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Academic Integrity and Plagiarism

August 11, 2016 R. Wayne Ezelle, Jr., Ph.D.Ethics

Cornell University (2005) states, at 60 percent of all their academic integrity violations,
plagiarism is the most common problem they experience.

Plagiarism is a form of dishonesty as it uses and presents the intellectual work effort performed
by another yet, it is presented as the work of one’s own doing (Cornell University, 2005; Trident
University International, 2011). Although a traditional sense would lead one to believe
plagiarism exists only when someone copies word for word an encyclopedia article for a school
assignment, the depth of plagiarism is much deeper when considering the inclusions which seem
to be better defined within a university setting. Not only are writings, conversations, words and
ideas included as copied works falling under the plagiarized domain but, any form of media are,
as well (University of Southern Mississippi, n.d.). Trident University International (2011) also
includes for clarification; the engagement of contract cheating, copy and pasting, direct
duplication, paraphrasing, and submitting one’s prior work.

Texas A&M University (n.d.) clarifies part of the reasoning for academic integrity by addressing
the issues surrounding individual reputation, personal integrity, professional competence, and the
status or standing of the institution.

Plagiarism charges can be levied by anyone, inclusive of professors, administrators, students, or

co-workers (Trident International University, 2011). Trident further states that in addition to the
plagiarist, the assistance or attempt thereof, even if not a benefit to the facilitator is a violation of
the university academic policy. The Aggie Honor System (n.d.) has a simple but very profound
and in depth code of which adherence is practiced, “An Aggie does not lie, cheat or steal, or
tolerate those who do”.

Cornell University (2005) cites penalties of plagiarism to include grade penalty, failure of the
course, and suspension or expulsion from the university. Trident University International (2011)
in addition to Cornell penalties adds “imposition of appropriate education and academic
sanctions”. Trident further notes that plagiarism may also attract civil and criminal penalties if
the actions are in violation of U.S. copyright law.

The avoidance of plagiarism can be summed; 1) use your own words when referring to ideas or
concepts of others, and 2) give due credit to the rightful author and source (Trident University
International, 2011). The University of Southern Mississippi (n.d.) among others promotes the
use of in-text citations to credit the words or ideas of others within the document and providing a
reference listing of all of the work which is cited. Several referencing styles are available for
properly quoting, citing, and listing the sources of information. The choices; whether APA,
MLA, Chicago or others depend, on the department and the university.

University of Southern Mississippi (n.d.) refers to Harris (2001) in developing a pre and post test
concerning plagiarism which helps one to understand what may and what may not be plagiarism.

Cornell University (2005). Recognizing and avoiding plagiarism, Retrieved from
Harris, R.A. (2001). The Plagiarism Handbook: Strategies for Preventing, Detecting, and
Dealing with Plagiarism. Los Angeles, CA: Pyrczak Publishing.

Aggie Honor System Office (n.d.). 20.1.2 Honor System Rules, Texas A&M University,
Retrieved from

Texas A&M University (n.d.). Academic integrity and plagiarism. Retrieved from

Trident University International (n.d.). Student guide to writing a high-quality academic paper
[PDF]. Retrieved from

Trident University International (2011). Academic integrity policy. In Fall 2011 University
Catalog [PDF]. Retrieved from

University of Southern Mississippi (n.d.). Welcome to plagiarism tutorial. Retrieved from

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