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Efforts to improve learning outcomes through cooperative learning Think Pair Share to class VI at SD N
018 Mayang Pongkai District Kampar Kiri Tengah year 2014/2015


Abdul Muas, S.Pd.SD

The purpose of the study is : (1) improve learning outcomes of subject PKN students class VI SD Negeri
018 Mayang Pongkai district Kampar Kiri Tengah Kab. Kampar. (2) improve student learning activities of
subject PKN students class VI SD Negeri 018 Mayang Pongkai district Kampar Kiri Tengah Kab. Kampar.
(3) motivate teachers to develop learning models and strategies in learning process of subject PKN.

Method used in this research is classroom action research (PTK). This PTK uses cooperative learning
model Think Pair Share (TPS). The implementation of PTK has the aim of improving and / or improving
the quality of teaching practices on an ongoing basis.

The result : (1) using the model of Think Pair Share on learning of subject PKN, student learning
outcomes each changed significantly. Student learning outcomes cycle I as 73,40 with completeness
96%, and then improve to cycle II become 77 with completeness 100%. (2) after applying cooperative
learning model Think Pair Share, improve to learning activities and performance student of subject PKN
at students class VI SD N 018 Mayang Pongkai . Students who are active in learning achieve the score
86,4% on cycle I to cycle II the learning activities achieve score 97,6%, and result of group work cycle I
score A 80%, score B 20%, score C 0% and at cycleII score A achieve 100%, score B = 0% and score C 0%.

Keywords : Think Pair Share, Learning Activities, work in group, PKNvbgvfg

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