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All Rights Reserved: | MICHAEL KEVIN TIBI

All Rights Reserved: | MICHAEL KEVIN TIBI

Garena: Arena of Valor – SEA launched in October 2017 in the Philippines, a Popular
5v5 mobile MOBA game developed by Tencent Games.


King of Glory was the name before it was translated into Honor of Kings then Strike
of Kings then later changed into Arena of Valor – it is a multiplayer online battle arena
published by Tencent Games in July 2017, it was reported that the game had over 80
million daily active users and 200 million monthly active players. it is the most top
grossing game and most popular among the rest.

In September 2017, Nintendo has announced a partnership with Tencent game's to

develop the game on their gadget called Nintendo Switch, due to the game’s popularity
and potential ground breaking mobile MOBA game predator.

All Rights Reserved: | MICHAEL KEVIN TIBI

Did you know?

That the Arena of Valor was first received a beta release for iOS and Android
platforms on November 6, 2015. In addition to a PVE adventure mode, the game
features PVP multiplayer battles.

The game features are similar to the game called “League of Legends or LoL” produced
by Riot Games, a company owned by Tencent.

November, 2016, King of Glory (First of its name) had break the China pan
entertainment festival “China IP Index value list – game list top 10”.

In 2016, the game accumulated a 50 million daily active players and more than 200
million registered users.

In May 2017, It became the top grossing 160 million daily active players - MoBa Mobile
game in the world.

All Rights Reserved: | MICHAEL KEVIN TIBI

Chapter 1: The Gameplay …………………………………………………………

User Interface ………………………………………………………….

User Interface | In game ………………………………………………

Chapter 2: The Map ………………………………………………………………..

The jungle monsters ………………………………………………….

Laning and Positioning ……………………………………………….

Chapter 3: How to determine your role ……………………………………………..

Casual vs Serious Players ………………………………………………

Test yourself Exam BETA ……………………………………………..

Chapter 4: Roles ……………………………………………………

Marksman ………………………………………………

Mage ……………………………………………………

Tank …………………………………………………….

Jungler ………………………………………………….

Support ……………………………………………………

Chapter 5: The dos and don’ts ……………………………………………

When being ganked …………………………………………..

Chasing or when being chased ………………………………

When to Engage ………………………………………………….

Tips During Team Fights ………………………………………………..

Chapter 6: Bonus Chapter ……………………………………………………….

About The Author

All Rights Reserved: | MICHAEL KEVIN TIBI

All Rights Reserved: | MICHAEL KEVIN TIBI
All Rights Reserved: | MICHAEL KEVIN TIBI
Chapter One: The Gameplay

Many of us in the Philippines usually play Arena of Valor just like the other MOBA

games. One is the Mobile Legends – Mobile Legends has its own META or play style they

usually play the Marksman to defend the Middle Lane, Mages are with their own

supports – sometimes jungling isn’t necessary.

While in Arena of Valor – If you are familiar with the game called “League of Legends”

or LoL, it has the same gameplay/playstyle with Arena of Valor – The Tanks/Warriors

are placed in the Top Lane, Mages in middle lane, Support and Marksman/ADR (Attack

Damage Carry) are placed in bottom and Junglers are placed in jungling.

In Arena of Valor, the laning positioning is not fixed, but the roles stays the same. – It

will be discussed in the next topic.

The Gameplay in this Mobile Battle Arena can last up to 14 minutes – 30 minutes but

(Worst case/Very Late Game) from the record it never reaches 1 hour of playing. though

the normal playing time of gameplay in Arena of Valor can last up to 10 -20 minutes.

Since you and your teammates will get fully itemized by 16 minutes, I really suggest that

if you and your teammates are in early advantage, set your goals to objectives such as;

killing towers and the Dark Slayer. – But don’t ever ever ever let them get the Abyssal

Dragon because it can turn the tides.

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Yes of course, there are many players will say “It’s all in the moves brah!”

“You should have a strategy”, “You are weak if you’re a feeder etc etc etc etc….

But do they ever think about that the real reason why you and your team are

losing is because they are not doing the right thing? or I must say the right laning?

And yes, Marksman that placed in the middle is somewhat effective but having a

“Punish” spell is useless. – explained in the next topic.

This ain’t gonna help you win, yes it is NEVER useful it is useless and non-sense

sometimes it can trigger death or delay because in Mobile Gaming Chatting can make

your hero totally stopped in a place from which where you cannot control unless you

had finished typing.

In this kind of Mobile Game, Chatting can take up to 3 – 5 seconds. – while in 3 – 5

seconds you should’ve killed 1 jungle monster for an extra 60+ gold, or 1 wave of creep

monsters – even helping your allies whose in need.

Trashtalking is one of the things that you should stop, because it can lower the morale

of your teammate in playing and can lead into feeding, death and even taking your

game into loss. – People’s behavior isn’t the same as you, We people has its own

limitations, We don’t have the same patience level.

All Rights Reserved: | MICHAEL KEVIN TIBI

All Rights Reserved: | MICHAEL KEVIN TIBI
In this option you will see the details of your gameplays, also player information

Credibility Score – is a custom rating logic

implemented into the system to ensure fair-play

and honesty.


If you abandoned a match you will be deducted by 2 – 9 points

If you got reported by a player and validated by AoV game masters your points

will be deducted from up to 3 – 5 points

If your credibility score dropped to below 85 points,

Joining a Ranked Match is prohibited.

If your credibility score dropped from 100 into 60, joining a standard match is


Also, you will get banned from repeatedly abandoning matches, also from

getting reported – More infractions may result in longer penalties.

How to earn credibility points?

Complete a standard match for 1 point win or lose

Earn a multiplayer battle victory for 1 point

If you play you’ll get 1 point from each rewards with a maximum of 100

credibility points. And also if you have 100 credibility score by the time of reset

you’ll get 100 gold.

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Battle Stats – is the statistics from

which your previous battles are recorded.

In here, you can see your Overall MVPs,

Losing MVPs, Legendary stats, Mega Kills,

Quad Kills, Triple Kills.

Also you can trace your Ranked Match Win Rate and rounds

Win Rate: are also known as winning percentage, it is one of the most telling statistics

when it comes to team or individual success in game plays.

Having a 75% and above win rate is a good thing - since you have a higher win rate

the algorithm in Ranked Match Making will send you also into higher win rate players,

compare in having 50% below win rates – you’ll get to play with people below 50% win

rates and that is very sad to think about.

And yes, 50% win rate is the home of Cancer and Toxic players.

There you’ll get to experience a Mage farming in jungle – taking red buffs, a solo

marksman middle with a punish spell or even execute  , Also the not so serious players

who tend to play casually – don’t care if they win or not because the most important

thing for them is to enjoy and make fun of the game.

So I really suggest that you should follow the rules of Arena of Valor’s play style, as well

as for you be able to carry your butt into higher tier.

All Rights Reserved: | MICHAEL KEVIN TIBI

Favorites Tab – In this tab you can able to

see your hero statistics, the Rounds and Win

Rate per hero.

How to calculate wins and losses

Multiply the number of rounds by the

percent of your win rate.

Like for example: Valhein – Rounds 15 x Win Rate 80%

= 15 x .80 = 12 Wins and 3 Losses.

Taara – Rounds 6 x Win Rate 83.3%

= 6 x .83 = 5 Wins and 1 Loss

The Combat History

In this option you’ll get to see your

battle statistics per combat history, you

can view your wins and deafeated

games – indicated with the date and

time together with your hero stats.

If you want to view the full game

statistics you can do it by simply clicing the arrow at the right option pane (See the

photo in the next page.)

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In this Tab you are able to check your previous match statistics.

And when you tap on the “Details” at the top right corner beside after “Battle Stats” you

can able to check on full details of the game including; Damage Total Percentage,

Damage to Heroes Percentage, Damage Taken Percentage.

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Special Offer Tab

Yes! Yes! Yes! You’ll get an exclusive LU BU hero when you top up any amount in Arena

of Valor – The lowest amount is P56.00 just load your smart/sun/tnt/globe/tm sim to

any store near your area.

How to Top Up Your Account Using Garena Shells

Step 1: Login to your Arena of Valor game via the APK version and click on +

Vouchers. (do not use any android emulators because you can’t transact.

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Step 2: Click the “Purchase on Website”.

Step 3: Click on the “Garena Shells” to proceed to purchase with your reloaded Garena


Step 4: You may be required to login to your Garena Account to proceed. Once

successfully login, you may select the amount vouchers you wish to purchase.

Success! and then you can get your Free Lu Bu Hero! ;)

All Rights Reserved: | MICHAEL KEVIN TIBI

Full Settings

In this area you’ll get to see all of

the advanced options. Here you can

change the display quality – from

Low / Medium / High, and Particle

Quality into Low / Medium / High.

It enables you to set Full HD Display or Not, just uncheck it if you have frame drop



In this tab you are able to change

what fits in your play style, you can

change whether you want heroes to

get auto locked or manually picked,

change the targeting priority etc.

Auto Lock set to Default:

It can only target what’s near your hero and auto attack when there’s a nearby enemy


Choose Target:

You’ll be able to lock onto target that you want to

be targeted – there will be two options shown >>

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The blue icon with the hood is an option for you to choose which monster you want to


The Yellow Icon at the top of the attack button is an option from which where you can

pick which enemy hero you want to target.

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In this tab you’ll get to see your Rank position in Friends , World Overall Rank and Guild


Friends List: to where you can add/remove/block a friend, send 5 daily gold, invite to

play, check player information, and check whether he is online or not.

Mail: Here you can find a friend’s mail, system mails and news about the Arena of


Achievements: There you can trace your achievement progress – you’ll get rewards

like gems, golds, hero trials etc.

Bag: Your reward items, and items are placed in there.

General Chat: It is the place from which you are able to see all the players around the

SEA – talking and inviting players to play the game. Also, here you can see the

messages of your friends.

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All Rights Reserved: | MICHAEL KEVIN TIBI
Map Zoom In / Options

Here you can see the zoom-sized Arena

of Valor Official Map – for you

be able to send signals or pings to your

teammates in battle.

In zoom-sized map you can do shift and drag your

mouse inside the zoomed map to trigger this signal


Drag Up – to signal “on my way”

Drag to the left – to signal “Enemy Missing”

Drag to the right – to signal “Defend”

Latency Checker

The green signal fan serves as your indicator if your internet connectivity is in good

state, if it shows;

Green – 10ms – 99ms | Good Connectivity

Yellow – 101ms – 200ms | Playable

Red – 260 ms and up | Delayed and Disconnection may occur

The Signal Bars



Rally or Team up

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All Rights Reserved: | MICHAEL KEVIN TIBI
All Rights Reserved: | MICHAEL KEVIN TIBI
All Rights Reserved: | MICHAEL KEVIN TIBI
Roles – it is your part in the game, or your part in the team, it determines your

gameplay, and picking the right role may help boost your game performance – so I

suggest that you take the exam seriously that we had provided below.

Having the right role and right hero in a match can take yourself into the higher tiers,

cooperation, team balancing, respect is the key – although there are many players who

often chose to farm rather than cooperating in team fights, but if you came to think

about it some players do it for their own reasons;

Gold Problems:

Good Problem Bad Problem

Lack of gold Greed
Items are nearly completed Fully itemized, but still farming ?!?!?!!!

Experience Problems:

Good Problem Bad Problem

Early Gap – Needs Experience to get Unreasonable Seg way or split pushing,
into certain level – usually getting into when you’re team mates are having a
level 4. clash and losing.
Standing near beside the jungle Taking up all the jungle monsters then
monster – waiting to be killed by your blaming your jungler for not having
jungler to get exp and some sort of ganks in all lanes.

All Rights Reserved: | MICHAEL KEVIN TIBI

Casual vs Serious Players

Casual Players Serious Players

They don’t take games seriously even They care a lot about the game, they
ranked matches. want to get the objectives as early as
Taking all of the Jungle Monsters for Leashing or helping the jungler to take
their own Gold and Farm. the jungle monster in order for them to
quickly level up and earn gold.
Do not cooperate Always on the run/ganking/map
awareness up to 999%
They kill and kill and kill and kill then They target towers and secure jungle
LAUGH and BLAME team mates for not objectives, and win.
winning the game.
WE WANT CLASH AS FUCKKKK! As much as possible they avoid clash if
RAWRRR!!! they are on the disadvantage side, or
take clash to finish the game early.
Nooooo! Don’t Finish It Yet!! End.

All Rights Reserved: | MICHAEL KEVIN TIBI

How to determine your role?

It is simple, it is based on your gameplay or play style. KVN had created a

program from which where you can determine your role exclusively just for you!

If you get higher percentage in the exam on a specific role questions then that is

maybe the most effective role for you!

Marksman | Mage | Support | Jungler | Tank | Warrior

*Get a pen and paper then write down your answers

1. Do you prefer to stand at the backline?

a. Yes

b. No

2. Do you want to stand at the front line often?

a. Yes

b. No

3. Do you like suiciding?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Sometimes

4. What is the best thing for you?

a. Killing

b. Farming

c. Supporting allies

d. Roaming

e. Tanking

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5. What do you want to get first?

a. Towers

b. Jungle Buffs

c. Killing Enemies

6. Play style?

a. Damage

b. Crowd Control

c. Ganking

d. Healing

7. Do you like Batman?

a. Yes

b. No

8. Do you often pick carry heroes?

a. Yes

b. No

c. If it’s needed

9. Do you prefer to adjust rather than picking your best pick?

a. Yes

b. No

c. If it’s worth it

10. Have you ever picked a tank over locking in your most favorite hero?

a. Yes

b. No

c. If it’s worth it

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11. In Game, Do you get jungle monster around your circle near you?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Sometimes / when I need it

d. I give it to those who need it

12. Are you active in laning?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Stay and defend my lane

d. I want movement and action

13. Are you adaptable?

a. Yes

b. No

14. Are you adventurous?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Sometimes

d. I don’t know

15. From 1 – 10 how alert are you?

a. 1-3

b. 4-7

c. 8-10

16. Are you discreet?

a. Yes

b. No

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17. In game, do you like to set the play?

a. Yes

b. No

c. If it’s necessary

d. If there’s no choice I will!

18. In 1-10 how good are you in kiting?

a. 1-3

b. 4-7

c. 8-10

19. Are you good in bursting?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Nah, I prefer boxing out enemies

d. No I prefer healing

20. From 1-10 how accurate is your fingers to do skill shots?

a. 1-3

b. 4-6

c. 7-9

d. Accurate as fck

All Rights Reserved: | MICHAEL KEVIN TIBI

Table of Scores:


The Valor Examination BETA

Q1: A = 1 pt in Marksman/Mage/Support, B = 1 point for Jungler/Warrior/Tank

Q2: A = 1 pt in Tank/Jungler/Warrior, B = 1 pt for Marksman/Mage/Support

Q3: A = 1 pt in Warrior/Tank, B = 1pt for Marksman/Mage/Support, C = 1pt in Jungler

Q4: A = 1 pt in Marksman/Mage/Warrior/Jungle, B = 1 pt in Jungler/Marksman, C = 1 pt in Support/Tank, D = 1 pt in Jungler/Warrior, E = 1

pt in Warrior/Tank

Q5: A = 1 pt in Warrior, B = 1 pt in Marksman/Jungler, C = 1 pt in Jungler/Marksman/Mage,

Q6: A = 1 pt in Marksman/Mage, B = 1 pt in Tank/Support/Mage, C = 1 pt in Jungler, D = 1 pt in Support.

Q7: A = 1 pt in Jungle/Warrior, B = 1 pt in Marksman/Mage/Support/Tank

Q8: A = 1 pt in Marksman/Jungle/Mage, B = 1pt in Tank/Support, C = 1pt in Tank/Support/Jungle

Q9: A = 1 pt in Tank/Support/Warrior, B = 1 pt in Marksman/Mage/Jungler, C = 1 pt in Support

Q10: A = 1 pt in Tank/Support/Warrior, B = 1 pt in Marksman/Mage C = 1 pt in Jungler

Q11: A = 1 pt in Jungler/Marksman/Warrior B = 1pt in Tank/Support C = Marksman/Tank

Q12: A = 1 pt in Jungler/Support, B = 1 pt in Mage/Tank/Marksman, C = 1 pt in

Tank/Warrior, D = 1 pt in Warrior/Jungler

Q13: A = 1 pt in Marksman/Jungler/Mage B = 0 pts in all roles

Q14: A = 1 pt in Jungler, B = 1 pt in Tank/Mage, C = 1 pt in Support/Marksman/Tank

Q15: A = 1 pt in Mage/Tank, B = 1 pt in Marksman/Warrior, C = 1 pt in Support/Jungler

Q16: A = 1 pt in Jungle/Warrior B = 1 pt in Marksman/Tank/Support/Mage

Q17: A = 1 pt in Tank/Warrior, B = 1 pt in Marksman/Mage C = 1 pt in Support/Jungler

Q18: A = 1 pt in Support/Tank/Warrior, B = 1 pt in Jungler C = 1 pt in Mage/Marksman

Q19: A = 1 pt in in Mage/Jungle/Marksman, B = 1 pt in Tank/Warrior/Support, C = 1 pt in Tank/Warrior, D = 1 pt in Support

Q20: A = 1 pt in Warriors/Tanks, B = 1 pt in Jungle/Support, C = 1 pt in Marksman/Mage, D = 1 pt in Mage

**Then compute all of the points, and the most higher accumulated points is preferably your most effective role – Remember this is still on

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All Rights Reserved: | MICHAEL KEVIN TIBI
All Rights Reserved: | MICHAEL KEVIN TIBI
Effective and Recommended Spells for a Marksman


Teleports your hero a short distance.

120-second cooldown.
In times of clash you are your opponent target, in Flicker you are able to use this to

reposition, avoid CC’s or escape on a serious danger. Flicker can also be used to kill

running enemies or set a play.


You and your nearby allies instantly recover 15% HP and gain 15%
movement speed for 2 seconds. – 120-second cooldown.
The reliable and very useful skill from all types of heroes in Arena of Valor “The Heal”

spell. I recommend this spell since it has a good bonus attribute when activated.

This spell enables you to escape a clash or a gank, also to sustain your lane while

defending your tower.


Increases Attack speed by 60% and attack damage by 10% by 5 seconds.

60 – second cooldown.
The Roar spell is good for killing towers, or bursting down an enemy. This is effective if

you have a reliable tank such as Taara, Thane and Lumburr. and a good support like

Payna or Diao Chain.

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All Rights Reserved: | MICHAEL KEVIN TIBI
Effective and Recommended Spells for a Mage


Teleports your hero a short distance.

120-second cooldown.
In times of clash you are your opponent target, in Flicker you are able to use this to

reposition, avoid CC’s or escape on a serious danger. Flicker can also be used to kill

running enemies or set a play (Do not Flick in if your skills are in cooldown.)


You and your nearby allies instantly recover 15% HP and gain 15%
movement speed for 2 seconds. – 120-second cooldown.
The reliable and very useful skill from all types of heroes in Arena of Valor “The Heal”

spell. I recommend this spell since it has a good bonus attribute when activated.

This spell enables you to escape a clash or a gank, also to sustain your lane while

defending your tower.


Immbolizes your hero to become invulnerable for 1.5 seconds.

120 second cooldown
Endure is like Zhonya’s Hourglass in League of Legends – that is used by all types of

mages. it can save your ass if you got targeted by your enemies.

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All Rights Reserved: | MICHAEL KEVIN TIBI
Effective and Recommended Spells for a Tank


Teleports your hero a short distance.

120-second cooldown.
In times of clash you are the setter, you can use Flicker in initiating team fights or to

reposition, avoid CC’s or escape on a serious danger. Flicker can also be used to support

allies from being targeted. (Flick your way onto the enemy’s Marksman and Mage)


You and your nearby allies instantly recover 15% HP and gain 15%
movement speed for 2 seconds. – 120-second cooldown.
The reliable and very useful skill from all types of heroes in Arena of Valor “The Heal”

spell. I recommend this spell since it has a good bonus attribute when activated.

This spell enables you to escape a clash or a gank, also to sustain your lane while

defending your tower.


Removes all debuffs and control effects on yourself and gains immunity to
them for 1.5 seconds. 120 second cooldown.
Some Tank Players use this Spell in order for them to do all the tanking and box-outs

since this spell enables you to remove all the Crowd Control spells such as stuns/slow

etc and also, to add more time of living inside the enemy lines.


Silences a structure for 5 seconds

60-second cooldown.
This spell is effective when diving enemies onto the tower for 5 seconds – and that is

enough to finish off your enemies and a tower.

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All Rights Reserved: | MICHAEL KEVIN TIBI
All Rights Reserved: | MICHAEL KEVIN TIBI
Effective and Recommended Spells for a Support


You and your nearby allies instantly recover 15% HP and gain 15%
movement speed for 2 seconds. – 120-second cooldown.
The reliable and very useful skill from all types of heroes in Arena of Valor “The Heal”

spell. I recommend this spell since it has a good bonus attribute when activated.

This spell enables you to heal yourself and allies, also to sustain your lane while

defending your tower with your Marksman.


Silences a structure for 5 seconds

60-second cooldown.
This spell is effective when diving enemies onto the tower for 5 seconds – and that is

enough to finish off your enemies and a tower.


Teleports your hero a short distance.

120-second cooldown.
In times of clash you are the setter, you can use Flicker in initiating team fights or to

reposition, avoid CC’s or escape on a serious danger. Flicker can also be used to support

allies from being targeted. (Flick your way onto the enemy’s Marksman and Mage)

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All Rights Reserved: | MICHAEL KEVIN TIBI
The Dos and Don’ts

I picked Violet as my example since there are many Violet users tend to use punish as

their main spell. Hey, do not ever use punish spell for a Marksman in Higher Tiers it is


Marksman are needed in a team fight, they cannot be there – they are the

main damage dealers.

Imagine on a late game u have a punish spell, even if it’s upgraded punish spell that

has a slow – it’s still useless why? Let me give you a scenario;

Scenario: What if they have a line-up like this:

Jungler: Butterfly

Tank: Lumburr:

Support: Alice

Marksman: Slimz

Mage: Illumia

The clash begins, and the Butterfly ults at you together with the ult of Lumburr and you

have nothing left but that shitty punish spell you had chosen - upgraded. There is no

way for you to escape that CC/Skills/Ults. The only way is to “Flick Out” and then re-join

the clash, or activate “Heal” and run then re-position.

Look, your teammates rely on you – don’t die first.

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When being Ganked:

Let’s talk about being ganked. I literally

doesn’t like being ganked by the enemy

being un aware of what is happening in the

match is a real deal that you’re going to face

if you do not pay most of your attention in

the map – you are out of this battle and

may lead into loss. Avoiding ganks and

enemy engage is a plus factor for winning, always remember to look at the situation, the

most important to avoid ganks is to know the movement of their jungler so you can

farm on your lane, thinking that you are at the lane from which where the abyssal

dragon is located – it is obvious that their jungler or mage is going to be around that

area once it spawns, too dangerous eh? Yes, it is.

That’s why you and your support should kill this “Small Blue-thick-skin-that-I-don’t-know

the-name-fly” (I just named it like that). In order for you and your

allies to see what’s going on into their jungle around the Blue Sage –

before taking actions to kill Abyssal Dragon – also to avoid enemy


Chasing or When being Chased:

Let’s start from the first line – the CHASING game. Frankly, chasing is not recommended

in ANY aspects of living – don’t chase after someone who doesn’t give you a VALUE.

Because why? You are just wasting your time into someone who keeps pushing you

away! So what’s the point of chasing? Don’t be a fool have some balls! – ok enough ;)

moving on…..

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OK Back To The Real Topic!

Going back to the topic, from the first line itself said – CHASING. Frankly, chasing your

enemy won’t help unless you can kill him inside 2-4 seconds. 5 seconds is too long

The fact that you are chasing an enemy hero it is obvious

that you will lose support to your allies who’s in need. So

cut off the chasing game, don’t give a f*** - because they

don’t like you – Oh! What I mean is, there’s no point, Go

back and help your allies to win the 4 versus 5 team fight.


You can be able to help your allies in a 4v5 match and win the game


There’s a big chance that your allies lose the 4v4 team fight – because you left and

chase over your enemy.

No. 1 Rule – Don’t engage When Your Team Is Not Yet Complete.

Based on our research 80% of the Ranked Matches in any type of Multiplayer Online

Battle Arena game lose their way off just because of engaging a clash on a 3v5 or 4v5.

Obviously that is not fair, in casual games or non-professional games – you can do 3v5

or 4v5 or even a 2v5 clash –win or lose. But hey wake up! We are dreaming of

becoming a top ranked player! Not a top ranked-cancer playing casually in ranked

games player!

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Tips During Team Fights:

In a professional type of match, if you go watch some videos they do not

engage when they are: Incomplete, Skills are currently on Cooldowns, One or

two of the members are low in Mana and Health.

If engaged – and did a lot of errors they go back – not fight back.

When you burned all of your ults and didn’t made any effect – go back.

When one of your team died – don’t be a hero of revenge – go back. Revenge

is way more much sweeter in comebacks.

Do not fight back if your enemy has fully itemized – Farm and avoid clash,

clear enemy creeps and don’t get caught

Do not let them take the Dark Slayer – 90% of the team fights won because of

the Dark Slayer Buff (+30% Damage, +1% HP Regen) – Itchy!

Just End The Game Whenever There’s a Chance

Why? It’s obvious if you don’t finish the game early, your enemy team may turn the

tides and take your Previous Match History marked as DEFEAT.

If you are on the advantage and the scores are like

10/2 – go end the game. I recommend to push all the

lanes so their team will split up. And when you see an

opening do not hesitate to break their towers and win

the game.

All Rights Reserved: | MICHAEL KEVIN TIBI

All Rights Reserved: | MICHAEL KEVIN TIBI
“No one can stop us from delivering and spreading the good will, guides and tutorials.”

All Rights Reserved: | MICHAEL KEVIN TIBI

About The Author

My Mission is to establish good will in the world of Arena of Valor, to share my

knowledge – researched to the players, I may not be a Top Player, but my dream is you

to become someone you never been before. I am not here to get a fame I am here to

make history.

My Vision is to create a ground-breaking change with a heart in the community of

“Arena of Valor” I am here to provide your needs to become a super player I may be

can’t do all things but I assure you I will never stop making things that can help players

to reach their dreams.

Also to help us continue our works, guides and tutorials

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Yours Truly,

Michael Kevin Tibi | Owner of KvN TV

All Rights Reserved: | MICHAEL KEVIN TIBI
All Rights Reserved: | MICHAEL KEVIN TIBI

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