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-The V Project-

Facebook: Victor Evans

Twitter: thebigv2010

I Vote Manslaughter for Burning the Koran

V Project

This is actually a subject that I took some time to think about. There’s a preacher in

Florida who threatened to burn the Koran. He’s holding off for now, but others have followed

suit and have burned, torn, or otherwise desecrated someone else’s sacred book.

The American part of me wants to start screaming “freedom of speech!” It’s one of the

principles that make this country great (and I think it’s a shame that so many people self-censor

themselves in order to avoid offending others). We have the right to burn Korans, Bibles, the
Flag, and crosses (on your own property). I would hate for this country to turn into a totalitarian

regime where people cannot express their opinions.

The other part of me, the pragmatist, realizes that this behavior causes real problems.

People can get hurt. People have gotten hurt. A few have been killed. And this was on the mere

rumor of burning.

I mulled it over, and this is what I came up with: not only should people not desecrate

the Koran, but those who do should be charged with manslaughter due to those being killed in

riots overseas.

I understand that this is quite a conclusion to come to, but here’s how I came about it.

It’s true that Americans are blessed with having the freedom of speech, but there’s the

stipulation that your freedom does not extend to you yelling “fire” in a crowded theater. If you

yell “fire,” then you can very well cause a panic, and this can result in people being hurt as they

try to escape. And guess what? You’re responsible.

We are, in essence, within a crowded theater. Society within the United States is a beast

walking on eggshells as we try to reconcile so many differing opinions of the Muslim community

within the United States, and incidents that occur here have rippling effects both domestically

and globally.

I personally don’t have a problem with Muslims in America. Others do. I don’t approve

of Muslims being attacked. Others do. With American military involvement in the Middle East

and the general position of the United States within the international community (and we can’t
rule out the negative sentiment of other countries), we need to be aware that the things that

happen here have more of an impact than what is on the surface. We are currently living in a

highly sensitive, highly volatile sociopolitical situation.

To purposely instigate confrontations by publically desecrating the Koran is no different

than yelling “fire” in a crowded theater. The sole purpose of that act is to make people angry,

and we are living in an era when angry people do not act rationally. Violence is to be expected,

so much so that our commanding general and the FBI released statements predicting violent


The pastor from Florida backed off. Others did not. Real people got angry. Real people

were hurt. Real people were killed. Just because it happened in another country does not mean

it is excusable. They were warned that their actions could lead to real deaths. And then their

actions really led to real deaths. Therefore I hold them responsible. Hence the manslaughter.

Does this mean that no one can express their hatred for Muslims? Of course not. They

just need to find a more appropriate way to do so. Preach it from a soapbox. Start a website.

Pass out flyers and pamphlets. Get on your local cable access channel and sentence Muslims to

damnation through the airwaves.

Do you really feel the need to burn a Koran? Do it at home. Do whatever you want to it

at home. Burn it, tear it, throw it in the toilet and piss on it… at home. Don’t do it in public. This

causes problems.
Go ahead and hate Muslims all you want. You have that right. Do whatever you want to

the Koran at home. You have that right. But don’t publically desecrate that particular holy book.

It’s not only juvenile and cowardly, but it offends certain groups of people on such a deep level

that it can lead to injuries and death.

And if you don’t care if Muslims hurt and kill each other? You don’t have to care for it to

be manslaughter. You just have to somehow help cause it.

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