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Himanshu Agrawal
Refers to joining of two components together.
Joining can be either permanent or temporary.
Generally these techniques are used to join
metal sheets and other components.
Two different techniques are privileged.

► Mechanical Fixings.
► Non-mechanical fixings.
Temporary fixings.
Can be removed easily.
Can withhold moderate pressure and
Fails at high vibratory motions.
Most commonly used in daily households.
Different types of mechanical fixings are:
○ Bolt.
○ Screw.
○ Rivet.
○ Clip.
More rigid as compared to mechanical fixings.
Cant be removed easily.
Proper technique to be followed to get it
Can be effected by environmental conditions
like moisture etc.
Flaws while joining may lead to permanent
Mainly two methods are privileged:

○ Adhesive.
○ Welding.
Advantages of mechanical fixings:
◦ these can be removed easily.
◦ bolts and rivets can’t get affected by
environmental agents until they remained in
contact for longer time.
◦ any flaw can be removed easily.
◘ Disadvantages of mechanical fixings:
◦ these can be affected by heavy shocks.
◦ these can be loosened by long duration
with vibrations.
Advantages of non-mechanical fixings:
◦ these are more rigid than mechanical fixing.
◦ these can withhold even high vibrations and
◘ Disadvantages of non-mechanical fixings:
◦ these can be effected adversely by different
external agents like moisture.
◦ required more perfection as if at time of
application any flaw appears it may lead to
permanent imperfection.

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