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To: School Administrator

From: Heather Duren

Date: 04/02/2018

Re: Media Center Evaluation

I’ve recently evaluated our library media services based on the criterion outlined in the 2016 Judy Serritella
Exemplary Library Media Program Self-Evaluation Rubric. This rubric outlines six categories. The categories
assessed are:

1) Student Achievement and Instruction

2) Technology
3) Staffing
4) Facilities, Access, and Resources
5) Administrative Support
6) Staff Development

Our library media program consistently scored “Exemplary” in the areas of Technology and Staffing. These are
definitely strengths within our program. Our library media program provides and manages access to digital
collections, technology tools & technology resources that support and enhance instruction. Our collections
reflect the diverse needs and interests of our students, faculty, and community. Our library media program
offers a full-time library media specialist. We also employ additional support personnel. The library media staff
is always available throughout the instructional day to assist teachers and students.

Although our library media program ranks “Exemplary” in many of the six categories assessed, there are areas
we can improve upon. I’ve scored our library media services at the “Basic” level on the target indicator of
“Students will be given instruction in accessing GALILEO” under Facilities, Access, and Resources category. I
will take the following action steps to address this score of “Basic”:

 Offer frequent instruction and promotion of GALILEO to students and faculty

 Offer professional development to faculty in the use of GALILEO a minimum of twice a year

Our library media services program is fortunate to have support from local school administrators and the
support or our board of education. Our library media advisory committee currently operates at a “Proficient”
level, however the committee will strive to operate at the “Exemplary” level next school year. I will take the
following action steps in order to move the operation from “Proficient” to Exemplary”:

 Work with the advisory committee to development library media policy which will include budget
development, acquisition of resources, and reconsideration of materials
 Consider the developed policy in regards to the actions taken by the advisory committee
 Evaluate and update the library media policy annually

Please see the attached completed Library Media Services self-evaluation rubric.

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