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Watney, W.L., et al.

, Petrofacies analysis—a petrophysical

tool for geologic/engineering reservoir characteri-
zation, 1999, in R. Schatzinger and J. Jordan, eds.,
Reservoir Characterization-Recent Advances,
AAPG Memoir 71, p. 73–90.

Chapter 6

Petrofacies Analysis—A Petrophysical

Tool for Geologic/Engineering
Reservoir Characterization
W. L. Watney
W. J. Guy
J. H. Doveton
S. Bhattacharya
P. M. Gerlach
G. C. Bohling
T. R. Carr
Kansas Geological Survey
Lawrence, Kansas, U.S.A.

Petrofacies analysis is defined as the characterization and classification
of pore types and fluid saturations as revealed by petrophysical measure-
ments of a reservoir. The word “petrofacies” makes an explicit link
between petroleum engineers’ concerns with pore characteristics as
arbiters of production performance and the facies paradigm of geologists
as a methodology for genetic understanding and prediction. In petrofacies
analysis, the porosity and resistivity axes of the classical Pickett plot are
used to map water saturation, bulk volume water, and estimated perme-
ability, as well as capillary pressure information where it is available.
When data points are connected in order of depth within a reservoir, the
characteristic patterns reflect reservoir rock character and its interplay with
the hydrocarbon column. A third variable can be presented at each point
on the crossplot by assigning a color scale that is based on other well logs,
often gamma ray or photoelectric effect, or other derived variables.
Contrasts between reservoir pore types and fluid saturations are reflected
in changing patterns on the crossplot and can help discriminate and char-
acterize reservoir heterogeneity.
Many hundreds of analyses of well logs facilitated by spreadsheet and
object-oriented programming have provided the means to distinguish pat-
terns typical of certain complex pore types (size and connectedness) for
sandstones and carbonate reservoirs, occurrences of irreducible water satu-
ration, and presence of transition zones. The result has been an improved
means to evaluate potential production, such as bypassed pay behind pipe
and in old exploration wells, or to assess zonation and continuity of the
74 Watney et al.

Petrofacies analysis in this study was applied to distinguishing flow units

and including discriminating pore type as an assessment of reservoir confor-
mance and continuity. The analysis is facilitated through the use of color-
image cross sections depicting depositional sequences, natural gamma ray,
porosity, and permeability. Also, cluster analysis was applied to discriminate
petrophysically similar reservoir rock.

INTRODUCTION An intermediate step proposed is to extract further

information about pore types and fluid saturations
Reservoir characterization and modeling are ongo- using petrofacies analysis. The analysis is based on the
ing procedures used as the reservoir is developed. Pickett plot and delineation of depth-based trends and
Well log data and occasional cores provide the funda- patterns in porosity, resistivity, water saturation, and
mental stratigraphic information critical to delineat- bulk volume water (BVW). Thousands of analyses of
ing flow units, a primary objective of reservoir this type have demonstrated a well-known fact, that
characterization. Flow units are correlatable and map- porosity varies considerably due to varying pore type
pable regions in the reservoir that control fluid flow. and capillarity; furthermore, the use of rules-of-thumb
Their distinction is usually centered on comparing values for effective porosity and saturation cutoffs has
permeability and porosity information. Flow unit been deemed inadequate to address today’s needs for
classification is refined as fluid recovery, pressure precise descriptions of reservoirs for use in improved
data, or chemical fingerprinting are obtained. Often, oil recovery operations.
particularly in older fields, production is commingled While porosity may vary little, saturations and pro-
and cannot be used to substantiate flow units. More- ductivity can be considerably different when pore
over, the costs of extensive fluid and pressure testing types change. Alternatively, changes in water satura-
are not economical. The question examined in this tion and BVW may vary closely with elevation of the
paper is whether the traditional definition of flow reservoir, suggesting fluid continuity and reservoir
units can be modified to include additional informa- conformance, as well as serving as an additional tool
tion obtained from basic suites of well logs. An in evaluating lateral reservoir continuity. Added infor-
approach referred to as “petrofacies analysis” is mation on pore types, vertical reservoir conformance,
described that extends the use of well logs to maxi- and fluid/reservoir continuity provided by petrofa-
mize information that relates to pore type and fluid cies analysis is important in assessing flow units and
flow. In particular, the utility of distinguishing verti- ensuring robust reservoir modeling.
cal and lateral trends and patterns of irreducible bulk Petrofacies analysis is used in this example to
volume water, water saturation, and porosity is eval- extend an initial stratigraphic analysis of a sandstone
uated as a tool to improve the definition of flow units reservoir in an attempt to define flow units. The ulti-
using well logs. Petrofacies are defined as portions of mate objective of this reservoir characterization is to
the reservoir that exhibit distinctive geological facies conduct a reservoir simulation of the field to help eval-
and petrophysical attributes. uate future production options.
Selecting flow units from core and log data is sub-
jective, due to judging whether reservoir conformance STUDY AREA
(interconnection) and lateral continuity exist without
actual fluid flow information (Willhite, 1986). Consis- Petrofacies analysis was applied to a lower Mor-
tent, explicitly defined methodological steps must be rowan (Lower Pennsylvanian) sandstone reservoir in
developed to ensure that each well is treated similarly Arroyo field, Stanton County, Kansas (T29S, R41W)
to make the approach robust and to help ensure that (Figure 1). Arroyo field, operated by J.M. Huber Cor-
the procedure can be repeated and improved as more poration, was discovered in 1992 by subsurface meth-
information becomes available. ods. Cumulative production exceeds 651,000 bbl of
The initial task is correlating the reservoir interval oil and 21 Gcf of natural gas. Arroyo field is a combi-
and establishing stratigraphic subdivisions and litho- nation structural stratigraphic trap, currently con-
facies. Next, the correlated stratigraphic intervals are taining 6240 proven productive acres with 24 oil and
mapped with the subsurface control to test coherency gas wells and 3 dry holes. The field contains two
of the data. At this stage, porosity and permeability reservoirs, the lower Morrowan sandstone and the St.
data are integrated with stratigraphic units and litho- Louis Limestone (oolite). The lower Morrowan sand-
facies to define porous and permeable flow units. stone is located at approximately 1715 m (5626 ft)
This information is then compared with the produc- below the surface. The sandstone ranges from 0 to 19
tion and well-test data to check for consistency and m (0 to 62 ft) thick and is lenticular throughout the
correlations. field (Figure 2). The porosity of the sandstone ranges
Petrofacies Analysis—A Petrophysical Tool for Geologic/Engineering Reservoir Characterization 75


14 13
16 15 ARNOLD 13-1

FRETZ 16-2

ARNOLD 23-2 UNEY 24-1

SCOTT 21-1 ARNOLD 23-1

23 24



27-1 PRO FARMS 26 25

29 28 27

1 mile
Figure 1. (a) Index map of Arroyo field identifying cross section (shown in Figure 2) and with well names and

up to 20% and averages 14%. All positions of the sand- of this field on the Kansas Geological Survey’s Digital
stone have been perforated in the field, with some Petroleum Atlas. This atlas is located on the Survey’s
wells reported as only gross intervals. Initial reservoir Internet Home Page (
pressure was 1434 psi. DPA/Arroyo/arroyoMain.html).
The upper portion of the sandstone has produced The lenticular lower Morrowan sandstone is com-
only natural gas, and the lowest portion has produced prised of a series of upward-coarsening, marginal
significant amounts of both oil and gas. No water has marine shoreface deposits that are mostly confined to
been produced in any of the wells. Also, no oil-water within an 0.8 km (0.5 mi) wide meandering valley up to
contact has been recognized. The reservoir drive 48 m (157 ft) deep (Figure 1). The sandstone was previ-
appears to be gas expansion. ously correlated and subdivided into five separate
A considerable amount of supporting data on sandstone-dominated genetic units (1, 3, 5, 9, 11) using
Arroyo field, including digital well logs, completion gamma ray, porosity, and resistivity logs and one spec-
reports, and interpretive maps, cross sections, and syn- tral gamma ray log. Each genetic unit is delineated by
thetic seismograms, are included in a digital publication bounding surfaces usually characterized by abrupt
76 Watney et al.

Figure 1. (b) An isopachous map of the lower Morrowan interval (top middle Morrowan limestone to top
Mississippian). Contour interval is 25 ft.

changes in lithofacies. The surfaces either represent fluid producibility may be deduced by the use of pat-
subaerial exposure or flooding surfaces, or both. Each tern recognition informed by basic reservoir engineer-
genetic unit is believed to represent temporally distinct ing principles. A template Pickett plot is shown in
episodic deposition. Only several of the genetic units Figure 3 for the upper Morrowan in the Arroyo field.
are developed at any particular location in the field A water line (Ro) expresses the theoretical resistivity-
(Figure 2). porosity coordinates of all zones that are completely
The sandstones were deposited in a meandering val- saturated with water. The water line is established by
ley system during overall rise in sea level. Maps of each the first Archie equation that links the formation fac-
genetic unit record episodes of infilling of this valley, tor, F, to the ratio of the resistivity of the completely
each unit with varying geometries and sand abundance water-saturated rock, Ro, to the resistivity of the for-
and quality. The lowest sandstones are more limited in mation water, Rw, to the porosity of the rock:
distribution, filling only the lowest (deepest) portions of
the valley, while the higher sandstones locally extend
F = Ro Rw = a φ m
beyond the confines of the valley. For these reasons, the
stratigraphic distribution was believed to be a control-
ling factor on flow unit definition. using an Arroyo field formation water resistivity, Rw,
of 0.04 ohm-m and Archie parameter values of a = 1
and m = 1.8, which express pore geometry in the Mor-
METHODOLOGY rowan sandstone. Contours for different values of
water saturation parallel the water line, with spacing
Volumetric properties of pore space and fluid satu-
determined by the saturation exponent, n (generally
ration can be calculated from porosity logs (density, with a value of about 2 in water-wet rocks) in the sec-
neutron, or sonic) and resistivity logs using the stan- ond Archie equation:
dard Archie equations. When plotted on a double-
logarithmic plot of porosity versus resistivity (a
Pickett plot), additional information on pore size and I = Rt Ro = 1 Sw n
Petrofacies Analysis—A Petrophysical Tool for Geologic/Engineering Reservoir Characterization 77

Figure 2. West-to-east stratigraphic well log cross section through Arroyo field containing Lauman 28-1, Santa
Fe 21-1, Santa Fe 22-1, Santa Fe 22-2, and Kendrick 22-1 wells. Datum of section is middle Morrowan lime-
stone. Correlated stratigraphic intervals are correlated through the lower Morrowan sandstone interval. Line
of cross section is shown on Figure 1a.

where I is the resistivity index and R t is the actual least productive at the bottom. Notice that the bottom
resistivity of the rock. Lines can also be drawn on the example was not completed for production, but aban-
plot that are contours of bulk volume water (BVW), doned because a DST (drill-stem test) yielded nothing
where water content is expressed as a proportion of but saltwater. The associated Pickett plot shows a
the total rock, rather than in terms of the pore space as rather ragged scatter of mostly low-porosity zones
is the case with saturation. with high water saturations that probably reflect resid-
The disposition of crossplotted zones with respect ual hydrocarbon saturations. This pattern is common
to the log axes of resistivity-porosity and the com- at the margins of fields, as is this well, and contrasts
puted reference axes of water saturation and bulk vol-
ume water (BVW) gives useful clues on both pore type
and producibility. These properties can be seen when
relating Pickett plots to production histories (Figure 4) 100
from some example wells in the Arroyo field. Notice 1 10 100
how overall well performance is determined to a large Rw=0.04
extent by higher porosities and lower water satura- a=1
Sw 0.04
tions; however, the location of the data-cloud with =50 0.03
m=1.8 Sw= %
respect to the BVW contours reflects the pore size and 100
likely water-cut. Lower values of BVW are matched n=2 10
with coarser pores; higher values of BVW are linked

with either finer pores or zones with coarse pores and

producible water. In terms of data-cloud shape, a clas-
sic reservoir profile would show zones high in the
reservoir at irreducible water saturation and relatively
low BVWs with a progressive increase in bulk volume 1
1 10 100
water with increasing depth and descent into the tran- Resistivity, ohm-m
sition zone. Some aspects of this ideal character are
shown in the plots in Figure 4, where the four wells Figure 3. A template Pickett plot for the upper
have been arranged from most productive at the top to Morrowan sandstone in Arroyo field.
78 Watney et al.

100 Figure 4. Pickett plots and

1 10 100 cumulative corresponding production

1000K histories for the upper

Morrowan sandstone in

Well #20686
100K Arroyo field, Stanton
10 rate County, Kansas. Each Pickett
10K plot is identified with a five-
digit well number. The corre-
1K sponding well names are as
Perforated follows: Well #20686: Huber
28 ft
1 10 #10-1 Cockreham, SE NE SE
100 0 Sec. 10-T29S-R41W; Well
1 10 100 #20649: Huber #26-2 Pro

1000K Farms, SW NW NW Sec. 26-
T29S-R41W; Well #20671:

Well #20649
100K Huber #23-2 Kendrick, C NW
Sec. 23-T29S-R41W; Well
10K #20692: Petroleum Inc. #1-29
rate Spikes, NENESE Sec. 29-
1K T29S-R41W.
33 ft 10
100 0
1 10 100 MCF

Well #20671

1 16 ft 10
100 0 1 2 3 40
1 10 100 year

Well #20692

No production
10 DST: 1196 feet
salt water

1 10 100
Resistivity, ohm-m

with an idealized situation far away from fields where plot. This, in turn, helps to correlate the geology to
zones are completely water-saturated and form a fluid-related parameters and to delineate specific
trend on a Pickett plot that conforms closely to the changes in fluids and variations in the pores between
water line (Ro). the different wells.
The Pickett (porosity-resistivity) crossplots are the The definition of flow units might be refined to
fundamental components in the petrofacies analysis. include regions of similar or related BVW and pore
The connection of data points by depth and the abil- type using the petrofacies analysis. Often, permeabil-
ity to annotate the data points with a third variable ity data are either lacking or are limited to averaging
help establish relationships between the petrophysi- from core-log porosity and permeability correlations.
cal response and the geology—lithologies, strati- In these cases, assessment of pore type using petrofa-
graphic units, and structure; i.e., the petrofacies. cies analysis may help to provide novel constraints to
Template lines identify minimum BVW and associ- flow units lacking other substantial data. Of course,
ated water saturations and porosities on the Pickett production and transient test data and geochemical
Petrofacies Analysis—A Petrophysical Tool for Geologic/Engineering Reservoir Characterization 79

Figure 5. Pickett plot of lower Morrowan sandstone in the Santa Fe 22-1 annotated with gamma ray. Note
that this Pickett plot has contours of bulk volume water and permeability, the latter estimated from Timur

tests are necessary to more definitively constrain the and (4) integrate this information to define flow
definition of flow units. units by comparison with stratigraphic zonation,
A west-to-east cross section was chosen to further Pickett plots, color log cross sections, cluster analy-
characterize the sandstone reservoir using the petrofa- sis, and well productivities.
cies analysis approach (Figure 2). The cross section
crosses the valley in two places, separated by an inter-
vening high area.
The questions addressed in this analysis include the The digital data from five well logs comprising a
following: (1) Is additional evidence available to con- west-to-east cross section in Arroyo field were examined
firm or reject the continuity of sandstones across the using petrofacies analysis. The objective was to compare
intervening high region residing between the valleys? well data on the cross section to test for evidence of lat-
(2) What is the evidence of vertical conformance and eral continuity. Correlations shown in Figure 2 suggest
lateral continuity? (3) How do properties of the sand- that most of the units are continuous. Units that are not
stones compare on either side of the valley? (4) Can the shown as continuous may also be connected from out-
definition of flow units be improved? (5) How do the side of the plane of the cross section.
flow units compare with the detailed stratigraphic
subdivisions? Pickett Plots
In addition to the stratigraphic analysis, the pro-
cedure included four operations: (1) construct Pick- LAS (log ASCII standard) digital well log files were
ett plots for each of the wells on the cross section, (2) read into an Excel-Visual Basic® program called PfEF-
perform a cluster analysis of basic petrophysical FER™ to generate the Pickett crossplots. The initial
data to independently define similar reservoir prop- Pickett crossplots provide a visual differentiation of
erties, (3) prepare a series of color cross sections of the variation in the porosity, resistivity, water satura-
selected petrophysical variables with datums on sea tion, and bulk volume water. Permeability lines are
level elevation and a stratigraphic marker (middle annotated on the crossplots, estimated using the
Morrowan limestone located above the sandstone), empirical relationship between water saturation and
80 Watney et al.

Sante Fe 22-1



Sw=20% 1 BVW=0.02



0.1 Sequence

1 10 100

Figure 6. Pickett plot of lower Morrowan sandstone in the Santa Fe 22-1 annotated with stratigraphic units
shown in type log in Figure 2.

GR PHI ILD PEF SW BVW Timur k Strat. sequence Cluster anal.

1 3 5 7 9 11 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 50 100 -0.1 0.1 0.3 0.5 1 10 100 2 3 4 0 0.5 1 0 0.05 0.1 0.1 1 10 100
5360 5360
5360 5360 5360 5360 5360 5360 5360

5380 5380
5380 5380 5380 5380 5380 5380 5380

5400 5400
5400 5400 5400 5400 5400 5400 5400

5420 5420
5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420

5440 5440 5440 5440 5440 5440 5440 5440 5440

5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460 5460

5480 5480 5480 5480 5480 5480 5480 5480 5480

5500 5500 5500 5500 5500 5500 5500 5500 5500

5520 5520 5520 5520 5520 5520 5520 5520 5520

Figure 7. Display of well log suite from the Santa Fe 22-1 well accompanied by derived information including
water saturation (Sw), bulk volume water (BVW), permeability derived from Timur equation (Timur k), strati-
graphic units, and amalgamation groups from cluster analysis.

porosity developed by Timur. The relationship holds gamma ray values are located on the left side of the
for clean sandstones when water saturations are at crossplot at BVWs in excess of 0.06 (Figure 5). This
irreducible values. We believe that to be the case here. location presumably represents more shaly and finer
The crossplot (Figure 5) with points annotated with pores. The permeability lines are not applicable to
gamma ray values indicates that points with higher these points.
Petrofacies Analysis—A Petrophysical Tool for Geologic/Engineering Reservoir Characterization 81

Sante Fe 22-1



Sw=20% 1 BVW=0.02




Cluster Analysis

1 10 100


Figure 8. Pickett plot of lower Morrowan sandstone in the Santa Fe 22-1 annotated with amalgamation groups
from cluster analysis.

The reservoir has no water leg, and no water has the similarity among petrophysical data. The
been produced. The points are annotated by strati- method provides a consistent automated treatment
graphic interval and form rather tight clusters or of the data to aid in comparing considerable amounts
bands for each stratigraphic unit (Figure 6). The clus- of data among the zones and wells. Ward’s Method
tering of points in distinct stratigraphic intervals at was selected as the clustering technique. The method
lower water saturations suggests that these zones are consists of a series of clustering steps that begins
near their respective minimum BVWs and closely with “t” clusters, each containing one object. The
correspond to particular stratigraphic zones. Also, clustering ends with one cluster containing all
the bands parallel water saturation lines. This pat- objects. At each step, a merger of two clusters is
tern is ascribed to changing minimum BVW and made that results in the smallest increase in the vari-
pore size within a zone, which has implications to ance (Romesburg, 1984).
fluid flow. If any portions of the reservoir were in a The petrophysical variables included in the cluster
gas or oil/water transition zone, the bands of points analysis are gamma ray, deep induction resistivity, Pe
may have more likely paralleled porosity lines, if the (photoelectric index), S w (water saturation), BVW
pore type were not changing; however, this is not (bulk volume water), and apparent permeability using
seen and no wells have experienced any water-cut the Timur equation
oil or gas production. The variations suggest possi-
ble changes in pore type and evidence for reservoir k a = 1 × 10 4 ∗ φ 4.5 Sw 2
continuity or lack thereof.

Cluster Analysis This apparent permeability, ka, is a minimum estimate

when Sw is greater than irreducible Sw. Porosity (φ) and
Some of the boundaries between stratigraphic units Sw are fractional values in this equation. Shaly intervals
involve sandstone on sandstone and may not present were assigned to zero permeability (removing depth
barriers to flow, but do cause changes in transmissi- intervals where gamma ray exceeded 60 API units and
bility. Also, the internal variability in sandstone neutron minus density porosity was greater than one).
units may create additional heterogeneity that can Depth was also included within the cluster analysis as an
retard fluid flow. Cluster analysis was used to examine adjacency constraint to enhance spatial continuity.
82 Watney et al.

Figure 9. East-to-west color

Stratigraphic Sequences Index
Datum = Subsea Elevation 1-2 2-4 4-6 6-10 10-12 cross section depicting
stratigraphic sequences (1, 3,
l. 28-1
s. f. 21-1 s. f. 22-1 s. f. 22-2 k. 22-1
5, 9, and 11) corresponding
with same sequences as
-1925.5 11
-1926 11
-1926.5 11
-1927 11
-1927.5 11
-1928 11
-1928.5 11
-1929 11
-1929.5 11

defined in Figure 2.
-1930 11
-1930.5 11
-1931 11
-1931.5 11
-1932 11
-1932.5 11
-1933 11
-1933.5 11

Sections are annotated with

-1934 11
-1934.5 11
-1935 11
-1935.5 11

-1936 11
-1936.5 11
-1937 11
-1937.5 11
-1938 11

perforations as bars along

-1938.5 11
-1939 11
-1939.5 11
-1940 11
-1940.5 11
-1941 11
-1941.5 11
-1942 11

the right margin of each

-1942.5 11
-1943 11
-1943.5 11
-1944 11
-1944.5 11
-1945 11
-1945.5 11
-1946 11
-1946.5 11

well. Index map in Figure 1.

-1947 11
-1947.5 11
-1948 11 11
-1948.5 9
-1949 9
-1949.5 9
-1950 9 9
-1950.5 9

(a) [left] Structural presenta-

-1951 9
-1951.5 9
-1952 9
-1952.5 9 11
-1953 9 11
-1953.5 9 11
-1954 9 11
-1954.5 9 11
-1955 9 11

tion with sea level datum.

-1955.5 9 11
-1956 9 11
-1956.5 9 11
-1957 9 11
-1957.5 9 11
-1958 9 11
-1958.5 9 11
-1959 9 11
-1959.5 9 11
-1960 9 11
-1960.5 9 11
-1961 9 11
-1961.5 9 11
-1962 9 11 11 11

-1962.5 9 11 11 11
-1963 9 11 11 11
-1963.5 9 11 11 11
-1964 9 11 11 11
-1964.5 9 11 11 11
-1965 9 11 11 11
-1965.5 9 11 11 11
-1966 9 11 11 11
-1966.5 9 11 11 11 11
-1967 9 11 11 11 11
-1967.5 9 11 11 11 11
-1968 9 11 11 11 11
-1968.5 9 11 11 11 11
-1969 9 11 11 11 11
-1969.5 9 11 11 11 11
-1970 9 11 11 11 11

-1970.5 9 11 11 11 11
-1971 9 11 11 11 11
-1971.5 9 11 11 11 11
-1972 9 11 11 11 11
-1972.5 9 11 11 11 11
-1973 9 11 11 11 11
-1973.5 9 11 11 11 11
-1974 9 11 11 11 11
-1974.5 9 11 11 11 11
-1975 9 11 11 11 11 11
-1975.5 9 9 11 11 11
-1976 9 9 9 11 11 11
-1976.5 5 9 11 11 11
-1977 5 9 9 11 11 11
-1977.5 5 9 11 11 11
-1978 5 5 9 11 11 11 11
-1978.5 5 9 11 11 9
-1979 5 9 11 11 9
-1979.5 5 9 11 11 9
-1980 5 9 11 11 11 9 9
-1980.5 5 9 9 11 9
-1981 5 9 9 11 9
-1981.5 5 9 9 11 9
-1982 5 9 9 9 11 9
-1982.5 5 9 9 11 9
-1983 5 9 9 11 9
-1983.5 5 9 9 11 9
-1984 5 9 9 11 11 9
-1984.5 5 9 9 9 9
-1985 5 9 9 9 9
-1985.5 5 9 9 9 9
-1986 5 9 9 9 9 9
-1986.5 5 9 9 9 9
-1987 5 9 9 9 9
-1987.5 5 9 9 9 9
-1988 5 9 9 9 9

-1988.5 5 9 9 9 9
-1989 5 9 9 9 9
-1989.5 5 9 9 9 9
-1990 5 9 9 9 9
-1990.5 5 9 9 9 9
-1991 5 9 9 9 9
-1991.5 5 9 9 9 9
-1992 5 9 9 9 9 9
-1992.5 5 5 9 9 9
-1993 5 5 9 9 9

-1993.5 5 5 9 9 9
-1994 5 5 5 9 9 9
-1994.5 5 5 9 9 9
-1995 5 5 9 9 9
-1995.5 5 5 9 9 9
-1996 5 5 9 9 9
-1996.5 5 5 9 9 9
-1997 5 5 9 9 9
-1997.5 5 5 9 9 9
-1998 5 5 9 9 9
-1998.5 5 5 9 9 9
-1999 5 5 9 9 9
-1999.5 5 5 9 9 9
-2000 5 5 9 9 9
-2000.5 5 5 9 9 9
-2001 5 5 9 9 9
-2001.5 5 5 9 9 9
-2002 5 5 9 9 9
-2002.5 5 5 9 9 9
-2003 5 5 5 9 9 9
-2003.5 3 5 9 9 9
-2004 3 5 9 9 9 9
-2004.5 3 5 9 5 9
-2005 3 3 5 9 5 9
-2005.5 3 5 9 5 9
-2006 3 5 9 5 5 9
-2006.5 3 5 9 5 9
-2007 3 5 9 5 9
-2007.5 3 5 9 5 9
-2008 3 5 9 5 9
-2008.5 3 5 9 5 9
-2009 3 5 9 5 9
-2009.5 3 5 9 5 9
-2010 3 5 9 5 9 9
-2010.5 3 5 9 5 5
-2011 3 5 9 5 5
-2011.5 3 5 9 5 5
-2012 3 5 9 9 5 5 5
-2012.5 3 5 5 5 5
-2013 3 5 5 5 5
-2013.5 3 5 5 5 5
-2014 3 5 5 5 5 5
-2014.5 3 5 5 5 5
-2015 3 5 5 5 5
-2015.5 3 5 5 5 5
-2016 3 5 5 5 5

-2016.5 3 5 5 5 5
-2017 3 5 5 5 5
-2017.5 3 5 5 5 5
-2018 3 5 5 5 5
-2018.5 3 5 5 5 5
-2019 3 5 5 5 5
-2019.5 3 5 5 5 5

-2020 3 5 5 5 5
-2020.5 3 5 5 5 5
-2021 3 5 5 5 5
-2021.5 3 5 5 5 5
-2022 3 5 5 5 5
-2022.5 3 5 5 5 5
-2023 3 5 5 5 5
-2023.5 3 5 5 5 5
-2024 3 5 5 5 5 5
-2024.5 3 5 5 3 5
-2025 3 5 5 3 5
-2025.5 3 5 5 3 5
-2026 3 5 5 5 3 3 5
-2026.5 3 3 5 3 5
-2027 3 3 5 3 5
-2027.5 3 3 5 3 5
-2028 3 3 3 5 3 5
-2028.5 3 3 5 3 5
-2029 3 3 5 3 5
-2029.5 3 3 5 3 5
-2030 3 3 5 3 5
-2030.5 3 3 5 3 5
-2031 3 3 5 3 5
-2031.5 3 3 5 3 5
-2032 3 3 5 3 5
-2032.5 3 3 5 3 5
-2033 3 3 5 3 5
-2033.5 3 3 5 3 5
-2034 3 3 5 3 5
-2034.5 3 3 5 3 5
-2035 3 3 5 3 5
-2035.5 3 3 5 3 5
-2036 3 3 5 3 5
-2036.5 3 3 5 3 5
-2037 3 3 5 3 5
-2037.5 3 3 5 3 5
-2038 3 3 5 3 5
-2038.5 3 3 5 3 5
-2039 3 3 5 3 5
-2039.5 3 3 5 3 5
-2040 3 3 5 3 5 5
-2040.5 3 3 5 3 3
-2041 3 3 5 3 3
-2041.5 3 3 5 3 3
-2042 3 3 5 3 3 3
-2042.5 3 3 5 3 3
-2043 3 3 5 3 3
-2043.5 3 3 5 3 3
-2044 3 3 3 5 3 3
-2044.5 3 1 5 3 3
-2045 3 1 5 3 3
-2045.5 3 1 5 3 3
-2046 3 3 1 1 5 3 3
-2046.5 1 1 5 3 3
-2047 1 1 5 3 3
-2047.5 1 1 5 3 3
-2048 1 1 1 5 3 3
-2048.5 1 1 5 3 3
-2049 1 1 5 3 3
-2049.5 1 1 5 3 3
-2050 1 1 5 3 3
-2050.5 1 1 0 5 3 3
-2051 1 0 5 3 3
-2051.5 1 0 5 3 3

-2052 1 0 5 5 3 3
-2052.5 1 0 0 3 3 3
-2053 1 0 3 3 3
-2053.5 1 0 3 3 3
-2054 1 0 3 3 3 3
-2054.5 1 0 3 3 3
-2055 1 0 3 3 3
-2055.5 1 0 3 3 3
-2056 1 0 3 3 3
-2056.5 1 0 3 3 3
-2057 1 0 3 3 3
-2057.5 1 0 3 3 3
-2058 1 0 3 3 3
-2058.5 1 0 3 3 3
-2059 1 0 3 3 3
-2059.5 1 0 3 3 3

-2060 1 0 3 3 3
-2060.5 1 0 3 3 3
-2061 1 0 3 3 3
-2061.5 1 0 3 3 3
-2062 1 0 3 3 3
-2062.5 1 3 3 3
-2063 1 3 3 3
-2063.5 1 3 3 3
-2064 1 3 3 3
-2064.5 1 3 3 3
-2065 1 3 3 3
-2065.5 1 3 3 3
-2066 1 3 3 3
-2066.5 1 3 3 3
-2067 1 3 3 3
-2067.5 1 3 3 3
-2068 1 3 3 3
-2068.5 1 3 3 3
-2069 1 3 3 3
-2069.5 1 3 3 3
-2070 1 3 3 3
-2070.5 1 3 3 3
-2071 1 3 3 3
-2071.5 1 3 3 3
-2072 1 3 3 3 3
-2072.5 1 3 0 3
-2073 1 3 0 3
-2073.5 1 3 0 3
-2074 1 1 3 0 0 3
-2074.5 3 0 3
-2075 3 0 3
-2075.5 3 0 3
-2076 3 0 3
-2076.5 3 0 3
-2077 3 0 3
-2077.5 3 0 3
-2078 3 0 3
-2078.5 3 0 3
-2079 3 0 3
-2079.5 3 0 3
-2080 3 3 3
-2080.5 3 1
-2081 3 1
-2081.5 3 1
-2082 3 1
-2082.5 3 1
-2083 3 3 1
-2083.5 1 1
-2084 1 1
-2084.5 1 1
-2085 1 1 1
-2085.5 1 1
-2086 1 1
-2086.5 1 1
-2087 1 1
-2087.5 1 1
-2088 1 1
-2088.5 1 1
-2089 1 1
-2089.5 1 1
-2090 1 1
-2090.5 1 1
-2091 1 1
-2091.5 1 1
-2092 1 1 1
-2092.5 1
-2093 1
-2093.5 1

-2094 1
-2094.5 1
-2095 1
-2095.5 1
-2096 1
-2096.5 1
-2097 1
-2097.5 1
-2098 1
-2098.5 1
-2099 1
-2099.5 1
-2100 1
-2100.5 1
-2101 1
-2101.5 1
-2102 1
-2102.5 1
-2103 1
-2103.5 1
-2104 1
-2104.5 1
-2105 1
-2105.5 1
-2106 1
-2106.5 1
-2107 1
-2107.5 1
-2108 1
-2108.5 1
-2109 1
-2109.5 1
-2110 1
-2110.5 1
-2111 1
-2111.5 1
-2112 1
-2112.5 1
-2113 1
-2113.5 1
-2114 1
-2114.5 1
-2115 1
-2115.5 1
-2116 1
-2116.5 1
-2117 1
-2117.5 1
-2118 1
-2118.5 1
-2119 1
-2119.5 1
-2120 1
-2120.5 1
-2121 1
-2121.5 1
-2122 1
-2122.5 1
-2123 1
-2123.5 1
-2124 1
-2124.5 1
-2125 1
-2125.5 1
-2126 1
-2126.5 1
-2127 1
-2127.5 1
-2128 1
-2128.5 1
-2129 1
-2129.5 1
-2130 1
-2130.5 1
-2131 1
-2131.5 1
-2132 1
-2132.5 1
-2133 1
-2133.5 1
-2134 1 1
-2134.5 0

Six separate groups of points were selected from separation of groups at this level. Third, the number
the cluster analysis of each well. Several criteria is comparable to the stratigraphic divisions and
were used to determine this number. First, the num- might show useful groupings and comparison.
ber is not large enough to produce too many groups, The assigned groupings derived from cluster
which could complicate reservoir modeling. Second, analysis were first compared by depth with the
the cluster dendrogram for each well showed good petrophysical data and stratigraphic zonation. The
Petrofacies Analysis—A Petrophysical Tool for Geologic/Engineering Reservoir Characterization 83

Figure 9. (b) Stratigraphic

cross section with datum
at top lower Morrowan

boundaries between the stratigraphic intervals and units, e.g., groups 4 and 5 in stratigraphic sequences
the cluster assigned groupings generally coincide. 5 and 9. It would be anticipated that similar sandstone
The clustering identified a moderate amount of properties would transcend sandstone intervals.
smaller scale heterogeneity within each stratigraphic However, the general finding is that each stratigraphic
interval (Figure 7). This internal variation includes interval is dominated by only one or two assigned
having the same cluster group in different stratigraphic cluster groupings.
84 Watney et al.

Gamma Ray Index

Datum = Subsea Elevation 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-80 80-100
100-120.01 120.01-140.01 140.01-160.01 160.01-180.01 180.01-200.01
L. 28-1
s.f. 21-1 s.f. 22-1 s. f. 22-2 k. 22-1
-1924 50
-1924.5 47
-1925 43
-1925.5 42
-1926 42
-1926.5 45
-1927 42
-1927.5 37
-1928 33
-1928.5 34
-1929 38
-1929.5 38
-1930 37
-1930.5 33
-1931 37
-1931.5 37
-1932 40
-1932.5 37
-1933 38
-1933.5 35
-1934 34
-1934.5 33
-1935 36
-1935.5 35
-1936 36
-1936.5 35
-1937 36
-1937.5 37
-1938 38
-1938.5 38
-1939 35
-1939.5 32
-1940 33
-1940.5 36
-1941 39
-1941.5 40
-1942 42
-1942.5 41
-1943 40
-1943.5 40
-1944 42
-1944.5 43
-1945 42
-1945.5 39
-1946 36
-1946.5 33
-1947 35
-1947.5 50
-1948 11 74
-1948.5 95
-1949 104
-1949.5 104
-1950 9 106
-1950.5 111
-1951 117
-1951.5 116
-1952 120
-1952.5 122 62
-1953 124 56
-1953.5 107 57
-1954 87 63
-1954.5 80 69
-1955 103 65
-1955.5 117 60
-1956 104 54
-1956.5 72 55
-1957 53 54
-1957.5 63 51
-1958 83 48
-1958.5 105 50
-1959 110 51
-1959.5 97 54
-1960 72 50
-1960.5 50 48
-1961 38 42
-1961.5 36 41
-1962 40 45 110 111
-1962.5 47 49 110 101
-1963 55 51 111 96
-1963.5 61 46 110 93
-1964 61 43 109 102
-1964.5 53 43 112 103
-1965 50 42 110 108
-1965.5 49 45 112 106
-1966 66 43 107 105
-1966.5 86 46 99 102 104
-1967 118 50 99 99 106
-1967.5 140 51 98 103 108
-1968 153 52 96 110 112
-1968.5 149 44 93 111 114
-1969 129 39 93 115 115
-1969.5 96 35 94 111 122
-1970 62 38 93 109 121
-1970.5 44 42 96 104 119
-1971 37 48 94 105 112
-1971.5 36 49 93 105 110
-1972 37 50 89 107 113
-1972.5 39 49 88 109 114
-1973 39 48 88 111 118
-1973.5 38 46 92 110 120
-1974 38 41 93 109 120
-1974.5 42 43 93 108 117
-1975 43 11 50 90 111 115
-1975.5 46 68 91 112 122
-1976 9 45 89 92 114 124
-1976.5 46 103 92 114 125
-1977 41 9 112 91 117 121
-1977.5 45 111 93 119 124
-1978 5 43 97 91 116 11 124
-1978.5 45 76 94 115 127
-1979 42 57 88 116 123
-1979.5 40 48 92 117 129
-1980 38 45 11 90 115 9 129
-1980.5 37 42 91 117 133
-1981 42 45 87 116 127
-1981.5 41 43 86 122 129
-1982 41 42 9 91 121 126
-1982.5 39 50 94 120 124
-1983 40 69 91 119 119
-1983.5 38 87 90 123 118
-1984 37 108 94 11 127 124
-1984.5 37 120 97 122 130
-1985 41 115 99 122 132
-1985.5 41 100 95 124 129
-1986 42 86 98 9 125 122
-1986.5 39 83 95 125 119
-1987 40 80 96 122 121
-1987.5 40 76 90 123 125
-1988 42 74 86 124 126
-1988.5 44 70 86 127 127
-1989 57 68 93 126 126
-1989.5 62 66 101 122 126
-1990 61 61 102 126 128
-1990.5 47 56 103 129 128
-1991 43 56 100 129 138
-1991.5 39 71 103 118 140
-1992 35 9 89 100 114 147
-1992.5 30 101 103 117 141
-1993 28 116 106 125 118
-1993.5 29 127 105 127 94
-1994 29 5 132 94 130 80
-1994.5 29 110 74 130 86
-1995 31 80 60 132 96
-1995.5 32 62 60 130 95
-1996 35 56 66 121 85
-1996.5 35 61 66 99 72
-1997 32 61 55 67 58
-1997.5 30 66 43 45 52
-1998 29 70 36 38 40
-1998.5 28 72 30 40 39
-1999 29 67 30 42 37
-1999.5 29 56 28 42 39
-2000 30 43 28 41 35
-2000.5 30 40 24 39 34
-2001 32 41 26 41 35
-2001.5 33 42 25 44 37
-2002 32 40 30 49 38
-2002.5 30 41 29 63 37
-2003 5 31 42 34 101 39
-2003.5 31 40 34 176 44
-2004 32 39 37 9 243 49
-2004.5 37 37 34 270 50
-2005 3 39 39 35 234 45
-2005.5 38 37 34 159 41
-2006 30 38 33 5 91 41
-2006.5 29 39 28 48 53
-2007 29 41 26 39 67
-2007.5 29 38 27 36 79
-2008 29 38 29 35 70
-2008.5 28 36 30 39 50
-2009 33 36 31 44 36
-2009.5 33 35 29 58 29
-2010 32 32 28 65 9 34
-2010.5 29 32 26 63 42
-2011 29 33 26 48 63
-2011.5 28 36 26 35 74
-2012 26 42 9 26 36 5 79
-2012.5 26 47 27 41 69
-2013 29 54 28 48 58
-2013.5 33 53 32 52 48
-2014 37 50 5 33 49 39
-2014.5 38 42 33 45 33
-2015 39 39 32 37 28
-2015.5 37 38 31 35 27
-2016 39 41 30 32 27
-2016.5 37 44 31 31 29
-2017 36 46 33 31 27
-2017.5 28 46 36 33 26
-2018 25 48 36 35 26
-2018.5 25 53 37 35 28
-2019 29 53 34 34 29
-2019.5 34 52 34 37 30
-2020 35 47 32 51 38
-2020.5 38 45 33 74 52
-2021 40 42 32 96 67
-2021.5 41 44 32 110 74
-2022 41 42 29 110 74
-2022.5 40 43 29 108 60
-2023 44 41 30 93 46
-2023.5 49 41 33 83 35
-2024 55 33 33 5 73 35
-2024.5 53 25 34 70 42
-2025 46 18 32 63 51
-2025.5 36 21 32 52 63
-2026 34 5 30 33 3 42 63
-2026.5 39 44 35 36 62
-2027 43 54 37 33 59
-2027.5 43 50 36 33 60
-2028 41 3 43 37 35 59
-2028.5 38 36 35 38 58
-2029 40 36 34 37 65
-2029.5 38 35 33 36 77
-2030 36 36 32 36 85
-2030.5 34 43 31 40 77
-2031 41 52 29 46 58
-2031.5 45 65 31 45 44
-2032 46 82 31 42 39
-2032.5 41 100 30 35 42
-2033 39 115 28 36 43
-2033.5 39 115 32 34 58
-2034 43 97 34 37 80
-2034.5 46 67 33 39 92
-2035 46 40 34 38 92
-2035.5 42 28 33 36 85
-2036 38 24 32 35 84
-2036.5 38 23 30 37 83
-2037 39 23 28 38 72
-2037.5 41 24 29 37 59
-2038 39 25 28 37 46
-2038.5 35 25 30 35 42
-2039 31 25 31 35 39
-2039.5 31 25 33 37 37
-2040 32 24 36 39 5 36
-2040.5 36 23 37 40 38
-2041 38 23 36 42 38
-2041.5 43 23 34 41 36
-2042 40 24 34 41 3 35
-2042.5 41 25 34 40 38
-2043 38 32 39 42 40
-2043.5 37 38 39 40 38
-2044 34 3 55 37 38 37
-2044.5 33 77 32 34 37
-2045 36 99 31 34 40
-2045.5 42 102 32 34 42
-2046 3 43 1 91 32 37 43
-2046.5 43 87 34 38 38
-2047 48 100 38 39 34
-2047.5 53 117 41 37 29
-2048 1 54 121 39 39 32
-2048.5 48 107 37 41 36
-2049 44 90 34 40 40
-2049.5 42 75 33 38 40
-2050 39 70 34 36 35
-2050.5 42 1 75 36 38 32
-2051 47 78 39 39 31
-2051.5 49 80 39 36 34
-2052 45 90 5 41 33 37
-2052.5 37 0 120 51 29 39
-2053 35 135 64 31 39
-2053.5 40 134 76 31 37
-2054 43 116 3 72 33 35
-2054.5 43 105 64 30 34
-2055 42 93 58 29 35
-2055.5 42 84 64 29 37
-2056 40 75 93 30 38
-2056.5 35 72 117 31 37
-2057 33 78 128 36 35
-2057.5 31 82 103 45 35
-2058 30 76 70 52 35
-2058.5 31 62 48 49 36
-2059 32 46 50 44 36
-2059.5 32 39 65 42 37
-2060 37 33 67 43 36
-2060.5 55 30 59 42 33
-2061 61 28 46 38 33
-2061.5 56 30 48 38 37
-2062 39 32 62 41 41
-2062.5 36 70 44 40
-2063 37 67 49 40
-2063.5 49 59 50 41
-2064 69 68 47 43
-2064.5 86 88 41 46
-2065 85 95 35 46
-2065.5 67 83 36 49
-2066 51 68 35 51
-2066.5 40 63 40 57
-2067 35 66 49 59
-2067.5 30 67 58 62
-2068 27 64 56 59
-2068.5 24 61 51 56
-2069 25 61 46 52
-2069.5 28 61 47 52
-2070 29 67 45 56
-2070.5 29 67 54 56
-2071 30 72 67 55
-2071.5 36 78 88 52
-2072 49 82 3 104 53
-2072.5 61 87 111 54
-2073 71 84 101 55
-2073.5 73 90 93 54
-2074 1 74 92 0 90 53
-2074.5 95 95 52
-2075 84 91 51
-2075.5 63 83 53
-2076 39 88 54
-2076.5 26 99 52
-2077 24 119 46
-2077.5 24 117 45
-2078 26 105 41
-2078.5 38 81 44
-2079 58 70 43
-2079.5 75 66 49
-2080 78 3 55
-2080.5 78 64
-2081 72 78
-2081.5 74 91
-2082 76 93
-2082.5 89 89
-2083 3 98 78
-2083.5 108 80
-2084 110 69
-2084.5 110 57
-2085 1 108 41
-2085.5 105 31
-2086 95 26
-2086.5 78 26
-2087 71 27
-2087.5 77 28
-2088 83 30
-2088.5 85 32
-2089 86 35
-2089.5 94 36
-2090 104 35
-2090.5 102 32
-2091 97 30
-2091.5 79 30
-2092 1 66 31
-2092.5 34
-2093 34
-2093.5 32
-2094 27
-2094.5 28
-2095 27
-2095.5 30
-2096 29
-2096.5 32
-2097 32
-2097.5 33
-2098 34
-2098.5 36
-2099 35
-2099.5 33
-2100 34
-2100.5 34
-2101 36
-2101.5 35
-2102 34
-2102.5 33
-2103 33
-2103.5 32
-2104 33
-2104.5 33
-2105 35
-2105.5 34
-2106 34
-2106.5 34
-2107 36
-2107.5 37
-2108 37
-2108.5 37
-2109 38
-2109.5 40
-2110 40
-2110.5 41
-2111 41
-2111.5 40
-2112 37
-2112.5 36
-2113 36
-2113.5 39
-2114 38
-2114.5 38
-2115 41
-2115.5 44
-2116 46
-2116.5 46
-2117 45
-2117.5 44
-2118 39
-2118.5 37
-2119 35
-2119.5 33
-2120 31
-2120.5 32
-2121 33
-2121.5 34
-2122 34
-2122.5 37
-2123 40
-2123.5 42
-2124 44
-2124.5 45
-2125 45
-2125.5 44
-2126 44
-2126.5 48
-2127 47
-2127.5 47
-2128 44
-2128.5 44
-2129 46
-2129.5 46
-2130 50
-2130.5 54
-2131 54
-2131.5 52
-2132 47
-2132.5 48
-2133 48
-2133.5 49
-2134 1 61
-2134.5 82

Figure 10. East-to-west color-image cross section depicting gamma ray variation across Arroyo field. The
section includes same wells as in Figure 2. Wells are annotated with perforations as bar along right side of
each well. Section also shows correlations of stratigraphic sequences. Cross section is part of an Excel
spreadsheet and is at the resolution of the digitized data (0.5 ft in this example). Vertical scale bar shown on
this and ensuing structural sections. No horizontal scale (wells are equally spaced). (a) [above] Structural
version of cross section with a sea level datum.
Petrofacies Analysis—A Petrophysical Tool for Geologic/Engineering Reservoir Characterization 85

Figure 10. (b) Cross

section with a stratigraphic
datum on the top of
the lower Morrowan

The posting of assigned cluster groups as an conformance. The question remains as to the extent
attribute on the Pickett plot further indicates a close of lateral continuity. Flow units are not fieldwide in
correspondence between stratigraphic units and extent, but are anticipated to be correlatable to some
assigned cluster grouping (as in Figure 8). The clus- degree. This continuity is ultimately established
ter analysis can be adapted in the spreadsheet envi- using petrophysical data, fluid recovery, pressure,
ronment to help facilitate consistent, rapid and fluid chemistry. The suites of petrophysical vari-
assignment of cluster groups and further aid in flow ables including BVW can be used to evaluate lateral
unit assessment. continuity. Continuous trends or constancy of prop-
erties of the sandstone and correlations with struc-
tural elevation suggest possible fluid continuity in
Color Cross Sections
the reservoir.
Computer-assisted generation of color cross sec-
In general, flow units are assigned to zones in the tions based on original digital well log sampling of
reservoir with similar permeability and porosity, 0.16 m (0.5 ft) provides the means to observe and
and that also exhibit lateral continuity. Flow units evaluate detailed subtle changes in reservoir charac-
are inferred to control fluid flow, and confirmation ter and substantially assists in assessing continuity
was sought to substantiate these units. Petrophysi- and assigning flow units. The cross sections are gen-
cal variation within individual well profiles has erated with an elevation (subsea) or stratigraphic
been described up to this point, focused on vertical datum.
86 Watney et al.

Figure 11. East-to-west

color image cross section
depicting porosity variation
across Arroyo field. The
section includes same
wells as Figure 2. Wells are
annotated with perforations
as bar along right side of
each well. Section also show
correlations of stratigraphic
sequences. (a) [left] Cross
section is a structural ver-
sion with a sea level datum.

Cross sections for key petrophysical parameters induction resistivity (Figures 9–11). Each petrophysical
were generated, including gamma ray, permeability variable is presented as a structural and stratigraphic
calculated with the Timur equation (apparent perme- cross section placed side by side, the latter with a datum
ability filtered on gamma ray and neutron-density shale at the top of the middle Morrowan limestone. Strati-
indicators), Pe (photoelectric effect) from the lithoden- graphic units are identified and correlated. Perforated
sity log, porosity, water saturation, BVW, and deep intervals are shown alongside each well profile.
Petrofacies Analysis—A Petrophysical Tool for Geologic/Engineering Reservoir Characterization 87

Figure 11. (b) Cross section

with a stratigraphic datum on
the top of the lower Morrowan

The five wells in the cross section are perforated appear to delineate most of the petrophysical variation
in two distinct intervals, a lower interval restricted except for several possible re-correlations. These re-
to stratigraphic unit #1 in the Lauman 28-1 and correlations are based on further analysis.
Kendrick 22-1. Also, the lowest part of unit #3 in the Porosity varies from 15 to 20% in the Lauman well to
Santa Fe 2-21 is suggested to be part of the lower 0 to 8% in the Kendrick (Figure 11). Apparent perme-
interval and may possibly be recorrelated with unit ability calculated from the Timur equation and filtered
#1 (Figure 9). on gamma ray and neutron shale indicators shows con-
The lower interval produces significant amounts of siderable changes on the cross section (Figure 12). The
oil and gas. The upper perforated interval includes permeability and porosity are both higher on the west.
stratigraphic units #3, #5, #9, and #11. The upper inter- Permeability ranges between 10 and 100 millidarcies
val produces natural gas and minor amounts of oil (md) in the Lauman 28-1 on the west side to between
from the Santa Fe 2-11 and Santa Fe 2-22. This differ- 0.1 to 1 md in the Kendrick 22-1 on the east side.
ence suggests that the reservoirs are separate. The High permeability and porosity correlate well
lower and upper sandstones are isolated by a promi- with a trend of increased natural gas production and
nent shaly interval, according to the gamma ray and decreased oil production in the Lauman 28-1, with
photoelectric logs. 2.5 Gcf of gas and 75,000 bbl of oil. In comparison, the
On closer inspection of the gamma ray cross section, Kendrick 22-1 well on the east and lowest side of the
the stratigraphic units can be distinguished with the cross section recovered less gas, 1 Gcf, but more oil,
help of the correlation lines; however, there is consider- over 120,000 bbl. Permeability varies considerably in
able variation in the internal properties of the strati- thin streaks near the base of the Kendrick 22-1 well.
graphic units (Figure 10). This variation persists in the Unit #1 is separated from the overlying sandstones
other parameters. The stratigraphic units generally by a thicker shaly interval.
88 Watney et al.

Figure 12. East-to-west

color image cross section
depicting permeability
variation across Arroyo
field. The section includes
same wells as Figure 2.
Wells are annotated with
perforations as bar along
right side of each well.
Section also show
correlations of stratigraphic
sequences. (a) [left] Cross
section is a structural version
with a sea level datum.

Unit #3 is also thick in the paleovalleys on either side but the mixed production is similar to the recoveries
of a central high. Santa Fe 2-21 is perforated in the basal noted in unit #1, suggesting that they are a common
part of a thin sandstone that is in close proximity to the reservoir in the deeper portions of the paleovalleys.
lower interval, unit #1. This zone in Santa Fe 2-21 has Production from perforations in the upper interval
produced 450 Mcf of gas and nearly 50,000 bbl of oil. in Santa Fe 21-1 and Santa Fe 22-2 is notably different.
Production values are less than Lauman and Kendrick, Santa Fe 21-1 has realized 570 Mcf of gas from the
Petrofacies Analysis—A Petrophysical Tool for Geologic/Engineering Reservoir Characterization 89

Figure 12. (b) Cross

section with a stratigraphic
datum on the top of
the lower Morrowan

upper zone and has been declining relatively rapidly CONCLUSIONS

to 1 Mcf per month. In contrast, the Santa Fe 22-2 well
has produced nearly three times more gas at 1.8 Gcf, The stratigraphic units serve as adequate means to
and its production has declined to only 18 Mcf per classify flow units in this reservoir, with added refine-
month. Both wells had produced for nearly 3 yr at the ments using petrofacies analysis. Petrofacies analysis
time the production figures were reported. uses Pickett plots to decipher reservoir properties of
90 Watney et al.

each stratigraphic unit. Cluster analysis provides a Kansas Technology Enterprise Corporation and the
consistent means to further delineate reservoir proper- industrial consortium, “Development and Demon-
ties. The boundaries of the clustered groups are com- stration of An Enhanced, Integrated Spreadsheet-
monly those of the stratigraphic units. The clustered based Well Log Analysis Software,” Subcontract No.
groups provide further subdivisions of the reservoir G4S60821 with BDM-Oklahoma and industry consor-
rock that could be used to classify finer scale flow units. tium. PfEFFER application and testing has been con-
Color cross sections further substantiate the use of the ducted with support from “Shaben Field—Class II
stratigraphic divisions as basic templates for distin- Field Demonstration Project,” Contract No. DE-FC22-
guishing flow units. The color cross sections are repre- 94PC14987, and “Digital Petroleum Atlas,” Contract
sentative of the original digitized well log data and No. DE-FG22-95BC14817, both supported by the
provide the means to precisely subdivide the strati- Department of Energy.
graphic units. Petrofacies analysis should prove useful
for evaluating improved petroleum recovery options. REFERENCES CITED

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Romesburg, H.C., 1984, Cluster Analysis for

Researchers: Belmont, California, Lifetime Learning
Several grants have supported the PfEFFER log Publications, 334 p.
analysis project at the Kansas Geological Survey and Willhite, G.P., 1986, Waterflooding: SPE Textbook
used its developments over the past few years, Series Volume 3: Richardson, Texas, Society of
including the Petrofacies Analysis Project with the Petroleum Engineers, Richardson, 326 p.

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