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Conceptual Literature

Parking is one of the major problems that is created by the increasing road traffic.
It is an impact of transport development. The availability of less space in urban areas has
increased the demand for parking space especially in areas like Central business district.
This affects the mode choice also. This has a great economic impact.
Parking Accumulation
It is defined as the number of vehicles parked at a given instant of time. Normally
this is expressed by accumulation curve. Accumulation curve is the graph obtained by
plotting the number of bays occupied with respect to time.
Parking Turnover
It is the ratio of number of vehicles parked in a duration to the number of parking
bays available. This can be expressed as number of vehicles per bay per time duration.
Parking Index
Parking index is also called occupancy or efficiency. It is defined as the ratio of
number of bays occupied in a time duration to the total space available. It gives an
aggregate measure of how effectively the parking space is utilized.

Related Studies
The case study conducted by Alfaro et al. (2015) entitled “On-street Parking
Evaluation in Divisoria, Cagayan De Oro City” aimed to determine and evaluate baseline
parking supply and demand of the Divisoria. The parking survey for their study included
a block-by-block inventory of parking spaces in the area between 8:00AM to 5:00PM
during weekdays. The results of their study revealed that the amount of parking supply
will not meet the daily parking demand in the area. They concluded that parking
conditions are inadequate on both Mondays and Wednesdays. Furthermore, the results
showed that parking frequency and the rate of parking utilization revealed that driver's
difficulty in finding a parking space progresses from morning to afternoon as the demand
for parking spaces also increases. The study presented recommendations for on-street
management, off-street parking facility, improvements on public transportation and
vehicular regulations to improve parking conditions.
According to the study conducted by Dizon et al. (2013) entitled “Comparison of
on-street parking management in Ermita-Malate and Makati CBD” they found out that
Ermita-Malate actually has existing parking ordinances but these are not properly
implemented. From the existing ordinance in Makati, the researchers made several
recommendations for Ermita-Malate specifically the three-hour parking limit. Their
recommendation was done to maximize the use of the on-street parking facilities. Also,
they provided an on-street parking map that was generated for Ermita-Malate area to
serve as a guide for motorists to determine the proper on-street parking areas.
Ajeng and Gim (2018) conducted a case study about the evaluation of the on-
Street Parking Duration and Demand in a Metropolitan City of a Developing Country
specifically in Yogyakarta City, Indonesia. The research results indicated that, for the
parking duration, lengthy parking occurs in a commercial area where movie theaters are
located while areas near markets show relatively shorter parking spans while on the other
hand regarding the demand, they noticed that the longer the street length, the larger the
parking capacity, allowing for larger demand for parking.
Chowdhury (2016) on his study entitled “Scenario of on Street Parking Demand:
A Case Study of Kolkata City, India” concluded that more dependency on personalized
vehicles enhance the number of vehicles and it needs more parking spaces but it is quite
obvious that, due to encroachment process by high rise building, no separate parking
spaces have not been constructed for parking, as a result, people are usually parked their
car adjacent to road and obviously it occupies the road space, therefore illegal car parking
reduces the road space and it leads to more congestion in the city of Kolkata

The study “title ng study na kinuhanan ng data” is a study that analyzes the traffic
management and on-street parking at Lipa City proper while considering different traffic factors.
It is different in this study because this study solely focuses on the evaluation of the availability
and demand of the on-street parking facility at V. Malabanan St. which is along the vicinity of
the Lipa City proper.
Conceptual Paradigm
This study was done to evaluate the availability and demand on the on-street parking
facility at V. Malabanan St. Lipa City
The research will begin with the seeking of available parking data and information on the
authorized on-street parking zones within the study area. The acquired data will then be analyzed
and interpreted. The data will be plotted to graph the accumulation curve. The parking turnover
and parking index will also be calculated. The conceptual model is presented at Figure

Input Process Output

authorized parking
facility within the
study area
•Present on-street •Parking
parking volume •Data Researching Accumulation
during peak hour •Data Analysis
conditions in term •Parking Turnover
of: •Parking Index
•Parking turnover
•Parking Index

Figure: Conceptual Paradigm of the Study

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