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Vigorous writing is concise.

Concise means that the writing:

a. contains no flabby phrases.

1 b. is free of errors in grammar and punctuation.

c. has been revised to include examples and research.

d. avoids zigzag writing.

status: correct (1.0)
correct: a
your answer: a
feedback: Correct. Concise writing is vigorous because it contains no unnecessary words. Ensuring that the
document contains appropriate examples and is free of errors are other parts of the revising process. See p.

Which of the following is true about writing and revising business documents?

a. Rarely is the first version satisfactory, but the second version is usually excellent.

2 b. Experts say only amateurs expect writing perfection on the first try.

c. If the second version has no errors in spelling and punctuation, it is satisfactory.

The real work of revision should happen in the writing stage as you select words and form
d. sentences.
status: incorrect (0.0)
correct: b
your answer: d
feedback: Incorrect. Rarely is the first or second draft of a message satisfactory. Your message is hammered
out in the revision phase, which may include several drafts. In fact, experts say only amateurs expect writing
perfection on the first try. See p. 80.

Brandon has completed the first and second phases of the writing process and has a rough draft of his
quarterly report completed. He is ready for the third phase of the writing process, which is:

a. revision.

b. publication.

c. second drafting.
d. sprint writing.
status: correct (1.0)
correct: a
your answer: a
feedback: Correct. Revision is the third phase of the writing process. You will complete the revision phase
before you publish your document. See p. 80.

Words such as definitely, quite, extremely, rather, and actually are:

a. adjectives that add a welcome degree of emotion to your writing.

4 b. adjectives that may be omitted because they are imprecise.

c. adverbs that may be eliminated to strengthen business writing.

d. adverbs that streamline your writing.

status: correct (1.0)
correct: c
your answer: c
feedback: Correct. The words listed are adverbs not adjectives. Excessive use of these adverbs should be
avoided to strengthen business writing. See p. 82.

Flabby phrases (a writing fault) include:

a. phrases that can be reduced to a single word.

5 b. paragraphs that combine two transitional styles.

c. prepositional phrases that function as adverbs.

d. zigzag sentences and faulty parallelism.

status: incorrect (0.0)
correct: a
your answer: d
feedback: Incorrect. Flabby phrases can often be reduced to a single word. This improves the conciseness of
your business documents. Zigzag sentences and errors in parallel structure are other writing faults. See p. 81.

Which of the following phrases avoids outdated expressions and uses more modern phrasing?

a. Enclosed please find
b. Thanking you in advance

c. I trust that

d. At your request
status: incorrect (0.0)
correct: d
your answer: c
feedback: Incorrect. "I trust that" is an outdated expression that should be replaced with the more modern
phrasing "I believe" or "I think." See p. 82.

Which of the following is accurate about long lead-ins?

a. You should use long lead-ins to make the tone of your message more businesslike.

7 b. Long lead-ins can be used to clarify your message by making it more concrete.

c. Avoid long lead-ins because they delay the reader from reaching the meaning of the sentence.

Eliminate long lead-ins because they are unnecessary intensifiers that create redundant
d. expressions.
status: correct (1.0)
correct: c
your answer: c
feedback: Correct. Long lead-ins should be avoided because they delay the reader from reaching the meaning
of the message. See p. 82.

It was our business manager who gave us information about the loss of franchise outlets along the Gulf
Coast after the hurricane is an example of a sentence with:

a. concise wording.

8 b. fillers.

c. needless adverbs.

d. outdated expressions.
status: not answered ()
correct: b
your answer:

9 Which of the following sentences contains a redundant expression?

a. Your participation in the survey assists in creating products that meet your needs.

This brief survey asks you only about your use of the product, and we keep no personal information
b. on respondents.

Honest responses from consumers who regularly buy and use the product provide the most reliable
c. information.

d. Your opinions are absolutely essential to product development.

status: not answered ()
correct: d
your answer:

Which of the following is true about the use of jargon in business writing?

Jargon is the specialized terminology of a specific profession and can be used if you are writing for
a. that profession.

10 b. Jargon, another name for outdated expressions, must be avoided in business writing.

c. Adding jargon to your business document will improve the precision and clarity of most messages.

d. Creating up-to-date, fresh images is made simpler by the use of jargon.

status: not answered ()
correct: a
your answer:

Clichés should be avoided in business writing because they:

a. are dull and sometimes ambiguous.

11 b. have become exhausted by overuse.

c. may cause comprehension problems for people new to our culture.

d. all choices are reasons to avoid the use of clichés.

status: not answered ()
correct: d
your answer:

12 Which of the following is most concrete?

a. Of the survey replies received, 38 percent were from two-parent households.

b. The shipping department has to move a lot of inventory.

c. A motor vehicle in our parking lot has its lights on.

d. You will appreciate the many fine features on our new product.
status: not answered ()
correct: a
your answer:

Which of the following is the best tip for proofreading documents?

a. Run your computer's grammar checker to eliminate all grammar errors.

13 b. Proofread each section as you complete it.

c. Proofread your document once it is in its final form.

Proofread for spelling using your spell checker, but don't waste time on small concerns such as the
d. difference between affect and effect.
status: not answered ()
correct: c
your answer:

For complex documents, it's best to proofread:

a. from a printed copy only.

14 b. on the computer screen only.

c. as you compose the document.

d. either on the screen or from a printed copy using the method you prefer.
status: not answered ()
correct: a
your answer:

15 Business writers who need to improve their writing skills should pay most attention to:
a. collecting adequate information for the profiled audience.

b. revising and proofreading their messages.

c. developing documents that have businesslike layouts and formatting.

d. refining their ability to empathize with the audience.

status: not answered ()
correct: b
your answer:

One reason concise messages are essential in business is that they save money by saving time.

16 True

status: not answered ()
correct: true
your answer:

This message is to let you know that should probably be eliminated from a sentence because it
represents a long lead-in.

status: not answered ()
correct: true
your answer:

Definitely is an example of a vivid adjective.

18 True

status: not answered ()
correct: false
your answer:

It is better to use the phrase in a careful manner than the single word carefully when you need to
explain how an action is to be completed.

status: not answered ()
correct: false
your answer:
One way to improve the vigor and readability of a message is to avoid the monotony of
repetitious use of words by substituting appropriate synonyms and pronouns.

status: not answered ()
correct: true
your answer:

Although scientists and the medical field use jargon, most other fields do not have terminology
specific to the field.

status: not answered ()
correct: false
your answer:

Converting a verb into a noun creates stronger, more professional business writing (e.g. made
a decision instead of decided).

status: not answered ()
correct: false
your answer:

Most sophisticated word processing software includes technology to identify significant problems
including spelling errors, typographical mistakes, word use problems, and punctuation problems.

status: not answered ()
correct: true
your answer:

When writers check their business reports for page balance, they are engaged in verifying the
format, which is part of the revising phase of the writing process.

status: not answered ()
correct: true
your answer:

You are likely to become a stronger proofreader of complex documents if you criticize yourself
each time you find an error.

status: not answered ()
correct: false
your answer:

Job recruiters identify which of the following as the top skill set sought in job applicants?

a. Ability to multitask and to respond quickly

b. Ability to work flexible schedules and to accept overtime

c. Ability to adapt to technological advances and to use computers effectively

d. Ability to write and speak well

status: correct (1.0)
correct: d
your answer: d
feedback: Correct. The communication skills of strong writing and speaking are most sought in job applicants according to recruit

Innovative technologies are reshaping the way we work. As a result, you can expect to be communicating ________ than befor

a. less

2 b. about the same as

c. more often and more rapidly

d. more but writing less

status: correct (1.0)
correct: c
your answer: c
feedback: Correct. E-mail, fax, instant messaging, and other communication technologies mean that we are communicating more

Today's employees are trained by businesses to write documents that:

3 a. are clear and concise.

b. entertain and grab attention.

c. are humorous and creative.

d. demonstrate great storytelling skill.

status: correct (1.0)
correct: a
your answer: a
feedback: Correct. It is most important that business documents communicate clearly and concisely; design and entertainment va

You can improve your listening skills if you follow tips for active listening, including:

a. keeping an open mind, establishing a receptive mind-set, and listening between the lines.

4 b. establishing a receptive mind-set, concentrating on appearance and delivery, and sifting information through biases.

c. capitalizing on lag time, concentrating on your next comment, and taking as many notes as possible.

d. all of the answers are correct.

status: incorrect (0.0)
correct: a
your answer: d
feedback: Incorrect. See p. 11. You should be open-minded, have a receptive mindset, and listen between the lines. Do not judge

Many factors contribute to poor listening including which of the following?

a. The brains of listeners can process information at least three times as fast as speakers can talk.

5 b. Listeners tune out ideas that run counter to their own.

c. Most people prefer to talk rather than listen.

d. All of the answers are correct.

status: not answered ()
correct: d
your answer:

Maggie needs to participate in an important conference call, so she plans to use active listening skills. Maggie shuts down her c
she using to improve listening?

a. Keeping an open mind

b. Establishing a receptive mind-set

c. Controlling her surroundings

d. No answer choice is correct

status: not answered ()
correct: c
your answer:

Nonverbal behaviors may be interpreted differently in different cultures. A person doing business with customers from another c

a. Head nodding and head shaking for yes and no

7 b. A thumbs-up gesture to indicate agreement

c. A smile

d. Direct, constant eye contact

status: not answered ()
correct: c
your answer:

Max has been asked to lead his work group in a problem-solving discussion with a goal of reducing workplace injuries. Max not

a. take Lori aside and tell her to keep her negative attitude to herself.

8 b. respond to the verbal message only and thank Lori for her support.

c. politely seek additional information by saying, I'm not sure that you really agree with my idea. Do you have a suggestion

d. respond only to the nonverbal message since body language is always more accurate than words.
status: not answered ()
correct: c
your answer:

The unique culture and heritage of each country helps its members primarily to understand how:

a. to behave and react.
b. communication affects business.

c. the government and social order work together.

d. members should endure culture shock.

status: not answered ()
correct: a
your answer:

Brian was overheard in the employee break room saying, "I am glad that the Technology Department finally hired an Asian gu
guilty of ________, which is not acceptable in a diverse work environment.

a. ethnocentrism

10 b. tolerance

c. stereotyping

d. a cultural norm
status: not answered ()
correct: c
your answer:

You can improve your oral communications with people who do not speak English as their first language if you:

a. speak very slowly and loudly to improve their comprehension.

11 b. avoid smiling and eye contact because it is not their cultural norm.

c. incorporate jargon and regional dialects to encourage them to adopt American communication styles.

d. encourage accurate feedback by asking probing questions.

status: not answered ()
correct: d
your answer:

Because more American companies today conduct business globally, employees must learn to accept and respect all cultures

a. stereotyping.
b. individualism.

c. ethnocentrism.

d. communication style.
status: not answered ()
correct: c
your answer:

A culturally diverse workforce can benefit organizations and their employees if employees show tolerance for differences. One

a. practicing empathy.

13 b. demonstrating nonverbal differences.

c. encouraging ethnocentrism.

d. increasing communication barriers in virtual work groups.

status: not answered ()
correct: a
your answer:

When writing for a multicultural audience, you are more likely to be understood if you use short sentences and short paragrap

a. slang, such as This product really rocks!

14 b. idioms, such as You can improve your bottom line using this product.

c. acronyms, such as ASAP.

d. action-specific verbs such as order this product rather than get this product.
status: not answered ()
correct: d
your answer:

Values common in the dominant U.S. culture include freedom and independence. These values together form the cultural valu

a. idealism.
b. democracy.

c. individualism.

d. ethnocentrism.
status: not answered ()
correct: c
your answer:

Companies are likely to promote the employee with the strongest technical skills, despite any weaknesses in com

16 True

status: not answered ()
correct: false
your answer:

Good communicators occur naturally because family genetics provide the skills that they need.

17 True

status: not answered ()
correct: false
your answer:

In today's world of work, frontline employees can expect to make more decisions independently and as part of a t

18 True

status: not answered ()
correct: true
your answer:

Sholanda is developing a marketing page for the company Web site and is concerned about the appearance of h
phase of the communication process.

status: not answered ()
correct: false
your answer:

20 Good listening skills are a weak component of the communication skills of most people with most listening at only

status: not answered ()
correct: true
your answer:

Hailey is listening to a difficult presentation on nanotechnology development. As a good listener, she should take

21 True

status: not answered ()
correct: false
your answer:

As businesses expand global markets, employees are likely to increase their fear of new cultures if they avoid inte

22 True

status: not answered ()
correct: true
your answer:

While your physical appearance delivers an important nonverbal message to your customers, the physical appea

23 True

status: not answered ()
correct: true
your answer:

You should ensure that your verbal and nonverbal messages are in sync by taping and evaluating yourself makin

24 True

status: not answered ()
correct: true
your answer:

The belief in the superiority of one's own culture is known as ethnocentrism.

25 True

status: not answered ()
correct: true
your answer:

1 The process of collecting information is called

a. organization.

b. frontloading.

c. data analysis.

d. research.
status: not answered ()
correct: d
your answer:

Collecting information before composing is important primarily because doing so

a. determines the document format and layout.

2 b. guarantees unified sentences and coherent paragraphs.

c. helps shape the message.

d. eliminates the need for any revision.

status: not answered ()
correct: c
your answer:

Melissa is preparing a market analysis for her business plan and knows she will have to conduct formal
research to gather the information she needs. To conduct formal research, she should

a. brainstorm for ideas.

3 b. talk with her boss.

c. conduct interviews and surveys or organize a focus group.

d. look in her company files.

status: not answered ()
correct: c
your answer:

4 According to communication experts, what is the greatest failing of business writers?

a. Poor spelling

b. Ambiguous wording

c. Unclear sentence structure

d. Poor organization
status: not answered ()
correct: d
your answer:

As a business writer, you want to create readable messages. Which of the following is an effective technique
to use?

a. Proceed free form from one idea to the next for maximum creative effect.

5 b. Avoid emphasizing important ideas so that readers may judge for themselves.

c. Use no specific pattern that might restrict the flow of your ideas.

d. Group similar items together and emphasize important ideas.

status: not answered ()
correct: d
your answer:

Antonio is writing an e–mail message to his employees, and he expects them to be pleased with the
message. Antonio should

a. avoid frontloading because employees might find it offensive.

6 b. build up to the good news by starting his message with a neutral statement.

c. put his main point in the first or second sentence.

d. put his main point at the end of the message where it will be most memorable.
status: not answered ()
correct: c
your answer:
Business Manager Megan Caldwell expects her employees to be displeased or even hostile when she
announces a new work schedule that will become effective next month. An effective organizational strategy
for Megan is to

a. explain all background information first.

b. put any bad news first.

c. begin with the main idea.

d. get to the main idea quickly by frontloading.

status: not answered ()
correct: a
your answer:

Which of the following business messages would use the direct strategy?

a. A letter rejecting a customer's claim

8 b. A letter denying credit to a customer

c. A sales letter

d. An e–mail to your staff reminding them of the upcoming all–staff meeting

status: not answered ()
correct: d
your answer:

Which of the following is a compound sentence?

a. We know you'll want to vote in the next election; therefore, please register by October 20.

9 b. Register by October 20 so that you can vote in the next election.

Although the deadline is October 20, there is still time to register; however, you must show valid
c. identification.

d. If you want to vote in the next election, you must register by October 20.
status: not answered ()
correct: a
your answer:
Many voters used absentee ballots to vote, others chose to vote in person on election day is an example of

a. complete sentence.

10 b. fused sentence.

c. run–on sentence.

d. comma splice.
status: not answered ()
correct: d
your answer:

Which of the following sentences effectively de–emphasizes the bad news?

Because we pay only for in–house classes and workshops, you will not receive company funds for
a. tuition costs.

11 b. Because of our educational benefits policy, you may not receive funds for tuition costs.

Although the company cannot reimburse you for tuition costs, you may attend class during work
c. hours.

Although you can attend class during work hours, the company cannot reimburse you for tuition
d. costs.
status: not answered ()
correct: c
your answer:

Business writers prefer the active voice for most business writing because in active–voice sentences

a. the doer of an action is concealed.

12 b. the subject is the recipient of an action.

c. bad news is de–emphasized.

d. the subject is the doer of the action.

status: not answered ()
correct: d
your answer:
Which of the following sentences avoids dangling or misplaced modifiers?

a. Skilled at graphic design, the contract went to DesignPlus.

13 b. The Park Hotel is just one of the Art Deco buildings you can see strolling about South Beach.

c. To apply for financial aid, send in your application by January 1.

d. To meet the deadline, your Excel figures must be received before June 1.
status: not answered ()
correct: c
your answer:

Effective paragraphs

a. include supporting sentences that expand and explain the main idea.

14 b. are coherent.

c. usually present the main idea in the first sentence.

d. All answer choices are correct.

status: not answered ()
correct: d
your answer:

You should strive to make your paragraphs coherent in all business writing. Paragraph coherence occurs

a. each sentence includes dependent and independent clauses.

15 b. ideas are linked; that is, ideas in a paragraph hold together.

c. the main idea is revealed immediately.

d. all sentences are written in the active voice.

status: not answered ()
correct: b
your answer:
Human Resources Manager Kris Royka is researching case studies as she prepares a diversity
training workshop for her employees. An effective method of formal research is to search print
and online journal articles.

status: not answered ()
correct: true
your answer:

Using a hierarchy such as an outline can help you to organize your ideas and information.

17 True

status: not answered ()
correct: true
your answer:

One advantage of the direct organizational pattern is that it saves the reader's time.

18 True

status: not answered ()
correct: true
your answer:

Business writers should strive to keep sentences to fewer than 20 words.

19 True

status: not answered ()
correct: true
your answer:

To avoid creating sentence fragments, writers should not punctuate dependent clauses as
complete sentences.

status: not answered ()
correct: true
your answer:

To emphasize a main idea through style, you should underline, italicize, or bold the main idea.

21 True

status: not answered ()
correct: false
your answer:

The following sentence is in the active voice: The company rewarded its top performers by
giving them a day off with pay.

status: not answered ()
correct: true
your answer:

The following sentence demonstrates parallelism: A good financial planner must be certified,
competent, and must possess ethical standards.

status: not answered ()
correct: false
your answer:

Paragraphs with eight or fewer printed lines look more inviting and readable than longer

status: not answered ()
correct: true
your answer:

Consequently and therefore are examples of transitional expressions that may be used to
demonstrate cause and effect.

status: not answered ()
correct: true
your answer:
The process of collecting information is called

a. organization.

b. frontloading.

c. data analysis.
d. research.
status: not answered ()
correct: d
your answer:

Collecting information before composing is important primarily because doing so

a. determines the document format and layout.

2 b. guarantees unified sentences and coherent paragraphs.

c. helps shape the message.

d. eliminates the need for any revision.

status: not answered ()
correct: c
your answer:

Melissa is preparing a market analysis for her business plan and knows she will have to conduct formal
research to gather the information she needs. To conduct formal research, she should

a. brainstorm for ideas.

3 b. talk with her boss.

c. conduct interviews and surveys or organize a focus group.

d. look in her company files.

status: not answered ()
correct: c
your answer:

According to communication experts, what is the greatest failing of business writers?

a. Poor spelling

b. Ambiguous wording

c. Unclear sentence structure

d. Poor organization
status: not answered ()
correct: d
your answer:

As a business writer, you want to create readable messages. Which of the following is an effective technique
to use?

a. Proceed free form from one idea to the next for maximum creative effect.

5 b. Avoid emphasizing important ideas so that readers may judge for themselves.

c. Use no specific pattern that might restrict the flow of your ideas.

d. Group similar items together and emphasize important ideas.

status: not answered ()
correct: d
your answer:

Antonio is writing an e–mail message to his employees, and he expects them to be pleased with the
message. Antonio should

a. avoid frontloading because employees might find it offensive.

6 b. build up to the good news by starting his message with a neutral statement.

c. put his main point in the first or second sentence.

d. put his main point at the end of the message where it will be most memorable.
status: not answered ()
correct: c
your answer:

Business Manager Megan Caldwell expects her employees to be displeased or even hostile when she
announces a new work schedule that will become effective next month. An effective organizational strategy
for Megan is to

a. explain all background information first.

b. put any bad news first.

c. begin with the main idea.

d. get to the main idea quickly by frontloading.

status: not answered ()
correct: a
your answer:

Which of the following business messages would use the direct strategy?

a. A letter rejecting a customer's claim

8 b. A letter denying credit to a customer

c. A sales letter

d. An e–mail to your staff reminding them of the upcoming all–staff meeting

status: not answered ()
correct: d
your answer:

Which of the following is a compound sentence?

a. We know you'll want to vote in the next election; therefore, please register by October 20.

9 b. Register by October 20 so that you can vote in the next election.

Although the deadline is October 20, there is still time to register; however, you must show valid
c. identification.

d. If you want to vote in the next election, you must register by October 20.
status: not answered ()
correct: a
your answer:

Many voters used absentee ballots to vote, others chose to vote in person on election day is an example of

10 a. complete sentence.

b. fused sentence.
c. run–on sentence.

d. comma splice.
status: not answered ()
correct: d
your answer:

Which of the following sentences effectively de–emphasizes the bad news?

Because we pay only for in–house classes and workshops, you will not receive company funds for
a. tuition costs.

11 b. Because of our educational benefits policy, you may not receive funds for tuition costs.

Although the company cannot reimburse you for tuition costs, you may attend class during work
c. hours.

Although you can attend class during work hours, the company cannot reimburse you for tuition
d. costs.
status: not answered ()
correct: c
your answer:

Business writers prefer the active voice for most business writing because in active–voice sentences

a. the doer of an action is concealed.

12 b. the subject is the recipient of an action.

c. bad news is de–emphasized.

d. the subject is the doer of the action.

status: not answered ()
correct: d
your answer:

Which of the following sentences avoids dangling or misplaced modifiers?

13 a. Skilled at graphic design, the contract went to DesignPlus.

b. The Park Hotel is just one of the Art Deco buildings you can see strolling about South Beach.
c. To apply for financial aid, send in your application by January 1.

d. To meet the deadline, your Excel figures must be received before June 1.
status: not answered ()
correct: c
your answer:

Effective paragraphs

a. include supporting sentences that expand and explain the main idea.

14 b. are coherent.

c. usually present the main idea in the first sentence.

d. All answer choices are correct.

status: not answered ()
correct: d
your answer:

You should strive to make your paragraphs coherent in all business writing. Paragraph coherence occurs

a. each sentence includes dependent and independent clauses.

15 b. ideas are linked; that is, ideas in a paragraph hold together.

c. the main idea is revealed immediately.

d. all sentences are written in the active voice.

status: not answered ()
correct: b
your answer:

Human Resources Manager Kris Royka is researching case studies as she prepares a diversity
training workshop for her employees. An effective method of formal research is to search print
and online journal articles.

status: not answered ()
correct: true
your answer:

Using a hierarchy such as an outline can help you to organize your ideas and information.

17 True

status: not answered ()
correct: true
your answer:

One advantage of the direct organizational pattern is that it saves the reader's time.

18 True

status: not answered ()
correct: true
your answer:

Business writers should strive to keep sentences to fewer than 20 words.

19 True

status: not answered ()
correct: true
your answer:

To avoid creating sentence fragments, writers should not punctuate dependent clauses as
complete sentences.

status: not answered ()
correct: true
your answer:

To emphasize a main idea through style, you should underline, italicize, or bold the main idea.

21 True

status: not answered ()
correct: false
your answer:

The following sentence is in the active voice: The company rewarded its top performers by
giving them a day off with pay.

status: not answered ()
correct: true
your answer:

The following sentence demonstrates parallelism: A good financial planner must be certified,
competent, and must possess ethical standards.

status: not answered ()
correct: false
your answer:

Paragraphs with eight or fewer printed lines look more inviting and readable than longer

status: not answered ()
correct: true
your answer:

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