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Grade 2 Girls Club

Program Introduction
 Start Date: Wednesday November 9, 2016.
 End Date: Wednesday December 7, 2016.
 Time: Lunch: 12:05pm - 12:45pm
o Duration: 40 Minutes
 Location: ---
 Supervisor: Mrs. Avila
 Group Dynamic: Grade 2 Girls. Indoor Classroom.
 Facilitators: Ellie McNaughton & Madison Giffen
 Focus: Learning Appropriate Behaviour through the Dramatic Arts.

Program Goals:
 Upon completion of this program, students will be able to demonstrate the ability
to use problem solving skills, and coping strategies to apply them to their
everyday life.
 Students will be able to initiate appropriate behaviour through dramatization

Session Breakdown:
 Introduction/Review
 Icebreaker
 Activity
 Debrief
 Cleanup
Session 1: “Let’s get to know Each Other” (Wednesday November 9, 2016)
 Modality: Arts & Crafts
 Theme: Getting to know you.
 Goals:
o Students will have the opportunity to network with fellow Grade 2
Students in a safe environment, through communicating different
commonalities during today’s program session.
o Students will learn how to identify, and initiate self-coping tools that can
be used in different situations.
 Introduction & Rules & Agenda of Programming (5 Minutes)
o Rules will be written on the chart paper before the start of program.
o Programming Agenda will be written on the chart paper before the start of
the program.
o Session Agenda will be written on the chart paper before the start of the
o Present Session Goals to Students.
 Icebreaker: Connect (5 Minutes)
o Therapeutic Value:
 Students will be able to visually, and verbally see how they are
connected to the different students in the program.
o Instructions:
1) A student will start off holding the beginning of the yarn, and
say something that they like. (Ex: I like reading).
2) Other students will raise their hands if they agree. The student
will then pass the yarn to someone who has their hand up. This will
continue on until all the students who had their hand up have
received the yarn.
3) Once a student has received the yarn they will hold on to a
piece, and then throw it.
4) The last person to receive the ball of yarn will make up a
sentence about something they like, and will continue the process
of passing the yarn to students with their hands raised.
5) Icebreaker is complete when there is no more yarn to use.
o Materials:
 1 Ball of Yarn
 Activity: Coping (Calming Down) Sandwich (15 Minutes)
o Therapeutic Value:
 Students will be able to formulate different coping tools to utilize
in behavioural situations.
 Students will be using their Coping Sandwich as a prop in the
scenarios they will be presenting.
o Instructions:
1) Students will receive 8 pieces of pre-cut out construction paper
in different sandwich shapes.
2) Students will write “(Name) Coping Sandwich” on one of the
pieces of bread.
3) Students will formulate different coping mechanisms that they
decide will best apply to themselves.
 On the whiteboard/chart paper, there will be different
examples of coping mechanisms for the students to refer to
during the activity.
4) Students will write each coping mechanism on their different
sandwich items until each item is completed.
5) Students will put completed coping sandwich into Plastic
Sandwich Bag.
o Materials:
 Utensils:
 Markers
 Crayons
 Pastels
 Plastic Sandwich Bags
 Blank Labels
 Construction Paper Sandwich Shapes Pre-Cut
 2 Pieces of Bread
 2 Pieces of Lettuce
 1 Piece of Cheese
 1 Piece of Meat
 2 Pieces of Tomato’s
 Debrief (5 Minutes)
o Were you able to learn more things that you have in common with your
fellow Grade 2 Student?
o Was it hard to find calming down tools for yourself?
o Why do you think that is?
o How can you keep these calming down tools in your head going forward?
 Clean up (10 Minutes)
o Return the room to its original state.
Peterson, K. (Photographer). (2012). 50 Activities and Games Dealing With Anger.

Retrieved from

Session 2: “Thinking before Speaking” (Wednesday November 16, 2016)
 Modality: Drama Role-Play
 Theme: Communication
 Goals:
o Students will be able to initiate positive and optimistic support to each
other using their communication skills through their practice experience in
the Icebreaker.
o Students will demonstrate their problem solving skills through the
presentation of their Mini-Skits through using the “STC Stop Light”.
o Students will practice their performance skills in using appropriate
language in different situations.
 Agenda (5 Minutes)
o Review of last week’s session that includes display of the rules, and
programming agenda on the chart paper.
o Session Agenda displayed on chart paper.
o Present Session Goals to Students.
 Icebreaker: Rock, Paper, Scissors, Cheer (5 Minutes)
o Therapeutic Value:
 Students will have the opportunity to practice communicating
positive self-esteem attributes to fellow peers.
o Instructions:
1) Students will formulate a circle as a group.
2) Facilitators will number off each student “1, 2”. Each 1 will
have to find a partner who is a 2.
3) Each pair will say “Rock, Paper, Scissors”, and then choose an
action to perform.
4) The person who does not win will become the cheerer for the
person who does win, as they play other winners.
5) Each time a student wins their cheer group increases, until all
the winners have faced each other.
6) The overall winner is the person who has won every game.
 Activity: Mini-Skits (15 Minutes)
o Therapeutic Value:
 Student’s will be identifying and practicing appropriate language
through different scenarios.
o Instructions:
1) Students will be introduced to the “STC Stop Light” using
2) Students will be divided into 4 groups with 5 students in each
group through random numbering.
3) Each group will receive a scenario in which they will present the
inappropriate behaviour and the appropriate language to the group.
4) Students in each group will identify where they would use the
“STC Stop Light” in their scenario.
5) Students discuss how they could use one of their coping tools
they chose in their Coping Sandwich to apply to their mini-skit.
o Materials:
 “STC Stop Light” Diagram (5 Copies)
 Scenario #1 to #5 Script (5 copies per Scenario)
 Debrief (5 Minutes)
o How do you feel that you were able to produce positive support during the
o Was it hard to use the “STC Stop Light” in the different scenarios?
o How will you remember to recall the “STC Stop Light” in the future?
 Clean Up (10 Minutes)
o Return the room to its original state.
Appropriate & Inappropriate Language
(4 Groups of 5 Students each act out a Scenario)

Scenario #1 (Choosing an Activity at Recess)

Inappropriate Language Scene

Person 1: “Let’s go play soccer at recess”.
Person 2: “I don’t want to play soccer. I want to play baseball instead.”
Person 3: “Yea I want to play baseball!”
Person 4: “Let’s play baseball instead.”
Person 5: “Can I play?”
Person 1: “Do we have to play baseball? We never play soccer at recess anymore.”
Person 2: “Yea I want to play baseball.”
Person 1: “We always play what you want.”
Person 4: “No we played soccer last week.”
Person 1: “Ughhhhhh” (Freezes and Stops before saying inappropriate word).

Appropriate Language Scene

Person 1: “Let’s go play soccer at recess”.
Person 2: “I don’t want to play soccer. I want to play baseball instead.”
Person 3: “Yea I want to play baseball!”
Person 4: “Let’s play baseball instead.”
Person 5: “Can I play?”
Person 1: “Do we have to play baseball? We never play soccer at recess anymore.”
Person 2: “Yea I want to play baseball”
Person 1: “We always play what you want.”
Person 4: “No we played soccer last week.”
Person 1: “Hmmm.”
Person 2: “Yea?”
Person 1: “What if we…”
Person 3: “What?”
Person 1: “What if instead of playing soccer, we play soccer baseball?”
Person 2: “Yea ok”.
Scenario #2 (Picking teams for Soccer at Recess)

Inappropriate Scene
Person 1: “What should we do at recess today?”
Person 2: “Do you want to play soccer?”
Person 1: “Yea.”
Person 3: “Can I play?”
Person 4: “I want to play!”
Person 1: “Yes you both can play.”
Person 5: “Can I play?”
Person 1: “No you cannot play. The teams will not be even then.”
Person 5: “That’s not fair. I want to play.”
Person 2: “Too bad.”
Person 5: “Ughhhh” (Freezes and Stops before saying inappropriate word)

Appropriate Scene
Person 1: “What should we do at recess today?”
Person 2: “Do you want to play soccer?”
Person 1: “Yea.”
Person 3: “Can I play?”
Person 4: “I want to play!”
Person 1: “Yes you can both play.”
Person 5: “Can I play?”
Person 1: “No you cannot play. The teams will not be even then.”
Person 2: “Too bad.”
Person 5: “Hmmm.”
Person 1: “What?”
Person 5: “What if I be scorekeeper instead?”
Person 1: “Yea you can do that.”
Person 3: “Ok, lets go get the ball before the bell rings.”
Scenario #3 (Deciding who is it for Grounders on Jungle Gym)

Inappropriate Language Scene

Person 1: “Who wants to play grounders?”
Person 2: “Come put your foot in.”
Person 3: “Me.”
Person 4: “I want to play.”
Person 5: “Me too.”
Person 1: “(Picks whose it through choosing rhyme)”
Person 2: “I don’t want to be it.”
Person 1: “You have to you got out last.”
Person 4: “Yea you’re it.”
Person 2: “Ughhh (Freezes and Stops before using inappropriate language).”

Appropriate Language Scene

Person 1: “Who wants to play grounders?”
Person 2: “Come put your foot in.”
Person 3: “Me.”
Person 4: “I want to play.”
Person 5: “Me too.”
Person 1: “(Picks whose it through choosing rhyme)”
Person 2: “I don’t want to be it.”
Person 1: “You have to you got out last.”
Person 4: “Yea you’re it.”
Person 2: “Hmmm.”
Person 5: “What?”
Person 2: “Ok I will be it. Next time can I be the person who chooses?”
Person 3: “Yea sure.”
Scenario #4 (Playing Grounders on Jungle Gym)

Inappropriate Language Scene

Person 1: “(person 5) is it.”
Person 2: “Go count on the ground.”
Person 3: “Go to the slide.”
Person 4: “I am going to hide there too.”
Person 5: “Grounders.”
Person 1: “You almost got (person 2).”
Person 2: “Nice try.”
Person 5: “Grounders.”
Person 3: “You got (person 4).”
Person 4: “No they didn’t.”
Person 5: “Yes I did.”
Person 4: “Ughhhh” (Freezes and Stops before using inappropriate language).

Appropriate Language Scene

Person 1: “(person 5) is it.”
Person 2: “Go count on the ground.”
Person 3: “Go to the slide.”
Person 4: “I am going to hide there too.”
Person 5: “Grounders.”
Person 1: “You almost got (person 2).”
Person 2: “Nice try.”
Person 5: “Grounders.”
Person 3: “You got (person 4).”
Person 4: “No they didn’t.”
Person 5: “Yes I did. I tagged (person 4) on their foot.”
Person 4: “Hmmm.”
Person 2: “What?”
Person 4: “Ok you did tag me. Next time I will make sure I don’t have my foot hanging
off the slide.”
Session 3: “We are a Team” (Wednesday November 23, 2016)
 Modality: Drama Role-Play
 Theme: Relationship Building
 Goals:
o Students will be able to utilize, and strengthen their creativity through
verbal participation in their communication during the Icebreaker.
o Students will have the opportunity to practice cooperation, and team
building skills through the Activity.
 Agenda (5 Minutes)
o Oral Review of Last Week’s Session.
o Session Agenda displayed on chart paper.
o Present Session Goals to Students.
 Icebreaker: 21 Questions on Sport & Classroom Materials (5 Minutes)
o Therapeutic Value: To formulate discussions through interactions in
expressing verbal cues in a safe environment.
o Instructions:
1) Instruct Students to stand in a line facing the same direction.
2) Place cue card in Students hand so that the name on the card is
facing away from the Student.
3) Inform Students to keep the cue card in their hands in front of
them at all times until they are able to guess the sport/class
material on their card.
4) Place Students in partners based on random number selection.
5) Inform Students to ask only yes or no questions in order to
guess the correct material on their cue card.
6) Have Students return to their seats if they and their partner have
both correctly guessed their cue card.
o Materials:
 15 Cue cards with Sports Material written on them.
 15 Cue cards with Class Materials written on them.
 1 Roll of Tape.
 Activity: Scenarios (20 Minutes)
o Therapeutic Value: To be able to label, identify, and practice appropriate
behaviour in an interactive setting.
o Instructions:
1) Facilitators will assign Students to one of 5 groups with 5
Students in each group through random numbering.
 Each group will have a scenario that they will practice and
present to the group.
 Each scenario will be relating to the theme of Bullying.
2) Handout each groups script.
3) Assist Students with delegating roles and blocking of scenarios.
4) Inform Students that the upcoming session will be focused on
them practicing their scenes.
o Materials:
 Scripts for each scenario for each group member.
 Debrief (5 Minutes)
o How do you feel using your creativity through only yes or no answers?
 Cleanup (5 Minutes)
o Return the room to its original state.
Appropriate Behaviour Response Role-
Play Scenarios
1) Refresh about previous week’s discussion of STC Stop Light. (Show Diagram)
2) Divide students up into 5 groups of 4.
3) Give each group a copy of a different scenario.
4) Each group is going to make up their own dialogue to the scenario.
5) Each group is going to formulate an appropriate response to the scenario.
Scenario 1
 Student 1 and Student 2 are asked by the Teacher to go to the Lost & Found to
drop an item off. When they arrive at the Lost & Found, the Office Assistant tells
them to put the item in the Lost & Found bucket, and turns their back to them to
do work. Student 1 says to Student 2 “Hey look theirs a Soccer Ball”. Student 2
says to Student 1 “You should take the ball. No one will know”.
 What do you do?
 Characters:
o Student 1
o Student 2
o Classroom Teacher
o Office Assistant
Scenario 2
 You’re walking outside for Lunch Recess when you see two older Students in
Grade 6 talking to a Grade 2 Student. As you approach closer you see, and hear
that the Grade 6 students are bullying the Grade 2 Student.
 What do you do?
 Characters:
o Grade 2 Student
o Grade 6 Student (A)
o Grade 6 Student (B)
o Student
Scenario 3
 Everyone is sitting down in class writing a quiz. The teacher has walked to the
front of the class to write something on the chalkboard, and has their back turned
to the class. Student 3 beside you whispers to you “Do you have the answer to
question number 5?”
 What do you do?
 Characters:
o Classroom Teacher
o Student 1
o Student 2
o Student 3
Scenario 4
 Student 1 and Student 2 are talking outside at recess to themselves. Student 3
walks up to them, and joins the conversation. Student 4 walks over to them.
Student 1 immediately says, “Go away you can’t be here. Your not our friend”.
 What do you do?
 Characters:
o Student 1
o Student 2
o Student 3
o Student 4
Scenario 5
 Student 1, Student 2, Student 3, Student 4 are all holding the doors as the classes
are coming in from last recess. After the last class goes in, Student 1 says “I will
race you all back to class. I bet that none of you can beat me”. Student 1 gets
ready to start running.
 What would you do?
 Characters:
o Student 1
o Student 2
o Student 3
o Student 4
Session 4: “Confidence is Key” (Wednesday November 30, 2016)
 Modality: Drama Role-Play
 Theme: Self-Esteem
 Goals:
o Students will have the opportunity to increase their self-confidence in oral
presenting, through consistent practice.
 Review of Last Week’s Session (5 Minutes)
o Session Agenda displayed on chart paper.
o Present Session Goals to Students.
 Ice Breaker: Twisted Phrases (5 Minutes)
o Therapeutic Value: Students will have the opportunity to express their
creativity while using dramatic skills.
o Instructions:
1) Provide handout with multiple twisted phrase sentences for
students to practice verbally, in order to warm up muscles in their
2) Have students go through each twisted phrase sentence as a
o Materials:
 Handout with Twisted Phrases (17).
 Activity: Practice Scenes (15 Minutes)
o Therapeutic Value: Allow students to increase their self-confidence
through oral practice of their lines to gain assurance in their acting skills.
o Instructions:
1) Students will be practicing the scenarios they were assigned in
the previous session.
2) Students will be able to practice using their coping sandwiches
as a prop.
o Materials:
 Extra Scenario scripts.
 Debrief (5 Minutes)
o How do you feel going into next week’s session?
 Clean Up (10 Minutes)
o Return the room to its original state.
Twisted Phrases
1) “She sells sea shells on the seashore”.

2) “A proper copper coffee pot”.

3) “The big beautiful blue balloon burst”.

4) “Red Bulb Blue Bulb Red Bulb Blue Bulb Red Bulb Blue Bulb”.

5) “Betty bought butter but the butter was bitter, so Betty bought better butter to make
the bitter butter better”.

BeatbyBeatPress. (2013, Feb. 18). Drama Game: Tongue Twisters (The Ultimate

List). Retrieved from

Session 5: “Take Away” (Wednesday December 7, 2016)
 Modality: Drama Role-Play
 Theme: Team Work
 Goals:
o Upon the completion of the program, students will be able to demonstrate
appropriate behaviour as situations arise through the recall of the
information learned in this program.
 Review of Last Week (5 Minutes)
o Session Agenda displayed on chart paper.
o Present Session Goals to Students.
 Activity: Present Scenes (15 Minutes)
o Each group will present their scenario to the program participants, plus
any additional staff guests.
 Closing Activity: Charades (5 Minutes)
o Therapeutic Value:
o Instructions:
1) Each group member will be given a topic in which they will act
out non-verbally for their other group members to guess.
2) There team will have 30 seconds to guess the correct answer
before the other team has the opportunity to guess.
o Materials:
 Charade topics on small pieces of paper. (25)
 Debrief & Program Evaluation (10 Minutes)
o How did you enjoy the program?
o Is their anything we should change?
 Clean Up (5 Minutes)
o Return the room to its original state.

BeatbyBeatPress. (2013, Feb. 18). Drama Game: Tongue Twisters (The Ultimate

List). Retrieved from


Creative Therapy Store. (Photograph). (2010). Stop, Think and Choose Poster. Retrieved



Peterson, K. (Photographer). (2012). 50 Activities and Games Dealing With Anger.

Retrieved from

1) Try your best.

2) Be respectful of each other and the space.

3) To listen to each other when speaking.

4) No running.

5) Keep your hands to yourself.

Program Agenda
Session 1: “Let’s get to know Each Other”
 Introduction
 Icebreaker: Connect
 Activity: Coping (Calming Down) Sandwich
 Debrief
 Cleanup

Session 2: “Thinking before Speaking”

 Review
 Icebreaker: Rock, Paper, Scissors, Cheer
 Activity: Mini-Skits (Appropriate & Inappropriate Language Role-Play)
 Debrief
 Cleanup

Session 3: “We are a Team”

 Review
 Icebreaker: 21 Questions on Sports & Classroom Materials
 Activity: Scenarios (Appropriate Behaviour Response Role-Play)
 Debrief
 Cleanup

Session 4: “Confidence is Key”

 Review
 Icebreaker: Twisted Phrases
 Activity: Practice Scenarios
 Debrief
 Cleanup

Session 5: “Take Away”

 Review
 Activity: Present Scenarios
 Closing Activity: Charades
 Debrief
 Program Evaluation
 Cleanup
Session #1 Agenda
Session Goals:
 Students will be able to get to learn new information about what their fellow
Grade 2 Students like.
 Students will make up their own self-coping tools that they can use in
different situations.

 Rules
 Program Agenda
 Session Agenda

Icebreaker: Connect

Activity: Coping (Calming Down) Sandwich


Session #2 Agenda
Session Goals:
 Students will get to cheer on their fellow Grade 2 Students while playing a
 Students will be able to practice using the “STC Stop Light” and appropriate
behaviour in their Mini-Skits.

Review of Last Week’s Session:

 Students were able to have the opportunity to network with fellow Grade 2
Students in a safe environment, through communicating different commonalities
during the program session.
 Students were able to learn how to identify, and initiate self-coping tools that can
be used in different situations.

Icebreaker: Rock, Paper, Scissors, Cheer

Activity: Mini-Skits


Session #3 Agenda
Session Goals:
 Students will get to practice asking and answering yes or no questions while
playing 21 Questions.
 Students will practice working in a team to put together a scene with their
own lines.

Review of Last Week’s Session:

 Students were able to initiate positive and optimistic support to each other using
their communication skills through their practice experience in the Icebreaker.
 Students were able to demonstrate their problem solving skills through the
presentation of their Mini-Skits through using the “STC Stop Light”.
 Students were able to practice their performance skills in using appropriate
language in different situations.

Icebreaker: 21 Questions on Sports & Classroom Materials

Activity: Scenarios


Session #4 Agenda
Session Goal:
 Students will have the opportunity to increase their self-confidence in oral
presenting, through consistent practice.
 Students will get to work on their scenarios through practicing their oral skills.

Review of Last Week’s Session:

 Students were able to utilize, and strengthen their creativity through verbal
participation in their communication during 21 Questions.
 Students were able have the opportunity to practice cooperation, and team
building skills through their Scenarios.

Icebreaker: Twisted Phrases

Activity: Practice Scenes


Clean Up
Session #5 Agenda
Session Goal:
 Students will be able to show their ability to use appropriate behaviour, if a
situation arises, from the information learned in this program.

Review of Last Week’s Session:

 Students were able to have the opportunity to increase their self-confidence in oral
presenting, through consistent practice.

Activity: Present Scenes

Closing Activity: Charades


Program Evaluation

Clean Up
Coping Strategies
 Go for a walk
 Yoga
 Deep Breathing
 Playing a Sport
 Count to 10
 Stop and Think
 Write in a Journal
 Painting
 Drawing
 Reading
 Talking to a friend or trusted adult
 Dance
 Exercise
 Arts & Crafts
 Take a break

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