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RUNNING HEAD: Multicultural Assessment of Residence Life at Salem State University.

Multicultural Assessment of Residence Life at Salem State University

Jameco McKenzie
Multicultural Issues in Student Affairs
April 20th 2017
Multicultural Assessment of Residence Life at Salem State University. 2


Diversity and multiculturalism are themes that many universities cling to as areas of exposed

growth or excellence. Salem State University is one such university boasts of a diverse

community. This espoused competence in diversity has come under question recently primarily

by students at the university. The scrutiny and demands for change have manifested itself in

various actions such as demands and demonstrations by student activists, leading to the

appointment of the university’s inaugural vice president for diversity and inclusion and the

employment of an external group to create a campus climate study for the university among

others. Pope et al (2014) in the text Multicultural Competencies in student Affairs created the

Multicultural Organization Development (MOCD) template that can be used as a baseline to

review a group's competencies in key areas of multiculturalism and diversity. It encompasses ten

categories that should be followed and implemented to create an environment that is both

inclusive and welcoming for all constituents.

Through this paper, I will seek to analyze Salem State University’s Residence Life Department.

Residence Life at Salem Sate is a department made up of more than 100 employees including

student employees, graduate assistants, resident director, area coordinators, support staff and

senior management. I currently work in Residence Life as a Graduate Resident Director and

work collaboratively with the restructured office of Community Standards as a member of the

Title IX investigative team. In this paper I will seek to evaluate Residence Life competence in

the ten competency areas provided in MOCD template, also incorporating the data, examples of

strengths and weakness and offer possible solutions for growth in meeting the competency areas.
Multicultural Assessment of Residence Life at Salem State University. 3

I will also examine how Harrow’s Cycle of Socialization, Microaggressions and racial sorting

impact the role of residence life educators at Salem State University.

Comprehensive Definition

Before a department can set any agendas in relation to multiculturalism and diversity it must first

come to a consensus on what is meant by multiculturalism to that specific campus community

and office. As indicated in Pope et al (2014) there is no universal definition of what the term

multicultural means and how it looks on all campuses. In Residence Life at Salem State latest

version of the Guide to living that can be found on the university shared drive (due to recent

updates to the university website) lists a statement of Diversity. This statement is a lengthy and

wordy section that lists diversity as an “appreciation of uniqueness.” Diversity is defined by the

department in this document as race, ethnicity, religious belief, sexual orientation, gender,

gender identity or expression, ability, socioeconomic status, marital status, culture, veteran

status, national origin, and age” additionally the statement goes on to say that “every member of

the residential community has the right to live in an environment in which sensitivity, respect,

and understanding are paramount.” The statement and definition if diversity is very inclusive, as

it lists out the commitment the office has to develop communities that are affirming for all

residential students, making them feel welcomed. It also intentionally lists out all of the various

contemporary identities that are considered to be branches of diversity.

A critique of this document that I would offer is that it is not accessible to any current or

incoming students. This diversity statement is not located in a conveniently and prominently in

our halls and offices. There is, however, a version of this document that was last updated in 2007

that is on a small poster in the Residence Life Central Office. With a more prominent location

and attention given to this statement, traditionally underserved and underrepresented groups will
Multicultural Assessment of Residence Life at Salem State University. 4

know from the onset of interfacing with the department that a commitment to diversity is

something Residence Life values and affirms.

Mission Statement

Mission statements of student affairs should identify its values and priorities and should

have diversity as a central component to the department’s mission (Pope et al, 2004). In

Residence Life the mission statement is as follows:

The mission of residence life is to provide a safe, secure, and comfortable living-learning

environment that supports the academic mission of the university. We prepare students to be

global citizens by fostering the personal and social development of each resident through

intentional interactions. In collaboration with campus partners, we promote an experience that

focuses on leadership, diversity, and sustainability. (p. 7)

Through the mission statement, there is a clear emphasis based on the idea of creating

global citizens and an experience that is focused on diversity among leadership and

sustainability. The MCOD template suggests incorporating the mission statement in all

publications of the department however this is not the case at Salem Sate. Our mission is not

prominently placed on all of its marketing materials. With the recent update to the university’s

website, the mission statement has also been removed. However, the mission statement is

contained in its residential curriculum/programming materials that are labeled “ACESS” these

materials are disseminated to current students in the residence halls and incoming students and

families at orientation and accepted student days. The goals of the residential curriculum mirror

those that are presented in the mission statement with a key emphasis on diversity.
Multicultural Assessment of Residence Life at Salem State University. 5

The structure and emphasis on preparing students to become “global citizens” and explicitly

focusing on promoting diversity in its mission also provide synergy in residential students

experience with residence life educators through the implementation of Harro’s cycle of

Socialization framework. Harro in the cycle introduces after the results phase “directions for

change.” (Harro, 2000) If residence life educators at Salem State hone in on the mission and tie

all of our other functions and roles into it there would be even more success in achieving the

department's mission.

Leadership and Advocacy

Since becoming a part of the campus community I have noticed that multicultural change

was something the university cares about is actively seeking out. Being a member of the

President’s Advisory Committee on Diversity, Affirmative Action, Equity, and Social Justice has

given me an understanding that the commitment to multicultural change comes from the top

down. This is also evident in the creation of the department of Diversity and Inclusion within the

university with the hiring of its inaugural vice president. Specifically, within Residence Life

there is also a commitment from the central office leadership to use their sphere of influence to

infuse diversity and multiculturalism into the work and experience for its student staff members,

graduates/professional staff. Multiple days are used during student and professional staff

training to focus on appreciation and facilitation of conversations on diversity and

multiculturalism, these training are completed by campus diversity leaders and also internal

departmental leaders with diversity proficiency. The leadership in Residence Life allow for time

away from the office for its staff members to be a part of campus-wide diversity initiatives such

as The Brotherhood, PAC-D, and being members of the committee that plans the yearly MLK

week of events. Apart of the one on one profess for graduate and student staff are opportunities
Multicultural Assessment of Residence Life at Salem State University. 6

for development in multicultural issues. Additionally, evaluations for graduate and student staff

members contains areas where they are evaluated on their sport for and competency in diversity

and multicultural related issues.

In the fall of 2016, the director of residence life sent out a communication to student staff

members reminding them of their right to advocate for themselves and causes the student staff

member believe in. This was particularly encouraging for our student staff members who wear

multiple hats on campus and inadvertently felt constricted by their roles as RAs/ARAs in their

ability to support causes and share information about diverse topics.

Through the use of professional development funds, our office leadership supports

professional and graduate staff members attending conferences on multiculturalism and

intersectionality in student affairs such as ENCORE. Conversely, much of the multicultural

training is done in-house for the majority of the staff and student staff members employed.

Residence Life excels in this MCOD category, however an area of growth with be to disrupt the

cycle of mostly in-house training and expand multicultural learning opportunities for its

employees, through collaborations with other similar institutions in the Greater Boston area.

Policy Review

Pope et al (2004) suggest that a comprehensive review of all policies, procedures, and literature

and is an effective mean by which an office can check and respond its impact on diverse

populations and make changes. In Residence life at Salem State, there is a commitment to

providing a fair and diverse environment for all students. In our policies, there is a commitment

to our students. This commitment is shown through our housing contract, adjudication of

residence life/student conduct code, Housing rates, and waivers, Gender inclusive housing
Multicultural Assessment of Residence Life at Salem State University. 7

options. Within our housing contract, there is specific language that speaks to the rights of every

student to live comfortably and with abiding respect for the rights of each individual student. The

document encloses language about residential standards and expectations that are consistently

enforced throughout the campus community.

A collateral assignments for the graduate and full-time staff members in residence life is to

adjudicate students in the student conduct process. Through the support of Community Standards

office, Graduate Resident Directors and Area Coordinators are able to address concerns fairly

and consistently, while also being mindful of the individual student and their development. All

students are given an equal opportunity to participate in the process without prejudice. Another

example of the office’s commitment to diversity minimizing negative impact on traditionally

underrepresented groups is through its housing deposit waiver program. This program allows

students who are experiencing financial need to be waived from paying a three hundred dollar

deposit and allows them to participate in the housing assignment lottery. The strength of this

program is that it gives student from all socioeconomic backgrounds the ability to all participate

in the housing process at the same time. However, an aspect of growth would be if there was

more advertising of this service. A number of students end up missing the deadline or not

participating in the process because they are not aware of the waiver program.

Additionally, Residence Life recently introduced its gender inclusive housing policy that allows

student of all genders and those who do not identify with any gender to live within an apartment

room or traditional suite with whomever they would like regardless of the sex of their roommate.

Currently, the Director of Residence Life is reviewing this policy and is looking into the

possibility of making all living spaces on campus designated inclusive spaces. This would mean

students would not have to opt into the gender inclusive housing but it would be the new normal
Multicultural Assessment of Residence Life at Salem State University. 8

that students can decide who they would like to live with without filling out a form, having to

choose, outing themselves. I would encourage the office to move forward with this change as it

would provide equitable housing for all students. This policy in its current form and the

considerations for the future meshes well with the recommendations in the MCOD. It is a step in

the right direction as it shows a commitment to make changes. (Pope et al, 2004)

Recruitment and Retention of a Diverse Staff

The idea of recruitment and retention of a diverse staff is a concept that is integral to any branch

of the university. In student affairs work this is even more evident as we are tasked with meeting

student’s needs. Pope et al (2004) state that the lack of a diverse staff the goal of meeting

students’ needs will be limited. In Residence Life diversity is a cornerstone. When selecting

student staff members and professional/graduate staff, one of the more important questions asked

in various stages of the interview is cultural competency, advocacy, and awareness. These

themes permeate our office. There is a conscious effort to post staff openings in a variety of

spaces, strategically those with a diverse group of possible applicants. Specifically, with student

staff positions, application information for RAs positions are sent out to the cultural and identity-

based groups on campus. With the summer positions, there is a preference given to students that

have been referred to by the campus’ student advocacy office due to a student’s socioeconomic


Consequential to our overt recruitment efforts is the issue of racial sorting. Student activist

primarily of black and lantix ethnic origins on the campus have made it clear to the university

senior leadership that they would like to see more diversity in the hiring practices of faculty and

administrators. This pressure from student groups has led to some racial sorting occurring in the

office and across campus. Racial Sorting is the idea that one’s ethnicity and racial group
Multicultural Assessment of Residence Life at Salem State University. 9

membership is prescribed based on someone’s outward appearance and dominate features. Racial

sorting undermines the rich diversity & complexity of people and does not validate an

individual’s choice to identify for themselves who they are and how they would like to be

addressed. A diverse community is not just simply one that includes black and brown bodies, but

a community where there are various religious, socioeconomic, gender identities & expressions

and other intersecting layers of identities. Another area of growth would be microaggressions in

hiring and draft process. Microaggressions are subtle offensive comments that are directly at a

minority group that is often times unintentional or unconsciously reinforcing stereotypes. An

example of microaggressions in hiring is looking at names and assuming that his person is a non-

white student. In draft meetings, it has come up when looking to build teams that students with

more ethnically diverse sounding names should be moved to the hiring pile even without

reviewing the person’s qualifications. Another example is when interviewing a candidate for a

position discussing if the person “sounds gay.” These two examples are not only problematic as

it goes against the department's goals and mission for diversity but also creates an environment

that’s duplicitous, having awareness for and appreciation of diversity but at the same time being

complicit in advancing stereotypes. A means of remedying this issue would be the continued

training on implicit bias. As I do believe some if the actions are inadvertently perpetrated.

Multicultural Competency Expectations & Training

A strong student affairs branch not only evaluates its staff on multicultural competence,

it also provides training and expectations to equip all of its employees with the skills necessary to

meet the needs of all students. (Pope et al, 2004) A student who identifies in the LGBTQ

community or students of color should not feel unwelcomed in an office of cisgender straight

white person. All offices and employees should be resourceful, welcoming and have an
Multicultural Assessment of Residence Life at Salem State University. 10

understanding of multiculturalism that would make their spaces inviting to all students. At Salem

Sate in Residence Life, I believe this is the case. The professional/graduate staff in Residence

Life are not shy to address and discuss issues of multiculturalism and social justice. It is an

expectation that all staff members attend training on diversity and inclusion that is held the

beginning of each semester by professionals on campus. Additionally, there is professional

development funds for staff members to attend regional and national conferences and workshops

on diversity issues. All of the current professional and graduate staff members align with a

student group or organization on campus that supports various different dimensions of identity,

diversity, and multiculturalism. We have staff members who advise and support groups such as

the Brotherhood, Alliance, Latin American Student Organization, invisible disabilities such as

diabetes and also groups on woman’s reproductive rights. Additionally, outlined in the graduate

resident directors job description & evaluation is a commitment to supporting and providing

diverse experiences for students of their community.

Scholarly Activities

The MCOD lists participating in presentations and writing as an important responsibility

of student affairs professionals. In Residence Life there is strong encouragement and support for

professionals/graduates to participate in scholarly activities. There is a culture within the office

to attend apply the knowledge gained from regional and national conferences. Last semester our

office sent 6 staff members (graduate and professional) to the national residential curriculum

institute. At this institute, the participants were exposed to new ways of introducing and

implementing knowledge community within the residence halls. One of the great pillars of the

residential circular here at Salem State is diversity. In my own experience, the director has given

me time off to attend a summit on retention and persistence of men of color on college campuses.
Multicultural Assessment of Residence Life at Salem State University. 11

When I returned from the trip I was able to present to the rest of staff about what I learned, as a

way to share the knowledge. In Residence Life opportunities for scholarly activity is not only

supported but encouraged! Our director openly supports and recommends that all graduate and

professional staff members present at conferences. He even agreed to cover all costs associated

with the travel and registration of student affairs conferences related to diversity, leadership, and

service. On campus, throughout the semester many members of the community lead mini-

workshops on diversity topics for student leaders through in-service training initiatives.

Notwithstanding the openness and financial support to achieve scholarship at conferences, there

is no expectation or requirement that one must present at a conference or write an article for a

journal. Although these actions may occur organically, a more structured approach may be more

in line with challenging staff members to reach beyond themselves and really ground themselves

as scholar-practitioners.

Programs & Services

Through the development of partnership with other offices on campus like Diversity and

Inclusion and the Office of Multicultural Affairs and Diversity, Residence Life has been able to

incorporate multicultural content throughout its services. In Residence Life, student staff

members- Resident Assistants are required to complete program in our resident circular model of

leadership, diversity community and wellness. Within diversity, there are four goals of

exploration, intersectionality, privilege, and advocacy. In addition to the circular approach to

diversity, Residence Life also has three themed communities that focus on diversity issues.

Woman’s leadership in Viking Hall, Diversity in Marsh Hall and the Global Village in Bates

Complex. All of these communities are supported by professional hall staff and also a faculty in

residence that prove programmatic guidance and implementation. Notwithstanding the themed
Multicultural Assessment of Residence Life at Salem State University. 12

housing and programming services offered by paraprofessional resident assistants, there is still

much work to be done with infusing diversity into the fabric of the student life. There are many

programs held by these constituencies however, the attendance to them are weak at best and does

not provide sufficient learning for majority of the residents of each community. In the future, I

would suggest that more strategically aggressive marketing and exposure of themed housing and

residential programming be implemented so that there can be more student learning and

development occurring in the residence halls.

Physical Environment

A key component to how students will perceive a department begins with the physical

environment. According to Pope et al, 2004, not only does the physical environment sends

message but it also should affirm present a caring environment that is inclusive for individuals of

diverse backgrounds. All of the buildings and facilities are handicap accessible and there are

designated spaces for student with disabilities. Additionally we work collaboratively with

Disability Services to allow approved assistance & service animals in our halls. In Residence

Life central office and within all of the hall offices and commons spaces are positive notes about

diversity. The front office has magazines that are both educational and culturally inclusive.

Resident Assistant made door decorations that run the gamut of identity and cultural topics can

be seen on hall staff and central office doors. Many of the offices also have signs that signify

safe zone competencies. All of the hall offices are intentionally designed with comfortable chairs

and couches to be welcoming and inviting for students and student staff members to stop in.

Pictures of previous programs and staff members on the walls of hall staff show that they care.

All of these physical aspects supports Ego-Extension & Dependence in Schlossberg’s theory of

Marginality and Mattering (1989). When students interact in an environment that is welcoming;
Multicultural Assessment of Residence Life at Salem State University. 13

where they see themselves represented, they are more likely to build trust and feel supported

within the space.

A physical area of growth would be the location of themed housing in Bates Complex the

“Global Village.” This themed area was designed for the intercultural exchange between

international and domestic students to live together on south campus. The intent was good but in

actuality, the space is more problematic than it is educational. The idea of this branch of the

department’s greater ideal of diversity and inclusion being held on the furthered least desired and

up to date part of campus is disheartening and counterproductive. There are not many students

who elect to be a part of this community. Many of the international students who are placed in

this community have spoken out about feeling disconnected from the rest of campus. A

recommendation for this themed community would be to relocate it to a less secluded section of

campus. It would also be important to institute data-driven practices as to not rely on stereotypes.

As many domestic students are reluctant to live in the global village because of real and

perceived language barriers. This ties in Harro’s cycle of Socialization as the university is

lacking in a resources/response to make this part of campus feel connected to the whole. I would

also encourage the department to consider programming for all residents on microaggressions

specifically against international students & also encourage cross-cultural interactions by

infusing international students within the other residence halls throughout the campus.


Assessment is a key component of creating a strategic and high functioning department.

According to Pope et al, (2004) knowing who is being served and their level of satisfaction helps

the department grow in its development of more efficient programs and services. An area of

weakness for the department is coordination of assessment. Much of what is done in Residence
Multicultural Assessment of Residence Life at Salem State University. 14

Life is reactionary and based on personal experiences and interpretation of student learning and

development. There is, however, many small ways the programs and services of Residence Life

are assessed and most of the programs, training, and initiatives are assessed through discussions

and online surveys. However, on a larger scale, there is not one person whose role is to be the

visionary for the assessment and create a standardization of what residence life programs and

services should include. The Utilization of the assessment data to set yearly goals for the

department would be helpful. In student staff training specifically, the assessment gathered on

diversity training has guided what would be included and rehashed in the upcoming fall training.

If this was done on a larger scale for the department, I believe there would be more strategic and

efficiency in our delivery of services and be more cognizant of our impact on students with

marginalized identities.


While I do believe Residence Life at Salem State does well on the Multicultural

Organization Development Template I do think there is room for growth. Areas such as

Mission, Comprehensive definition, Leadership and Advocacy, Policy Review and Multicultural

Trainings were high on my assessment of the office. Areas of weakness were Assessment, and

Physical Environment and the remaining areas of Recruitment & Retention, Scholarly Activities

were areas of proven growth and promise. A summary of all of the recommendations would

include, considering collaborating with off campus universities on diversity in residence life,

more direction on specific goals for scholarship, departmental goals for diversity, increased

training on bias and deliberate and strategic leadership involved in an assessment of the

department. Through these and other methods mentioned above, issues such as racial sorting and

microaggressions can be addressed and remediated. Additionally, through a deep understanding

Multicultural Assessment of Residence Life at Salem State University. 15

and appreciation of Harro’s cycle of socialization (Harro, 2000) Residence Life professionals

and graduates can better effect change as scholar-practitioners in their roles in the Halls and in

the central office leadership.

Multicultural Assessment of Residence Life at Salem State University. 16


Harro, B(2000) Cycle of Socialization. New York, NY,: Routledge.

Pope, R. L., Reynolds, A. L., & Mueller, J. A. (2004). Multicultural competence in student

affairs. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Salem State Unversity: Residence Life Website:


Schlossberg, N. K. (1989). Marginality and mattering: Key issues in building community. New

Directions for Student Services, 1989(48), 5-15.

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