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Name: Grade Level: Day: Wednesday 7th March 2018

Khadija Mohammed Al Teneiji Year 2 Rowling

CCSS Standards: To investigate living things.

Main Lesson Aims (Concepts, Procedures, & Processes):

The aim of this lesson is to make students describe a habitat and identify the animals that live in it.
Also, it focuses on enabling students questioning and answering skills since they will be researching
about different types of habitat. Adding to that, students are going to develop their interpersonal and
collaboration skills. This is because, students will be working together as a team in order to search
and find information about the topic that will be given to them.

teacher books NA

student book(s) Books about (Ocean, Desert Forest and Arctic)

worksheets/ papers Researching Habitats worksheets, plane sheets

teacher materials White board to write down names of the four groups that students will be in
as well as the classroom behavior rules.

student materials/ Pencils

technology Projector/ computer (present the World Habitats presentation), and 6
computers that will be used by the students for conducting their research.

other NA

Key vocabulary with definitions (and pictures if appropriate):

Word Glossary definition Image

Ocean Habitat is a habitat that is surrounded by

Ocean Habitat ocean and creatures that live in the ocean (eg:
fish, dolphins, starfish, whales etc).
Arctic Habitat is a very cold place surrounded by
Arctic Habitat ice and creatures/ animals live there (penguins,
polar bears and wolves).

Tropical Rainforest Tropical Rainforest is a habitat that is

Habitat surrounded by trees and animals such as:
monkeys, lions, frogs and owls.

Desert Habitat is a place that is surrounded by

Desert Habitat desert and animals such as camels, donkeys
and falcons.

Research Research means looking and finding

information by using books, internet or more
knowledgeable people.

Students’ Prior Knowledge:

Students have learnt previously about living and non-living things. Also, they have learnt about the
different habitats around the world and the four habitats found in Abu Dhabi. Adding to that,
students are able to identify living, dead and never alive things found in different habitats.
Furthermore, students have learnt about the microhabitats and the types of minibeasts by conducting
an investigation. In this lesson, students will learn about the world habitats (Ocean, Arctic, Tropical
Rainforest and Desert). Adding to that, students are going to be given a topic out of the four topics
listed in order to research about. Moreover, students will be generating questions about the habitats
that they didn’t search about in order to ask other groups who have searched about it.
Possible Problems and Misconceptions:

Negative behavior could occur throughout the lesson by not working collaboratively as a team.
Therefore, some students might fight when they are using the computers in order to search about
their topic. Adding to that, some of them might struggle with finding books that matches with their
habitat topic in order to find information from. Finally, some students might find a difficulty with
thinking about questions of the habitat that they didn’t search about so as to ask them for the group
who has chose and searched about that topic.

Behavior rules will be clearly announced at the beginning of the lesson in order to avoid any
negative behavior from occurring. To elaborate, groups will be chosen by the teacher in order to
avoid any arguments from occurring. Therefore, the two groups who will be using computers in
order to research about their topic will be given six computers in total (three for each). Both groups
will be told that within each computer, two students will be using it only. Therefore, students will
have turns to search about what they want to find out in order to avoid any fights from occurring.
Moreover, the teacher will give specific books for the students that matches with their topic to search
from in order to avoid any misconceptions. Finally, the teacher will provide the students with some
examples of the types of questions that they need to ask each other.
Lesson Schedule
Targeted teacher language: Throughout this lesson, teacher will use the following words: Arctic,
Ocean, Tropical Rainforest, Desert Habitats and Research.

Student language: Throughout this lesson, students will use the following words: Arctic, Ocean,
Tropical Rainforest, Desert Habitats and Research.
Engage (warm up, review prior knowledge): Time:

At the beginning of the lesson teacher will:

Clearly announce the classroom rules to the students and inform them what is expected
from them (raise their hands if they need support, listen carefully to the teacher/ follow
instructions and work collaboratively). Secondly, announce the goal and the aim of the 5 minutes
lesson to the students in order to give them an idea about what they will be learning and
doing throughout the lesson (learn and research about world habitats: Arctic, Ocean,
Tropical Rainforest and Desert). After that, refresh students brain by asking them ‘Year
two, what do you know about the world habitats?, Who remembers what habitats did we
learn about?’. Afterwards, engage the students by showing them animals manipulatives
and ask them ‘Year two, where can we find this camel? Does he live in cold or hot place?
What about this Dolphin where can we find him? And this Polar bear where can we find
him? What about this frog where can we find him?. In such way, the teacher is
introducing the different world habitats in a fun way. Also, the teacher ensures that
students participation, curiosity and excitement exists within the lesson.

(Reward the students who behave well and participate within the classroom by giving
them house points and making them high five their teacher).
Core (introduce and practice new concepts & procedures):

At the middle of the lesson teacher will:

Present the power point to the students in which, firstly she will ask them ‘Year two, how
many habitats do you think there are around the whole world?’. Next, discuss and explain
to the students the four different habitats and provide them with some examples of animals
that live within each habitat. After that, make the students think of other animals who lives 45
in those four habitats. In such way, the teacher ensures that students are getting involved minutes
within the classroom. After that, inform the students that they will be divided into four
different groups and each group will be given a specific habitat to research about. To
elaborate, students will be divided into four different groups with mixed abilities in order
to support each other and work collaboratively. Inform them that two groups will be
searching about their topic by using books. While the other two groups will be researching
about their topic using the internet. However, inform them that students will rotate after 15
minutes in order to ensure that all of them had the chance to research by using both
computers and books. However, inform them that students who will be using computers
will work in pairs and each on of them will get the chance to have a turn. Also, tell them
that all of them will get a worksheet to complete (Researching Habitats). This paper
requires them to draw the habitat that they were assigned with and write a sentence that
describes the habitat. Moving on, after finishing the research part students will be assigned
with another task to complete. In which, students will be told to think of questions that
they want to know about of the habitat that interests them. This is because, at the end of
the lesson students will ask each other questions about the habitats. For example, Group A
was given the Arctic habitat and Group B was given the Desert habitat. Group A will think
of questions about the desert habitat in order to ask Group B. Whereas, Group B will be
think of questions about the Arctic habitat in order to ask Group A. Thus, students will be
given the types of questions they need to ask in order to avoid any misconceptions. Hence,
all students within each group will be working together and finding questions that they
will ask the other groups and they will list their questions on a piece of paper. Finally, the
group who will be asked questions will come up to the front of the classroom and present
their findings using their Research Habitats worksheets.

(Reward the students who are working collaboratively and finished their work by giving
them stickers).
(Transition: Teacher will transition the students in to the last part of the lesson (plenary)
by clapping her hands).
Close (wrap up, discussion, brief review activity or assessment):

At the end of the lesson teacher will:

Ask the students if they have enjoyed the lesson and what part they enjoyed the most. 5 minutes
Then, assess students understanding by showing them incorrect animals that can survive in
specific habitats. For example, show them a picture of camel that lives in the ocean and
ask them ‘Year two, do you think this camel will be able to survive their?. Give the
students some time to think with their pairs before answering and inform them they need
to justify their answers.

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