effort. But design budgets aren’t productivity, especially when project team members to thrive. They include:
necessarily growing. As a result, civil engineering firms are in different offices—and sometimes in different
and other project participants find that their resources countries. • Rapid mastery of new technology
are stretched far too thin. • Agile collaboration with multidisciplinary
It’s time to upgrade to a more efficient way of working: teams, including virtual teams
A productivity boost would hugely impact the bottom cloud-based collaboration.
• Proactive project management that
line for many infrastructure project participants. Yet, as
In this white paper, we’ll explore some of the top advances projects within budgets,
compared to just a few years ago, people are working
sources of inefficiency on infrastructure projects. Then, schedules, and other constraints
more efficiently thanks to more integrated workflows.
the paper highlights seven ways that cloud-based
Take design as an example. Many civil engineers use
workflows eliminate process inefficiencies and open the Those are just three of the skills highlighted, but
Building Information Modeling (BIM) processes and
door to higher levels of productivity cloud-based collaboration can further each one.
tools. According to a 2017 SmartMarket Report survey
from Dodge Data and Analytics, 52% of civil engineering
firms report using BIM on more than half their projects,
with just 20% reporting that level of use in 2015. [1]
Of those survey respondents using BIM, 87% say they
receive positive value from BIM, with a majority also of engineers
reporting that they have only begun to unlock its full
across disciplines
67% reporting BIM
The 2017 SmartMarket Report from Dodge Data and implementation
Analytics referenced above also found that users
attributed a wide-array of benefits to BIM,
in 2012.

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Traditional ways of working drain productivity
Infrastructure project teams, especially on major Industry-focused tools go well beyond simple file
projects, often require contributions from multiple storage and exchange. These tools support the specific
specialties and people based at different firms. So scheduling and collaboration processes that help
coordination and collaboration play significant roles in your teams develop deliverables efficiently. Just as
project delivery. But traditional ways of collaborating importantly, these tools are designed to let teams view
and coordinating may be limiting productivity and
negatively impacting project profitability. Consider how
you usually collaborate and coordinate. You probably
CAD and model-based design files—in the office and in
the field. 33%
rely on meetings, discussions with peers, and frequent Professionals like you are adopting cloud-based
emails to keep everyone on the same page. Basically, technology, and it’s changing the way projects are
you communicate. executed. According to a recent survey, 33% of those
responding said they see online collaboration tools as
Communication isn’t the problem. The problem lies in a potential path to higher productivity.[3] The impact
the gaps in communication processes. Think about it. of cloud computing is having a positive impact on the
You wait until the next in-person meeting to resolve industry, and it’s gaining global momentum. In fact, the
significant interferences. You play endless phone Construction Industry Council in the United Kingdom
tag when you need input on budget-critical value expects cloud computing to be the leading way industry
engineering ideas. And you wade through mountains of participants store and share designs.[4] Cloud-based
emails to find important project schedule information. collaboration’s ability to improve productivity is a key
Everyone on your project teams do, too. You need to factor driving adoption. Let’s explore seven ways that it
bridge communication gaps and stay connected to each can boost productivity on infrastructure projects. 33% of industry
other and project details. Doing so helps you collaborate professionals see
and coordinate more seamlessly. Inefficiencies fall away
online collaboration
and productivity increases across the project team.
tools as a path to
The cloud provides the perfect building blocks for higher productivity.
a bridge over traditional communication gaps. It’s
available anytime and anywhere. Cloud-based tools
designed specifically for architecture, engineering,
and construction (AEC) professionals support your
workflows, project needs, and file types.

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Digitalization could save
A global vision as much as $1.2 trillion.
Consider your current workflows. You probably rely
on data and models—as opposed to paper—far more
than you did just a few years ago. The trend is global,
and the potential cross-industry wins of a complete
digitalization of the industry are staggering, according
to the World Economic Forum. The cost-savings to
come from digitalization could be as much as $1.2
trillion.[5] Cloud-based collaboration is one of the
pivotal capabilities enabling the industry to go digital.

The cost-savings to come from

digitalization could be as much
as $1.2 trillion.[5] Cloud-based
collaboration is one of the
pivotal capabilities enabling the
industry to go digital.

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1: Centralized all-team access to 2: Streamlined project coordination
project information and scheduling

On a typical project, you probably receive an email that Project teams manage schedules in a variety of ways.
lists project participants and their contact information. You might keep track of everything in your personal
As the project team grows you get updates with new desktop calendar. For some projects, the project
names—all very orderly. And then you have a question manager might be tasked with regularly sending
for the geotechnical engineer who’s doing the analysis the whole team updated calendars. When done this
for the retaining walls. What’s her name? Where’s the way, participants don’t have real-time access to the
latest contact list? You waste time finding project project schedule—the schedule simply remains a list of
information hidden in the 120-plus emails a typical milestones rather than a dynamic contributor to cross-
professional receives each day. team coordination.

It’s in the wiki Wouldn’t it be better if you and the other project
stakeholders could access a master schedule to add
Cloud collaboration lets you stop using email to manage
meetings and update milestones yourself? Working in
project information that everyone needs. Instead,
the cloud lets you make schedules more collaborative.
you and your collaborators create a project wiki. It can
At the beginning of a project, you create a calendar
hold all the project data you want everyone to be able
with major milestones. Throughout the project, you
to easily access. And starting the wiki takes minutes—
update it with new events, such as meetings. As you
adding a page is about as quick as writing an email.
set up meetings, you can send calendar notifications to
A small wiki might contain just a few entries—contacts,
populate team members’ desktop calendars. The whole
meeting notes, and some additional background
team can see the freshest version of the agenda for the
material—but that’s the kind of information that
day, week, or month. They also know who’s set to deliver
prevents virtually every team member from losing time
what when, making it more efficient to coordinate
to email reconnaissance. And when you get a question
interdependent aspects of the project.
that you don’t have time to answer, you can just say,
“It’s in the wiki.”

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It’s like having real-time
access to electronic prints that
maintain complete visual fidelity
3: Reduced need for paper prints with respect to pen weights,
line types, fonts, and colors.
Many infrastructure teams still rely heavily on paper
prints to get a total project view. That’s largely because
design files are too big to email efficiently. Yes, the
use of DWF and PDF files have led to reduced printing
because they allow you to share information by email
more easily. But team members still request prints and
unroll the sheet set when they want to check details.
This creates several problems. Printing is expensive.
More importantly, prints are outdated almost as soon
as they come off the printer. Also, today’s BIM-powered
designs contain object data and intelligence that prints
don’t convey.

Fewer prints, more information

Cloud collaboration and coordination give you easy
access to all the latest project information. You can
access your cloud-based project files and view project
information from anywhere. Plan sheets retain civil-
design model information, so you can see project plans
and underlying object data. It’s like having real-time
access to electronic prints that maintain complete visual
fidelity with respect to pen weights, line types, fonts,
and colors. And you aren’t the only one with access to
this information—everyone on the project team can refer
to project plans without resorting to printing. So you
get the peace of mind that comes from knowing that no
team member is working from old data.

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4: Anytime, anywhere access
People who work on infrastructure projects are often on Fast answers Call a quick meeting
the go. You visit job sites that are under construction.
Having a list of “to-dos” and “to-answers” for when you Cloud collaboration also gives you the power to
You drive to sometimes-remote locations to get
return to your desk is business-as-usual—and slows the assemble one-on-one or multiparty meetings
firsthand looks at existing conditions for projects in
pace of projects. But it doesn’t have to when you use wherever you are. You simply invite others to attend
design. You attend meetings with clients, engineers, and
cloud collaboration and coordination to gain anywhere, a virtual meeting. When attendees arrive, you can
architects. You talk (and wait to talk) with local planners
anytime access to project information. Instead of putting share your view of design files with them. Everyone
in person because that’s sometimes the best way to get
off questions until you return to the office, you simply sees what you see, making it faster and easier to
their full attention. Projects don’t pause when you’re
access project information with your mobile device. communicate with precision. The team can address
away from your desk—your phone keeps ringing and
Project files—along with object data—are accessible and concerns quicker and with greater clarity. Markup
the emails keep coming. The answers that people need
viewable wherever you are. Not only can you address tools let you add comments to the design during the
too often have to wait until you get back to the office
pressing questions immediately, you can check more meeting. You can even share and save meeting notes
because you need project files to address questions.
minor items off your to-do list while waiting for offsite to ensure that everyone is on the same page.
meetings to start.

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5: Spend less time translating 6: Capture comments more
and coordinating files quickly and easily

Civil projects require a variety of design tools. Cloud collaboration can help Clients and other stakeholders need to review and
The preferred tools for a structural engineer on a comment on your work. How do you manage that
highway project may differ from those used by the
you address compatibility process? Create and email PDF versions? Invite them
roadway engineer, and the GIS specialist will use an issues in several ways. You can to your office to review designs in person? The second
entirely different set of tools. The data created by option lets you share detail-rich, 3D views with your
these different tools often can't be shared without a view many native file types client. You know they can envision your design intent,
significant amount of work going into translating the especially when you blend your design models with
files. This work is accompanied by the risk that some
directly through cloud-based detailed representations of existing conditions. But an
details may get lost in translation. Some teams might viewing tools. in-person meeting may not be practical for every review.
even use design software systems that don’t include all
the available BIM intelligence in order to accommodate When you create an aggregated design model and
other collaborators’ tool preferences. put it in the cloud, you can bring the client—and other
Members can simply save their work as one of dozens stakeholders who can’t easily view design models—into
Cloud collaboration can help you address compatibility of supported file types and upload the file to the cloud your process. Anyone granted access can go to the
issues in several ways. You can view many native file for easy viewing by the whole team. Chances are their cloud to view the 3D project model anywhere, anytime.
types directly through cloud-based viewing tools. design tools can write to one or more supported formats. When you want to call an issue to the client’s attention,
For these file types, you no longer need to translate Another option is to create an aggregated project model you can use the real-time meeting feature to walk
the files to view them. The whole team saves time—and that incorporates all of the team-generated files. Once them through the model, giving you greater confidence
collaborators work more efficiently in their preferred this aggregated model is uploaded, the team—even the that they understand exactly what they’re seeing.
tools. client—can use the 3D viewer to explore the model. While Additionally, the client and other stakeholders can go
this option does necessitate maintaining the aggregated online at any time and use markup tools to comment on
But what if team members use unsupported file types? model, it has the advantage of providing cross-team the aggregated model or individual design files.
Cloud collaboration offers two options to address this. visibility into the project’s progress.

7: Streamline file storage
and sharing

Today’s projects move fast, and when people need timely

project data and designs, they need it immediately, not
by the end of the day or tomorrow. Yet, without a way
to store and share files easily, people do wait. They are
forced to send and respond to near-constant requests
for files—or questions about file information that
they can’t access. Internal collaborators can typically
access files stored within the organization’s systems.
But information stored outside the firewall can’t be
accessed easily, so project team members waste time on
cumbersome file-exchange methods.

Cloud-based project collaboration and coordination

completely transform the way files are stored and
shared. The cloud serves as the information repository
for all project-related files. When you or any other
authorized team members want a file, it’s there.
Information exchange across disciplines and between
different organizations is no longer limited by manual
processes. And the information within files is viewable
on your desktop or mobile device, which means you
don’t have to waste time downloading and opening files
in your software just to see a detail.

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Transform the way
people work together

Get started now

Cloud-based collaboration and coordination are

poised to transform the way people work together on
infrastructure projects. The shift to the cloud has the
potential to deliver productivity increases similar to
those enabled by BIM tools—but without the learning
curve associated with engineering tools and processes.
Exploring cloud processes is as straightforward as
signing up for a free trial. You can get started today.

Learn More

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Dodge Data and Analytics, SmartMarket Report: The Business Value of BIM for Infrastructure, 2017
The American Society of Civil Engineers, The Vision for Civil Engineering in 2025, 2006
The Economist Intelligence Unit, Rethinking Productivity Across the Construction Industry, 2015
Saxon, Richard, Growth Through BIM, The Construction Industry Council, 2013
World Economic Forum, Shaping the Future of Construction: A Breakthrough in Mindset and Technology, 2016

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