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Second Grade News

March 9th, 2018:

This Week: March 12th-16th

Thank you so much to all parents who came to conferences this week! I
sincerely enjoy spending time getting to know your families!

Monday – Music
Tuesday – Wellness
Wednesday – Library (Bring books back)
Thursday – Art
Friday- Music

Looking Ahead (Please make sure you mark these days in your calendar!
They will be fun and important days!)

 Wednesday, March 14th- 2 Hour Delay for all students, Teacher

Professional Development in the a.m.
 Thursday, March 15th- MAP TEST – Reading
 Friday, March 16th- Our class will be watching the 1st grade Carnival of
the Animals rehearsal at the McCoy Center.
 Wednesday, March 21st- MAP TEST- Math
 March 26th-April 2nd SPRING BREAK! (Students’ will return on Tuesday,
April 3rd)

Scholastic Book Orders:

Here is the link to browse books and order online:

Our class code for online orders is RHD8M. All book orders are sent to our school
and then sent home with your child.

Current Learning:

Fundations: This week we will start Unit 11 (2 weeks). Check your child’s take-
home folder Tuesday night for their packet. Students will practice 3 more vowel
teams: ee, ea, ey. Each of these letter combinations can have the long e sound
and are found in double vowel syllables. Students will learn to read and spell
words with these letter combinations using the spelling option procedure to
determine the correct spelling of the /e/ sound.
They will also learn that ey can only be used at the END of a word, and ee
and ea are generally found in the middle of a word.
The trick words for this unit are:
Week 1: whose, won, son
Week 2: breakfast, head, ready
 PLEASE make sure you are practicing these words and patterns with
your child every night. This will support them when they READ and WRITE!!
It’s SO important!

Math: Unit 6- Geometry: This week and last week our focus has been on
discovering that rectangles, squares, and triangles fit together without leaving
spaces, gaps or overlaps, while circles do not. We created a class quilt with
those shapes. This week we will propel deeper investigations into tessellation,
symmetry, and fractions of shapes. Students will come to understand that equal
parts of identical wholes do not have to be the same shape.

Reading: IT’S TIME FOR MARCH MADNESS!! We have been reading various
adaptations to classic fairytales! The class has been LOVING this and they have
the opportunity to vote on which books they like the most and which ones will
continue to climb our Fairy Tale March Madness Bracket. We will continue to
compare and contrast versions of classic fairytales all month!

Writing: Informative writing. Students will go through the process of the Scientific
Method. They will pose questions, research, form a hypothesis, test experiments
that focus on force and motion, and analyze their results. I love this unit! It has a
strong focus on inquiry and science!

Social Studies/Science: I’m looking forward to the last few months of school! Our
amazing second grade team of teachers in the blue hallway will be rotating
classes to teach the last few standards of science and social studies (history, life
science, and physical science). It will be so fun and hands on!

Last week we had our Olympic Ceremony and rotated classes to participate in
our version of the Winter Olympics. Our students completed the long jump, and
measured their jumps using various tools (unifix cubes, yard sticks, popsicle sticks
and straws). They also participated in a STEM challenge where they learned
about the science of snowboarding. They had to use just a few materials to
make a standing snowboarder. We raced the snowboards and they got points
if their snowboarder stayed vertical while it raced. For the last Olympic event,
the students competed with a variety of games involving stacking cups. At the
closing ceremony, each student received a gold medal.

I am so happy to announce that my sister gave birth to a healthy and beautiful

baby girl, Nora Grace, yesterday! I will be taking the day off tomorrow to be
with family. Our class will have a guest teacher!

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