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hi I'm Phil partner welcome to my home

this evening we're going to be talking

about the nine steps to achieve any goal
but before we do that I want to talk to
you generally about success I also want
to tell you about some of the results
that the people who have followed this
method have been able to achieve and
then we'll get into the individual nine
steps they say that you learn more from
your mistakes than you do from your
successes and I think they're right and
I've learned quite a bit from my
mistakes I've learned probably the most
important thing that anybody could learn
from a mistake and that is I've learned
the secret of success I've learned that
in order to be successful you have to be
willing to take risk and most people are
afraid to take risk because they're
afraid you're going to fail and most
people are afraid they're going to fail
because they're worried about what other
people think about them so the real
secret of success is to be able to find
a way to raise or increase your
self-esteem because if you could raise
your self-esteem you'd be less concerned
about what other people think about you
and if you're less concerned about what
other people think about you you'd be
more willing to take risk and for more
willing to take risk you mathematically
increase your chances of success so I
can look and see that some of you might
be saying well
Marvin's been locked in he's made a
couple of bucks and he's done a couple
of things but what does he know about no
self-esteem well I have a degree in
psychology but I don't think that makes
me an authority on self-esteem I've
written a book about self-esteem but I
don't think that makes me an authority
on self-esteem now I think I'm an
authority on self-esteem because I've
lived it I've seen both sides of
self-esteem I've seen low self-esteem
and I've seen high self-esteem I've seen
the face of low self-esteem as I grew up
in a child and welfare and poverty I saw
it as I was a seventeen year old kid
laying in a hospital bed scared to death
because I was paralyzed from my waist on
down I saw it as a young man who was
fired from his job I saw it as a husband
who had to support his wife and two
small daughters fern
prior year on a $10,000 limit credit
card I saw as a man who had his cars
towed away by the IRS because he
couldn't afford to pay his taxes and I
saw it as I stood in front of a
bankruptcy court and had them take away
everything I had on and worked for my
entire life
and I saw it as I was afraid to reach
inside my own mailbox to pull out the
bills over inside knowing that I
couldn't afford to pay them and I saw it
as I contemplated the how not the if of
my own suicide I've seen the face of low
self-esteem but let me put a little
color on that for you I'm one of eight
children my dad at the janitor my mother
cleaned houses for a living and though
they both work every day of their life
the meager income they generated from
those two jobs just wasn't adequate to
feed 10 of us so we got by on a handout
from the Catholic Charities Salvation
Army and from welfare we moved in and
out of eight different rent houses by
time I was fourteen years old some of
those houses to live indoor plumbing
two of them we were evicted from because
the city said they were unfit for human
habitation I left home when I was
fourteen I lived in a John 3:16 mission
I've lived under a bridge viaduct I
lived one whole summer on a farmer's hay
log until he found me and burned my
clothes I joined a traveling carnival
was 14 years old
and for the next two years I traveled
the country and when I was 16 years old
I upgraded and joined a street gang the
name of the gang was the manor bullies
the name came from an abandoned building
that this gang had taken over there were
40 of us all together never seen in the
movie Oliver you have some the image of
what it was like all of these teenage
kids living without adult supervision
during the next two years as a Manor boy
I know what it broke all the
commandments and I'm pretty sure we
broke most of the laws some of the manor
boys died some committed suicide
somewhat to prison none of them joined
the priesthood and during those two
years that I was a manor boy I learned
how to fight I
drank my time I was 17 years old I was
an alcoholic now when you're a carnie
and a member of a street gang going to
school isn't important and it wasn't
important for me I didn't go any more
often I had to in fact I didn't go at
all almost the truant officer caught me
and he wasn't that good so he didn't
catch me that often subsequently I spent
five and a half years in high school and
I didn't graduate by time I was a junior
the second time I was reading at the
fifth grade level while I was 17 years
old I tried to enlist in the Marines and
they rejected me they told me I couldn't
hear in one ear and was deaf in the
other I've seen the face of low
self-esteem but I've also seen the face
of high self-esteem I saw the face of
high self-esteem as I went from that
life of welfare in poverty to becoming
the 25th wealthiest person in America I
saw the face of high self-esteem as I
went from that 14-year old homeless kid
to a two million dollar 12,000
square-foot home I saw the face of high
self-esteem as I went from a high school
dropout to becoming a lawyer and having
Harvard Business School do a case study
on my management techniques a case study
they still teach today to all of their
MBA students I saw it as I went from
working at that traveling carnival to
being named the national entrepreneur of
the Year by Nasdaq USA Today Business
Week and the Kauffman Foundation I was
inducted into the entrepreneur Hall of
Fame and then I was named as one of the
top 100 entrepreneurs in America for the
last 100 years I thought as I went from
of being a member of that street gang to
being awarded a permanent place in the
Smithsonian Institute Museum of American
history they said because I created
information technology that
revolutionized an entire industry and I
saw it as I went from that teenage
alcoholic to being awarded the American
Academy of achievements golden plate
award an award they previously bestowed
upon five US presidents and three Nobel
Prize winners I sought as I went from
eating out of a dumpster to dining at
some of the finest five-star Russ
in the world I sought us and went from
riding a city bus to flying my own
twenty five million dollar jet aircraft
I thought as I went from growing
unemployment to employing more than ten
thousand people here and abroad I saw it
as I went from being over a million
dollars on the hole to over a billion
dollars to the good I have seen both
sides of self-esteem and that does make
me an authority on it and it makes me
the person who's able to tell you that
the real secret
the real secret for you to achieve
whatever you want to achieve to become
whatever it is you want to become starts
with the lowest common denominator
it starts the self esteem so if you can
find a way and I can show you the way to
raise and increase your self esteem than
any goal you set for yourself you'll be
able to accomplish let me tell you about
some of the results that other people
have achieved people who have been able
to follow my path and the plan that I
lay out for them and the nine steps so
we're going to get to in just a little
bit and some of the things that they've
been able to accomplish I'm always
reluctant to share those results with an
audience for fear they might think I'm
exaggerating because the results are
really that incredible I have been doing
this now for over 20 years and I've done
this with over a thousand people and the
results I'm going to share with you have
all been audited by the IRS because they
wanted to be there to get their share
and every single one of them has been
the subject of either a major newspaper
or a major magazine or a major TV story
because they work with these people very
very closely frequently I'm invited to
share the celebration and because I've
been invited to share the celebration I
have been physically present when these
people have achieved their promises one
of the people that I've been able to
work with and I was personally present
when that individual achieved his
promise when he achieved his goal and he
received a ten million dollar check
that's another individual that I worked
with and I was personally present when
he received his promise and received a
check for 3.2 million dollars
there's a third person that I was
personally present for when he achieved
his promise received a check for two
million dollars there's also a young
lady that I worked with and I was
personally present when she achieved her
promise and received a check for 1
million dollars now there also are
hundreds of other people some of which I
was not present for however that
attained their promise and they receive
checks that were anywhere from two
hundred thousand up to 1 million but not
everybody's goal or promise has to do
with money some of them have to do with
things other than mine I was personally
present when one of the ladies I worked
with a mother of eight children achieved
her promise and she was able to spend
two weeks on the streets of Calcutta
India with mother Teresa before mother
Teresa died I was also a young black man
who wanted a recording contract from
Nashville I was present was also another young man although he's
an American citizen is of Mexican
descent and his promise and his goal was
to become a member of the Mexican
Olympic team I was present the day that
occurred then there was a husband and
wife and their promise was they wanted
to take a camera Safari to Africa I was
present when that happened as well so
these promises these goals these results
these things that we're going to be able
to talk about it and things that I'm
going to show you how to be able to do
with these nine steps some have to deal
with money some don't have anything at
all to do with money and quite frankly
there are times when those are the goals
you admire the most those are the goals
that I enjoy helping people accomplish
and I'm not opposed to money I think
money is kind of a neat deal and I'm in
favor of it but I think we should also
understand there are other things in
life besides money there are nine steps
to achieve any goal you want to achieve
and there's no way for me to tell you
which one of these is more important
than the other because I think all nine
of them are equally important but I had
to put them in some kind of borders so
let me start with number one and that is
make sure the goal you're setting for
yourself is indeed really your own goal
and I know that sounds like a
contradiction in terms and sounds like a
stupid statement to think about it
think of all the people you went to
school with think of the people that
became businessmen that became lawyers
that became doctors not because they
wanted to because their mom or their dad
wanted them to think of all the little
kids are out there playing Little League
not because they want to but because
their parents want them to think of all
the people you know who are out there
trying to achieve a goal that they don't
even want that's probably the saddest
commentary you could ever come to in
your life is to wake up and be 45 or 50
or 60 years old and realize that you've
spent your entire life chasing something
you really didn't want so the most
important thing and the thing you should
spend the most time on is trying to
figure out what do you really want
what's really important to you
think of the old expression about the
dog that caught the car don't be that
dog notice we understand the metaphor
for dogs chase cars when they're barking
and laughing and giggling I think this
is great
that that they're do they are pursuing
this thing what would happen if they
ever caught one well that's what happens
to people on occasion we wake up and
we've caught the car so it's really
crucial that you spend serious time
thinking about why are you after this
goal why is it important to you what is
it you really want to achieve and until
you can answer that question you really
shouldn't even start the second step and
it's going to contradict some of the
things we've said because I have to do
it in this kind of a logical fashion
I've used the word goal a number of
times because that's the way people
think about this process that we're not
talking about but when that word goal
comes to your mind what do you think let
me tell you what most people think they
think goals or something that we should
strive for they think goals are
something we should attempt to do they
think goals are something we should try
to obtain now think about that try
attempt strive for aren't those
mealy-mouthed words don't they say to
you don't they tell your subconscious
probably not going to get they're
probably not going to happen probably
not going to succeed at achieving this
goal and if that's not enough then think
of what you know about goal setting and
goal achieving using yourself as a frame
of reference and you think everybody
else you know is a frame of reference
what do you know about goal setting and
achieving and what you know that most
people don't achieve the goal is that
whether we're talking about you
individually or whether we're talking
about the people down the street of
people you work with are the people you
know of we all know lots and lots of
people who have set goals and didn't
reach them we know in our own experience
we've set our own goals and we fail to
reach them what does that tell our
brain again then when we set a new goal
it says well we're supposed to try we're
supposed to attempt we're supposed to
strive on by the way in my own history
and the history of a lot of other people
I know is they failed at achieving their
well what signal does that send to your
brain if the signal it has to send is
hey boys and girls we're probably not
going to get this one any more likely
then we got the last one now change the
words change the semantics instead of
using the word goal substitute the word
promise now what do you think when you
think of the word promise you don't
think of something you're going to try
to do you don't think of something
you're going to attempt to do you don't
think of something you're going to
strive for when you give somebody a
promise you plan on keeping it you
expect to keep it you believe you're
going to keep it you don't give a
promise unless you just so dead certain
you can do that thing
well how different would the results be
instead of calling it a goal we called
it a promise I'm telling you that that
small semantical change makes all the
difference in the world because unless
your brain is working with you unless
your subconscious is helping you is
doing exactly the opposite it's slowing
you down and it's trying to detract you
it's trying to keep you from suffering
failure and so what it does is it begins
to rationalize away hey you've already
missed your goal other people of this
goals you don't need to make this but
when you set a promise something
different happens now your brain starts
helping you because it doesn't want to
let you down it wants you to keep your
promise it wants you to be able to
deliver this thing you've always been
able to deliver in the past the word
promise it's a lot more powerful than
the word goal let me tell you about the
power of the word promise when I was 17
years old one night while in a drunken
stupor I fell down a flight of steps I
crushed two vertebrae
the next morning I woke up in a hospital
bed and I was paralyzed my waist on down
now I stayed in that hospital for over
five months and it was about two months
into the program when I had a visit one
night from my mom my dad dr. John T
Moberly and a Catholic priest by the
name of Monsignor Anthony sig Werth now
I'm 57 years old and that happened when
I was 17 that's 40 years ago and I can
remember their names and remember their
faces and I can remember the
conversation like it was yesterday
dr. mulberry had the Alba bedside manner
of a bedpan he's walked up to the bed
and he said bill we've done all the
tests we've done some of them twice and
you're paralyzed you're never going to
walk and with that just to give some
silent cooperation to what he said he
lifted up the blanket off of my
paralyzed legs took out this thing in
this thing out of his pocket and looked
like a cowboy spur on a stick it was
just a little metal handle about that
long and had a little little needle
sticking out on a circle and he ran it
up and down my legs and to create a
little pinpricks of blood and it was
almost surreal I could see the blood but
I couldn't feel any pain now growing up
on the street for the last three years
and I thought myself a pretty tough guy
and on the street you learn not to cry
you learn not to show any fear you learn
not to show any emotion at all because
if you do that can be really bad for you
that night I was one scared 17-year old
kid that night I cried myself to sleep
during the middle of the night I woke up
and I was alone and I was too every bit
as scared as I'd ever been in my whole
life but I was also mad I was mad at dr.
Mobley not mad at a whole bunch of other
people some of which had nothing to do
with it and that night laying the
hospital bed I promised I promised
myself that I was going to walk out of
the hospital I promised myself that dr.
Mobley was wrong I promised myself that
I was going to show him and that very
night I began during a new physical
therapy exercise their physical therapy
exercise consisted of heavy
of candy striper or nurse's aid come to
my room once a day and rub my legs
trying to get some circulation back in
them my exercise involved trying to
wiggle my toes by using sheer willpower
and the way I would do it is I would
just hold my breath and concentrate as
hard as I could and squeeze as hard as
they could and do everything in my power
to make those toes wiggle and I'd do it
as long as they could I do it as hard as
I could I do it until I broke into
perspiration I do it until the band's
popped in my forehead and when I
couldn't do it anymore I would take a
I would rest and I would do it again and
I did that for a month and finally one
day my toes began to wiggle and I was so
excited I was so ecstatic I had finally
made my toes wiggle and I am breech
behind me I hit the call button called a
nurse into the room she was as excited
as I was she then called dr. Moberly dr.
Mobley walk anything bill I can't
explain that I can't explain this
uncontrollable movement of your toes but
I'm telling you quit it these exercises
you can do it you're going to hurt
yourself bill you're in denial you're
paralyzed we waste on down except it
live the life of a paraplegic before I had complained before I could
say anything he reached back in his
pocket you pulled out that cowboys / on
a stick and he ran it back out my legs
and one more time I saw the pinpricks
the blood and though I could wiggle my
toes it was mute corroboration that I
had no feeling in my legs that night
long in my hospital dead I cried for the
second time but during the middle of the
night when I woke up I remembered the
promise that I made and I remembered the
promise that I was going to walk out of
that hospital that I was going to prove
him wrong that's going to show him that
I can walk and that gave me renewed
energy that gave me renewed strength and
that very night I began a new exercise
and rather than just try to wiggle my
toes I worked on on strengthening my
legs and I did exercises that required
me to push but pull myself to the end of
the bed and then try to push myself back
up and I did that for the next four
weeks and finally I started gaining some
strength but I couldn't tell dr. moberly
and I couldn't tell the nurse because I
was afraid of what they might do and
they would have some way to make me stop
doing it so I could only do it at night
when they weren't around and I finally
gained enough strength or thought I had
gained enough strengthen my leg that I'd
made up my mind tonight with the night
tonight was the night I was going to
walk so that night when the nurse
finally left my room but she turned off
the light and turned on the very small
night light I decided this was the night
if I slowly slid my legs over the side
of the bed and scooch myself down
towards the end and let my feet fall on
the floor and for the very first time in
five months my feet are on the floor as
I stood there my legs began to shake and
tremble because I had been in bed for
almost five months my legs had atrophied
my legs look like baseball bat I look
like I was a polio victim and I couldn't
stand very long even holding on the side
of the bed so after a while I'd have to
pull myself back up catch my breath and
love my legs rest
and then as they would rest I would
slowly put him back down I had to do
that a half a dozen times and finally I
got to where I could stand on my feet
all by myself but I had to hold onto the
bed while holding onto the bed I said
okay this is it this is the night I'm
going to walk I'm going to take my first
step and with that I slowly moved my
foot forward and dropped it down on the
floor and to do so I had to leave go
over the bed with one hand and I was ok
with that because I could hold on at the
other hand but in order to take the next
step in order to go one more step I had
to leave go of the bed all together and
that's when I made up my mind I was
ready to do this I was ready to keep my
promise and I put all my way to my right
leg now lift it up my left leg and I
popped it down on the floor and for the
very first time and now over five months
it was unattached to the bed and I had
actually walked i was beyond myself with
excitement and joy and i had to show
them right then and there that I could
do this and I was afraid to go back to
bed I was afraid to sit back down in the
bed for a figure that I might not be
able to get back up again so I ambled
over to the side of the bed i found the
call button I pushed it knowing but it's
going to take the nurse a couple of
minutes to show up in my room and with
that I started walking slowly towards
the door and I got halfway between my
bed and the door now you def remember
and understand it was dark in my room
Gilliland light was a very small night
light the hallway in the hospital was
well lit so the nurse having heard my
call button or fall the call button
being pushed first proceeding in my room
well by now I'm standing essentially a
front of the door of this closed door
into my room and I didn't mean to
frighten her but as she walked into my
room on her eyes have not yet adjust to
the dark and opened the door she was
standing face to face with a guy who's
supposed to be laying in bed she let out
a blood-curdling scream and I don't know
if you know how it is in a hospital
bullet a nurse at two o'clock in the
morning answers a patient's call button
and goes to the room and immediately
issues of blood curdling stray
all pandemonium breaks loose just total
chaos in the hospital the nurses who are
still at the nurse's station do what
they're supposed to do they push the
panic button and when they push the
panic button a hospital the little blue
lights in the ceiling come on the
security people show up all the medical
personnel on the floor run to that room
to take care of whatever the emergency
and whatever the problem is and as all
those people started filtering into my
room them circling around me they all
have the same look of befuddlement on
her face they knew I was paralyzed they
knew I couldn't walk and there I was
standing in the middle of the room in
front of them five and a half months as
I lay in that hospital bed an open-back
hospital gown seemed like a really good
idea but that night as I finally stood
on my own feet and all these people were
circling around me it seemed like less
good of an idea until I felt that cool
breeze and it wasn't that I wasn't
embarrassed as I was embarrassed but the
cool breeze on my butt not that I could
feel and it was a neat feeling step
number three is clearly identify your
promise most people don't do that when
you ask people what they want or what
they want to be when they grow up you
hear all kinds of vague ambiguous almost
platitudes like I'll be rich or I want
to be famous so when I start working
with people and they tell me they want
to be rich or they want to be famous
it's a great how rich Cole famous help
me identify and help me understand what
rich means to you help me understand
what famous means to you because if you
can't identify your promise if you can't
clearly identify it you're going to have
great difficulty in achieving it think
of it childhood game called pin the tail
on the donkey when you don't hit the
blindfold on and the chart is up against
the wall and you have the pin in your
hand it's really easy to walk over there
and exactly pin the tail where the tail
belongs but when they blindfold you and
they spin
you around and then they let you loose
and tell you to go do the very same
thing you just did it's almost
impossible why one thing has changed you
no longer can clearly see the target so
in order to achieve a goal in order to
achieve your promise you have to clearly
identify it be it specific as you can
about what it is you want and what it's
going to look like when you get there if
you can narrow it down if you can
specifically identify it if you can see
it in your mind by if you can absolutely
describe it then it becomes so much
easier to achieve step number four is
identify your personal motivator let me
explain what that is in order to achieve
a significant goal in order to achieve a
significant promise you're going to need
to have lots and lots of motivation it's
going to be so easy to lose track of
what it is you're after as soon as it
becomes difficult as soon as it becomes
challenging as soon as you become
frustrated as soon as it doesn't show up
exactly on time it's so easy to quit
it's so easy to change your mind at LJ I
really didn't want that anyhow but if
you have a good motivator feel something
that will keep you on fire if you have
something that'll keep you passionate
about achieving this particular
objective then you can face frustration
you can face challenges you'll find a
way to overcome them and you can your
personal motivator can be either a
positive motivator or it can be a
negative motivator because everything in
our life just focused on one of two
things it's either we're trying to move
towards pleasure or trying to move away
from pain your motivator can be either
positive or negative and some of us are
more motivated by showing somebody that
we can do it my example of dr. moberly I
don't think I'd be walking today if I
had a positive motivator instead I had a
negative motivator I found more energy
and more strength in showing him that I
could walk than I ever could have had
if I'd had a positive motivator or I was
attempting to do it for someone instead
of to show someone so as you think about
your goal as you think about your
promise and well how you want to achieve
it try to identify it's a thing that
will motivate you the most is it that
you want to do it for your family that
you want to please somebody that you
want to help somebody that you want to
do it for all of what we call the good
on the right reasons or are you doing it
for exactly the opposite that you want
to show somebody that you are capable
you want to show somebody that didn't
have faith in you you want to show
somebody that said you couldn't do it
and it doesn't matter which one you pick
there's no right or wrong there's only
the one that will work for you I tell
the students i work with of my example
the one that got me through college
Kathy and I met when I was 14 and she
was 11 during that era of my time I was
a troublemaker I was a rascal I was

gang member I was a teenage alcoholic I

was a high school dropout I was a bad
person Cathy's sister Connie told Cathy
the Kathy shouldn't date me and I found
out about that though today I agree with
time he that Kathy probably shouldn't
have dated me back then that hurt me
hurt me a great deal suppose I began to
succeed if I got my GED and got into
college I needed a motivator and Connie
became my motivator I took a little five
by seven index card and I wrote her name
on it I taped it to the wall directly
behind my study desk and every night as
I would study I ought to have my head
down doing my homework and getting ready
for the next day's classes and it became
evening and I became tired it was time
for me to stand up and go to bed or
whatever I was going to do the natural
inclination is to raise your head and
look at the wall directly in front of
you every time I did that I would see
Connie's name and every time I saw
Connie's name it reminded me that she
said that Cathy shouldn't date me and
that gave me new incentive to sit back
down turn a few more pages study one
more chapter spent a little more time
doing my homework because I was going to
prove that Connie was wrong Connie and
her negative motivation got me through
four years of college 25 years after
that happened Connie found out about it
forbes magazine did an interview of me
in 1997 and they asked me strangely
enough about motivation and I told them
the story about Connie and the fibers of
an index card and the reason that I
graduated from college was because of
her for 25 years I kept that secret and
then finally 28 million people read it
in the magazine step number 5 is create
a promise plan now promise plan of the
terms that I've coins so I don't expect
you to understand it but if we
substitute the word goal
promise then we should think about how
we would create the equivalent of a
business plan for our promise Perrigo
promise plan I've been in business all
of my life I have never seen any
business that succeeded for any length
of time to any magnitude that didn't
have a business plan so if that's
required for a business to succeed
should we use the same tools the same
building blocks the same methodology for
our own plan and the answer is of course
we should so I encourage all of my
students to do that very thing it isn't
enough just to have a goal or a promise
it isn't even enough just to clearly
identify it and it isn't enough to have
a personal motivator although all of
those are good requirements unless you
can clearly write it down unless you can
clearly establish what you want to do
when you want to do it how you're going
to do it where it's going to happen who
needs to be there to help you all of the
components you would put into a bona
fide business plan need to be
incorporated into your promise plan and
it can be a one pager it can be a five
page it can be a 10 pager makes no
difference it's whatever number of pages
is required for you to answer all of the
questions and those are the basic
questions what where why when who and
how and when you can answer those
questions about your promise then you
have a bona fide promise plan and when
you first try this it's not going to be
very easy and it's not going to be very
pretty but first couple times you do it
is you're going to stumble through it
you're going to run into challenges
you're not going to know all the answers
and you're going to have some blanks I
tell people that's fine I expect that to
happen you should expect that to happen
but tomorrow when you pick it up work on
it some more and the next day work on it
some more and eventually you end up with
a nice well written clearly thought a
business plan for your goal
for your objective for your promise
absent that you'll never be able to see
your promise very clearly step number
six is review your plan regularly now
that may sound kind of not important or
maybe even nonsensical but just think
about it with me just for a moment the
average person spends some were close to
an hour every day preening themselves
they get up in the morning to take a
shower they brush the teeth they spend
time combing their hair you spend time
making sure there were in the right
clothes have a dozen times during the
course of the day they will check their
appearance at night that goes through
essentially the very same routine the
average person spends more than 60
minutes every single day just making
sure they have a good hair day why can't
we spend 20 minutes a day making sure we
have a good life so if everybody would
take 20 minutes out of their day and
they can pick any 20 minutes they choose
to just to sit down and do the previous
step review their promise plan look at
the where the why the wind the how the
who look at all of the questions and see
if anything new has come to mind see if
anything new has changed since you wrote
whatever it is that happens to be on
your paper just making yourself spend 20
minutes focusing on those simple
questions helping you focus on your goal
makes the goal all that much more
attainable all that much more achievable
because all of a sudden your brain
starts helping you instead of
frustrating you it starts looking at the
things you previously have written and
start showing you the things you hadn't
thought of before and by showing you
what you haven't thought of before and
now adding that on to your promise plan
your promise plan becomes better it
becomes more efficient and isn't that
what we really want to do and part of
that process is spending 20 minutes
every day is making sure you keep your
eye on the prize making sure you stay
focused on your goal there have been
self-help and success gurus from day one
who have always said that keep your eye
on the prize they focus on the goal
and they give us all kinds of little
techniques to use some people recommend
that we stick these little yellow
post-its all over the house well I don't
know about you in your house but I can't
get away with that in my house other
people say well why don't you take a
five by seven index card and put it on
your shaving there well I don't know
about you but my shaving mirror gets
kind of kind of foggy in the morning so
I think we need to find new ways we need
to find better ways we need to find ways
that will constantly remind us every day
multiple times during the day of the
very promise we have made ourselves in
order to accomplish that I've come up
with a way that I found works
wonderfully it's called a pocket promise
on the front of it and it's just a
little two bites for three business card
sized piece of paper and on the front of
it the words pocket promise and I like
those two words so much but I had them
registered as a trademark then on the
back of the pocket promise is whatever
your promise happens to be and then you
have it laminated by having it laminated
stands the test of time and it gives it
a little bit of rigidity it doesn't get
all dog-eared as you put it in your
pocket and I carry mine with me every
single day and so think about how this
works in in the morning when I get
dressed I reach on my nightstand in my
dresser I grabbed my keys my calm and
all the other paraphernalia i'm going to
put in my pocket and closing my pocket
promise i put it in my pocket during the
course of the day because i'm an average
guy i put my hand on my pocket a dozen
times and while I'm doing that I bump
into my pocket promise and I feel it i
touch it and I think about it and every
night when I come home I didn't have to
take all the stuff out of my pocket so I
can I hang my clothes up and I have to
put my pocket promise back on the
dresser of the nightstand by doing that
I've now come in contact over a dozen
times during the course of the day with
my promise and what the promise is
written on the back and by doing that I
am perpetually reminded of what it is i
told myself was important so I never
lose sight of it
because most of us we think of our goals
kind of like new years resolutions their
lofty ambitions that we make on a given
day and we never think about again until
we realized one day we failed at it by
doing this you are perpetually reminded
every single day step number seven is
you have to tell yourself that you are
in fact going to be able to achieve this
goal and some people think that Phillies
I think you know self affirmations are
fudu or some kind of mystical or
spiritual thing and they're not they're
much more than that by telling yourself
that you are going to achieve this
promise you've made to yourself by
reinforcing it as many ways as you can
inside your own subconscious what you're
really doing is just layering one
reinforcement on top of another
reinforcement on top of another
reinforcement and the more you can
convince yourself that you are capable
of doing this the more your subconscious
mind begins to assist you with this and
it's not a silly little game let me give
you a great example that very few people
are aware of back in 1997 I tried to buy
the Chicago Bulls entered into
negotiations to buy the team then the
course of the negotiations I got to meet

the player has got to meet Michael

Jordan Scottie Pippen and Dennis Rodman
Dennis Rodman was then labeled the bad
boy of the NBA Dennis Rodman was the guy
with the body piercing from the tattoos
and the wild antics he was the guy that
people thought mostly was crazy but
Dennis Rodman was also probably the most
motivated person on that team Dennis
Rodman was also the leading rebounder in
the NBA now Dennis Rodman would do some
things and during the warm-up everybody
else to be out there on the floor
practicing dribbling shooting doing all
of the calisthenics and Dennis would be
sitting over there with a towel over his
head sitting on the bench wearing his
ear pieces listening to a recording and
it would a great the heck out of fill
the coach it would I aggravate the heck
out of his teammates and whenever
somebody would ask Dennis what he's
doing he would say is listening to Pearl
Jam a band that was very popular back in
1997 but the truth is he wasn't
listening to Pearl Jam the truth is
Dennis Rodman was listening to a
recording of Dennis Rodman telling
Dennis Rodman that he was the best
rebounder in the NBA and that was his
warmup that was his psych up that was
his way to make sure that when he got
out on the court he was ready he didn't
need to do the exercises he needed to do
the mental exercises and Dennis Rodman
went on that year again to win the
rebounding title step number eight
because somewhat like step number 77
number seven was you have to tell
yourself step number eight you have to
tell others now think of what happens
when you tell somebody else something it
gives you additional motivation it gives
you additional incentive we all know the
old adage if it's okay to fail if nobody
knows well it's not okay to fail if
you've told somebody you're going to do
it so the more people you can tell of
your promise the better because two
things happen one you increase the
number of motivators you have whether
they be positive
negative you now have a whole raft of
other people who now know of your
promise and that gives you additional
incentive to make sure you accomplish
that that's promised the other thing it
does is gives you resources when you
tell people you're going to achieve a
promise some of them will help you they
bring tools to the party they help you
they become people who will assist you
achieve and accomplish your objective
and if they had never known if they'd
never heard if they did weren't aware
they couldn't possibly have assisted you
I tell the Jimmy Brown story about a
young kid who want to become an
international photojournalist and he got
there because he told a high school
teacher that was his goal and she gave
him a camera had he never told her she
wouldn't have given him the camera and
absent the cambric never would have
happened today Jimmy Brown is an
international photojournalist and it
started with him telling someone that
that was his promise to himself and it
worked step number nine is you have to
envision the result you have to project
what it's going to look like when you
achieve this promise that you've made
for yourself you have to be able to see
yourself there you have to be able to to
say that's what it's going to be like
for me what I get to where it is I want
to be now think of how we can do this in
our life and I'll give you an example of
how Kathy and I did it when we were in
law school we were in law school in Des
Moines Iowa Drake University and we
lived in married student housing and
married student housing is a 60 foot
long 10 foot wide concrete mobile home
they just stack them for high and that's
what you live in for two and a half
years and it was much and because Kath
and I both worked during law school we
didn't have a lot of money to spend and
and what we would do is on Friday night
we'd go to a little Mexican taco joint
on campus and we both have one taco and
if we had a really good week of
something wonderful that happened that
week then we would splurge by a third
taco and we split it and that was our
social life for two and a half years and
it was frustrating and it was hard and
it was challenging but we really want to
be a lawyer we really wanted to have a
chance to get a better education we want
to have a chance to have a career where
we might be able to succeed financially
and we needed to be constantly motivated
because it was hard it was the two and a
half year process so what we would do is
we'd get in our cars a beat-up old
piece-of-crap car and what drives you a
very rich and affluent neighborhood it
was called tonawanda drive and back then
this is Venice Effendi's when the house
is probably for only half million-dollar
houses but does there were mansions they
were beyond anything we could imagine
they were beyond things we could ever
hope for and yet because we wanted to
become a lawyer we had set our goal to
be in that kind of a house so we drive
down tonawanda drive and we would
mentally shop which house would we want
to buy which house would we want to live
in what would we do to that house how
would we change it why do we like this
house better than that one and we
role-played our way right into it
believing that we were going to have a
house like that those were half
million-dollar houses today Cathy and I
live in a two-million-dollar house we
succeeded by being able to envision the
result before it ever happened you need
to be able to see yourself in the moment
of success I've now given you the nine
steps to achieve any goal and these nine
steps work and they have worked for
thousands of people over the last 20
years and they have produced the kind of
type of results that i shared with you
earlier now they may look like child's
play and they may look like common sense
they may look like things you've heard
from other people before but I'm telling
you if you do these nine things and if
you do them religiously if you do them
with a BIM and the bigger and the effort
the energy that I've asked you to do
that any goal you set for yourself any
promise you make you'll be able to
achieve now in order to do that there's
one more step you need to be able to
you the process every single day of your
life you need to stay focused on what it
is you're doing you need to spend 20
minutes concentrating on where you want
your life to be you need to spend time
in 20 minutes isn't that much looking at
your plan looking at your goals looking
at where you been looking at word is
you're going and if you can do that if
you could spend 20 minutes a day just
worried about your future instead of
worried about your hair or worried about
what your paycheck is going to clear are
worried about some bill or worried about
some other minor thing that 10 minutes
from now is never going to be important
to you again as long as you live if you
instead spend 20 minutes worrying about
your family and your future your future
will be so much more rosy things to be
so much better for you so in parting
want to leave you with this last thought
you need to take your dream to bed with
you every night as you lay down and
ready to go to sleep the last thought
the thought you should try to go to
sleep with is you envisioning yourself
succeeding you seeing yourself in the
life and the role and the status in the
location that you aspire to be number
one it's a pleasant thought number two
it allow you to go to sleep quickly and
number three it gives your brain
something to do while you're sleeping
when I tell you to envision the result
and to see yourself and to take this
dream to bed with you at night what I'm
really telling you to do is use your
imagination for a positive rather than
for a negative every one of us has
worried about something and when you
think about what is worried worried is
using our imagination to presume that
the worst is going to occur all I'm
asking you to do is to use your
imagination to presume that the best is
going to occur to presume that you are
going to succeed to presume but the good
thing will in fact happen it's just as
easy to think about the good thing as it
is to worry about the pants so good luck
I can help please give me a call thank
you hi I'm bill bartmann I want to
personally thank you for listening to my
audio nine steps to set and achieve any
goal I hope you enjoyed it if you'd like
even more information on how to create
and achieve your promised land I have
something special for you you are
obviously you take action person because
you've listened to this entire audio
I've always rewarded take action people
in my businesses go to a private page at
ww bills offer calm where I have a
special offer just for you that's ww
bills offer calm and it spells be I ll s
0 FF er calm I hope we get a chance to
meet something

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