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P.S. 164 TIMES!

Meet the Editors
Book Review of
Sabrine Uddin
By: Kinga Karp!

About The Author Ashley Juarez

This children's book was published by Eve Bunting (born

December 19, 1928). She is currently 89 years old. She is a Monika Rorata
Northern Ireland-born American writer of more than 250 books.
Muhib Muhib
This book is about a boy named Andrew and his
father who lives in an airport. Andrew's mom dies, so
he and his dad could not afford to buy a house, or even
an apartment! So, they live in an airport. A bird was
trapped inside the airport, and Andrew hoped for that
bird to fly away home. Then that hope paid off and the
bird got home. Will Andrew make it as well?
Linda Trujilio
Will Andrew and his father get caught? Will Andrew ever
live in an apartment? Will Andrew and his father be
successful, or live in the airport their whole lives?

There are currently 52,000 veterans that are homeless

around the world! Samia Jahan
Encouraging Quotes
April Fools Day (YAY!)
by Monika Rorata

-Be kind to yourself. YOU

are amazing. YOU are good enough. YOU
are worth it.

-I know it has been tough, but I'm still

cheering for you. (Always)

-It's okay not to be okay,

as long as you are not
giving up.



By: Samia Jahan -Difficult roads often lead to beautiful

During A Test Remember - You are braver than you believe,
But First Let Me Take A
stronger than you seem, smarter
#SELFIE than you think, and loved more than
S- you know.
L- -If "Plan A" didn't work, the alphabet
F- has 25 more letters. Stay cool!
-In life NOBODY and NOTHING will
help you until you start helping
Tips Before A Test...
-Have a good night sleep. yourself...

-Eat a good breakfast.

-Make sure you are prepared.
By: Sabrine Uddin and Samia Jahan

Questions Answers
Q: What is so delicate that saying its name breaks it? A: Silence.

Q: We see it once in a year, twice in a week, and A: The letter "E".

never in a day. What is it?
A: None. They're both a pound.
Q: Which weighs more, a pound of feathers or a
pound of bricks?

Sodoku Time
Here's this month's sodoku. Just like last month, it's INSANELY hard,
has a scratch area, and a hint in how to play the sodoku in order.
By Kinga

DIY "Catch a Karp and


Dollar Prank"
1. Place the dollar bill in an
open area.
Poll Time
2. Pull out enough fishing line to allow
the bill to stay put while you to take the rod You may have seen or will see a 2018 Olympics
article in this newspaper by Linda and Ashley.
to a nearby hiding place, like some bushes if
Well, we had to do more than an article because
you are doing this outside (Camo shirt is we might not see the Olympics in Pyeongchang
optional). Extra slack in the line can cause the again. Since we couldn't miss out on the Olympics,
prank to fail, so keep the line a little tight once we wanted to know: Which country did you think
you get settled into your hiding spot. If someone would win a medal in the event before it
walks up and sees the dollar bill lying on the happened? Here were the results:
ground, of course they are going to bend over to
pick it up. That’s when you make your move! Mexico 10
Before they grab the dollar bill, reel the fishing
line in just enough to pull the dollar bill out of US 5
their reach.
China/ Spain 4 each

Australia/Finland/Russia/Poland/Portugal/Ukraine: 3 each

Rest of World that competed in Olympics: 185 total

Jokes By:Anna
Corn Muffin Dogs by:
Knock Knock Monika Rorata and Ashley
Who's there?
Ingredients: 1. Corn bread mix
2. 1 egg 3. 1/3 cup of milk 4. 1/2
Adore who? cup of oil 5. Mutiple cut-up hot dogs
6. Sauces
Adore (a door) is between us!
Open up!
Aside: 1. Non-stick spray
What time is it when an 2.Muffin tin 3. A bowl
elephant sits on your bed?
Recipe: Take the corn bread
It's time to get a new bed! mix, egg, milk, and oil, and
Which animal makes the then mix them in a bowl.
perfect pet? Spray non stick cooking spray
A cat because it's purr-fect! in a muffin tin and fill each tin with
cornbread mix about 3/4 the way full.
Cut hot dogs into bite size pieces and
place in the middle of each muffin tin
batter. Cook for about 10-15 minutes
(or according to your package
Olympics By Linda and Ashley timing)and then let it cool. (Here
come the sauces!) Then serve it with
The 2018 Winter Olympics is an ongoing sporting event.
your favorite corn dog dips on the
This sporting event took place in Pyeongchang, South
Korea. These games featured 102 events in fifteen sports,
making it the first winter olympics to surrpass 100 medal
events. 92 nations participated and 2,952 athletes
participated. In the category of alpine skiing 2 medals
were won. Also cross- country skiing won 12 medals. In
figure skating, 5 medals were won. In ice hockey 2 medals
were won. The USA had 242 athletes attend the event. In
Canada 226 athletes attended. Also, in Russia 168
athletes attended. Most of all, Italy had 122 athletes

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