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,, Manolache Costache Epureanu " Secondary School

Aleea Parc Street Nr. 1, Barlad, Vaslui County ............................................ .....................

Tel./Fax: tel. / fax:
Nr. ....... of ............ ..


A. "Manolache Costache Epureanu" Secondary School Barlad, Aleea Parc Street Nr. 1 Vaslui
County, represented by Professor Jora Bogdan- Head Master and Professor Arteni Niculina-
Liliana, as organizer and B. School ...................................................... .str ... ........................ No
.................. .city/town ............... country ...................... ........................... represented by
Principal..................... ............... .. and .................................... .. as a partner.
Concluded today……………………………………………………………………………. 2.
The subject of this partnership contract is the collaboration between the applicant and the partner
in organizing and conducting the International Symposium "DIALOG FOR EDUCATION", 3rd
edition, dated October 5th, 2018, at the "Manolache Costache Epureanu" Secondary School
3. TARGET GROUP : pupils in grades I-XII, students, parents, teachers from pre-university
education, teaching staff from university education.
A) The Applicant undertakes:
- to inform the educational institutions about the organization of the symposium;
- organize the scientific activities of the symposium;
- to observe the terms of the symposium;
- to distribute the teacher's diplomas.
B) The Partner undertakes to comply with the following conditions:
- designates a teacher responsible for conducting in good working order the activity covered by
this agreement in the person of Mrs. / Mrs. .................................................. ................, tel
............................., e- mail ................................................. .................................................. ...........
- to mediate the symposium in the schools of the county to which it belongs;
- to involve / support the teachers from the institution they are part of the activities of the
"Manolache Costache Epureanu" Secondary School;
- comply with the symposium rules;
- Avoid any risk-creating situation that may negatively affect the image of the symposium.
Duration of the agreement:
The agreement enters into force on the date of its signature and is valid for the school year
5. DURATION OF THE CONTRACT: The Agreement enters into force on the date of its
signature and is valid for the entire duration of the contest
,, Manolache Costache Epureanu " Secondary School
Head Master,
Prof. Jora Bogdan Sorin

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