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List of Long Term Plans Set Short WHAT DO I WANT TO ACHIEVE?

-Be someone important.

-Become a good professional.

-Have a good job.

-Contribute to the society my knowledge according to my career.

-Help my family.

-Have my own house.

-Make double the money.

-Having my own Hospital.

- In the future to form a family.


To maintain a good positive attitude, with courage, not to be influenced by negative thoughts,
to be sure to have a good physical, mental, psychological, to ask my family for support, to have
self-motivation, to have the capacity to make the changes that are required, To have order in
my behavior and to establish the necessary priorities, to fight in my studies, with a lot of
determination and responsibility, when I arrive at the university to put my commitment and
self-control, to work, to leave the university to find a job according to my abilities, To save and
be clear that is what I want and that is what I need, Always be a respectful, honest and with
great attitudes without wanting to pass over others.

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