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Organization: Musikalista

Title of the Activity: Peace One Day

Date(s): September 21, 2015
Time: 8:00am-12:00pm
- Oliver Senia
- Carmela Ariola
- Robert Gandollas
- Joshua Cabrera
- Gabrielle Mallare

- To showcase the talents of the members of the org and to promote peace
through performing songs relating to the theme.


The performers were asked to prepare some songs related to the theme “peace”,
so they gathered up to formulate their line up . They were very much eager and
passionate to the songs prepared because they knew that their performance will not just
be to showcase their talents, but to promote a good advocacy towards the people, and
express it in an artistic way.

On the day of the performance, they were really fired up to perform because
there were a lot of people who will be watching and waiting for them to perform. The
performance went smoothly, although at the first part of it, some technical difficulties
occurred but nevertheless the crowd enjoyed the performance along with the
performers itself.

Strengths: Good audience and well prepared venue.

Weaknesses: Some technical difficulties occurred with the amplifiers used.

Opportunities: Enhancing the talents; to promote self-esteem for the performers.

Threats: Because of the technical difficulties, it will cause interruption and dead air on
the performance.


Prepared by:

Secretary, Musikalista

Noted by:

Mr. Jonathan Bonus
Adviser, Musikalista

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