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This awesome project was created by Carlos Andres Gonzalez. Homecell

consist on the production and utilization of ecological modular blocks.

What are the reasons to create this construction alternative?

Thousand of flexible packaging was produced by Carlos' father and he and his
brother noticed about the big impact caused by packaging production. Millions
of residues are gotten rid by constructions and manufacturing companies, and
that wastes are damaging for environment. That was the main Carlos' cause to
create the project; furthermore, majority of people in Colombia live renting.

How are built this ecological blocks?

Ecological modular blocks are built with polymer (50%); the other 50% is built
with rice or coffee husk, colorants and UV protector.

What is the advantage of use it?

 Polymers have been catalogued as a hard material to degrade; and it is the
main reason of blocks' durability.
 Emissions of greenhouse gases have been decreased.
 Amount of plastics deposited in the oceans have been reduced due to the
use of that during the blocks' make.
 Blocks might be demolished and reused to do new blocks.
 Blocks were built with sound insulating characteristics.

Currently, close to 10 houses for low-income people have been created by

Homecell, and 2 houses are been built in Calima for wealthy people.
Each “LEGO” house is built during 20 days. It is an excellent, economical and
environmental option to buy or build a house.

 The most innovative construction companies in Colombia. Taken from:
 Homecell. Taken from: (2017)
 What is Homecell? Taken from:
ecologicos-lego/ (2017)

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