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Basic Productivity Tools (BPT)

Lesson Idea Name: States of Matter

Content Area: Science
Grade Level(s): 2nd
Content Standard Addressed: S2P1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the properties of
matter and changes that occur in objects.

a. Ask questions to describe and classify different objects according to their physical properties. (Clarification
statement: Examples of physical properties could include color, mass, length, texture, hardness, strength,
absorbency, and flexibility.)

b. Construct an explanation for how structures made from small pieces (linking cubes, building blocks) can be
disassembled and then rearranged to make new and different structures.

c. Provide evidence from observations to construct an explanation that some changes in matter caused by
heating or cooling can be reversed and some changes are irreversible. (Clarification statement: Changes in
matter could include heating or freezing of water, baking a cake, boiling an egg.)

Technology Standard Addressed: 3- Knowledge Constructor

Selected Technology Tool: PowerPoint

URL(s) to support the lesson (if applicable):

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):

☒ Remembering ☒ Understanding ☐ Applying ☐ Analyzing ☐ Evaluating ☐ Creating

Levels of Technology Integration (LoTi Level):

☐ Level 1: Awareness ☐ Level 2: Exploration ☒ Level 3: Infusion ☐ Level 4: Integration
☐ Level 5: Expansion ☐ Level 6: Refinement

Universal Design for Learning (UDL): The YouTube video supports students understanding of the common
states of matter by capturing student’s attention with a catchy song that will appeal to all learners. The video
provides visuals to support English language learners in the classroom. It also includes subtitles or a copy of
the video transcript for students with hearing impairments. The PowerPoint extends and supports the
learning experience for all students by appealing to different modes of learning- visual, auditory, kinesthetic,
etc. Headphones may be provided for students to give them an opportunity to listen to the PowerPoint on
their own without disturbing others.

Lesson idea implementation:

The YouTube video will be used to introduce a study on the three states of matter. The teacher will lead
a discussion about the differences between a solid, liquid, and gas, encouraging students to identify real life
examples of solids, liquids, and gases. After the video, the teacher will divide the students into groups and
release them to their science stations. At stations, students will observe, explore, and discover properties of a
solid, liquid, or gas and record their observations on the handout provided by the teacher.
When students complete their stations, they will open up the PowerPoint in groups and quiz
themselves. While students listen to the PowerPoint, the teacher will walk around the room with a rubric to
Spring 2018_SJB
Basic Productivity Tools (BPT)
assess students understanding.

Reflective Practice: Extending this lesson might involve students creating their own e-book using the
PowerPoint software for another project during the school year. Having students present and share their e-
books with other students, parents, and staff at the school could further extend this project.

Spring 2018_SJB

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