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Formulas for gears calculation – internal gears

 Internal spur gears with normal profile
 Internal spur gears with corrected profile
• Without center distance variation
• With center distance variation
 Internal helical gears with normal profile
 Internal helical gears with corrected profile
• Without center distance variation
• With center distance variation
 Length of contact and contact radius Ra
 Dimension over pins and balls

Meaning of symbols
a Center distance m Module
α Pressure angle Q Dimension over pins or balls
β Helix angle r Radius
d Diameter Ra Radius to start of active profile
g Length of contact s Tooth thickness on diameter d
g1 Legth of recession ‫ݏ‬ҧos Chordal thickness
g2 Length of approach t Pitch
hf Dedendum w Chordal thickness over z’ teeth (spur gears)
hk Addendum W Chordal thickness over z’ teeth (helical gears)
h0 Corrected addendum z Number of teeth
hr Whole depth x Profile correction factor
l Tooth space
Meaning of indices
b Reffered to rolling diameter n Reffered to normal section
c Referred to roll diameter of basic rack o Reffered to pitch diameter
f Reffered to root diameter q Reffered to the diameter throug balls center
g Reffered to base diameter r Reffered to balls
k Refferred to outside diameter s Reffered to transverse section
i Refferred to equivalent w Reffered to tool

Internal spur gears with normal profile

݀௢ = ݉ ∙ ‫ݖ‬ ℎ௥ = ℎ௞ + ℎ௙
‫ݐ‬௢ = ݉ ∙ ߨ ݀௞ = ݀௢ − 2ℎ௞
݀௚ = ݀௢ ∙ cos ߙ௢ ݀௙ = ݀௢ + 2ℎ௙
‫ݐ‬௚ = ‫ݐ‬௢ ∙ cos ߙ௢ ‫ݏ‬௢ =

ℎ௞ = ݉

ℎ௙ = ∙݉

ℎ௙ = ∙݉ or
଺ ସ

Internal spur gears with corrected profile

a)- Without center distance variation

ℎ௞ = ݉ − ‫݉ ∙ ݔ‬
଻ ହ
ℎ௙ = ∙ ݉ + ‫ ݉ ∙ ݔ‬or ℎ௙ = ∙݉+‫݉∙ݔ‬
଺ ସ
‫ݏ‬௢௖ = − 2 ∙ ‫ ∙ ݉ ∙ ݔ‬tan ߙ௢
b)- with center distance variation
௫భ ି௫మ
݅݊‫ߙ ݒ‬௕ = ݅݊‫ߙ ݒ‬௢ + 2 tan ߙ௢
௭భ ି௭మ
ୡ୭ୱ ఈ೚ ௗ೒
ܽ௕ = ܽ ݀௕ =
ୡ୭ୱ ఈ್ ୡ୭ୱ ఈ್
‫ݏ‬௕ = ‫ݎ‬௕ ൤ − 2ሺ݅݊‫ߙ ݒ‬௢ − ݅݊‫ߙ ݒ‬௕ ሻ൨
݀௞ = ݉ሺ‫ ݖ‬− 2 + 2‫ݔ‬ሻ

Internal helical gears with normal profile

݀௢ = ݉௦ ∙ ‫ݖ‬ ‫ݐ‬௢௦ = ݉௦ ∙ ߨ
݀௚ = ݀௢ ∙ cos ߙ௢௦ ‫ݐ‬௚௦ = ‫ݐ‬௢௦ ∙ cos ߙ௢௦
݉௡ = ݉௦ ∙ cos ߚ௢ tan ߙ௢௡ = tan ߙ௢௦ ∙ cos ߚ௢
‫ݐ‬௢௡ = ݉௡ ∙ ߨ ‫ݐ‬௚௡ = ‫ݐ‬௢௡ ∙ cos ߙ௢௡
଻ ହ
ℎ௞ = ݉௡ ℎ௙ = ∙ ݉௡ or ℎ௙ = ∙ ݉௡
଺ ସ
ℎ௥ = ℎ௞ + ℎ௙ ݀௞ = ݀௢ − 2ℎ௞
గ∙௠೙ గ∙௠ೞ
݀௙ = ݀௢ + 2 ∙ ℎ௙ ‫ݏ‬௢௡ = ‫ݏ‬௢௦ =
ଶ ଶ

Internal helical gears with corrected profile

a)- Without center distance variation

ℎ௞ = ݉௡ − ‫݉ ∙ ݔ‬௡
଻ ହ
ℎ௙ = ∙ ݉௡ + ‫݉ ∙ ݔ‬௡ or ℎ௙ = ∙ ݉௡ + ‫݉ ∙ ݔ‬௡
଺ ସ
݉௡ ∙ ߨ
‫ݏ‬௢௡௖ = − 2 ∙ ‫݉ ∙ ݔ‬௡ ∙ tan ߙ௢௡
݉௦ ∙ ߨ
‫ݏ‬௢௦௖ = − 2 ∙ ‫݉ ∙ ݔ‬௡ ∙ tan ߙ௢௦
b)- With center distance variation
௫భ ି௫మ
݅݊‫ߙ ݒ‬௕௦ = ݅݊‫ߙ ݒ‬௢௦ + 2 tan ߙ௢௡
௭భ ି௭మ
ୡ୭ୱ ఈ೚ೞ ௗ೒
ܽ௕ = ܽ ݀௕ =
ୡ୭ୱ ఈ್ೞ ୡ୭ୱ ఈ್ೞ
‫ݏ‬௕௦ = ‫ݎ‬௕ ൤ − 2ሺ݅݊‫ߙ ݒ‬௢௦ − ݅݊‫ߙ ݒ‬௕௦ ሻ൨
݀௞ = ݉௡ ൬ − 2 + 2‫ݔ‬൰
cos ߚ௢

Contact length calculation

ߩ௞ଵ = ට‫ݎ‬௞ଵ

− ‫ݎ‬௚ଵ

ߩ௞ଶ = ට‫ݎ‬௞ଶ

− ‫ݎ‬௚ଶ

݃ = ߩ௞ଵ − ߩ௞ଵ + ܽ௕ ∙ sin ߙ௕

݃ଵ = ߩ௞ଵ − ‫ݎ‬௕ଵ ∙ sin ߙ௕ ݃ଶ = −ߩ௞ଶ + ‫ݎ‬௕ଶ ∙ sin ߙ௕
Contact radius Ra calculation

ܴ௔ଶ = ටሺߩ௞ଶ + ݃ሻଶ + ‫ݎ‬௚ଶ

In the case of helical gears use transverse section values ߙ௕௦ instead of ߙ௕ .

Fig. N°3


Primary interference

Minimum internal diameter without interference

ࢊ࢑૛࢓࢏࢔ = ටࢊ૛ࢍ + ሺ૛ࢇ࢈ ∙ ‫ ࢈ࢻ ܖܑܛ‬ሻ૛

Secondary interference (figure N°4)

cos ߜ = ߥ = ݅݊‫ ߜ ݒ‬− ݅݊‫ߙ ݒ‬௕

మ మ మ మ మ మ
௥ೖమ ା௔್ ି௥ೖభ ௥ೖమ ି௔್ ି௥ೖభ
cos ߲ = cos ߮ =
ଶ∙௥ೖమ ∙௔್ ଶ∙௥ೖభ ∙௔್

When the points K1 and K2 on the pinion and gear move to K’1 and K’2 in time t1 and t2 ,
the respective angles are:
డି ఌ
for the gear: ߲ − ߝ ; ‫ݐ‬ଶ =

ఝା ఔ
for the pinion: ߮+ ߥ ; ‫ݐ‬ଵ =

To avoid interference, the points K1 and K2 should not coincide at K1’ and K2’ and should
satisfy the condition:
ఝା ఔ డି ఌ
‫ݐ‬ଵ > ‫ݐ‬ଶ or >
ఠభ ఠమ

The diagram of figure N°5 is used to determine the largest difference z2 – z1 , which is a
function of the pressure angle ߙ௢ and the ratio , where not interference exist.

When the gears are corrected hk becomes:

௛ೖ್మ ା௛ೖ್భ
ℎ௞ =

Fig. N°5

Dimension over pins and balls (figure N°6)

Spur gear with even number of teeth

ௗೝ ௟೚
݅݊‫ߙ ݒ‬௤ = ݅݊‫ߙ ݒ‬௢ − + from which we have ߙ௤
ଶ௥೚ ∙ୡ୭ୱ ఈ೚ ଶ௥೚

ୡ୭ୱ ఈ೚
‫ݎ‬௤ = ‫ݎ‬௢ ܳ = ૛ ∙ ࢘ࢗ − ࢊ ࢘
ୡ୭ୱ ఈ೜

Spur gear with odd number of teeth

ߙ௤ and ‫ݎ‬௤ are the same as for even teeth, but ܳ = ૛ ∙ ࢘ࢗ ∙ ‫ܛܗ܋‬ − ࢊ࢘

Helical gear with even number of teeth

ௗೝ ௟೚ೞ
݅݊‫ߙ ݒ‬௤௦ = ݅݊‫ߙ ݒ‬௢௦ − +
ଶ௥೚ೞ ∙ୡ୭ୱ ఉ೚ ୡ୭ୱ ఈ೚೙ ଶ௥೚ೞ

ୡ୭ୱ ఈ೚ೞ
‫ݎ‬௤௦ = ‫ݎ‬௢௦ ܳ = ૛ ∙ ࢙࢘ࢗ − ࢊ࢘
ୡ୭ୱ ఈ೜ೞ
Helical gear with odd number of teeth

ߙ௤௦ and ‫ݎ‬௤௦ are the same as for even teeth, but ܳ = ૛ ∙ ࢙࢘ࢗ ∙ ‫ܛܗ܋‬ − ࢊ࢘


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