Jauh Lebih Mungkin: Engineered Products, Designed To Get People Hooked

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1. many of which have nothing to do with willpower

2. Children of obese parents are much more likely to become obese than children of lean
parents. Jauh Lebih Mungkin

3. That doesn’t mean that obesity is completely predetermined

4. Put simply, genetic components do affect your susceptibility to gaining weight. Studies
on identical twins demonstrate this very well kerentanan

5. Most processed foods today don't resemble whole foods at all. These are highly
engineered products, designed to get people hooked.

6. These people lose control over their eating behavior

7. Addiction is a complex issue that can be very difficult to overcome

8.This elevates insulin levels all over the body

9. reduce your intake(asupan) of refined carbs and eat more fiber

10. In healthy people, high leptin levels are linked to reduced appetite. When working
properly, it should tell your brain how high your fat stores are.

11. Another factor that dramatically influences people’s waistline is food availability, which
has increased massively in the past few centuries.

12. Shops display tempting foods where they are most likely(kemungkinan besar) to gain
your attention.

13. Excess fructose intake may cause insulin resistance and elevated insulin levels. It also
doesn't promote satiety in the same way glucose does

14. Some news outlets also oversimplify or misinterpret the results of scientific studies and
the results are frequently taken out of context.

15. It often takes hard work and a drastic lifestyle change, but many people do succeed in the
long run despite having the odds stacked against them.

16. The fact is that modern eating habits and food culture must be changed to be able to
reverse this problem on a global scale.

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