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verbos del

Horses Jump Over Fire

There is a winter festival in one Spanish village when horses and riders jump
over fires in the streets.
People believe it originated in the Middle Ages as a ritual during times of bad
The people kept this ritual despite criticism from animal rights groups.One of
the riders says that
the horses are very intelligent animals. If a horse jumps through the fire and
nothing happens, then
it can cross easily many more times.

Actividades de contextualización e identificación de conocimientos

necesarios para el

2. Encuentra las siguientes palabras en la sopa de letras y escribe su

a. Storage:almacenamiento
b. Transport: transporte
c. Record: grabar
d. Database: base de datos
e. Bar code: codigo de barras
f. Box: caja
g. Weigh: pesar
h. Signature :firma
Costumer complains
Many business people consider a customer complaint as a negative
experience. However, if your business handles complaints properly,
previously unhappy customers may start being happy with the service of the
company. Consider a complaint as one of the best opportunities you have to
show your responsability to creating another satisfied customer. Complaints
should be handled carefully and promptly. Some businesses believe that if
they don't receive many complaints, their customers must be satisfied.
Wrong! Only a few customers will complain to you. The majority will not
return to your business and will tell others of their bad experience.

1. Realizo oraciones sencillas en inglés con las siguientes palabras de

vocabulario técnico:
a. Complain: customers complain when they receive bad service.
b. Delivery date: Every product has its delivery date
c. Order: the order in logistics is very important
d. Goods: Business Logistics is to place the goods in the right place.
e. Bar code: The bar code is an international identification method that
provides each entrepreneur with the recognition of their brand nationally and
1.Ordenó 100 computadoras portátiles a su proveedor, pero solo 90 se

2.Cuando llega la entrega, notas que algunas de las botellas están rotas.

3.Este problema ha sucedido varias veces.

4.Las funciones principales de un especialista en logística incluyen

administración de inventario, compras, almacenamiento, consultas,
transporte público.

5.Coordinan la entrega de los productos terminados al cliente.

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