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i937 Contributed By: Dennis Pederson r 08 / 0S / By ‘Heddon's ‘River-Runt’ Does the St “Original Underwater". “Jointed Underwater"? ‘Floating and Diving’ Jointed Floating and areas) ee TSS) These Well-known Anglers and Prominent Personages take Great Pride in their Heddon Tackle sont tre Two New Fly-Rod Lures Heddon’s ““RIVER-RUNTIE” and ““RIVER-RUNTIE-SPOOK” For Bass, Crappies, Bluegills, Large Trout, et Pal Pare on Page 8 Made in 8 Attractive Colors LENT WITH CANE-POLES m ifcadontine Fellow Fisherman: ~- Thousands of anglers each year ask for and enjoy their Heddon Catalog. We hope you like yours, and if you already have one, please hand this to a fisherman friend. On other side is an order blank for your convenience. We suggest that you make up your memo of Heddon tackle and take it to your Dealer to fill or to order for you. But please rejeot all substitutes, -- it's YOUR money and you have the right to insist on getting what YOU want. Remember, -- If Dealer will not supply you, then mail direot to us and we vii! give é with a guarantee of satisfacti prompt citention, or money refunded. Just a suggestion, -- Don't skimp yourself on Baits. They are such a SMALL part of the cost of your trip, but the MAIN factor in determining whether it is good fun or flat failure. Be sure to get several "RIVER-RUNT SPOOKS", also a "FLAP-TAIL"; -- YOU will get fish when others fail. Remember, -- "The River-Runt does the Stunt". . There's a lot of fun, too, in trying out DIFFERENT baits; and a variety assures success. Some days fish will hit Surface Baits, and on other days, they prefer Diving or Underwater ones. Study the "Bait Chart" and note Special Selection shown in red figures, also how to use them. And don't forget your old fishing "pal" who will want one just like yours! "Two-of-some" is a good motto, and also insurance in case of loss of your favorite "plug". Last, but not least, don't risk losing your string of beauties on an old rotten or worn-out Fish Stringer. That new Heddon-Winona Stringer is extra-strong and very con- venient, -- either plain cord or with metal snaps. Cordially yours, CHARLES HEDDON, President. "HEDDON-made is WELL-made" ae The Most Democratic, Restful, Fis hing, ~ * Natural and Universal Sport! Tiere are few anglers in penitentiaries,—tive “fishing bug” and the “crime bug’” seldom re side in the same person From Washington to Roosevelt, many of our Presidents and other rominent_ men have een ardent fishermen For youth and aduit, there is nothing more beneficial, than to com- mune with Nature in her woods and on_her waters. The refined angling spirit eannot sin against fellow mortals, fas, aflectionately nor against society love of angling, which ‘As Ex-President Cool- onae ine Eaoeor he instilled within me. idge said: — There is It is dowklyr rich with morsurible i at of memories of happy hours tay2'her. fatima. I affords’ vefes seat etch nboeatecaty gehegag To Fathers and Mother ay wcsage sug. something paar wholesome ard unspeiled gests that you take your children to the quie Eavate® sherman WHEN we shall all do well to Soods and mystical waters. It is Nature's best antidote for the innumerable besetting Modern angling methods fire the imagination, sins of modern society, and 1s so beautifully and challenge the skill. They also appeal to expressed by the late Dr. Henry Van Dyke the sense of good sportsmanship. Fishing is in his book "Little Rivers” by the verses: now intensely pleasur- able and engaging, since it has eliminated the prosaic,— the old- fashioned “sit-in-the- sun-and-wait” methods, Col. Charles A. Lind- bergh’s father is quoted as having said: — “the frat timer t really bec Acquainted with my som then Took him on «fehl tp ‘The most prized bene- diction that I received from my own father — "Jim" Heddon, as he was affectionately Only an idle little stream, Whose amber waters soltiy gleam, ‘Where T may wade, through woodland shade, And east the fly, and loaf, and dream: ly 4 out ort, to dart om foaming pools, ahd ty my ar ‘No mare tm wishing -” ald fashioned fishing, And just’ day on Nature's hear. "PISHING!" An appreciation by IRVIN S. COBB, I, for ono, an proud to call eyself a fisher and with th fighofaon stand. Ours i¢ a vonorable and a noble and a healt ful ‘sport, To practice it is good for our ainds and our’ bodies. fo Ife"about our fishing afterwards, ‘sakes the imagi- nation nore flexible. But to got the maximum of enjoysent out of this fayored pursuit of ours, the ficherson gust have the right sort of lackle, Tightly ‘and honestly built. The concern’calied Jawes Hoddor ‘Song takes such tackle as Ivan giad to testify of ay own free will Because of tho uniform excellence which I have found in Heddon wares it affords me ploasure to tender to the present wenters of the form th voluntary—and unpaidefor—tribute, ‘May”they Live. Long aad ey’ they prosper aps) aay they go on seking fishing tackle for this nation of flanoreen and ‘eisnorronent Printed in U.S. A, Conrigh 582, Jamon Hedans Sone, Domeac Mh ams ams “ag 449, “yang i Order Blank—Try Your Dealer First Make up your Heddon order on this blank and take it to your dealer and have him fill ik or order the items for you, Reject all SUBSTITUTES, 1s your money. and you have the right to insist on getting what you want. If your eeupPY auien EE dealer WiLL NOT supply you MALL DIRECT TO US, and we ail give i mamediate BE f attention. Satisfaction euafantends of money reused #5 JAMES HEDDON'S SONS Dowaxise, Mi BEE sen to. Date EZ # Street and No. ee af City State " pt Ship b: Find enclosed 3 f Seedy lose §_ EE Many | Catalog No, Articles Wanted [ Pree | Amount ssouppv owen A Winosa a) Order Blank—Try Your Dealer First Make up your Heddon order on this blank and take io your dealer ard have im fil {Wor orde? the tema for you Wafect all SUBSTITUTES $1055 your money, and you have the right to insist on getting what you want, If your deaiot WILL NO supply you MAIL DIRECT TO US. and we mil yve 1 immediate Attention. Satisfaction guatanteed, of money returned JAMES HEDDON'S SONS Dowagia, Michigan Send to. . = Date. Street and No. aoe City - State. Ship by Find enclosed $ Many Articles Wanted Price Many | Catalog No. ourey, ‘sul pag "DIN "seemed "sto s,uoppan sue ‘U2 01 ss0;0u9 | oem) ayy avout 10 sduress ‘piu 9p sasunayy Sa Why Heddon Baits ? Because they do catch more fish as proven by their outstanding Leader ship in “Field and Stream’s” National Fish Contests for 24 Years. “Been-There” Fishermen prefer Heddon Baits because they are the original wooden minnow and of recognized highest quality. Now improved and duplicated in transparent. material found exclusively in the famous Heddon “Spook” Baits on pages 4-5-6 and 7. Furthermore the experienced fisherman knows that the bait must be a real fish-getter or Heddon would not make it Heddon Baits cost slightly more than numerous imitations, a difference that is more than justified by the difference in quality, their serviceability, and fish-getting ability. Nothing but the best goes into them: — The choicest of seasoned cedar and gumwood; the fastest colors and the highest grades of paints and enamels; and the best grades of hooks, imported from England and made especially to rigid specifications, Heddon hooks are now cadmium-plated to make them as rust-proof as possible, — not just nickeled or painted. The Heddon Guarantee Its ree the demandes quality ana vereen | rade as near 100% perfect as skill, knowledge, and ingenuity will permit. Every article is made ofthe best materials obtainable, and auitable for the purpose, and should any tackle prove defective in manufacture offal to render the service which should reasonably ie expected, Heddon agrees to replace or repair it, oF adjust iebatinfactoriy, or refund ies pres Read this remarkable record: — “In 24 years of ‘Field & Streams’ National Fish Contest, MORE Prize- winning Bass have been caught on Fieddon Baiis thzi. on anr oth e ot lures. Alea ‘many Prize Mus Wall-Eyes, and Great Northern Pi ‘Such National Leadership i a Price We unlversal use and. real fi ora EELS, In Sentle and Porlad “Salmon Der A, tigowndge op Hegde, mere than half of the Prize-Salmon were taken Te saa tie at tere yee Stinen Bertie fort pe Pein yeoré Oe Poe tunay fe Poe Msg tor RDA on edaon bioer are ee itive proof of rgetting "ability. ONE Bait got 4 “Field & Stream” Prize Winners Two Each Year, 2 Years in Succession Here's a record that’s hard to beat, — TWO whoppers in one morning, and both of them Prize Winners in “Hil & Stream’s”" National Fish Contest, He used a Heddon Rods Heddon Real, « Heddon Bait, and a Heddon line. 100% Heddon. HSM Att th av un she spo Lae Moat my ing Beta bit ‘Abate ab Caen "2 SH Pree ‘ot Str Prive Winners) ‘And in the following year Mr. Atwater and Dr. Savage landed fico more ‘Prize Winners!” And on the same old Heddon Baitt Heddon “Fish-saver" Hook-fasteners are held by TWO Screws instead of one. Hlooke will not revolve or twist off or pull out because they are doubly secured with the Heddon patented ‘ook fastener, yet can easily be removed to replace a broken: hocks Hooke are held ir best postion fo inaure Hooking the fish, and seldom touch or damage the bait. “Whopper” in the Yearly Big Fish Contest of “Field & Siream’: also of “Hunting & ing” and "Nat risman"— ‘Open to All Fishermen = fee! "Thousands of dallas are awarded tally analrs ig one” may be worth its weight (o you In good tackle. A blank will be furnished ree on request to: aan Ave, Nem Yok CU. Nationa Spertemas, In", 108 Manachuate Ave Beson, Mase {furnished with angle hooks, of fe sherwiee comply with special Ss Heddon “RIVER-RUNT” Baits Regular and Jointed — and Sinking Underwater Lures. ‘Spook” material, and wood construction, “Heddon’s Runt did the Stunt!” ‘That is what thousands of anglers say about ths anon rut of tT has tied nal pulanty oF hn, nd ispow univer sed for ALL" gamesish in. both ~% fresh vaterand saltwater, | ell say H It ia, “Standard equip- ment” with experienced anglers, because § they have found that there is something about its size and shape and lively swimming action whieh is, simply i resistible, A small light, lure yet an excellent easter, ideal for light whippy rods in both steel and bamboo. On account of the “River-Runt popularity, there are now many imita- Hons, Therefore, be sure you yet a genuine “River-Runt” (wood model), or“ Spook” (fsh-ftesh model) by. teeing." Heddon” stencilled on the bait,” Unless made by Heddon, itis not a genuine *River-Runt,”— trade name registered in U. 8- Patent Offs Unsolicited testimonials by the hundreds come to us with pictures of remarkable catches by “River-Runts” on Bass, Walleyes, Pickerel, ete. also all kinds of saltwater fish. Anglers say : “+A marvev"; ~ “Beat ever’: —“‘ftemarkable iait-gette,”"; ‘Better then tise minnows"; —*'Got “en. when all else failed”; “Made my vacation a success”; — etc. 6 “Shore-Minnow" Finishes: rua iv ean Clr dt the aaa ae Shove anos’ Soar oe Gtr ep eo Pork ehunke users will ike the red-andevhite one. Fo ope ger en ery doable hock p20 SERIESLaneth, 2) nego Rwcaia tte chiens” Hwy pales = lay Two “Old Time” Favorites, Crab-Wiggler and Tad Polly “Midget-Crab” 1950 and “Crab-Wiggler,” 1900 No. 1950 “Midget-Crab-Wiggler” ed dsr whe pater al bate wil ppc tinal ire A ely wig, rang sn blow wurace Very weed. Length 235 1a: Weight Soho 2 eee roe. sek 076 S No. 1900 “Baby-Crab-Wiggler” \? ‘metal oa trer ass Length 83 in, Weight 2,8 oe 2 tebe Hoot shir | Mager Heddon “Tad Polly ewes runing of Heddon bie whieh oat wile a rt, Dive Screg tig pull at wd erect mest tk st Seiietihnma rates ali, ength 834 inches. ae 4%, Heddon Lines—Bait Casting and Fly Casting When that BIG Strike comes, you want a line that Holds asap stele Tele 4 WORD OF CAUTION THAT WILL SAVE YOU BIG Fist EES Sac peat eae Silk Casting Lines zzce‘tetn cate ung "SIMSON"—"Th ine hat eda" *DOWAGIACY Line (heeratcieek) ‘era ‘Tee Sh. Spel lab aye Speoe DD tbe $1 per spook I” Fly Lines (Oil Tempered Coating) ered and Level Lines for both Trout and Bass Fly Fishing Se They rob Tice 2 eee fa i att ea yt lenges iy Lines Recommended for Different Rods pom reac ihr ine thay heavier ro oe ith mer acon, ot auras ithe alan af hero. tigi Wil ie oe Sek ae Tes at re tried ix handsome indvidvel bomen 20 yarda each. eee ePH eel Lines tole tonsa’ each of 35 sutbaIe eapaSoond ose = : ER | eric) Bienes Sebo Lapel Pee area Poa, se uty Heddon Special Salt-Water Lures ers are coming to realize that all kinds of Salt-Water Fish cen be taken on “Plugs, including Cod, Mackerel, Salt-Water Trout, Snook, Ladyfish, Crevalle, Rocefah, Channel Bass, Striped’ ioc, ce. Many regular fresh-vater baits are suitable fr the purpose and very efletive. When used forthe heavier Salt Water Fish, heavier hooks should be installed. * In addition, to the bait shown on this page, the following models are also recommended for Salt-Water use: oddan iver Runt Spoke Hsddon varias (asd land Striped Bass Lures” pages 10 and 11) Light Tackle Salt-Water Specials decorates mya grata i 14 Atul Size No. 520 Series “Shark-Mouth Minn” Spear e a sate ta bie Scie W det tee ea HENS See Aer teats NE Ena WM Bed Hed ots pct ROEM Stn ot je featares sopescnte NSUSESMHL Whit, Rea Hone, Sines Woeu re Be Back, $60 A New Indestructible Body and Finish. Hooke cannot pull out. Heddon No. 9600 Salt-Spook (Not of Wood) Porch Sak wi eecopie bey ach, th “Old Reliables” Salt-Water Specials (Wooden Bodies) Ne, 00 OBRIES— Doty pth 24 feb weg 35 cn {00 SERIES — Ray enh 89 inch, wiht 1 ane ‘thin White Body: God Speckled, Rod Hand ach 78 fra White Bay; Gala Sod, Red Head Each, 875 Another “Old Reliable” Salt-Water Special (Wooden Body) Se ree -cmae mats vgaongensaeegnarome Solace Te Neuer ama lus) gages isi hes The above Amazing Catches on Heddon FLY Rods! 94-1b. Tarpon; 69-Ib. Sailfish; 44-1b. Salmon! Standard Heddon FLY Rods were used (Not over 64 ot.) with Saltwater handles Heddon, — the Rod with the Fighting Heart! ‘When Fly Red will gts and evecusr glam figh like thee it proves that ai Tedon Roda have well earned their title of "Rods witk the Fighting Boasts” Here are some of the reasons: Only Thick-walled Bamboo Tempered Bamboo Not a Stain or Varnish =O Heddon “Hold~ Split,—Not Sawed ‘Seton gh ond olde a te” Locking Reel-Seat Strictly Hand-made with Painstaking Care, by Rod Craftsmen Fine Rods are the result of high ideals, plus many ‘They are scientifically, built, for immense strength years of experience. ‘They cannot be bull in'a year and” service, with: lightness_and. correct lane. Brine by cheap unskilled ep. With “al their inner qualities “and hidden, niceties, Heddon Rode aro boautifully Anished. Ferrules slip they’ offer the very highest vsiver obtainable. In Tike velvet, and are hand fitted toinsure a perfect AC rods You will be proud of a “Heddon” in any company and under all conditions. lus) Chart (For Colors Only) 0 Bat ia made ALL color below. Bats are ade only inthe colors ted uns each Seren the etl: Some ness to ooa-odied bls ony. Other slr apo Transparent baits only: and Soe orate eRver Kant body ted below, Bat this model fe NOT made ED tot cera only ao catalogued aid listed tinder each bait Sele. TE TO CQUON NUNES Toa LAST pmb tur rau te Gr Py Ne ge Heddon Color 9 Silver Specks 1. Perch Sale ‘5H sive Hing a LUM Laninoe 14 Yalow Porch 1M Fike Scale aoe a % Special “Spook"” Colo applying only to Transparent Baits pale oes et ‘Applying to MCrab.Syuok only m6 Ws NG Nawal Crab i 6c Greas Cr te tina eb ‘New Shore-Minnow" colors apply only to Transparent Baits 324 > q— 19TE “ON oss “song Pou [nysomod y “sopimp ane “sodkot “uz #1 [pUP|E “SlUO "Ij § “A[uO UoNDe YNS—SISIE “ON — poy AysnYy 40 Bur OFE1E~(wop worduaep aden BOS S181 oN em yong. suospus us por Be ee crete saseT TNae ON Jo Hojos ons tt POA WISEE “ON, vy vary tSts ON "gets hurdbied plosoyear jocud (22) ‘ips are drawn and tempered at Dowagiac by Heddon. aTpueyy 15gO WH poy Sur ons poe svoppan eg -ys0q 24) siuem om sajBue Aue 10} ,[ed, v Aina, — ‘Buyweap ayy ur paunt ty ueoq you Be geesancoeerg sey uma sere sey yoags ayy Jo aumjonuys ay pue ‘suoAINpes Uppns 10 Surduns> ou Sey 2] "“UoI}oe pue Apu Lqueay ‘sod c lUdo}tun soatd -yorya ssoooad eioaus no €q paveduloy pur [aoys ysoun09 pue ysouy a4 rosy uaLEIp std [0098 pes aug, “sessau3yeaa 40 sy[ne} Hal 70 auou pun ‘ooquieg pue jo0ys Jo squiod pod au9 te sey ted, mott aq, & nen “oogureg s0Uy og WO (Pd * [ jouUeD ROA pur soo NOK anus “uomee pub dia “sateey “HH 5 See tan” -nage ‘iomod Sy, “SsOunysy aulsiT-9 Sj U}UK NOK JYBHap pure Nok zee III | 3 mi) wou, soonoqe ¥_48U) SPOY BunsED ul UoLIjoaas yay WaHAd op yunoure 7H oo seu ar TPOM-OOOOOLS V = *uORRIG' JO, J9PJ,, PuFOsaIN ou “0”06SO eUEPIPPEID»s OOF “ON Kit a4ten uma i099 on ear jo cetpaca arora pox ug0 prea) ae is por“ padee fag -maheewtig dora pow spit wisn) PSE BRET Gh Mhabeg clr aay olen oon oy the Rod with the Fighting Heart! an POY PAPO, 007 “ON, uy 568 ON on 4 #0, foal coyolieaay nr ‘aynuiey » “oN 30 go ‘avoy Shie| to} pat oud pons as0q'at tote odie osogh Sopa. EESe On Rinne aia otters fe (2601 50 xB, uoUTUI9A0D OPRPUS S921) spoy Sunsey req ooqueg widg uoppay uns ,aiddiya, st poaay 9 40 579 © uF ,gR ssaquiny 0} oupivedde ut ap ys oye s19}6uD 2807 (uspisong ouyT-esieg ost oN one 995) POY ALL < WUOPISAg OU (evasion pie 94.3007 J0 o1geL 30) 47 9B¥a 29) oat 1g sruose AO|URIS 20 -ensg O21 "ON seq uy apou 910 spor 202d, 0S “CN PPO OxN'T OC The Rod with The Fighting Heart (261 STEER ti mg ne te pa shox py ad ono tran weno sat Sie) POELDE ET psoas peo) sand arto abn wow ep NT Tepeds psnyq 006 “ON (penunuey) spoy Sanseyj-1egq ooqueg uoppey] Heddon Rods are the result of unhurried craftsmanship. (28) sore gy-1eg Lavoe oxnr]9q dH “ON, -pury jo sa0aqd aupae 2504 Tar sped OTTO ‘ooquieg pasodurey ooquieg Jo sduns ay) Buuof HA SOGUDSOP .POPIPA-POOAL,, ooqureg nds 1wng-21qnog, 1 ‘syse69 oye Wy ‘woes, 204, “or9 ‘ysyouog ooquing poredurey,, Ju UMg-o/FuIg pue aINg-21qnog spoy Joie A-1]eg coqueg m[dg uoppay ee 1d sone oye 2188 ay oseayd soypuEY HoH. id pooyooyanpuey Apuuoapuay we aeNE Resta wee ST GSPPOW OML) “POU AIP AL-I1PS KAvOET HPT “ON. PW “SaTPUPH PapuLg YM sjapoy] .PIePURIS,, lain steered epegarendintecoenksh UL-PIOH., WHEN poveyd-wnpuosy, sye0g-1204 3U09201 30) See further details of Pal Steel Rods on pages 22 and 2: - a — —— SPPOW «PPUPIG., PUL spopoyy exn-Joq, (penunu0y) spoy sai A\-1]2g Coqueg adg uoppazy Stanley Perfection Weedless Hooks Weedless anda “eure hooker” Beaute af the HINGED weed-rard : Fe ae gga np eae Bees tte fs a Sat ren teeny ed beer eet clea a code dee te ouereen oman me ees erase nbn carne ae sans we rks cbr ua hall fens Ail apse aon am, ny lhe wk cpa Sted aA hfredone low snow Bear hocrwLisar gp ser agree ‘ [ESSER Nae 2 an oe wae aan wer former names a opernnatnrodectons, sae] Heddon - Winona Reels — "3x Excellent for Bait-Casting and ordinary Trolling, ‘The New Winona Reals have many advantages and are bull for lating satiafaction and are very handsome Innickel and black contrane, Extremely prectial, well made, and aefaceabl, and fl the necéa of many glen ley have ho geare ower ou ar nlfporling” nan free fom bacgeen, ely taken sae and are guaranteed to give satisfaction,” In casting the thumbing is done on the hub, and not on a wet line, Sa ‘The automatic brake retards spool om cas onl, and tine Guoe ene faves much thumbing and beckieehes. ‘Thumbing sere caraciy done on hb and work equally wel with elther band ‘The now spool-encloserencircies the circumference of thereel'and prevents line from coming of sea, ‘Thumbsdrag brake. A special brake for paying and entroling large fh. ‘his e.on lower sige of Feel ‘thon casting and when rod i ranaferred to left hand, [incorrect position for left thumb. Adjustable pina for increasing line capacity. By re- tmoving these ping capacity can be doubled, valuable indeep trolling fof Lake Tout and salt water ashing Holds 60 fet of 5016s Wire Line Je. Trumpet styl insures line entering ty Running-—Sell-Spoaling roof and Servicexble so Deep Trolling account Extra Line Capacity. evovne Ps Fox Anustne Best nickel-silver and aluminum, Bearings toughest phosphor bronze, shalt enue tool-steel hardened and polished. Entire reel has tinder coat of bronze “Qi old to reduce rusting in salt-water. Diameter 434 in. Normal capacity {00 yas."Isdb, tet line. One int box No, 15-F with Spookencover, Click and Thumbdrag brake, Anatie a Line-Guide “with Line-Capacity “Adjusting Pins. Eack 7.50 No, 105-P. Similar to No. 108-P, except has no Spool-ncloser, nor Click, but has ‘Thumb-drag Brake and Adjusting Pins. Each $5.78 Universal Extension Base 1 make Winona Reels ft al Ofeet Handles Easy to put on. Each $1.06 Extra Agatine Line-Guide, Trumpet style. Each $1.00 (a) | i | Four New and Improved Reels ‘The insistent demand by fishermen upon our Dealers for these popular Reels, has induced us to offer these Improved models at mitch lower pr New “Lone-Eagle”” No. 206 ‘nw Gls ll Si atrica sce cranes eae amare ed f= Spae apear 1 fh engh 1H nea ame 1 Snes nae apa of es 00 yard 158, 3 Set seine’ Wert giae Two Reels with the “Mechanical Thumb” Put either one of these new reels on your rod — turn the adjusting knob to get the line play you want, and to suit the weight of your bait — then “‘throw her out.” ‘This “Mechanical Thumb” puts just enough tension on the line to prevent back-lash. It relieves you of the necessity of constant thumb-braking on the spool. If you want to troll, just give the adjusting knob a three-quarter turn and you lock your lineso it won't play out. ‘This remarkable feature is yours without extra cost on either model —a smooth, silent running quality reel of wateh-like precision with genuine agate-jeweled pivot-bearings removable and adjustable. Reel can be oiled without taking apart. New ‘Chief Dowagiac” No. 4 “Hleap-go0det dantone rca attr atch ie mang Ke a Beacon sr ig Sera ‘lek om ait, made of bardnad sue wth boaphor tone wring Sere siaereibe Vath ate datas “Tae nd sit Edromiums BOE ‘ates ta an eneepsonaly handsome ret vomiaay Weight 9 or epacty 161 ine 100 ya, Packed oe in cardbord bor, ‘the lvewinging devin can be iatantycemaved New “White-House Angler’? No. 215 ‘A National Favorite ‘The Mechanic! Thane (Ne Sew) ome nats revent Gecetanh 1 ves yu ot te Sens Rear rE NTO rah te sre get gE hel arate eta Fe ar ee fhe Rel net ace recovery of thelr tn sve al neta laws sing.‘ barns aa wel and nts Minch ve aiaed a cea are haste tho srig a the best Engl pine ie ‘rea Stes ake he ptecton i permet inne” ASI hea Sak a iss REN Wa — aril, th nate ine grad) enh ‘Winona Reels ~ see page 31 Apr i at (ay Fly Rod Lures for Bass, Pan-fish, Trout, Ete. Heddon “RIVER-RUNTIE” and “RIVER-RUNTIE-SPOOK” Wood Rody Transparent Body ‘Two Tiny Fly Rod Lares that Bla long-felt want Alto effective with camespoles. Floats and dives & few inches under water, and wigeles Tike reellent for Base, Crappies, Bluegill ter Algo large ‘Trout, Weight 1/35 ez” No, 1 Model Heddon “POP-EYE FROG” No. 85 Series (Fly Rod Lure) ‘There is something in the tantalizing stare of the downward-looking popping eyes that makes Mr. Base really mad, "The Byes have IT." Cork body, Uuektail lege. Length 334 in. Weight 1/20 os. Base S80 User Bites Fok Be SAR aaapear eee re AEN cites iat No, 75 SERIES “FUZZI-BUG" (Bass Size) No. 1 Model Perfect Hook Wo SS aan % Asta St {HMR — Brown Body, Wings, and Hae 18 Alyeln HSER Bec arent mae zs No, 74 SERIES “FUZZI-BUG” (Small Size) For Blue-Gills, Crappies, Ete, No. 6 Model Perfect Hook, ™ eal Aitataton 4 Act! Stee (33) New Heddon “Flaptail-Bug” (2 sizes) Liveliest of Surface Lures. Something new and different ina real swimming “Bug” that brings savage smashes, “The tiny flapping spoon at tall gives a life-like swimming action jut like an insect awimming fo its ite. On Piet rte, the spoon breaks water, reverses its revolutions and kicks up & ot of surface rommation: ‘An Exealont caster and sure hooker for Bas, large Trout, ete Bi Wah 128 0. Lane 19 nr Hehe 1/25 o. rte a Nia! The “Moise pa anc Ssdy ead fr Very The Original “Wounded Minnow” Fly Rod Lure OFFICIAL WILDER-DILG LURES deal for Fly Rod Use Bass Size 3) in. Long Mustrations about V4 size. aed bach Each WILDER-DILG Small—Trout-Crappie-Bluegill Size (2 in. long) or 1% Record Catches are made on Heddon “Bugs” Heddon “BASS-BUGS” No. 50 Series s 2 inches Long a “THE BUG WITH THE HACKLE" « ¥ Well Made and Serviceable coeaneess Meera dae ck shee oe Price, each $ .60 Heddon “Baby Bass Bugs”, No. B50 Series (134 in. long) BRAGG jug- A-Bee” Two Si: Price, each $ .50 bee ee rae |The tle isa sls for oma Crtpplee and pa fa. No. 90BUBBLING BUG” Weedless Ne sete Nod Heat) Brin eee ASE (35) Heddon-Winona Products We!-™s#end high-grade. Guaranteed to give Satisfaction “Keep-fish-alive”” Stringer with new “Disgorgeruler” Point fuerSuogavetorer A Stringer tat has everything! You fave try itout to j Appreciate i, Secure, convenient and humane You don’ have to lift a mass of flopping fh into the boat ‘when you put on another, nor risk losing a big one when puting him on the stringer, nor of sticking your fingers. It’s very simple, you fasten a detached Metal Snap through the fish's lowee’ and upper jaw, — then unfasten your stzinger and “String-the-Snap" by running. point through cylinder Borin of sap and drop the fah Gyerboard to join the others. ach is separated and snap revolves, Snaps are made of best piano-vire ine-pinted. ‘See new “Point” below. No, 614-6 Stringer Complete One (1) 61, Cord Stinger with rew Point and non-fuling ee 50 Detachable Ring ac bottom together with Six (6) Detached No. ¢'Metal Snaps No. 4 Detached Snaps (Extras) A sturdy, rust-proof snap which operates like @ giant safety pin. \Dozen Sold separately and fits all stringers. 2 dozen to box. se Each Sebati ite, ase or Paar’ "You unhogk abs meer No. vi and 91 Cord Stringers vith new “Disgorgeruler” Point nad Cord St rate ace Nog gle See, Bach 35 r, Ne ShSt) Sitoee No. 7 Winona Celluloid Float Hollow, Ligh and Durable > ol sevice font that get the “laheitern™ Ql ot elite lente" One Bo Melle aad oes cane | Nees cHineed Honea Boe ‘Aces, convent ‘Drop-"em-in” i > saan twte OA { ‘ur the thing. for pans q x oranges ata. sb Yotar orm ram Y) rateer {ee an fi canst fur la roe ae, eoameed biht red to prevent eving i bee Ely dear 2 Bakr inten (36) (Detach and carry with you) HEDDON BAIT CHART and FISHING GUIDE A variety of lures is essential, Baits are x SMALL part of the cost of your (ip, bit a BIG FACTOR in its success Pugewrmseedimmaea, were cone ane uu at aan Pes up eyunrdt Site cp vintrwis aba SESE ree om enetine Prien eke Fem ett cone. Home ALPS cece aces ay cree Si eak med eee Bee eae ‘ep dap tere rine ed et icednecal twettn on, Suey ling how to BIR, Ste, deTsecbee'salchdeagnatos oe ‘seman ghee, This "Sure-Gath “NITE-AN-DAY” BAITS Selection of 18 all-purpose baits indicated in | tamnee Punt Remar fr ie grade by, an expert angler and | HA aad ey raat es; “Surface”. "Floating and | faith wis, bel ent = Underwater" Poraligame-fsh ee et i aepeute Aglele jee} é Sai. | |e 2) g/E ars ws nnouian covows —| 4 [831 3 | | § | saris aansouan covons —| #|£2|3| 3/4 'SPOOK BAITS (Trmsvent) TFLOATING™DIVING—SWINIMING Bat tonay Tiwan se ues |<) Te] |g | sites Goma ome ; ElSTE thal? EIE\ETELE E/E/ER"S - Color Jolnted Sinker te X|x/x X || P1000 Meadow Mouse (Fur Finished) \—] Sie _wogames HELE LE] [E rea 30 Braet et Tg roo om |x| BESTE IS]E VU cuPfomom tome wm || x - Jointed Flonter 9430 Series 5403 GW) X |X |X || ree glele lee saese = EETEETE iit | Aer ElEIEUELS a =| carn eles Ele BLE(ELE|¢ | —vesamcatome FlelElele EIEIEVELE EUETEIEIE ee eed Besser Blele ele ELEIEIEIE FE RUELELEIE mE ELE lELEIS EIE/E(EVE writ BRE ELE LELEIS | cosas EES EARS a 7800 Lasky 19 ae EVE Ele elElELELS EVEVEVELE SUEUR ELE RLEIEIEIE EIEIEIE|E glele|e|¢ | wmmmmom qEett| <== om E/E/E|¢ [3 [cams WK, HS See Se ne omental Here's Convincing PROOF. ........ Again and Again,—and ues Maat HoSder bate GOON inka Mrvanra tay ond Ya ‘a MORE and BIGGER Fish: | iS or Heddon Balte than on ang other me OF ees Printed tn U. 8. A. Copeeht 187, mee Heddor's Sone Detach this Chart and Carry with You Ei] Pour marinas ane Given: Tale gle] ce ame | (lela le TEGULAR COLORS 2 | 4 |sarrs seanecuran covoes | 3 (82/3/34 SURFACE, AND SEM. WEEDLE Word) | “UNDERWATER” Hair inking Wood ny cee sce ; ne, dele ladle ae elas Be |G REE =P EUSP IES ze mee [ele tge ; ElELEIE LE ihe | & 33) x EIE/EIS/E xo 1002 oes eae etl =| ea Ge war EISELE LE ; yee] = FE =e ! geiaid FIEIE con L emo olka oe ells 170 75.0.8, Minnow x lols ‘METAL BAITS—Underwater and Weedless } eat wm LRT b= = So a i Tia Boper Bates lel 320 Kine GF z et |e He QUES TPIEIEIE|E ‘HELPFUL HINTS BERS Sieg rey ey euiely Mane nes atta a HREM um Lane cult Chaise aoe whdlee'dnd"vuiteyednhen 106, and Sa ing dad Raha aperrettia te Stee whan ie enter feos Nall Bred Une a, Se Eb he fats, et oe wi et sd mst Man ac tat ming alt i” Ce al Gem ya Bi? SA pets rs Uh Mle Spoat’ ant Bases, as Rittipunton Reig Tmworient the di | res” and But tee eee Pasa ape sara Rod Building Materials and Accessories Sleytr Roda inch ameter, nde ay Ne, 216 or Saltwater Red. Linch dante, oie di re ith sey thea fr nk Raytit— Walnat an Blk Hard Pee combigation, scew tached to Vand nctolaver Beek S132 Fy Rol Sao sph plc materia on pce. Ferrules — Nickel-Silver Heddon Rod Varni T-oz, bottle, Easy to Banded Agate Guides and Tip Tops (Ne i sy Se ae pata Be Detachable Handles For Muni fea iin tia So, 300 Rea? 38 PEG aves 2 or RY Rods 68 in (Like No: 35 toa) as Fist Quality Ste. Nioaplted ve Capber Ferrule Cement ee Pee ESAS Toit Glued Bamboo Sticks for Bait Casting and Fly Rods ‘Bale Cun Sede 2c hut ty dejhnwine ronnnas Te 8/186 Reet aS sFmailita 8 Sala 48 Sale) wate, Meal aba Waa nat) (39) Extra Rod-Sections (complete) for All Heddon Rods (Qur Rods canbe supplied with exra tip or buts from stock. For prices on extra sections ace table below. ‘Poregup an old lod wih new butt or Lp we mutt have ster ove or bots necuons ag sey saab, Blow. fered Brel an ine ae no garanend to irchange Seddon standard pe Sr dhe ae fneth, 36 inches, ‘The lengths of rode is governed by length af bude section Spesial 2 nck pen ts ee {rGL00 net more than sandare ips, ai-nch tps are 48.00 net. etira over regular omer {yo Seon x ei Md nd Ti Secon ood Canin very convener, an wil protect Your Yoo. Spey ext lage is inches” No. 134 Cut, t5g4nchn tn Diameter 52 with oleab pated rew-ap, 3403914 nce ny Tenth of tine As alan sas Your Rod and Reel Repairs done Promptly Do NOT put one name on the package and a diferent one ‘on your letter (euch as your firm name). Have both the same, Yea! We will overhaul or repair your Heddon Rod or Reel; also other makes of bamboo rods (when it'ts powsible for ua to do 40). Thousands of anglers conipliment our Department on ite prompiness and efficiency, and commend it for its reasonable charger. We knot you will be pleased. Repair Work ls DOUBLE Work and Expensive, It naturally costs much more to do a task as a Repair jobs than it did originally, because a repair job is'@ "takeapart” and a "put-together™, —va very fussy onecat-a™ time job, Sach ites kepe separate, and iueatifeg to provers toss, "he nel at es done by Our highest ' joist adn etnbnt Rofo ands tt Seapine she tating wn by ERIN "CO

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