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Course Assessment Form

General Information
i Name:
ii Designation Level:
iii Year in current position:

iv Course Title:

v Course duraion:
vi Facilitator:

Please tick (√) in the following criteria:

A Course Content: Poor Average Satisfied Good Excellent
1 Flow of content
2 Relevance of content
3 Duration of course
4 Course Material
5 Learning tools

B Course Trainer Poor Average Satisfied Good Excellent

1 Proficient in the course
2 Presentation
3 Interaction with participants
4 Course control
5 Approachable

C Course Facility Poor Average Satisfied Good Excellent

1 Physical enviroment of venue
(lighting, temperature, etc)
2 Arrangement of space (seating,
3 Suuportive learning tools (PA
system, projector, PC, etc)
4 Refereshment
5 Parking facility

D Overall Objective: Yes No

1 Was the objectives fulfilled
2 Was the course relevant to your work
3 Was the course fee justified

E Please specify the application you can use in your work place, if any:
Thank you for taking time to fill up this form. Your honest feedback is greatly appreciated :)

Group Member:
1 Ir Teo Nguong Leong
2 Hajjah Rose Binti Nawi
3 Mr Ngo Thiang Hee @ Ngo Tiam Hee
4 Mr Sio Yu Guan @ Siu Yu Guan
5 Ir Chin Hon Sin

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