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Student-Teacher: Reem Naser

Date: 14-3-2018

Course: EPC 3403

Grade Level: year 2

Subject: English

Strand: To plan

Learning Outcome (ADEC code and words): To plan a newsflash.

Resources (what materials/equipment will you Preparation (what do you need to make or check
and the students use? Be specific) before class?)

sugar paper Make sure all materials prepared.

example advert Key vocabulary

pens newsflash, advert, plan, ideas, film, produce,


Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group


Teacher asks student what is the L.O and context.

T. asks student what the important words in context?

Time:15 MIN

T. asks student if they know what an advert is? Why do we have adverts?

T. shows student an example about advert.

T. explains to student that they are going to make a Newsflash (like an advert) to go
alongside the missing posters that they did the last lesson.

T. asks What will we need to tell the school about in our advert? Who is missing - Last
seen – Reward - Who to contact
Independent Experience:

Student will create a spider diagram to help them plan what they will say in the

Headings for Spider Diagram:


Who is missing= personal information


Description= how he looks like and what he wearing.

Last seen= when they see him last time.

Contact= number or email.

Reward= prize to the person who find who’s missing.


Teacher will ask how you will perform your newsflash?


Who will perform his newsflash with clear voice?

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