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Prime and
Composite November 18th- 6LR Math Time 60 min


 GLO: Develop number sense
 SLO 3: Demonstrate an understanding of factors and multiples by:
o 3.1- determining multiples and factors of numbers less than 100
o 3.2- Identifying prime and composite numbers

At the end of the lesson students will be able to:
1. Identify prime numbers between 0 and 50 (Understanding)
2. Identify the composite numbers in a number line (Understanding)
3. Identify factors of numbers less than 100 (Understanding)
 Math Journals
 Number line
 Prime Numbers Exit Slip
 PowerPoint
 Factor Rainbow Activity Sheet
 Photocopy handouts ahead of time
 Write instructions on the board- Get out math journals, get a whiteboard and marker

Introduction Time
 Have students write Learning Goals on journal page from yesterday
 Review The Numbers 1-100 chart. What do the colours tell us? What does it mean
if a number had lots of colours outlined? Only a few colours? What numbers are
the shaded in numbers? How can we use it to help us find factors? 15 min
 Have students write definition of Factor in their journals on the previous page with
the tree (or on the left side)
o Definition: a number or numbers multiplied together to get a product
Body Time
Prime Numbers 1) Have students write definition in their journals below 15 min
the learning goals- Prime Number
 Definition: A number that only has two factors:
one and itself
2) Have students glue the number line into their journal
below the definition. Title the line- Prime Numbers.
What are some examples of prime numbers? Go through
a number line (1-20) as a class and determine if each
number is a prime number
3) Look at what we have found on our number line.
Compare this to the The Numbers 1-100 sheet. What do
we notice? (The shaded in numbers are the prime
Composite 1) Have students write definition in their journals-
Numbers Composite Number
 Definition: A whole number that can be divided
evenly by numbers other than 1 and itself. (A
number that has more than 2 factors.) 15 min
2) What are some examples of composite numbers? Can a
prime number be a composite number? Why or why
not? (encourage students to look at the definition and
the number line)
Rainbow Practice 1) Review Factor Rainbows from Tuesday. Go over how to
use The Numbers 1-100 worksheet to help them figure
out the factors.
 Eg. If we want to find the factors of 24. Look at 24
on the chart. What colours are outlined around
it? What numbers is it divisible by? Are those
factors? Can we use that to help us start our 15 min
rainbows as we practice?
2) Handout Factor Rainbow Worksheet. Have students
work on completing the questions. Encourage them to
use the Numbers 1-100 page (if needed) to start and
then try to complete a rainbow without looking each
Tree Practice 1) Review Factor Trees
(Sponge) 2) Go over how to do a Factor Tree as a class using the
number 24.
 What are two factors of 24? (get class answer)
 Are those factors prime numbers? (if yes circle
and stop there, if no continue)
3) Now what are factors of those numbers. Repeat steps
above until all the factors are prime
4) Practice using Factor Trees, try out some bigger
numbers together and exemplify how to use The min
Numbers1-100 sheet to help us out. If we are stuck on
what factors to look at we can use Numbers 1-100
 Our number is 84. I don’t know where to start! Let
me look at the worksheet.
o Hmmm let’s see what colours are outlined on
o Red- Six is a factor! Six times what is 84
o Now we have a start!
? Time
 Discuss what we have learned so far. Using whiteboards ask some questions
gauging student understanding.
o I understand what a composite number is.
o I understand what a prime number is
o I know what a factor is
o I am confident on how to use a factor rainbow
o I am confident about using a factor tree

 Formative Assessment
o Prime Numbers Exit Slip (Objective 1)
o Composite Number whiteboards (Objective 2)
o Rainbow Factor Sheet (Objective 3)

Additional Notes:

 Print off more The Numbers 1-100

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