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ICODECON proceedings

Authors are required to use the following style files for submitting their articles Ms-Word

1. Arial 11 complete alignment and single space between two lines for the text.

Title of the paper (bold, arial 11pt, centered)

1 2
Author’s Name (Last Name and first name’s initial) and Author’s Name (bold, arial
10pt centered)

Affiliation, post address, e-mail

Affiliation, post address, e-mail

Abstract (bold, arial 10pt, ),

Length of abstract should be no more than 300 words, (please use italics, arial 10).

Keywords (bold, arial 10pt, ): There is a maximum of 5 words (arial 10pt)

Table 1 Font sizes and styles

Font Size Font Style

Title 11 Bold Centered

Author 10 bold Centered
Authors’ info 10 Bold, italics Centered
Abstract(word) 10 Bold centered
Abstract (text) 10 italics complete alignment
Keywords (word) 10 Bold
}Complete alignment
Keywords 10 regular
Left justified, numbered 1,
Chapter heading 11 bold
2, 3...
Body text 11 Regular Complete alignment
Left justified, numbered 1.1,
Subchapter heading 11 bold
Table caption, 9 Regular Centered
Table legend 9 Regular Centered
Acknowledgment 9 Regular Complete alignment
References 9 Regular Complete alignment

2. References and Citations should follow the Harvard (or author-date) system
convention, in alphabetical order at the end of the paper. If a referenced paper has
multiple authors, they all should be quoted
Author’s family name, Initial(s)., year, Title (in italics), Publisher, Place of publication.
Author’s family name, Initial(s)., year, ‘Paper title’, Journal name (in italics), volume and issue numbers,
inclusive pages.
Conference paper or contributed volume
Author’s family name, Initial(s)., year, paper title, Proceedings title (in italics), City, country, inclusive
Author’s family name, Initial(s).,year, ‘registry title’, exact URL, (accessed date).

3. A brief acknowledgement section may be included after the conclusions and before the
4. Each paper should be single-spaced with margins: 2.8cm above, 2.5cm bottom, 2cm right-left.
5. references (in text) should appear in brackets with the author's name, followed by the year
(Smith, 2001), or (Smith and White, 2001) or in the case of multiple authors (Smith et al., 2001)
6. No paragraph needed.
7. The maximum number of pages for each article (using the style file of the conference) is twenty
(20), including references and Appendices. Papers with more than twenty (20) pages cannot be
included in the proceedings
8. Submissions should be uploaded in Word format (.doc or .docx file) in the following e-mail:

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