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Faith Calvo
Community and Family Engagement Plan
Classroom Layout

A classroom is much more than just a place of learning as an environment can influence a
whole person. There’s a notable feeling and difference between walking into a home and
walking into a business waiting room. I want my classroom to feel like a balance of these two-
we are at school to learn, but also the classroom needs to convey that I care for my students so
it needs to have a little bit of a home feeling. More than anything I want my students to feel
excited to come into my classroom. For these reasons my classroom needs to adhere to the six
functions of a classroom setting as described by Weinstein, Romano, and Mignano in
Elementary Classroom Management (2011). These functions are security and shelter, social
contact, symbolic identification, task instrumentality, pleasure, and growth. Figure 1 shows the
rational in my classroom, whereas Figure 2 shows the map. It’s important to note that this map
could be best used in grades 3-5.

Figure 1. Designing an Elementary Classroom

Classroom Function How I will apply this in my future classroom

Security and Shelter As all students need a place where they can have their needs met, the
classroom must give a sense of safety. In my classroom there needs to be a
(see Figure 2, parts A and space that is considered ‘soft’. Here there will be a space where there are
B, as well as referencing bean bag chairs, and things they may find in a home to ensure that it is
the call for ball chairs) cozy.
I will also be placing a small table or desk at one end of the classroom that
will be designated the “Re-Treat (Part A in Figure 2)”. This way the students
who need a little down time, can have it. The Retreat is also great for
students with special needs. In this quiet space is where I can place any
student break boxes- boxes that special education case workers have
placed accommodations such as fidgets or coloring to calm a person down.
This space will also be crucial for any students with A.D.H.D.
I’ve also included the need for ball chairs in order to create a classroom that
feels like things are moving. I have personally seen the effects that these
chairs can do to student engagement and would like to use it in my
classroom. Students may also choose a regular chair as well.

Social Contact In figure 2, I have arranged the desks to serve the purpose of trying to
ensure that students have plenty of collaborative learning space. I have also
ensured that everyone has the opportunity to have their eyes on me. The
desks in part D indicate that students can work in groups of three or
independently, if the need arises to quickly separate the desks.

Symbolic Identification Throughout the school year, especially in the beginning of the year, my
class will be working with different team building activities that highlight each
individual and culture. Be that classroom culture, or students’ own either
way they will be hung up across the classroom. The bulletin board, will also
serve to display items that students have created- weather that be a word
wall, a map of the world, best work students want to display, or student of
the week.

Task Instrumentality I value collaborative learning, however I understand that my classroom will
be needed to function for both individual tasks and collaborative learning.
For this reason I enjoy the horseshoe model, mixed in with the idea of
learning zones. This way I have the opportunity to have two groups
simultaneously working- small group in the front with me, and another small
group with focused attention on an individual time in which they can work
collaboratively. When they are not seated up front with me during our
‘workshop’ time, they will need to do independent work for a couple of
minutes, then they may ask for help. I have also removed the teacher’s
desk to create more room and this way I will always be engaged with my
The large carpet at the front of the room (Part E, Figure 2) can also serve to
indicate whole group conversations such as Socratic seminars.

Pleasure Along the window there will be plants that students who wish, can plant
themselves. They may also help me choose how to decorate the walls-
where I will ensure there is variation but not too much. Variation is needed
to ensure the classroom feels like a nice place to be in, however if I allow
too much it may produce anxiety.

Growth Students need to feel welcomed into the environment I set up. In Figure 2,
the arrangement of the classroom is one that I have seen encourages
student facilitated learning. I have established a ‘Cozy Art Corner’’ (B,
Figure 2) where the students may choose to read, write, or maybe get
creative in other ways, using any other mode of art. This way students may
also recognize literature as a form of art. The carpet in this corner may be
moved and used to play any puzzles or manipulatives.


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