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How to Write a Research Report Template

A research report template can be digital or paper based; the basic content areas
remain the same. Headings with spaces for content below should include an
abstract, introduction, background, literature review, method, results, analysis,
discussion, conclusion and implications, recommendations, references and an
appendix. Instructions for completing each section should be included in the
space below each heading. Instructions should include directions on how to
remove and replace instructional text with relevant information. Instructional text
under each heading should be formatted in relevant writing style from guides
such as American Psychological Association (APA) or Modern Language
Association (MLA).

1. Step 1

Create a title page format. Include research title, author, date, and names of
mentor and committee members in the style appropriate to the relevant style
guide (APA or MLA).

2. Step 2

The "Abstract" should be a block of text without indents. Indicate this by

instructions of how to maintain formatting, a suggestion of how to start, what
content it should include and a visual representation of size and space that
the information should occupy. Information should include the main points of
the report, such as the problem question, identification of participants,
methods and results, conclusions, implications and recommendations.

3. Step 3

List all headings and subheadings in a "Table of Contents" section. Include a

separate list of tables and figures. Hyperlink each heading and subheading to
its specific location in the body of the report. Provide specific instructions on
how to replace headings without losing hyperlinks.

4. Step 4

Under the heading "Introduction," mention the need to include a summary of

the important points, the reason/purpose of the report, the research problem,
how, when, what, where, why and the implications of the particular research
to the relevant field. Give an example of a possible introduction. Write all text
in the specific format and include instructions for maintaining formatting
properties for electronic templates.

5. Step 5
Under the headings "Background," "Method," "Results," "Analysis,"
"Discussion," "Conclusions and Implications" and "Recommendations,"
provide instructions on what to write under theses headings with appropriate
examples and instructions on how to re-format if the formatting was
inadvertently lost when typing or cutting and pasting information into the
template. Keep all instructions and examples in the content area space under
each heading.

6. Step 6

Provide examples of tables and figures in the methods and analysis sections.
Hyperlink to the tables and figures sections in the table of contents.

7. Step 7

Create the reference section with hyperlinks to citations within the body of the
report. Include instructions on how to hyperlink all references. Using the style
appropriate to the reference style guidelines (APA or MLA), include examples
of how to list different types of publications.

8. Step 8

Create hyperlinks of the individual appendices to their specific title in the table
of contents. Provide instructions on how to replace examples while
maintaining hyperlinks.

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